HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1973-10-15 Regular � �. , , MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CIT.Y CQt1NCIL October 15, 1973 A Regular Meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held at 7:30 p.m, f ; on Mondaya, October 15A 1973 a�t the Ci�y Ha11 with the fol1owing members , present. � i �--� Mayor Ral ph L, Lowe Councilman Edward Zeitler Counci1man Benny Baker Counci1man Richard Haken Counci1man Ra1ph Gonzalez Counci1man Wil�iam Patton � Councilman Milton Windler With a quorum present� and none absent� the following business was transacted: � �'' READING AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes of September 24 represented as � correcte - approve , inutes of a Regular Meeting of .October 1 approved � as correc.ted. Minutes o�f a Special Meeting of 'October 1 approved as read. � ANNOUNCEMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOR Joint Plannin Commission/Council meetin on Thursda � October 11 to discuss proce ura pra ems raised t e question of w. et er t e Counci s ould give final approval of a subdiVision or whether thi�s •1ies with the Planning Comm, The City Attorney stated that as a Home Ru1e City, this choice lies with the Counci1 . The Mayor asked that:the .Attorney study the .question and make a �. recommendation back to the Council �n ,the ques.tion, i AWARDING OF BID ON HAULING STREET MATERIAL FROM RAIL CARS - The City Manager , � recommended t at t e bi be awar e �o r en i . , as ow bidder. MOTION„ (Patton) To accept recommendation of the City Manager and award i the bid, to. Arden Hi11 for hauling this materia1 . Second: Zeitler Vo�e: Unanimous FOR MOTIOIV CARRIED PETITIONS 1 , Mustan Meadows - A roaa7 :of Fina� .P�a��:•MrA James Gar�re7� , Developer„ stated � at a requir�ments:�o , former`Counci:� action has been camp1ied with and reques�ed final approval of the. p1at. A majority of t�ie Counci� felt that they could not approve the p1at unti1 other required signatures were on the platr and questioned whether requirements for approval as set forth in Council action of September �06 MOTION� (Gonzalez) To table this for Council review ti11 nex� meeting, SeconcT4 Patton Votea Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED MOTION: (Patton). To direct the. City:Manager to notif,y the Planning � Commission that we p1an to waive sewer and water line restric- tions "in Mustang Meadows Subdivi.sion; to request that they ; � make a study of the motion (of Sept. 10) to see that all ; re.quirements are met. If not� they are to return the plat to ' ,_ the Counci 1 . � Second� Zeitler Vote: FOR (4) Zeit1er� Baker.� Lowe� Patton AGAINST (3) Windler� Gonza�ez,; Haken . MOTION CARRIED 2. Crown Central Petrol�um Cor . -�Re ues�� for Dri1lin Permit - (#1 ) MOTION: (Windler) To approve the request contingent on their compliance � with requirem�ents of Ord. #187 for insurance and bonds. Second: Haken Vote; Unanimous ,FO.R ; M01'ION CARRIED � i,: , __ ----------- -----_------------------ - ------ --- ----------------- ---- -- - ------ - -- --------- -- -- -- - t� � Mr, Morgan notified Counci1 that Mr: C1yde Raney has agreed to serve in the capacity of Inspector urider the Ord.. #178 tempora.ri1y unti1 a permanent arrangement`can� be made by. the City. 3. Briarmeadaw Draina e � Mr. Roy Brown:ask�d .that the. City comp1ete the drainage project started ear1y �his year.in this area. .Mr, Morgan said that the work can be done, by hiring a hydraulic back-hoe for three days � at an approximate cost of $528 to do this work. MOTION: (Gonzalez) To authori�e the City Manager to. procure equipment � necessar.y to complete the .draYnage project in Briarmeadow. , Second: Zeitler � � Vote: FOR (6) Lowe� Zeitler� Haken, Gonzalez� Patton� Windler AGAINST: none � Abstaining: (1 ) Baker ' MOTTON CARRI�D 4. Parks - Publicity - Mayor ,Lowe, i n answer to �a question posed by Councilman Gonzalez at the last meeting„ presented `and �had �read into the recvrd a transcript of �he meeti,ng with the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department in Austin on September 27A That portion of the transcript conc�rned with Friendswood's application is made a part of these minutes by attaching a copy hereto. 