HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1973-11-19 Regular - - -- --__--- ----------�'.�,`� - MINUTES OF A RECULAR MEETING OF TH� FRI�NDSWOOp CITY COUNCIL November 19, 1973 A Regular Meeting of the Friendswood City Counci1 was held at the City Hall at 7:30 p.m, on Monday„ November 19p 1973p witfi the fol,1owing members present: �, � Mayor Ralph Lowe , : Councilmen: Edward Zeit1er ; i �— Benny Bake.r Richard Haken Ralph G�nza1ez William Patton Milton Windler With a quorum presen�� and none absent, the fo11owing business• was transacted: READING FINQ APPROVAL OF.MINUTES - Minutes of a Regular Meeting of November 5, � approved wit three corrections. � �' ANNOUNCEMENTS & COMMUNICATIONS FROM TH� MAYOR � Gz� i� 1 . I,owe Chemical is on a status quo basis regarding S�ate po1lution charges� � and the proposed sale of the plant, 2. The law suit against the-City by- Barton Disposal has been settled in favor of the City (11 to 1 jury decision) . The citizens Who were contacted to testify were responsive and cooperative. 3. Hearing re WC&ID petiti,on fow injunction against the City. to .prevent the use of funds paid to the C7ty by� the District in connection with sewage treatment - in Galveston court this mornin� - resu1t: (1) City sha11 not divert any additional funds from, this fund pending a declaratory , ' judgment suit to be heard in January (2) That park grant funds shall �� — be deposited to this account upon receipt- by the City: 4, Others: Letter to Col . Ward regard government reimbursement for flood loss within the City; letter from Parks: Department regarding approval of grant; H-GAC meeting tomorrow morning; report on progress of street wor[c invo1ving use of salvage materia1 from FM 518. 5. With concurrence of Counci1� the City Ha11 w�ll be clased on Friday� November 23� fol1owi.ng Thanksgiving. . No garbage pick-up wi11 be made on Thursday or Friday. PETITIONS - Mrs, Ruth PrenQ�le requested,, .an beha1f of the Women's League, that Counci,1 adopt a reso1ut�an supporting the Drainage, District's bond , e1ection on December 8. MOTION: (Zeitler) That Counci1 adopt a reso1ution supporting the � drainage bond election. Second: Baker Vote� Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED BUSINESS ITEMS 1 , M'r. pdy Jer.denp who has served the City as City Attorney for the past ; , seven years, is moving to Ki1gor.e� .Texas., .MrK Sam Hi11 � who has worked , __ as a vo1unteer for a number��o�F �years for �the Fire Department� as Fire Marshal » and served on tr'te .Charte.r Commission,� has been transferred to Qk1ahoma. Mayor Lowe stated that�he fel� i� would be appropriate for the City to present �hese two with ,p1aques commending them for their service .to the .City. MOTION: (Wind7er) To present plaques to. Ody Jerden and Sam Hi11 Secon : � Haken , Vote� Unanimous FOF: MOTION CARRIED ,�� �� 2, Awardin� of Bid on Stor.