HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1973-12-17 Regular - ----------_ _- -- �; .� . ,, ��yy Z � ��` � MINUT�S OF A REGULAR MEETING OF TH� FRI�NDSWOOQ CITY CpUNCIL December 17,� 1973 A Regular Meeting of the Friendswood City Counci1 was held at the City Hall r � at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, December 17� 1973g with the fo71owing members � � presen�: � � , ; �-�-��� Mayor Ralph L. Lowe Councilman Edward Zeit7er Councilman Benny Baker Counci1man Richard Haken Councilman Ralph Gonzalez Councilman Wi1liam Patton Counci1man Mi1tan Wind1er � With a quorum present� and none absenty the following business was transacted: � READING AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES � Minutes of a Regular Meeting of December 3� � approved as corrected. Gz� i� ANNOUNGEMENTS & COMMUNICATIONS FRQM THE MAYOR 1 � Mayor Lowe read a letter to Mr. Johr� "C. Allred statin� that Council does not wish to pursue his proposal to al�eviate noise at Sewer P7ant #2 at the present time: A!�;copy of the letter was sent to Mr. Romeike who had 7odged the complaint about the noise. Councilman Patton stated that he felt Mr. Romeike should be informed that the City proposes to handle the noise problem in another way rathet� than through Mr. Allred's company� and he wou1d 1ike a letter written to clarify this point. The Mayor asked Counci1man Patton to write this letter. � 2, Keys to City Office � Mr. Morgan stated that the 1ocks have not yet been changed to e1imina�e traffic through �he city office� but �Ghis wil7 be dane saon. 3. The Mayor met with Jerry Pa�e and Pau1 Cramer:r^r�garding program for clearing of Clear Creek through effor.ts of Galveston and Harris Counties. He has �a7so spoken to Judge. E�1iott an,d Judge Holbrook� and a public hearin� wi11 be he1d in the near future to apprise the pub1ic of the p1ans for this work. 4. TWQB kleari ng today i n Austi n re, pri ori ty rati ng for sewer funds, Mayor Lowep Jim Morgan� and Ra1ph Somer.s attended this meeting� and indication i s that the .Ci ty u�i 11 be p1 aced on the, pri ori ty '1'i st. Mr. Somers was to give a more cample�e report on the trip 1ater in this meeting. P�TITION - Mr. Measeles presented a revised Ground Lease Agreement between �,��'l� th� Ci ty and Ki ngspark-�Whi�eha11 Gi:vi c, C1 ub wherein the C�ub� far a fee equa1`�'°to ad va1orem taxes oa �he,. property� .would Tease two lots in the subdivision to the .City� for us�: as a. pub�ic park. The City would insta11 aE�p:r�'oxima�e1.y $2„000 worth .of p�ay eguipment on the property, The agreement wou.ld be for �hree year.s and renewab1e. P�1ayor Lowe stated that he fe1� the park should be posted as a "PUBLIC PARK" should this agreement be apprav�d. � MOTIQN: (Haken} To approve the agreement with Kin�spark-Whitehall __._ Se�ond. Wind1er MOTION: (Gonzalez) That the m�tter be tabled (due to th� fact that the.�i�em was not p1aced on the agenda unti1 this day) Second; 7_eit7er 1Cote� FO�� (3) l.owe� Gonza1�z� Zei t1 er RGAINST (4) Hak�n„ saker� Pat�an„ Wind7er MOTION FAIL�p Vote on Ori ina7 Motian: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED I --- ----..