HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1973-11-05 Regular ����� MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRI�NDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL Novem�er 5, 1973 A Regular Meeting of the Friendswood City Council was called to order at . 7:30 p.m, on Monday� November 5, 1973 with the fol1owing members present: � f Mayor Ralph L. Lowe I � Councilman Edward Zeitler —� Counci7man Benny Baker Councilman Richard Haken Councilman Ralph Gonza�ez Councilman Wil7iam Patton Counci1man Milton Windler With a quorum present, and none absent� the following business was transacted: READING AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes of Regular Meeting of October 15, �'� approved as corrected, Minutes of a Special Meeting of October 24, approved �` as presented. � � ANNOUNCEMENTS & COMMUNICATIQNS FROM .TH� MRYOR � � 1 . The Mayor stated that a law suit has been instituted by the State of Texas against Lowe Chemical far pol1uting. He asked that Mrs. Leah North bring a delegation of ladies t� the p1ant soon for luncheon and a tour of the plant to see what h�s been done to e1iminate pol1ution. 2. Law Suit: Fowler Bar.ton vs. City of Friendswood� (and mayor and councilmen as they were in 1970) now being heard in Galveston� wi11 be discussed , with the City Attorney a� a c1osed session 1ater in the evening. � OPENING OF .BIDS - DRAINAGE THROUGH HERITAGE ESTATES AND HARWOOD ADDITION � � �-" 6 3� B Uti 1 i ty Contractors $164p702.05 Texala Constructi.on Co, 121 �392.75 Brown &. Root Inc. 117��02.50 Bos:t Ditching Service 105�777.00 ' - Main�and Construction Co, 119�567�50 ' ' i f�OTION: (Haken) Th�at the bids be referred to the City Manager and City Engineer �fur tabu1ation and recommendation. Second: Zeitl�r Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED (No bids were received for a pick-up for the Uti1ity Department) (City M�nager wi71 come back to Council with some pur.chase figures) JOINT ROLLING STOCK MAINTENANCE WITH SCH00�. DISTRICT - School Board President Dic ie Warren requested. that a committee representing the school and �:he city pursue the possibility of joint maintenance on vehicles in an effort to .cut down cost for both entities. Outcome.of discussion: A comrriif;tee including Jack Bridwell , Dickie Warren and John Ward from the school and Richard Hakenp Edwar.d Zeitler, and James Morgan from the city wi71 meet on Tcaesday» November 20th to initiate a study of the sub,ject. � ' CLEAR CFtEEK DRATNAGE - Mayor Lowe announced that Mr. Gary Pate and Mr. Tom '�, _� Lanc`�ford are to be in Friendswood on Tuesday to review what drainage work can be; done with the,:$187'�500 p1edged by Har.ris and Ga1veston County for this project. He stated that Mr� Cris Kraf�t has agreed to serve the ci�y as liaison ofificia�l ro repl.ace Mrs Brooks Hickerson who resigned the post, and that Mr. f.'au7 Kramer has agreed to as Mr. Kraft's co-chairman. He: stated that the primra responsi�ality of these people would be acqui- si t�on of ri ght-of-way ,access to. the cr.eek�whi ch woul d enable the two cUUnties to proceed wit.lh c�earing or straightening of horseshow curves on the ,creek. He askeci� for Counci1 concurrence of his appointments, stating �hat their respc�nsibi7ities wou1d not off-set any plans now being imp7emented by the Friendswood Dra,inage Board, but would rather comp7emen� or aid any f�ature drainage plans. � ---------- ---- ----------------- ----- � - - -- - ---- - -- --- � - -- - ----------- � - ---_- - -___-- Dr. Kraft reviewed his plans of operation and presented aeria] photos to point up the problems. MOTION» (Gonzalez) That Dr. Cris Kraft and his �c�-ehairman� Mr. �'�" Pau7 Kramer� be appointed as liaisan officers for drainage: Second: Baker Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED. SUNME;4DOW - EXTRA WORK ORDER CHARGE FOR STORM SEWER� (N:M. Brown Const. Co. ) Mr. Brown and Ron. S��t ers of E minster, ins awp consu1ting engineers �For the Sunmeadow project� appeare� before .Counci1 to. exp"lain a $10x000 I ; over-.run due to �aek� o�� suf�fi.c�ient. r.:ight=of-way.at the pro per time. � , Counci 1 reques�te d t ha� Mr� 6rown meet with Mr. Morgan and Mr. Ken Toon to try to reso1ve th.e situation, `Mr. Morgan wi11 repvrt back to Council ��,. �� CITY BARN FIRE - Fire Marshal Oren McG1ure said that-he has not completed his report on the fire which destroyed the lab and part of the storage barn last week, He will make this report as soon as it is completed. CITY SECRETARY AS ABSENTEE ELECTION JUDGE FOR DRAINAGE BOARD - Mayor Lowe asked for approval of the Couneil for .the City Secr�tary to serve as absentee election judge for the upcoming bond e1ect�on ta be he1d by the Friendswood Qrainage .soard. . Approva7 was unanimous. COMMUNITY YOUTH COUNSELING PROGRAM -. Patro7man. Russe11 Wil1iams and other mem ers o t e Community out ecreational Committee presented the program which they ,have worked out, and r.equested Counci1 to adopt a reso1ution endorsing the program as. presented, � MOTION: ,(Patton) To adopt the program and the resolution as presented Second: Baker Vote: FOR {5) WindlerA Patton� Gonza1ez� Haken, Zeitler AGAINST (2} Baker� Lowe ���:�"�¢h� J��a-M+m,,a.nc��,�,�,�Ca�n�,�.�`ee nc����-P��a.&, .� �e,n�a�e.� �-t�,�e�.� usedafrsuggestefS that the $1 ,000 requ�ted by the committee could be � om budget ,allocation of. the Recreation Department, ADJUSTMENT OF TAXES - Mr. Barney Myatt� by letter, has� requested an adjust- ment to taxes on his home due to flood damage in June of this year. The Counci1 stated that such claims could on�y be determined by the owner's rendering his property at a value he feels is fair and working with the Equa1ization 'Board on a decision. CLOSED SESSION - Attorney Ody Jerden reported in detail to Counci ] regarding �ie court actions to�date in the Barton 1aw suit.' AWARDING OF BIQ FOR�TWO NEW GITY CARS - �:``f��=j� recommendation by City Manager� MOTION. (Haken) To award b�d to Gul� Caas� Dodge at $69927.74. � Secon : Wi nd"ler � � � Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION �ARRIED NEW FIRE TRUCK - AUTHORIZATION TO RE UEST BIDS -- City Manager Jim Morgan asked that he e authorized to advertis,e �far bi.ds for the new fire truck, bids to be opened on December 17. He. stated th�t he expected a nine months delay in delivery following ordering of �a truck. MOTION: (Windler) To authorize the City Manager t� advertise for bi ds on a;�;�:��re trilck�, ''�:�: .�'�� � -..°��� °�`�a � � Sec�nd; Haken , , Vpte: Unanimous FOR� MOT�O�I CARRI�D� . SEWAG� TREATMENT FACILITIES - Mr.. Morgan and Jim Childers� Engineer, gave I a status .report on submission of grant request for sewage facilities. A pre7iminary req�aest has been submitted pendi:ng issuance of the new guidelines. On December 13� a .hearing wi71 be he7d to determine � priorities for approval of.grantsp and prior to that date the city should have comp1eted an infiltration in�flow study, Mr. Morgan asked for authorization to proceed with this work. — --- ---- ----------- , --.. - �, � � MOTION: (Wind�er) .To. authorize the City Manager to initiate the � ne�essary testing. for infi1tration. ,Seconda ..Gonza�ez Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED FINAL PLAT FOR MUSTANG MEADOWS - Mr, Gl�n Chaney, attorney, ,appeared on be al : of Mus.tang Meadows dev�lopers to d9scuss items ta be included � in the deed r�stric�ions .in comp7.iance with Counei7 's conditions for , approva� . Questions:were. rai'sed regarding some of the restrictions --- and information not shown on the pla.t. Mra Chaney received the linen from Mr. Morgan to have. eorrections made. No action was taken. FIRE DEPARTMENT E UIPMENT -Mr, Chick Corns of Hydro-lok Inc. gave. a presentation on hydro-lok hose connections.for 'insta7lation on fire hydrants. He stated that these� cauld be �.