�m Sewer through Herita�e Estates - The City Manager recommended tha� the 1c�w b�dderp Bost Di�ching Company� be awarded the contract for this work at $105A777 ($72„288.20 for the City's account; $33�48�.80 for the Developer's account) -----------_- -- --- - - --- _ - --� -- _- ----- ---- - -- - - ---- - ------__----�- -- ____ ���. Mr. Morgan exp7ained tha�; Mr.. Bost.,has.`s:u�gg�sted that th�: actual cost for this project'cou1d`be reduced.:by. using s�eel corrigated pipe for the project� ins�ead'of the� speeified� concre�e pipe. Council concurred with the recommendation of Mr. Morgan con�ingent on: (1 ) Plat of the subd7vision being fi1ed�: and copy.�of th� de,ed restric- ti ons fi 7 ed wi th the Ci ty (2�) Deve1 oper..'s:.cer�i��Fi ed check; for thei r portion of the contract to be in the .hands of the City; (3) Agreement made wi th Deve1 oper reg�rdi�g�.�us�� �f proposed ste�7 pi pe�. . , � MOTION. (Windler) To accept the recommendation of the City Manager � � and. award the bid to Bast Ditching� contingent on the � above 1is�ed •condit�ons: � Second: Zei t1 er Vote: FOR (6) Zeitler� Windler� Baker� Patton� Hakeri, Lowe AGAINST (1 )' Gonzalez MOTION CARR�ED 3. DRIC�ING PERMIT RE UESTS A. , Crown Centr�l - John Ca Van Der Vaart No. 1 Well, Galvest�n County (new) MOTION: (Patton) Tq approve the permit (DP #4) , Secon3�: Zeitler Ilote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIEA S. Amoco - Thomas C, Edwards, We�ll No, 2s East Hastings Field (repair) MOTION� (Patton) To approve ;the permit (DP #5) Second: Zeitler Votea Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED 4. ORQINANCES First Readinq Ord. #T-71-� - Spe�ifi� Use (oil we71) AN ORDINANGE OF THE CITY i C UNCI OF, TH� CIT`7 OF FRIEN S�7 WOOp; TEXAS� AMENDING ORDINANCE N0. 174 (ZON�IVG ORQINANCE); GRANTING A SPECIFIC USE PERMIT FOR OIL � W�L�.. QRIL:LING AND RELATED STRUCTURES BY THE CROWN CENTRAL PETROLEUM CORPORATION; ACC�PTING AND: AQOPTI(�G THE FINDINGS OF THE PLANNING ANQ ZONING COMMISSION: MOTTON: �Patton) To appr.ove #T-11-B on first reading Second: Zeitler Vote. Unani.mous FOR � MOTION CARRIED Ord, #T-11-C , S ecific, Use oil we11 AN ORDINANGE OF THE CITY COUNCII. OF THE CIT OF FRI N S OOD�. T;EXAS, AMENQING� ORDZ.NANCE N0. , 174-. .(ZON,ING �ORD:I.NRIV�E''):ai>.GRRNT>IfVC-°A SP.�CI_FIC..USE� PE.RMTT �0� OIL W�L:� pRI�;�,TNC`.ANI} R�l,`RTEA .S.TRUCTURES. BY CROWN C�NTRAI: P�TROL�UM GQRPORATION; ACG�PTING AND ApOPTI(�G THE FINpZIVGS OF TH� PLANNING ANp ZONIf�G' GOMMISS'ION�:. : < � i �� MOTION,� (Patton) To approve #T-11-C on first reading �Second�. Ze�it1er � Vote� �..Unanin�ous �FOR MOTION CARRIEQ Second Readin� ° . Ord. #T-10-H � In�r�ase �n wat�r< rates -_� AN ORDINANCE MAKING. CERTAIN � : FINAING�;°'' ESTAPL'TSHING