HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1973-12-03 Regular . � �1 -- f , r MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING' OF TNE FRIENDSWOOR CITY COUNCIL � December 3� 19�3 A Regular Meeting of the Friendswood City Counci1 �was he7d at the City Hall , at 7;30 p.m. on Monday� December 3A 1973� with the following members present: . -�� Mayor Ralph Lowe Counci1man Milton Windler CounCilman William Patton Councilman Ra1ph Gonza�ez Councilman Richard Haken Counci1man Benny Baker Councilman. Edward Zeitler � With a quorum present and none absent� the fol1owing business was. transacted; ' ��',,, READING AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Minutes of a Special Meeting of Nov, 12� r.,� and minutes of a Regular. Meeting of November. l9 approved as read, Gz� ix� ANNOUNGEMENTS &� COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOR. 1 , Letter from Congressman Jack Brooks re public meeting. on f1ood control for Clear Creek to be held at 9�30 a.m. Saturday, January 12 in League Ci ty. � 2, Mee��ng he1d in Ceague City Nov. 28 to discuss cooperative purchasing by Ga1veston County and 'cities within �he Countyn �- , � 3. Friendswood Drainage District to hold bond and maintenance tax election i. on SaturdayA De�ember` 8, �� Ma. or. su orts this election � ,�l� q� Y pp . � Q��/� �� �y�-• ?�J�{���y �],���r�}�� �� ,!/CF'm �,LILJ�/�t-P,�t.��,/f.G�! Ju6"�""'_"„�rc��°'�`�" _'_ `' •4b Mustang Meadows: Attorney/� has sta't�d 'th�� �his proposed subdivision wi11 not be developed as p,'lanneda but the owner has stated that he will proceed to� try for the over�ized lot development. Relative to this subject� Mr. Paul`. Blackmon and �wo ,other citizens stated that they would prefer that this property be deve1oped as large lotsv�w�i:th septi c tanks than as hi gh-densi ty housi ng whi ch mi ght be the alternate. 5� A letter from Applied Acoust.i.cs Corp.. presented a .proposal for a1levation of noise at Sewer P1ant #2 in answer to' request;from the Mayar as a r�su7� of discussions with Mr, pon Romeike. Counci1 's opinion was that no action shou1d be taken on the� ma�ter at the present time, 6, Letter from Governor Briscoe to Representative..Ed.Har.ris and transmitted to the City� advising of approva�1 of a $47�650 grant from the Bureau of Outdoor Recr�atian for park acquisition. 7., Letter from Thomas Lay„ Attorneyg 6n beha1f of Imperia1 �states residents to Mrs. Carbonev Tax Assessor� requestjng adjustment based on flood 1oss this year, REPORTS __ 1 . Councilman Wind.1er reported that specifica�ions aa the Fire Department bui1d�ng are a1mos.t�comp1e.ted� �and that. negotiations are proceeding on property on FM 2351 . , � � 2. James Morgan and Jim Childers reported on the status of grant app1ication and, priority for sewage trea�ment• facilities. Representatives wil"1 attend a meeting in Austin on Qecember 17 in an effort to get Friendswood placed on the priority 1ist for current grants. . I � - ------------- ----� ----------------------------_---------- ---------- -�-_ - -- �,<�- NEW BU$INESS 1 , Dril1in Permit Re uest from Amoco Production Company to work over t ei.r J. M. E1 iott„ We1 No. ; East Hastings Field. Councilman Patton questioned the pr.essure �standards on auxiliary 1 i nes as compared`�wi th: r.eq uti rem�rtts` i.n' the::Ci ty's dri 11 i ng ordi nance. Inspector Raney� by te1ephone9 stated that he fe1t this wou1d be covered on workover permits by the "grandfa�her" c�ause in the ordinance. MOTION: (Patton) To approve issuance of Dri71ing Permit #� to � Amoco � Second; Zeitler ; Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIEQ I 2. A reement with National Investors - A maintenance agreement setting ', ort con �tions require y t e �1anning Commission with regard to the ' p7anting and maintenance of a hedge to scr.een the back of Captain's ' Corner shopping cen�er buildings which back up to Heri�age Drive. � ' MOTiON. (Zeitler) To authorize the Mayor to sign the aqreement as �' read, � . Second: Haken Vote. Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED 3, Resolution #15�73 �- Endorsin Draina e District Elections on Dec. 8. MOTION: (Zeit1er) To approve Resolution #75-73 Second: �Baker Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRI�D 4, Oath of Office - Mrs, Iv Fossler9 Zonin . Board of Adjustment - The , oat was:: a ministered' to� Mrsa Fossler °for a second term. ; RDMINISTRATIVE'ITEMS`:- James Mor. an � - � 1 . Po1ic on Ke s to Cit Offices -� Mr. Mor�gan���proposed that: traffic in the city offices be' contr.a led by` issuing one key to the Police Dept: where those persons authorized :to. use: the� office would sign in and aut,> affording a record of people using the ,offices, Counci1 request�d that he submit a� proposed.list 'of�peo�le�he�felt should be e1i ible. � 9 2. Utilit Extensions °in:��S�unm�adow.- Mr. . Morgan received Council agreement t at Sunmea ow are.a extensions should be the same as presently permitted in the "o7d" areas of the" City, � Ne. also reviewed a possible plan: to;uti7ize. ex�ess ,wa�er from Sunmeadow by extending .lines a1ong FM 528 to"s�erve Fox Meadows from this source rather than from the we�ls 1ocated within the .city proper. This pro�- posa1 wi17 be exp7ored further to 'determine its merits. 3. Street Program - Mr. Morgan said that certain troub�e spots are to be improve�in'�conjunction with the County work being done on Melody Lane. This would inc1ude Fa11ing Leaf between Sunset and the High School � and the curve on..Whispering Pines: A proposal for asphalt street r�surfacing �of Winding Way„ Cedarwood� and Woodlawn was a1so presente.d. . Rt request of Councilman Gonzalez� � Stadium Drive was added .to`the li�t. : This :work wou1d coi�sist�;f;of a 1eve1ing up course of 1-��/2 inches o�f aspha1tic cancrete fo�lowed by a one-inch course of �asphaltic �oncr.ete, sur.face to be ro1�ed and compacted, This procedur�e would save these s�reets which are in danger of bei ng compl etely des troyed. Thi s program woul d cos t $�.,,=�.#d.z�;��� Zu-�-�,R� t:a..��-c.�-�'C.�) c-���y b u dge t f or s tree t .��.�..' ��,t-�.������-�,_ �.,:c.,t-�- /9 7`� �._ , MOTION: (Gonza1ez) To .approve this str�et work Second: Zeitler VoteA Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRI�D --- � �'— ORDINANCES #T-11-A - First Reading (Subdivision Ordinance) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CI?Y �OF� FRIENDSWOOD� .TEXAS9 SETTING FORTH REGULATIONS FOR SUBDIVISION ,QE�V�LOPMENT� OUTLINING PROC�DURES �OR SUBMISSION OF PLATS; CONTAINING REQUIREMENTS AND .MINIMUM DESIGN STANDARDS; STATI.NG THE REQUIR�D. IMPROVEMENTS; PROVIDING EOR THE CHARGING OF FEES BY. THE CITY F�R CERTAIN PROCEDURAL STEPS; PROVIQING A SAVINGS CLAUSE, . MOTIQNe (Zeitler) To approve on first reading Second: Patton. Votep Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED . #T-11�-D � Hazardous Materia1s - Firs� Reading -. AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING .THE TRANSPORTAT�IQN BY TRUCK WITHIN.THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD OF ;HAZARDOUS MAT�R•IALS�:UPON .CERTAI.N