5, Quaker`s Landing - Citizens complaint regarding drainage and condition of Clearview Street - Several residents of Quaker's Landing asked that t e City take some act7on on these problems. Councilman Gonzalez gave a brief resume of a street pro ram he has been working on� and requested that next w�rkshop (October 22), be de.signated 'for. a study of street and drainage problems, , This was sb, agreed b,y Council , On request of . Counci1man Patton, Harry Granberry stated 'that the City could $� R�� sapport 1-1/2 to 1-3/,4 million dollar bond indebtedness at the time that the 1973 annexations go on the tax roll in January 1974. UNFINISHED BUSINESS . _ Bond Sale - Resolution #15-73 - Read in its entirety by tfie Fiscal Agent. � � 6 - . RESOLUTION -AUTHORIZING APPLICATION .TO THE TEXAS WAT�R p�VELOPM�NT � FUND AND THE TEXAS WATER QUALITY BOARQ TO PURGHAS� BONQS MOTION: (Patton) To 'adopt,.the reso1ution � Second: Baker . Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED � 0 eni n of Bi ds on Two New:�G:i;� �-;Ca:i�s - Bi ds opened and read as fo11 ows: 7' e second figure is for a second car, same specs except with an AM radio)' � 1st Car 2nd Car A.C. Collins Ford Inc. 3575.21 362 .42'^ Norm Livermore. Gulf Coast Dodge, Inc. � , 3438.92 3488.82 Jack Sollock Chrysler- Plymouth 3505,53 3555.43 Bud Brown Ford, Ltd. 7209:4:5�"��°�For both cars. No breakdown Bids were re�ferred to City Manager for recommendation to Council . ORDINAI�CES Ordinance No. 192 � Chan es to Zoning Ordinance #174 - Third and Final � ea in its entirety y Counc7 man a en � ' AN, ORdINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE N0. 174 WHEREIN RULES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNTNG ZONING ARE SET FORTH;` CONCERNI[�G SPECIFIC USES, BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT.A SCHEDULE OF DISTRICT.REGULA.TIONS� MULTI-FAMILY RfSIDENCES; REPEALING ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE;, PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. MOTION: (Windler) To pass and finally adopt Ord, #192 Second: Haken Vote: FOR (6) Windler Haken, Lowe, Patton, Gonzalez, Baker AGAINST (1 ) Zeitler MOTION CARRIED ------------� � Ordinance #T�10-A -- S e�ific Use . Oil Well - Seeond Readin AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF�FRIENDSWOOD� TEXAS, AM�NDING ORDINANCE Np,: 1.74 .(ZONING ORDTNANCE); GRANTING .A SPECIFIC USE PERMIT FOR OIL WELL DRILL:TNG, AND �RELATED STRUCTURES BY. THE CRQWN CENTRAL PETROLEUM CORPORATION; ACCEPTING AND ADOPTING THE FINDINGS,OF THE PLANNINC ANp ZONING' COMMISSION. � MOTION: �(Patton.) To�;approve first reading of Ord: #T-10-A Sec" n : Zeit1er. � . ... .. :... . ..._._.. _.._. _ ..... . . --•--' Vote; Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED Ord�n�nce #T-10-B - Abandonin Stree� (Dr. Boone - Second Readin AN ORDINANCE MAKING CERTAIN FINDINGS; VACATING�. ABANDONING AND CLOSING STR��TS dEDICATED FOR PUBLIC PURPOSES WITHIN THE CITY OF FRIENDS�IOOD LOCATED ON PROPERTY OWNED BY C. BOONEr PURSUANT TO HIS PETITION TO P�AYOR AND�,COUNCIL. • : � , . , � MOTION: (Zeitler) To approve second reading of Ord. #T-10-B � Second� Baker , � Vote: Unanimous FOR - MOTiON CARRIED � � � Ordinance #T�10-C - Sto Signs (Su ereeded #145 --� First Readin At� ,ORQTNANCE MAKIN� CERTAIN FZNDINGS;, DESIGNATING PLA.CEMENT OF STOP SIGf�S A1' CERTAIN INTERSECTIONS; PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR VIOLATION; PROVIpING A SEV�RANCE CCAl1SE; MOTIO[�� .(Haken) To approve first reading of Ord. #T�10-G Second: Patton Vote; Unan.imous FOR MOTION CARRIED , i � i ' Ordinance #T-10-D-- Or�e-Wa ��Streets'� (Stadium) , - �First Reading 1 � � � ���" AN ORDINANC� DESJCNATING GARDEN DRIVE AND STADIIJM DRIVE .ONE�WAY ' STR��TS RETWEEN THE HOURS QFF'ICIALLY POST�D ON SCHOOL DAYS ONLYa S�TTING TH� SP��Q CIMIT OF:-TWENTY ; (2Q) MIL�S PER HOUR DURING THE A�OV� M�NTIONEQ TZM� P�RIODS; DIR�CTTNG THE CHIEF OF POL.ICE TO ERECT SIGNS SO DESIGNATING� AND �PROVIDING SEV�RABILITY ANp P�NALT�I CLAUSES, MOTION. �(Haken) To approve first'r�ading of Ord. #T-�10�D Se�ond; Patton - llot�: Unanimous FOR MOTZON CARRI�p Ordinan�e #T�-1Q-E - One Wa Str��t (Wi11ow1ck� � First Readin AI� ORQINANC� R�VISING SCHOOI. zONE P�R�R�fETERS AND D�SIG�IATING WILLOWICK AV�NUE ON��WAY STR��T DURING' THE SCHOOL ZONE HOURS,,, AS - "OFF•-ICIALLY POSTED„ SCHOOL DAYS9 PROVIDIN� PENALTIES FOR ALL VIOLATIONS� MOTTONb (Haken) To approve firs� reading of Ord. #T-10-D Secon : Patton Vote; Unanimous FOR MOTiON CARRIED Ordinance #T-10-F - One wa str�et (Laure1 S re�ding Oaks) � First Re�ding AN ORpZNANC� D�SZGNATING LAUR�L` DRIV�, SPREADING OAKS AVENUE„ AND , � WOODLAWN DR.IIl� ON� WAY STR�ETS BETG�EEN :THE HOURS OFFICIALLY POSTED ___. 