WATER';RA.TES' INS°IpE qNQ QUTSIDE THE CITY � L.IMITS OF 'FRIE�IpSW00D, TEXAS; �REPEALING �ALL OTHER ORDINANCE PRO- ' VISIaNS -IN `CONF�L:IC`T"H�REWITH: " ' � ` MOTION: (Pat���:on) To, appr�ve #T=70-H� on second reading Second; Windler Vote: FOR (6) Patton� Windler� Gonza1ez„ LoweA Haken� Baker AGAINST (1� Zeit7er MOTION CARRI�D � ------ ----- — — �� ��- Thi rd and Fi na1 Readi n .. -(A11 r�ad ;i n� thei r enti re�y) Ord, #T-10-G - Stbp Si ns° ��AN ORDINANE� MRKING CERTAIN FIND.INCS; p�SIGNATING PI,AC�r�IENT ,QF` S1'OP- �SIGNS AT C�RTAIN :INTERS�CTIONS; PRQVIpING A .P�NA�,TY ,�OR, VIOI,ATIQN;? P.ROVIDINC A SEVERANCf CLAUSE.. , � MOTION.. (Baker) To appr.ove #T-70;C on third .reading (Assign � � permanent .Ord�, No.� 197) ( Second: Haken . �Vote: Unani mous �F.OR� , . MOT�ION •CAR�I ED Ord, #T-10-D - One-wa :S.tt��et��: Stadi um - AN ORDINANCE DESIGNATING GARDEN pRIVE AND �STADIC�M QRZVE'.ONE-�WAY�.STREETS BETWEEN THE HOURS OF�IC7ACLY POSTED` ON'SCHOO.L QAYS. .ONLY�; "SETTYN�� THE SF�ED LIMIT OF TWENTY "C20)� M.IL�S' PER'�`N�11f2-DlJRTN��..THE RBOVE MENTI0N6D TIME PERIOQS;, DIR�CTING THE CHIEF OF POLICE TO ERECT SIGNS SO DESIGNATINGy AND PR�VTDING SEVERAB.ILITY AND �PENAI,TY .CL.AUSES. . � � MOTION: (Zeit1er) To� approve #T-10-D on third reading (Assign " �� - p�ermari�nt Ord. No. 198} � � Second. Baker ' � ` Vote. Unani mous, FOR ' � , MOTION -CARRI�D � � ' � • i-� ' Ord. #T-10-E -- One-�way Streets;�Wi l l owi ck) - AN ORDINANCE REVISING SCHOOL ZON� PERIMETERS �1NQ �ESIGNATIN�LOWICK AUENU.E ONE=WAY STRE�T QURING TH� SCHOOL ZONE HOURS AS OFFICIALLY POSTEQ SCHOOL DAYS; P'ROVIpING� P<ENALfiI�S��fOR��A'L'L� VI��LATTONS. ° �� . E ' , . ._ - � . . , . M�TION: (Haken) To approve #T-10-E on third reading (Assign � permanent Ord. No. 199) Second: Baker � � ' ' Vote: Unanim�=us FQR � MOTION CARRIED � ` Ord. #T-10=F - One-wa Streets- Laurel ) - AN ORpINANC,E.�D�ESIGNATING I L I �, .S . I:N ; 0 . . ,ENU : AN WOOQ.l�AWN :DRIVE ONEWAY STREETS -�� BETWEEN THE HOURS�OF.FICIAL:LY'�.POSTED ON�.SCHOOL DAYS; SETTING THE SPEEQ LIMIT OF TWENTY (20) MILES PER HOUR DURING THE ABOVE MENTIONED TIM� PERIOQ AND PROVIqING FOR A: PENACTY` CLAUSE, ' MOTTON; (Gonza1ez) To approve T-10-F on third reading �Assign permanent Ord.� No. 200) Second: Haken � Voteo Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED Ord. #T-10-I - Increase in Sewer Rates - AN ORDINANCE MAKING CERTAIN FINDINGS; � TAB ISHING SE E .S ICE RATES INSIQE ANQ OUTSIDE THE CITY LIMITS OF FRIENQSWOOA� TEXAS; REP�ALING AL.L OTHER ORDINANCE PROUISI,pNS,�IN C.ONFL�CT H�REWITH. � MOTION: (Patton) To approve #T-10-I on third reading (Assign � permanent Ord: No, 201 ) S�cond. [3ak�r Vote: FOR (6) Patton� Baker� Gonza1ez, Wind1er� Haken9 Lowe AGAINST (1 ) Zei�ler .= MOT�ION CARRI;�D Ord. #T-10-J - Lev in Charge for Fire Protect�on - AN ORQINANCE PROVIaING FOR A C ARG 'T0. B� I:�VI�D AGAINST.