�u�^cf�as�Ed.....fo.rt�al"lz:.ri��dr.a►its in. �he city at a cost;of _$4�179..00. The Fire Department stated that they highly recommend that the City purchase these connections, � MOTION. (Zeitler) To_ authorize the City Manager to proceed with '�' � a ,program for .purchase and instal.1ation of Hydro-lok � e ui ment, Co��' 7� Ge��s2r �c� �. i �,:� U+-� �.�t�, �pfi� �t�'f�r�c�.e fi � Q� � q p ,9 � � x. � . Seconda Haken. �� � Votea Unanimous FOR MOTION .CARRIED PLANNING COMMISSION APPOINTMENTS - Mayor Lowe recommended .that present ��_r� Cammission mem ers whose terms have expired be reappointed, Position � 7� vacated by resignation of Char.les Coe, wi11 be filled at a 1ater date. MOTI.ON« (Zeitler) Tha�t Tracy Spears (Position 1)� Clyde Raney � (Position 2)� and Robert Phi1lips (Position 3) be re- appointed for two-year terms., � � Second: Baker � Vote: FOR (6) ��Lowe; Pattonb Windler� Haken9 Baker, Zeit7er AGAINST: nane ---- ABSTAININC (1 ) Gonzalez MOTION CARRIED ORDINANCES Ord.inance #T-10-A - S ecific Use Oi7 Wel� � - Third and Final ORD. #194 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS, AMENDING ORDINANCE N0a .174 .(ZONING ORDINANCE); GRANTING A �SPECIFIC USE PERMIT FOR OIL WELL DRILLING AND RELATED STRUCTURES BY THE CROWN CENTRAL PETROLEUM CORPORATION, ACCEPTTNG AND. ADOPTING THE FIPlDINGS OF THE PCANNING ANb ZONING COMMISSION. MOTION: (Patton� To pass and final7y adopt Ord, #T-10-A (and assign permanent No. 194) Secondb Zeitler Vo�e� Unanimous ,FOR MOTION CARRIED , � Ordinance #T-10-B - Aband�nin of Street (Dr. Boone) - Third and Final ORD, #195 AN ORDZNANCE MAKING CERTAIN FINDINGS; ,VACATINGx ABANAONING AND CLOSING STREETS. DEDICATED FOR� PUBLIG PRUPOSE� WITHIN THE CITY OF FRT�NDSWOOp LOCATED,=ON PROPERTY OWNED BY C, BOONE, PURSUANT TO HIS PFTITION TO MAYOR AND COUNCIL:, � � . _. MOTION4 (Patton) To pass and fina1ly adopt Ord. #T-10-B (and � �' assign permanent No, �795)� Second: Zeitler Vote; -��s FOR(��� MOTION CARRI�Q �C��I.N.�'T.' C+'�N x��ez. ��� Ordinance #T-10-C - Sto Si ns (Su ercedes. #145) Second Readin AN ORQINANCE MAKING CERTAIN FINDINGS; DESIGNATING P.�L;ACEMENT OF STOP SIGNS AT CERTAIN INTERSECTIONS; PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR VIOLATION; PROVIDING A SEVERANCE GLAUSE. -------------------- -- -- - - -------- - � --- - -- -- -- D -- ----- � �.._ __- - ---------_- t _ -- _ MOTION� (Haken) To apprave second reading Secon�: Zeitler ' Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED : _ Ordinance #T-10-D-One-wa StreEts Stadium - Second Readin AN ORQINANCE DE�IGNATING GARDEN DRIVE _AND STADIUM DRIVE ONE-WAY STREETS BETWEEN '�THE HOURS _OFFICIALLY POSTED ON SCHOOL DAYS ONLY; SETTING THE "SPEED LIMIT OF TWENTY (20) MICES PER HOUR QURIN.G THE ABOVE MENTIONED TZME .PERIOQS; DIRECTING TH� CHIEF OF POLICE TO �RECT SIGNS SO DESIGNATINGy AND PROVIDING SEVERABILITY ANQ PENALTY CLAUSES. ' MOTION: (Zeit1er) To approve seeond reading. Second: H�kap " Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTIOIV CARRIED Ordinance #T-10-E - One-wa street Wil1owick - Second Reading AN ORDINANCE REVISING SCHOOL ZONE PERIMETERS AND DESIGNATING ' �� WILLOWICK AVENUE ONE-WAY STREET QURING THE SCHOOL ZONE HOURS, � AS OFFICIALLY �POSTED, SCHOOL DAYS; PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR ALL �VIOLATIONS: � � MOTION° (Haken) To approve second reading. e�'cond: Gonza1ez Vote: Unanimous FOR _ MOTION:CARRIED Ord�nance �#T-10-I - .Increa�e in Sewer Rates� - Second Readin � AN ORDINANCE MAKING CERTAIN FINDINGS; E5TABLISHING SEWER SERVICE RA1"�S INSIDE AND OUTSIDE TH� CITY LIMITS OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS� REPEAL,ING ALL OTHER ORDINANCE� PROVISIONS IN CONFLICT HEREWITH. MOTION. (Haken) To approve ,second reading..