__.._. .. - -___ - -- ---- ----- -------- - - -- - - - - - ----- � - - CLOSED SESSIpN - pisctassion of 1ocation of Fire Stat.ion. No officia1 action ta en, - REPORT FROM CHARTER REVY�W COMMITT�E � A letter and �ist of proposed changes+. to t e C arter were transmitted to Council , This wi17 be discussed in detai1 at the Council Meeting on January 7. VIOLAT��ON OF ZONING - Mr, Glines� who has moved his sma11 barber shop to is res�dence9 has been cited as being in violation of the Zoning ` Qrdinance. An appeal has been made� ta �he �oard of Adjustment� and � in view of the cQndition in the ordinance that pending appeal � the � violation might continue� na officia1 ac.tion was taken by Council , QP�NING OF SIQS ON STREET SURFACING�.-�' The fo1lowing bids were opened and read: Bost (50-6Q;fdays) $30„030,00 Brown &` Root (50-60 `days) 31 �096.00 N10TTON:-��That bids be submitted to the City Manager and Engineer for � tabu1ation and recommendation to Council Second. Windler Vote� Unan7mous FOR MOTION CRRRIED , (Council'man Baker left the meeting a� .this point) - YOUTH GOUNSELTNG� PROGRAM ?'�,��Mr. Morgan, recommended. a' slate of names for appointment to the Youth .Caunci1 � and .that� �hey be al1owed .to use the sma11 building on the new park 1and as a' point of operations. . M07ION� (Ratton.) To appoint the f��li'L.o��,i�g� people to the Youth Council , � for a one-year �erm� Ra1ph Gonzalez Lynn White Russe.11 Williams Diane Van Wagner � - Gary Tal i afe,r�r:o Sue Hutchi ngs � Bi11 Jones , : and to permit .this �group use: of the sma11 bui1ding at the park. ' Secondu Gonzalez � � � Vote. Unanimous FOR . ' MOTION CARRIED (Councilman Gonzalez left th� meeting at this point) AIJTHORIZATION TO PURCHASE PIPE -� Mrp Morgan stated that due to a shortage of PUCA pipe� t e :C!_ti ity De�artm�nt Supe.rintendent has recommended that the City' �ake bids: on 2c�000 feet of this pipe at an approximate cost of $1520. Mayor Lowe stated that he he would concur with stockpilin� a supply of this pipe. MOTION�. (Patton) To authorize purchase of up to $2500 worth of plastic � pipe. � Second; Zeit1er Vote� Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRI�D STR��T SPECS - The City Man�ger� presented, :th��.:�p.ees .as printed for approval and t� e made a. par.t�af. �he ��u�division 0��inance. A discussion of whether. this should be a part of the ordinance or as an attachmer�t to the ordinance by reference was deferred pending recommendation from the City Attorney. INCREASE IN GHARGE FOR WATER TAPS - Mr. ' Toon has requested that the charge for a water tap e .incr�ase. .from $')00 to $125 due to the increase in cast of materia1s. Cpunci'1man� Wind:ler"asked for a typica1 tap cost. , No decisian was made on this request. WARRA�iTS FOR"APPROVAL MOTIONo (Wind1er) To ��pprove Construction Warrant #139 to N.M, Brown Cons- truction basis assurance of the City N[anager that the work has been completed. Second; Patton Vote� Unanimous FOR MO�ZON CARRI�D �____.