01� SCHOOL DAYS� SETTING THE SPEED LIMIT OF TWENTY (20) MILES PER HOUR QURING THE ABOVE MENTIONED TIME PEaIOD ANQ PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY CL'AUSE. MOT-ION� (Haken) To approve first reading of Ord, #T�10-F Second: Pa.ttan . Vote� ,Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED _.....- ; --- _----- --- - -- -------- _.. -- ----- -- ------- ---- - —- --------- -- - —------ e� ', ---- --- Ordinanee #T-10-H '- Inc.reasing wa�er: .r�tss y First Reading At� ORDINANCE MAKING CERTAIN ,FZNp:[NGS�.`�STA�LISHII�G 4�AT�R RATES INSIDE ANQ OUTSZD� TH� CZTY L;'ZMT?S OF" FRx�NQS�[O�D, �T�XAS;' R�P�ALII�G ALI: OTH�R ORpINA�yC� PROVZSIONS "IN CONF�TGT HEaEWITH` ' � , , , Councilman Patton moved. to'pass `this ordinance on first reading with a change from $5;QO to $4.50 per uni� on trai1ers and apar�mentsp but wi�hdrew the motion" upon decision of Counci� �o � � c� � , .�Me�a �-��e�,ps t ���- �r��-,,yr�efi�- ,' , i Ordil�ance #T-10-I - Increase irt Sewer Rates '- F9rst Readin AN ORDINANCE MAKING C�RTAIN FIIVQTIVGS; `-ESTASI,ISHING SEW�R .�SERVIC� RAT��. INSID� ANQ OUTSID� THE CITY L`IMITS OF FRI�NQSWOOQ� TEXASA � R�PEAL.ING ALL OTFIER'ORQ��iAN��"PROVI`SI`0(VS' "TN CONFL'ICT HER�WITH. 'MOTI-4N-�- ,;,(Zeitler) Totiapp°rove first reading. of Ord. #T-10-I Second: Patton Vote= Unanimous �FOR�� " MOTIQN:CARRIED � ` "Ordinance #T-10=J -'Fire Protect�on char e'=� �First R�adin � AI� �O�DINANCE PROVIDtNG FOR A CHaRG� 'TO BE LEVI�Q AGAINST �ACH QWELLING UNIT IN THE CITY �OFyFRTENDSW00D'USING""CITY WATER AND/OR SEWER SERVICE; S�TTING�THE �AMOUNT p�`THE'`�CNARGE' AT� OI�E�qOL'LAR ($1 ;00) PER MONTH PER DWELLING 'UNTT; IpENTIFYING SAID'GHNRGE`�AS A `"FtR� PROTECTIOfV CHARGE"; �IMITING THE PERIOD OF� TIME 'FOR SUCH 'LEVY TO SEPTEMB�R 30,� 1974; �ROVIDI.�G THAT PRYMENT TH�f�EOF SHALL``BE'."A PREREQUISITE TO CONTINUED ° WATER AND` SE�IER�`SERVICE9 PROVIDING THAT BILLING AND COLtECTION TH�R�OF SHALL BE DONE THROUGH TH� CITY WATER"A�ID SEI�ER DEPARTMENT'S R�GULAR" B'ICLING'` CYCI.E, ' ' i _� �, MOTION� (Windler) To'approve `firs't. rea,ding .of Ord. #T-10-J , ; Second� Qaker ; -Vote. Unanimous FOR: MOTTON GARRIEp � - Ordinance #T-10=K - Appropriation°. $°94„000 - First Reading �� AN ORDIIVANC� MAKING CERTAIN :FINDINGS� ApPROPR'IATING $94,Q00 PLUS INTER�ST FOR R�PAYM�NT �OF A D�BT� TO, FRIENDSWOOD BANK FROM UNAPPRO-. PRIAT�Q FUNDSp AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAG�R TO TAK� TH� N�C�SSARY , ST�PS T0 R�PAY TH� NO��, ' MOTION: (Zeitler) To approve first 'rea�ing of Ord. #T-10-K Second: Baker Vote. FOR (5) Lowe� Zeitler,� Baker,� Haken� Pat�on � �AGAINST (2) '�IindTer��'Gon��a1�ez:� ;. . ' -. � MOTION �CARRIED RESOLUTIOf� #16-73 - Read in its entiret b Narr, Granberr � Bond Sale A Resolution Authorizing the �'7scaT Agent to sell City ,of Friendswood C�ra:%i{r�age Improvement Bonds in the amount of $100�,000. Mr. Granberry stated that he expects to have the money in the bank by November T.5. MOTION: (Patton) For adoption� of Resolution #16-73 Secand:; Zeit�er . . �. Vot�h Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED � � - -- �' �T-- NEW BUSINESS 1 , Pearland�Friendswood A,�r�ee_�me�_nt� re water.; ar�d- sew�r s.ervice in �oundary ar�asp w ic is renewab1e annuaT1y af�sr n�g�tia�ion betwe�n t�e two cities; was pr�s�n��d .for apprava�` . by. the Goun�il ; MOTION. (Zei.tler} To approve. �,he agreement as presented; Secon : F�attan � , .. � � � Vote» Unanimaus FOR - � � MOTION �,GARRIED. : _ �; � ...� � � ��--� � 2, Ci t, P1a - Use b Chamber of Commerce = .U �dati ncr�b Mr� Tom Grace Mr� Tom Grace has offered �o up-date t e transparency of°� e city map if the Chamber of Commerce is a11owed ta use it' as a distribution item. Coun�ci1man ��stated tha� s"ince this � is consider�d to be the ��'1��� offi ci;al ci ty map,, he woul d be opposed to any s ubdi vi si on not a1 ready a p p r o u e d t o b e s hown°. T he 'Counci.l agree d: � � h90TI0f�. (Zeitler) Ta a'llow the Ci.