� ' Second: Baker ' Vote: FOR (6) Haken� Baker� Ganza�ez� WindlerA Patton, Lowe AGAINST (1) Zeit1er MOTION: CARRIED Ordinance #T-10-F -� One-wa . street (�Laure1 - Second Reading � �, : . � � � AN ORDINANCE;DESIGNATING LAUREL DRTVE� SPREADING OAK� AVENUE, AND WOODLAWN DRIVE ONE WAY STREETS BETWE�N THE HOURS OFFICIALLY POST�D ON SCHOOL:DAYS; ,SETTTNG THE SPEED LIMIT OF TWENTY (20) MILES PER HOUR DURING THE ABOVE M�NTIONED TIME PERIOD AND PROVID- ING FOR A PENAI:TY CL"lAUSE. MOTION• (Haken) To approve on second reading Secon�c: Zei t7er Vote„ Unanimous FOR � MOTZON CARRTED : . Ordinance #T-�O-J - Lev in char e for fire 1^otection � Second Readi.n"� AN ORpINANC� RROVIpING.�'QR A. CHARG�; TO ;��. L,�VI�A..AGAINST ��AGH DWELL:ING UNTT IN 7WE CITY OF' FRIEND�WOOD:'USING CITY WATER AND/OR ' ..�EWER: SERIIICE; S�TT.ING 1'HE AMOUNT:=OF THE CHARGE AT ONE DOLLAR PER MONT,H' PER :QW6LL.ING .UNPT; ID�NTTFYING .�A=Tf�.:.CHARGE AS A "FIRE pRO.T�CTIOI� CHRRG�"; . 1�,IMIT��NG..,TI-1�.. P�ftI"OD'flF ,TZM�: FOR: SUCH LEVY TO S�PT�M��R 30,, ,��974y FROUTUTNG":THAT PAYM�NT TH�R�QF SHALL �� - ) A PR�R�QUISIT� TO� CONTINUED WAl'ER�;ANA �E�[ER" SERVICE; PRO.VIDING { TH/�T BILLING AND COLLECTION' THEREOF SHALL BE DONE THROUGH THE I CTTY WATER AND SEWER DEPARTMENT'S REGULAR BILLING CYCLE, MOTION� (Wind1er) To appr.ove second reading. Secon , : Baker � Votee Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRI�D � � Ordinance #T-10-K - A ro r7�ti� $94 000 - Second Reading A� ORDTNANCE MAKING CERTAIN FINDINGS, APPROPRIATING. $94y0�0 PLUS INTEREST FOR REPAYMENT OF A DEBT:TO FRIENDSWOOQ BANK. FROM UNAPPRO- PRIATED FUNDS; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO TAKE THE NECESSARY STEPS TO REPAY THE NOTE. MOTION. (Zei�ler} To approve second r�ading. �econci��� Patton . ' j Vote: FOR (5) Lowe� Patton� Zeit1er� Baker, Haken + A�AINST (2) 'Windler� Gonzalez MOTION CARRIED � Qrdinance #T-10-H - Increase in water rates - First Reading (follow.ing revisions made at last meeting an repbsting MOTION: (Patton) To approve first reading of revised #7�70�H. Second„ �Windler Vote: FOR (6) Patton� WindlerA Lowe� Hakenn Baker� Gonzalez AGAINST (1 ) Zeitler) MOTION CARRIED � Ordinance T-11-A - Subdivisions�� was resented for first readin � � MOTION. (Haken) To tab1e for workshop Novemb;er 12. � Second: Zeitler ' � Vote: FOR (6) Patton� Wind1er.,, Lowe, Haken, Gonza1ez„ Zeit7er AGAINST (1.) Baker � MOTION CARRI�D RESOLUTTONS �RE VIOLATION6 OF WEED ORDINANCE - Reso7utions citing Kenneth Smit � George eaves ey� .Mrs. Victor W itmire� Power Pak Co. A Inc, � and Ho.uston Homecraft for vio1ation of Ordinance 79 were read. �MOTION- (Zeitler) To approve� all: five of the reso7utions. Secon'�': Wi ndl er llote; FOR (6) Windler� Lowe� Haken„ Gonza�ez�, Zeitler� Baker � AGAINST (7 ) Patton MOTION CARRIED. � , ',�_ WARRANTS MOTIONd (Windler) To approve M&0 Warrant #1999 to Bost Ditching � for $1�842�00, Seconda Patton Vote; Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED AQJOURNMENT-P�otion made and s'econded that the meetin'g adjourn. The meeting was adjourned �t 2:0O ,�.m. %"^ "f � � �` �t.-c�e. L��-,'� Bo ie C, Henry� City Sec etary APPROV�D: � ti, �---�.�-.e. Ra�p L. Loweg Mayor NOT�N Fol7owing adjournment� CounGi7man Patton r�quested that speed and warning signs be p1acea a.t approaches to Sunset crossing of Cowards i Creek unti1 the crossing can be comp7et�d. � � � �