STREETS � AND H'IGHWRYS OF THE' CITY.. OF FRIENQSWOOD; �PI�ESCRIBING ROUTES FOR � TRUCKS TO FOLLOW WHEN TRANSPO�T�NG HAZARDOUS MATERIACS THROUGH � THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD; CONTAINING DEFINITIONS; MAKING, CERTATN � PROVISIONS� RELATED TO THE SUBJECT; PROVIDING A PENALTY; . PROVIDING � � A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE AND PROVIDTNG AN EFFECTIVE DATE, MOTIQN: (Windler) To approve on first reading Secon ; Haken Votee FOR (6) Windler� Hakeny Zeitler, Baker� Gonzalez� Lowe AGAINST �(1 ) Patton , , - MOTION CARRIED #T-11-B - S ecific Use (oil we11 ) - Seeond Readin , , . . .:. � � .. . �. 3, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FR��NDSWOOD; TEXAS� i AMENDING ORDINANCE 174 (ZONING ORDINANGE); GRANTING A SPECIFIC USE I V � PERMIT FQR OIL WELL QRILLING AND RELATED STRUCTURES BY. THE CROWN C�NTRA� PE'TROLEUM C�RPORATION; ACCEPTING ANQ ADOPTING THE FINDINGS qF THE_ P,LANNINC�, AND .ZONING COMMISSION: MOTIONw (Baker) To approve .second reading of #T-11-B Second: Haken , � Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION �CARRI�D � #T-11-C - S ecific .Use (oi1 wel�) - Seeon�d..Readin , , . , , . . ,. AN ORQINANCE OF THE CTTY COUNGIL OF TH� CITY OF FRI�NDSWOOpa T�XAS� AMENQING ORDINANCE 174 ,(ZONING ORQINANCE); GRANTING A SPECIFIC USE P�RMIT FOR OIL 'W�LL. QRILLING .AND RELATED STRUCTURES BY.CROWN CENTRAL PE1'ROLEUM CORPORATION; ACCEPTING� AND ADOPTING THE FINDINGS OF THE P1,ANNING AND ZONTNG` 'COMM.ISS.ION�,� .. �. ; � , MOTI'ON: (Haken) To approve secand reading af T-11-C Second: Zeit1er Iloteb Unanimo.us FOR . - MOTION CARRI�Q � #T-10- H � Increase in Water Rates - Thir�d and�Fina1, Readin � AN QRpYNANGE MAKING CERTA'IN.:FI.N-p�:Z.NGS;..�STAS�:ISHING WATER RATES INSIDE ' AND OUTSIQE THE" CITY..I,IMI"TS, OF `F.RI�NDS(�QOQ,. T�XaS; R�PEAI.ING ALL OTHE� 'r ORDINANC� PROVISIONS .IN CO�iFLZC,T ,H�REWITH. , MOTION4 (Patton) To approve and. adopt #T-10-H on third and final � reading (and assfign per.manen� number 204) Second: Windler Vote: FOR (6) Patton,, Wind1er� Haken� Baker� Gonza1ez� Lowe AGAINST� (1) Zeitler MOTION CARRI�p -------- - - ----- -- - -- - - - -- - - - - -- ----- � � ----- , - - -- WARRANTS FOR APPROVAL � MOTIONn (Windler) To approve. Construction Fund Warrant #139 to � N: M�� Brown. Cons�ruction Company. : . : Secand; Haken � . . . . . .: � . ,,. Vote: In discussion of this payment;, it.was decided not �to approve payment until fu"rther information is received. Thus the vote was UNANIMOUS AGAINST THE'MOTION � MOTION FAILEQ ' � MOTION� (Windler) To approve payment °of -M&0' Warrants #2049 .(Engineer- ing Science); #2051 (Rockwe11 Mfg, ); and #2052 (Walsh Engineering) Second� Baker Vote. Unanimous FOR : � MOTION CARRIED; MOTION: (Windler) To approve for payment G&A Warraats #3615 (Bost � Di.�ching)p #3614 (Hall `s :Insurance Agen�y), #3613 (Hill Sand Company), #3612 (Aetna Ins, ); #3564 (A�tchison� Topeka� � �. and. Santa Fe);'�and #3562 (Barnett & :Sons). Second: Haken � , � . � � � .. , , Vote: Unanimoas FOR ' . MOTION CARRIEQ CLOSEQ SESSION �- To discuss hiring-=of �replacement. for Ody-Jerden,� City tt�'orneyp who has resigned, Counci� then returned to open meeting. �j � ,��r l� MOTION: (Haken) :To retain B. J. Hooks as �City Attorn�y Secon ; Zeitler Vote� Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIEQ ADJQURNMENT - Motion made and seconded that the meeting adjourn. The meetin� adjourneds . , .. � , � � 4 Ci ty Secretary APPRQVED: ,. . l �,�„ �..� , ,. . ' ayo►^ R p L. Lowe � � � : ; . . ; : ,