�y��-Se.cretary::to. pro���dt.on a course � to allow Mr., Grace to do the map work. under the �abov� condition � and providing the� City receives forma1 request from the Chamber �„ of Commerce �for use of the map: � � Second: Patton. G� Vote� Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED � • � 3, Sewa e Treatment Faci 1 i ti es -� Pub l,�i c Hear.�ng on Envi ronme�lta1 Im act Mr, Margan recommended Novem er 26�as .,time y for . o ding � is me�ting and asked Cauncil 's authorization ta ca11 same�, as requared for grant purposes . - =k'-i`:il`:�:�:.;i�� . MOTION: : (F�atton) To ca11 a pub1ic hearing' on �h� enyironmental �mpact � of the proposed�sew�r .facilities for Noverr�er �6� and to authorize the Gity Manager.�o advertise this fact, ; � Second: Zeitler 1 Vo�e: Unanimous FOR- MOTION� CARRIEQ ,, ��.,._,...J . .. � . 4, En ineerin. Firm for Sewa e Treatment Facilities - Mr. Margan s�a�ed tha� after many interviews e and Mr: Somers� feel t .at Engineering Science of Texasr Inc.� located in Cle�r Lake City� are best qua1ified :to serve the City for this purposeg an� recommend�d ��iat'Counci�l approve the firm. MOTION� ,(Zeitler) To �accep� recommendation of the Ci�y Manager to � � retain. Enginesri.ng Science of T�xas_� Znc,s ,and to confirm the t�rmination of any existing con�rac� with Wa1s� Engineering. Second: Haken Vo�e:, Unanimous � CounciT concurred with r�ques� of Counci1man Windler that Mr. Morgan get s�pi as of a11 drawi ngs whi ch have ,beer� made by Wa1 sh Engi neeri ng for�=:the Ci�y under this contract. WARRA�iTS MOTIOf�: (Windler) To approve for �aymen� �[arrants (G&A) numbers 3429� 3430g � 3531„ 3432� 3433,� 3434� and'3495. Second: Baker Vote� Unanimous FOR MOTION .CARRIEQ MOTION� (Wind�er) To apprnve .Construction Fund.Warran� No, 136 ; � Secon M Nak�n � . .___.� Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIE� MOTZONa (Windler) To approve for payment �1&0 Warran�s numbers 1911�, 1912� and 1987. Second: Hakerc Votea lJnanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED CHARTER R�VIEW COMMITTEE - WitFr, concurrenee of Gounci��E� Mayor l,aw� read t e fo owin� names we r�ad as the appaint�es to tkte Charter R�view • • Committee: T----T--- ---- -- -- �-; --- — --- --- -----_--- � �.: Mr, E. Bob Stewart Dr. I�i 11 i am P. Jones � Mr. i�oren Wood . Mr: Gary Ta1iaferro ' - � Mrs. Ruth Preng1e Mr. Narry Van Wagner AD�OURNM�NT - Motion made and seconded �hat the meeting adjourn, The f- me�ting was adjourned. � , � � , . , � � ,. .. � ' � , , . Tc. �� �' , - Bobbie C. Henry� C' y Secretary APPROVEQ: � �� . �-��-�Q. Mayor a p L. Lowe � � � � � � . i' � , � � i � ,��; ;ti� �;,�:s e,; . . . � � 1� ' . � . � � �`. � � � � : � � � 2 � � , � , � _ 3 < < �; e�-. � . 4 �. � FARKS AND WILDLIFE COMMISS�ON OF TEXAS. ' ,.�n���k: :$ 4 ��. � , . �� ' ' t . :r�.� 5. � ��sx, � - � . PUBLrC MEETING � .. . �:�:� .� ���. � ;.3.�^ �: 6 September 27 , 1973 - 9: 00 A.M. �. ��"; � 4, � � , John H.. Reagar� Bui.lding, Room 105 . . � ... �,� ,���� � $ Aus tin , Texas " , `:.n�. ��� �r��` . r�*3� � 9 �y�, � �,;�� � ��"y;,� 70 �E:;�;�,:� � • , _�6y"� �� . r 11 � ' _, PROCEEDINGS .RE AGENDA ITEI� N0. 8 , THE ' 12 - ; LOC AL B . 0. R. PR03]�CTS %'.K - 13 t � � � . 14 , . �3 . ii � 15 ' E ' 16 ;..� � , ..:' �� �`� �s �:q�s,..,,, `�s��; � 17 . . . _. :;�z:,� .. -- �: '; r;�[�:�a� �fi:�. {t� 7p q'�;i '4� 1 O . . . ' ' . . . . .d,i�.;,' . . , . . . . , �s�;. � . .. ' ,. 7; `4 ��;',� �9 . ',� , � �'� ��' - 20 � . „�''4;.;� ���; 21 �'1 z:z �R .. . . ,. ' , �(.:.S �;p'G ' �� !.J ,' . . � . . . . , .��r��.c� �. Rf.C�a�ds . 2q � Court Repar��:r � Dallas Coun�y C�urthouse � 25 Dallas , Texas 75242 , . � � . ._ . �� � — - _ �•,:. - � �1 1 CHAI RMt�N S TUNE : Th e mo t i o n �..s ma d e b y . , 2 Comma.ss�.c�ne�r Burl�son and seconded by Commissi.on�r ; 3 Ful�tan� :Cs there any further discussa.on? � -- - : 4 (There was no r�spons� , {by th� Commis s�.onexs . 