�AG p�lEI:LING UNIT IN i TH� CITY OF FRI�NRSWOOD u.SING GITY �ATER AND S�WER SERVICE; SETTING ; TH� AMOU.N� OF TH� ;CHARGE Al`,ON�� ppL�.AR PER MO.NTH PEFt DWECL'ING UNIT; �.._... ID.ENTIFYING� SA.ICJ '`CHARGE AS "A. "F:IR� `PROTECTTON CHARGE"; L'IMI�'ING THE " PERIOA OF TTME' f�QR SUCH L'EVY ,TO; SEPTEM��R��3�;� 1974: PROVIDING THAT PAYMENT�THEREOF �SHAI;L BE A' PREREQU:ISITE. T0.`CON'fTNU�U`WATER AND SEWER 'SERUICEp f�ROVIDING. THAT BILLING AND COLLECTION THEREOF SHALL BE pONE THROUGH THE CITY WATER AND SEWER QEPARTMENT'S REGULAR BTLLING CYCLE. � MOTION: (Zeitler) To approve #T-10-J on third reading (Assign . � permanent Ord. No. 202) Second: Patton Vote: Unanimous MOTION CARRIED -- -__ - --------- -------- � --------- - ------ - - -- -- --- � - ----- - - t l' , �. Ord. #T-10-K` - A ro riatin $94;000=°:= AN. ORD'FNANCE MAKING �ERTAIN 'FINDINGS� APPROPR:IATTNG�;° .94�000''F.LUS INT�REST�'FOR REPAYM�NT OF A D�BT TO FRIENDSWOOQ BANK FROM UNAPPROPRIATEQ, FUNQS; AUTHORIZING '�fH�` CI7Y `MANAGEf� T0''TAK�"'7HE`'"NECESSARY." ST�P5'TO'REPAY'TH�` NOTE; MOTION; (Zeitler) To approve #T-10-K on third reading (Assign � permane"nt Ord. No,"�203) ' Second; ,Baker lbt,e: FOR (5) Zeitler, Bakerp Ratton, Lowe, Haken ' AGAINST .(2) Wind1er,; Gonza1ez MOTIO.N CARRIED i DISCUSSION ITEMS ' - � � � � . , � 1 . James� Nye� prainage District Board Cha.irman� explai.ned::the: bond election, 2. Counci1.man patton:requested a� new .g.un' ordinance to permit'�shooting at the Gun C1 ub': ` He' 'and` �ounci lman Wi nd1 e� wf 11 rewri°te the ordi nance to inc1ude this variance, 3. Counci1man Gonzalez asked about enforcement of zoning law deaTing with signs; 4. The proposed new subdivis.ion ordinance. was �discussed. 5. Councilman Windler asked that �the Hazardous Ma.teria��s Ordinance be re-posted �or first reading::at'next�m�eti►�gb 6. New bus barn �t th� school is. being bui1t c�oser than the .ordinance wi11 a7�ow �o the' prope:rty;;,�i ne.�-, 'Di s cussed whether or not� a, vari anc�e coul d be a11owed in this case�. � ` " : ° 7. N[r� Morgan i s' to make .up .a: suggested ;��i.s�.. of.persons who may be admi tted �a the Ci�y Ha.71 `'bus7ness ,office after. hours; 8. Th� Ci�y Manager. was authorized to take bids on playground equipment for �h� praposed�.mi ni�parks: °. WARRANTS FOR APPROVAL` M07'IpN; (Windler) To approve.:G&A War�rants 2022� 2023� 2024, .2025� 3577 Second; . Patton i Vote: Unanimous .FOR MOTION CARRIEQ i MOTION� (Wind1er)� To apprave M&O Warrants 3567 � 3563�, 3565 ' Second: Patton ` ' ' � � �• - Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED ADJOURNMENT MQTION made and seconded that the meeting adjourn. The meeting was adjourned. � —�j �" � � Ci ty Secr�tary �"' APPROVED: , i �r�� L ���� -� � ayor a p�i owe ; � I � , . I