____ �_�- MOTION: (Windler). To approve G&A Warrants 3691 and 3692 for payment Second: Patton Ilote� Unanimous FOR ' MOTION CARRIEp M�TION: (Windler) To appro.ve M&0 Warrants 2068,� 2082� 2083„ 2084� 20$6„ � 2087� and �2088 for payment Second: Patton , 11ote. . Unanimous FOR � MOTION CARRIED ' MOTTQN� (Windler} To approve `M&O Warrant 2085 to Engineering Science Inc, --- � for payment. Seconda Pat�on ' . Voten Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRI�p (Councilman Windler left th� meeting at this point) REPORT FROM RALPH SOMERS ON AUSTIN TRIP TOQAY (Qec, 77„ 1973) Mr. Somers made a report on the meeti.ng in A�stin this date� stating that � a complete history of Friendswood's e�forts to se�ure grant money for a � new sewage treatment faci1ity was made., From not being on the priority list ,� at al l � the Ci ty i s now 68 out of 130� ci ti es on the pri ori�ty 1 i st. � Mayor Lowe stated that Sena�or Schwar`�� wrote a 1etter to TWQB asking for � consid�ration by the Board,of this City's request� and stated that he wishes i� �o thank the Senator by 7etter, PROCL,AMATIqN - Mayor l.owe procl ai med�D.�.cembe:r. °�7 �through Qe��mber. 22 as FIG7i!' HTING M �STANG W��K" in Friendswood.and„urged.� a11 citizens t� attend the state p ay-off for Dis�r.ict AA-be�tween F.r,iendswood and Hooks high schools. CORPS QF ENGINEERS MEETTNG JANUARY 12 - This meetin� regarding the Clear Creek project� wi11� e � el in League C�ty� and in�er.ested citiz.ens are urged to attend. , , HOUSTON-GAL,V�STON AREA COUNCTI. .f�EPR��ENTATIVE AND ALTERNATE FOR 1974 - i � , MOTION; (Haken) That Mayor Lowe serve as representative and Councilman � � Patton as a1ternate �for the comin� year., Second; Zeit1er llote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED . . I HOLIQAYS FOR CITY EMPLOYEES - C:ouncil expressed approval for c1osing City offices on C ris�mas ' ve and�� New� :Yeaw'�s:<Eveg both fa11ing on Monday� as recommended by Mr� Morgan9 with �he exception 'of Sanita�ion Department men who wi7l be pa�d doab1e for wo�ki°ng on ��these�d�ys. D�STRUCTION OF OBSOLETE RECORQS - A list o�F refunded bonds and paid coupons are recommended �for des�ruc�ian by �h� Auditor. Mayor Lowe asked that Council also receive approva1 of �he Fisca1 Agen� before approving des�ruction of these items. � � COUNCILMAN PATTON reported on improvements in drainage in E1 Dorado; on a meeting of Quaker`s Landing Civic� C1ub regarding the proposed additional pipeline through the subdivision; and phone and mai1 service in the recently annexed area of Sunmeadow/E1 Dora°do/Tower se�t�ons� pr�ppsing that these peop1e might prefer "482" phones and receive mai� through the Friendswood Post Office. MOTION: (Patton) That tf�e City make a survey to de�ermine to what degree � residents in the area wou7d suppor� effor�s �o change phones ; and mailing addresses from A1vin �o Friendswood, __ Second: Zeitler Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRI�D ORDINANCES T-12-A -- Zoning Change (Woods & Whitaker) - Firs� Reading AN ORDINANCE CNANGTNG THE ZONTNG OF C�RTAIN PROP�RTY FRQM R-2 to C-1 ; CHANGING THE ZONING MAP ACCORDINGLY: COM@LYING WITH ORQINANCE . N0� 174 OF THE CITY OF� FRIENDSWOOD KNOWN AS THE ZONING ORDINANCE. --- -----�—----- ---_.. --- --— —— � - MO1'ION: (Zeit9er� To approve first reading of T-12-A Seconda Haken , . : Vote. Unanimous FOR � - MOTION` CARRI�Q � � - T-12-B - Zorting Chanqe (Rest H�me)�- First Reading , . AN ORDINANCE.,CHANGTNG° THE�:ZON;T'NG OF :G�RTAZN PROPERTY 'FROM R�2 to SPECIFIC USE ("INSTITUTION �FOR -TH�.,'AG�p�; CHANGING 7H� ZONING MAP ACCORQINGLY;, COMPI�YI;N;��:°W�TH ORDINANC� 174. OF THE CITY' OF FRI�NQS- WOOD KNOWN AS THE Z�NTNG ORDINAN.CE;. AND S�TTING FORTH CERTAIN CONDITI�ONS REL'A7TV'E TO'�REZONTN�' " � ` ' " � MOTION: (Patton) To approve. first reading of T-12-B Second: Zeit1er Vote: Unanimo,us �FOR `. � �� . ; MOT�ION CARRI�D � T-11-A - Subd�vi s�on Qrafin'arice ; Second Readi n Street speci fi cati ons have been comp7e:ted ar�d �are �to� e made a part af this ordinance. On recommendation of the attorney� �he ordinance wi11 be placed again on first reading� hav7ng been' a�1tered by this addition, MOTZON: (Haken) To tab1E second reading of Ord. T-11-A pending �" changes� which` wiY1` p�ace� it bacfc on first reading, Second: Zeitler Vote: _Unanimous FOR' : ' � MOTION CARRI�A. . T-1�-D -�. Hazardous� Ma�ter��a�s��� S��Qnd:. Readin Ha en MOTION:/To approve se,eond reading of Ord, T-11-�D Secon�Tc: Ze1�t1 er ' Several questions were raised regarding 1egalit;� and advisability of the ordinanee. MOTION; (Patton). To table T-11�D ' i Secon : Zeitler , Vote� Unanimous•°FOR . MOTION CARRIED T-11-B - Zonin Chan e (S ecific Use - Oi1 l�Je�1 ) - Third & Final Readin � AN ORDINANC� OF TH� C�ITY GOUNGZL OF. .TH� C17Y OF FRI�NQSWQOD� TE}�AS� AMENDING`.'f�'RqINA�NCE'f�0: 1'74 '(ZONING ORDINANCE); GRANTING A SPECIFIC USE' P�RMIT` FOR``OIL�`WELC DRILLING AND RELATED STRUCTURES BY' THE CROWN C�NTR'AL°' P,ETROLEUM CORPORATION; ACCEPTING AND ADOPTING TH� FINpINGS OF' "rHE �PLANNING ANA ZONING CQMMISSION. MOTTON� (Patt�n) To aprprou�. �n tF�ird reading and final7y adopt �'�' Ord: T�11-B. (and assign �p.ermanent number -205) Second; Haken Vote: Unanimous. FOR ' '" ''� �' MOTION' CARRI�Q T-11-C - Zonin Chan e (S ecific Use - Oil Well ) Third & Final Readin AN ORDINANC� OF TFIE CITY CQUNCIL .OF THE CITY OF FRI�NDSWOOD� TEXASA AMENDING ORDINANCE N0�,: 174� (ZONING ORDINANC�) ; GRANTING A SPECIFIC USE PERMIT FOR" OIL WELL` DRILLING ANR RELATED STRUCTURES BY CROWN CENTRAL PETROLEUM CORPORATION; ACCEPTING ANQ ADOPTING THE FINDINGS OF THE PLANNIN�' AND ZONING GOMMISSION, MOTION� (Zeitler) 7o approve �on �hird raading and fina�1y adapt � Ord. �T-11-C (and assign permanent number 206) � Second; Patton Vote: Unanimous FOR � MOTION CARRI�D Industria1 Sewa�e�Treatment Ordinance - In order ta be eligible for sewer grants, �he Gi�ty `needs to adop� such an ordinancea MOTION; (Patton) To authorize pastin� of an industrial ordinance Second: Haken Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED � -- - ------� ��`- �� Si�n Ordinance (Under consideration) - C7ty Attorney Hooks advised Council �hat the proposed .ordtinance fs genera1ly too restrictive and not enforceab1e, Mr, Raney of the Planning. Commission stated that his group wi11 take this up at� �hei'r nex� meetingR REPORT - Mr, Morgan gave a report arr street work .completed this week, , ADJOURNMENT -. Motion made and ,second�d �hat the meet�ng adjourn. Meeting ; "was adjourned at 11 :25' pym, ` 1 � City Secretary APPROVED: � ,,r�:�� ,� -� -'' �, � � � Ra p . ' Lowe, ayor� � Cz� � . �, � �