5 � � � � I believe �hat we do Lzave some peo�a�e 6 � h�re from �'riendswc�od who would like to make a state- � rnent . I 'v� se�n a number of ��qussts here of �eaple 8 . � . who wouZ� la�ke t� ��ke a statemF�nt , and I woulc3 9 sugg�s� that yau get one spak�sman: and nlake a short lo ' � ��a�e�nen� , a.f you would, pl�ase , ' 11 � MP. R�,LPH L . LfJWE : Mr. Cha�rrnan, I ' 12 - am tk�e Mayor o� Fra.endswood, and T wc�uld l�.ke to znake �3 , ` ; a s�a�ennenta bu�t if we have anyone from Friendsws�od 14 � ° � who would 1.ike to make a n�gati�re statement �bout ,_ �� � ' our pro�osed park, � tk�z.nk I wou�.d la�ke to defer tc� 16 . thern i� such persans are hera . 17 ° ' CH��I:EtMAN ST�NE : .��1 right � t�re th�:r� 18 . any ne�a��.ve respon�es to the park at Friendswood? 19 Come farward, sir . 20 , � MR, HUTi�HI1�GS ; M�r nazne i.� t'�rtl�u� R. 21 . Hutcha�ngs , a ca.ti��n �►�' Fx�iends�wood. , 22 � ]; am h�r� re�res�nting a �rou� o� 23 i.ntc�rPSt�d ca..�izens who have som� very ser�ous doubts 24 ' abou.t the �ropvsed p�.rk 1oca�ion, and wa.tti�° your � 25 _ ... ,.:._... ,� .-. . _...,. .. - - . �--.:._..,_.. _.. -,�, :�. ' . .. . , . r . �,... ,_..��..__�.._.�.,., "*:Y� I2 � . � 1 perm�ssa.on� Gentlemen, � would lz.ke to enumerate �hat . ` 2 I xeal�.ze �ha#; g�tta.ng a�nvolv�d xn town a.n-fi.gk�ting ` ; 3 a,s nc�t your responsiba,�ity , or at least I would - � ,.. _ � � �mag�.ne; but using and plac i.ng the funds for the 5 ma�imum benefit far the common good is , This park : 6 sa.te a.s n+�t far the common g�aod. ; 7 About �he a.n-fight�.ng _- the Counc �.1 � e wants tha�s 1oca��.on. Th� people don'�.t . Z �resent � � 9 to qou a h�adT.ine frozn our 1ocaT. Jaurnal. . ' ` 10 CHAIRMAN STONE :• WAUId you like to >> r�ad the headline? ' - �2 MR. HUTCHINGS � °'Council Crams Parks , r � l3 Down Our Throats � " � 14 � must say i.t ' s very �ravacat�.ve . � �g Okay . Why do certain people ori the 16 Counc�.1 want the 1oca��.on? We11 , a.t ' s my belief it " s �� beeause �here are �Gwo acres next ta the pa�k site �8 wh�.cl� is earmarked for a new City Ha11 or shoce place . 1g I would say that ' s the pr�me motivation. � 20 I served on the Park Commiteee , and i.t 21 cansisteda r�a11q , af one loos� mee��.ng to di.scuss 22 the proposed site . We received a proI.ogue from the 23 Mayor hQping that we wauld just fa11 �n ].ine on this '1g i?��,�ca�.�c�f� ��i:.�e* . Y)��r�n�; �h� m����.��, th��� �c���.l �r 25 wasn' t any cance�n for the conc��t of gre�n spa�e , � — - � -- -- ___ - — — --- --- -- ----- - - "'��_F � a � � : �; � ;s�;. ,, �..� ' 1 ma.ni-parks �-T th�.s was a�1 swept away . We were , 2 5o1�1y d:�rected �o �ero �.n can th�.s one s �.te , �, 3 �f anything, the park really is. not a - q fiun�t�onal. locatzon, or t�he propo.sed park. It is on •5 Farztx-�t�--Market Road 518 a.n F�iendswood. That � s ° b Fri.endswood ' s main artery , and it ' s not suited fo� 7 �hi.l.dren an ba.cycles . I� ` s �retty much beyond the g poa.nt -- where �he park is , it becomes pretty much ° g of a s�eedway ; and chaLl.dren An bz,cyeles just don' t �p have �aod egress and ingress . � , . �� I ' �.�. show you on thi.s topograph�.cal , �2 map , �t ' s a 1ittl.e hard to see , but T ' 1Z give you � , 13 an i,d�a of where �.t a.s . (Indicata�ng) '�'his is rq , Fra�endszaood' s mai.n artery going fram -� this would _ . 1S b� Hpuston aver tha.s way , and this i.s goa.ng out . 16 This is the main section of town here , ar�d out here 17 �.s the . park location; and as you can see , th�.s is tg the pra.me road . You wi11� al.so natice that there 79 reall.y �sn' t any. clustering around here . In �act , 20 t.E�ere is on].y one road com�.ng in from thi.s park �that ' s 21 already a�n e�i.stence , r�ght there , The concept was ` 22 ta C�e �hese t�aa a.n togethex. And this , of course ; �3 �.s th� 1.ocata.on for the proposed City Ha11 . _. 24 S� ,� ust . to �e�.���a�� , . �k�c� �a�ar�C �.ran.c��t:. �'� 25 �,s really not ta the b�st advantag� for th� eitizens � � - --- - --- -- — t r �_ . � 1:4 � � , 1 a�' Friendswood, and the c�t�.zens , contrary to popular : "' 2 b�la.e.f , da knc�w what they want . They voted a.t down . k ti � 3 twic� �.n s�x months , one time in March and one time , . . , 4 in August . Obva�ousl.y , the Counca.l doesn' t feel that � 5 the citizens know wha� they taan� , so they are goa.ng 6 to c�.rcumvent th� bond issue and use �unds that 4 ; 7 pra.mar�.ly �ome from a sewer fund from Farest Bendo �. f 8 Tt ' s the �ee�ing of many citi.zens in � 9 Friendswood that we have many more crucial rieeds . ; 10 It ' s no� �hat w� are opposed to parks �or chi.ldren, � 1� but w� have other thi.ngs that� take top prior�.ty . � 12 So as a concerned taxpayer and a votex � 13 of �'r�.�ndswood, I respectfully requas�C that you deny � ' 14 , the grant fo�r the matching funds for the propased � � . -- ` 15 c�.ty park at 57.8 and Wi.ndi�ng �,Tay , Thank you, 16 COMMISSIONER BURLESON : Let rne ask yau _ 17 a ques��on or two to sata.s�y mysel.f here , s�.ne� I t8 made Ghe motion a.n the f�.rst place. Has th�.s property 19 already been bou�ht? Has the money already b�en s��z�t � � 2o v�n �.t? � � - � 21 ' MR� HUTCHINGS : There �.s earn�s� n�aney 22 dcawn. As � understand, there a.s a �housand dollars ' 2,3 ' c�ar.n��� mnn�y i.r� �n��.ci.����.an af �Ptti.ng r_h� �r.a��� . ; . ; 24 �UMG��.SS�t�NER BUR�'.�ESt)�1, �� _,�h�.� Rr 7(�t) � 25 and some odd thcausand has nat a].ready been spent on ; ; � � ,� ...... ..�._._ ._.�.._�. -.,,.. _ . - -- - e ' 1S � , � 1 the thi.ng, tk�en? It hasn' t been paid over to the 3_ i � 2 owner of �(�e �aroperty? , 3 MR. HUTCHTNGS : No . Fra,endswood ' s __ 4 request , a.f � have the f�.gures correct -- the pr�.ce ; 5 xs $96 ,000 w�th $48 , qQ0 our part�.cipation and the = 6 balan�� from the grant . : 7 COMMISSTONER BURLESON: T though� ' 8 t�er� was $700 , 000, ' , , . 9 COMMISSIONER GREEN : No , tha� �.s the t0 Beaumont , Che Beaumont park site . . 11 COMMISSIONER BURLESON: Oh, I got � 12 thezn con�used. Qkay , Friendswood . T got them z 13 �on�us�d. T was thinking that ' s two da.fferent tha.ngs . � 14 But the land has not yet been bought � � � �. �g �hen? � 1b MRa HUTCHTNGS : No , si.r, and the money t7 that th� Counca.l proposes to use to c�.rcumvent �he � ts bond �1ecfi�.on money, which the peopl.e have earlier 1g turned down twice , a.s com�ng ou� of a fund Forest 20 Bend pays ta Fr�.endswc�od t� process its sewer. Of � 21 course , we have many more probl�ms . TnTe have bad k � � 22 �oad� , and so forth. . . 23 ' CHAZRMAN STONE : Are there any further �' 2�t ��u�����.a�� �a��n� ���� �z��xnFa�r� c�1° Cl�� �onz��� ;��:��c�aa'� � � 25 ' � � _- . . . ... , - � _ �., .s . � .�. _,_...,... ... -...F.. — - -__._____—._.. . _._�.._�..__.__,_._.r�-- , . _,.._�>�; � 16 � • � � �OMMISSIONER BURLESON: I . dan' t have � 2 any moxeA � ;� . .� � �' � 3 CHAIRMAN STONE: Thank you v�ry much � � � , -- 4 Mayor Lowe , would you care to rnake a � � 5 statement? Sta�e yaur name . � -- 6 M�YOR LOWE : My name is Ra1ph L. Lowe , 7 T ana the T�aypr of the C�.ty of F�iendswood . I would. , 8 �,a.ke �o thank the Comma.ssi.on for k�ea�ra.ng us here � . i 7 , � 9 today , and I wou].d l�.ke to co�nment on the work of � 10 �he s:�aff in he7.ping Fra��ndswood make this presenta- � ti ta.on and our vrk . �•. w . ' 12 I would �ike to s�ate that Friendswood , � � j 13 la�ke many sma�.l communa,ti.es , has many , many problems , �$ 14 and , c�rtaa.nly ; s�reets �s one of �t:ham. Thi.s happen� r: , �5 to be our budget tha.t w� are current�.y' �woxking an. 16 Tt shaws a balance at the end o� �ctober l , �.973 , of � t7 $20Q � 00 , show�.ng how c�.ose we' haue to worlc witk� our 18 dol�.ars in Fri.endswood . �We are fortunate to have 19 many , many volunteers to help us zn da..fferent proj ects 2o While i.t is trus that the �.ssue ta buy 21 the park land was put up to the people twi.ce and they � 1 z2 turnad it down twa.ce , �.t didn' t sol�e any prol�lems 1 , � 23 and �.t didn' t make any ki.ds gn away or e1�m�.ziat� �Ch� � 24 C�.ty ' s responsa.bilxty� _ The elect�.on that fax.l..ed an � � � 25 Ma.rch 7.7th says '$130 , 000 tax bonds to buy park land. " �. - ... . .. . .. .... . - -,_..._.. ._ ......__.__-- - - ;. , _ - -- ��._,�._...�.�:��...w.m�. �: � � �.7 � , � � The electio� that fai.�.ed on August ll.th says "$ 50 , 000 ,• � 2 park Bcands . " T� �s quite evident �hat the peaple of � . } :" 3 � ± Frie�:dswood do �ot ��rit ta buy park land or� twenty : _' _ 1 4 to tw�r��y-five qe�r payment p].ans , This we can under- � � l. 5 stand� It ' s �1.1 over the Nation this way. Neverthe- � 6 l+�ss �he roblez� o� ac uiri arks f r � a } A � q ng. p o x p3.d�.y d � � ga�vw3.ng ci.�i�s �.� a questi.on t1na� sti.11 confronts the � 8 e�,�cted offici�ls of the �ity of F�ieridswood and ma�,y'' 9 c�thear ci�ies . � i j� I wc��ld like ta �submit the Minutes o£ � f 17 th� City Caunc3.�. m�eting of Sep�embez �,.Oth wherein the I � � 12 C4u�c3.�. vo�ed five to �wo to purchase the park. I Y �3 wcauld �.il�e to aubm3.t a le�ter frorn ttie City Attorney �. i 14 th�at states tha� �he me�hod of purchasir�g the park is �c � 'i� a �.egal t��n.sactiant If x �nay, Z ' 1.�, submit this to 16 the C�mzuissi�n , � » CHATRMAN STONE: You car� submit it as � 18 a matter of record for the� Commission mee�ing : � �9 MAYOR LOWE; Thank you very much � 20 I would lik� to give you a popu�a�ion 21 an�tici.pated gr,own �.r�crease for the Ca.ty of Frien�ds- 22 woo� from the Gulf Coast Wast Disposal Authority dated ; 23 August 15 , 1.973 , wk�erein i� says �hat this year w� 24 have 7 ,5L10 pepp�.e� Tn 1975 w� ra�,l�. k��ve 1� , 70Q ; i,ra 2s �,9$0 - 25 , 70Q ; in 1.990 - 64, Q00 people, and, J � _- � � � ...: ..� : -- - -- ---- - - - -- _..�, � 1$ � 1 u1t�.matelg , 90 , 000 people a.n 14 square miles: ! i 2 Duxi��.g th� year ],973 we started off ; . , 4 ' 3 w�.th 31 acres of park, 21 acres belong�.ng �o the ; � � - --- � 4 Ca.ty and 10 a�res a gift to be used. When the people � , i 5 vated d�wn �h� fi.rs� bond electa.on, the own�r decided � � b to se11 th� �rraperty � It was used by the Little � rs and the various football teams � 7 L�ague Ual�. playe � ; 8 So �the G�.ty went baekward�s ten acres �.n this year, � € � 9 1.973 , Wa.th �Che mamm.outh increase caused by �he � � � 10 prox�.ma.ty of Houston, and the �xceptionally £xne �1� sta�us ��' the Friendswood schoolsa our growth �.s just ' �2 phenomen.�1 . As all. o�' you know, when people move 1 T 13 i.ntca an area , you wait a year before qou callect any ? 14 �ax dollars . This ereates mammouth prab],ems for , , 15 small c�.ties s Th�.s a.s why you have grant programs . 16 I have here , and I wan° t subm�,t them I � 17 unless I am ask�d ta -- 1 =have here letters from the 18 Park Gommit�Gee �hat Mr. Hutchin�s was on. This 19 Committee wxofie up a � Letter asking us to buy th�.s 20 park. Tk�e �a.me fo�c Mr. Hutcha.ngs to obj ect was � 21 wa.t(�in his comm�tte� , in mq opinion, Nevertheless , 22 ��.�.s camm��tee said, "Buy the park, " ' 23 We checked with the grant coordinator 4 24 o:C �alve�ton County . H� sa�.d , „�3uy Ct�� pa�k, �, W� � 25 ch�cked wa.tk� Mr. John L�.vXngstnn. who l.00ked at the � � . . ...... _.., .. .-�,. ... - - - - - — - ---- — - .. , ..._ , - - ,...n.:,wa 19 t a�k��.eta.c a�.d recreational program for Fr�.endswnod . 2 He �.s. on your sta£f, and he sa�.d, "Buy the park, '" . 3 We have letters her� fzom the Racc�uet ° - - 4 C1ub of Fxa�endswood represent3.ng fi£ty families . We 5 li�.ve 1ett�rs from th� President of the Litt�.e Leagu� g ��ac�C[���1.1. C'.luk� , r.�presen:tin� 2S0 fami.li�s ; �he 7 �'res�.dent o� the Chief ' s A11 Play Foo�tball League -- 8 3.t dnesn' � say how many b'oys are p1ay�.ng , bu.t �.t ' s � 9 up in the hundreds . We have a Ietter from the 10 P�esident of the Baseball Associa��.an that fa�ve years 11 ago h�.d s�.x�y-f�.ve boys a.n that pragram, and they ' riow ' 12 have 70Q boys i.n their program. r 13 The park l.and s itua.tion �.n Fr��ndswood 14 is acut� . I� ' s unfortunate --- it ` s an unfortun.ate � , , , 15 si.tua��.on that we can' t buy a si.t� o� 'ground that 16 ev�aryone endorses L00 per cent ; but we bel.ieve thxs � 17 wooded park land �s an �.deal pT�ace for the City -�- 1s a1.1 these peop�� say �.t i.s , but �.t isn ' t 10C1 per cent . i� Sa we ask you to recogn�.z� �he fac� that �ven thaugh ' 2o t�e bond a.ssue fai.led, we waul.d like far you to ' 21 support th� p�.an, 22 One cather �.�em a�.d I ' 11 close , �.nd that 23 is �his : On June 11 throu�h �he 14th, the Ci,ty of 2� L'+"r:ic�nr.��wc��a<:t ��x.f°�� ���c� �.�t a_�-�c�.Ia���� +��' �:�,�i� wl�.�.�I�� �������e�<1, �`. 25 $�. m�.1.l.�.on dollars 3.n damage . Previous ta this ther� . � � .... �,:.:: . _. - - - - -- — ---- ------- - . , . . . -.._.-�.,.... . . : - � Zo 1 i�as an el.ection by the people fc�r a draina�e tax , � 2 and �h� people turned �.t down, Now, they voted tk�e ,, � 3 dra�,nage ta� down, but �hey d�dn' t vote the problem ..� . , ^ 4 awaq � It st�.l.1 exi�sts . I� I took �he pos3.t�on 5 s�.nce th� p�ople voted the park l.and down, . that ;th� , 6 C3.ty no longer ;.had an obl�.ga�ic�n, T� cou�.d �asa.ly �ake 7 that posi.tian wa.th dra�nage. Ins�ead , I have ra�.sed , 8 accorc�ing to �he Houst+an 'Post of September 2.5 ; I973 , �� 9 tha.s past Tuesday , $187 , 000 of outsi.de funds to be „ �o poured a�n�o Fra.endswood to help us witE� our drai�nage >> prablems � I� ' s about a $3 million problem, and this . � 72 a.s only a star� . But the pa�.nt is �hat �just because T 13 �eople vo�� bond a,ssu�s do�an, it does� .not solve tk�e �� 14 pr+ab�.ems , and mayors do have the responsi.bility o� r � __ 15 so1�r�.ng the problems w�thin thei.r city ; and we are 16 daing �he best w� can, � 17 Thank yau very� much. , 1g CH�.IRMAN STON� : Thank you very much, � ul I.ik �o a tha.s on to the � 19 Mayor , and we wo d e p ss 2o g.en�ral. public , tilat when th�se problems are presen.ted j 21 to our staff , theg� ar� presented by the elected 22 offz.cials o� t�� county or the elecfied affa.ci.a�.s of ? 23 �L�� ci�t,y ; anc� these , we feel 1ikc� , are th� repres�nta- ti i � . � 24 �a�v�� o� the ma� ora.ty o� the peapl.c� i,n that part�.cu�.ar �� � . . �, 25 ca.ty , They are taken on that basis and approved or � r: � „a; - .,,,:�,<....:.. . ............: ._ .. -.... ._ _ --- . 21 � � � disapprov�d on. the recommendations -- on the mera,ts 2 af the project , of cours� , but , a�.so , it has to be � 3 apP�oved by the c�.ty or the county. We feel, like , ��' . � �. � � �--� � 4 �,n the case o� Friendswood, �ha� you, Mayar; and the 5 memb�rs af the Comm�.ss 'ion or Councxl. are the duly 6 elected repr�sentat3.ves o� the �eople. I ` m sure that 7 thi.s probably wa.11 be set�I.ed at the po1�.s . I wouldn ' 8 doubt too much in that respect ; bu� as it stands now'', 9 you are �he duly elect�d representative af the people , ' lo and that " s the� way �hat we ba�e the approval or 11 disapproval �rom the staff level a.n regard to the ” , 12 var�ous pro� ects . . � r .. �� Do any of the m.embers of fihe Cornmission i � 14 have anytha.ng to say in regard to �t�i.s matter? � ��: , » CpMMIS�IONEl� BURLESON; ' I made a mot�.on 16 on xt , and I ' T1 stand by my motion. �7 COt��'IISSIONER JnHN50N; As � understand � 1g a.�, Mr. Kopp , this grant ox appl.icata.on does meet 19 a11 �he requa.remen�ks of the Statu�e and a11 our rul.es 2o and regulat�.ons , complies w�,th the plan and aZ1 that? 21 MR, KOPP: Yes ; si.r. 22 � CHAI RMAN STONE ; Thank you v�ry much . 23 MAYOR L4W� : Thank you, s�.r. We :21 u����a�eK�:�,�i�� ai.�; � � � �� 25 CHAIRMAN STONE : Is there any further i � � :�,u�.,�,,,.,. . . ,.� - - -- - - ,... --- .,},; �.�.:,..,.�„ ,, ,.... ... .. , . � . . , . . ,,... ,... ,. . ... . . , . . . ,.. . ,. . . .. . , 22. , ry�;t�, ,�dis�cussion� , . .. . . , . • . , � . � , . .,� ., . , (There was no response � � 4 � : �' � , , There bea.ng none , we wi1� vote on � the � � •� Imc�tion, AI1 those a.n, favor so si.gn�.fy by saya,ng "aye" °� - � , � CHt7RUS.e Ay�., „ \ ,& � CHAIRMAN STONE : Those opposed? � , . � f . (There was no response � � (The�, mot�.on was (unanimously adop�ed. 9 � , ,, , � � ..10. . 11 , - . . ' �� '� - ,: . . . .C � E R T I F T C A T E . 13 THE STA�E OF TEXAS _.. ) - , , , � �.. � � . , `��� CqUNTY� OF �D ALLAS� , . � . . � � �. � � :.� � , . _� . �5 Ta Janice M. R�.chards , a shorthand 'repor�er and Notary Public fn and for . D� 11as County, Texss , do " �� hereby certify . that the above and fozegoing .22 p�ges � - cant�ain a true . ar�d correc� transcript of the proceed- .. , �� i.ngs had re Agenda. Item �10 . 8 at the meering of the i parks and Wil.dlife Commission of Texas , in Austir� , . Texas , on the 27th day of September , 1973 . 18 � Wi�ness my hand on this .the lst day of - , , t9 Qctober , 1973 . . , , �n �„; , ,.� ��. .. � , �f' � ' -f /`c�,�...�..�..-�.�. . � ,r�.. ��.�..�..�,...� ,.= � �� _ � 21 � - ;'�. an ce . RLC ar s , �'�Notary Publie in a�d for ' z� Da�.1,�s County, Texas .. .,.r 23 . . „ �� � -. , . �.v,'.,,. � � � 25 � �.. � � � � � � �, �. , � � � � �, � ,�-�� . �