HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1973-10-01 Regular — ------------------ ��. MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETINC OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNGIL October l , 1973 A Regular Meeting of the Friendswood City Counc�l was held at 7:30 p,m, on Monday,> October 1 � 1973� at the City Ha11 . At the request of .the Fiscal ` � Agent„ at a point in the evening� this meeting was adjourned and a Special ' Meeting was called to act on the sa1e of recently voted bonds . The Regular �._--..�� Meeting then reconvened to comp1ete the regu1ar business. Present were; Mayor Ra1ph Lowe Councilman Ralph Gonzalez Councilman Mi1ton Windler Councilman R7cha.rd Haken Councilman Edward Zeitler Councilman Wi1liam Patton Councilman Benny� Baker � � With a quorum p.resent� and with none absent„ the following business was �' transactedz � � READING AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of Regular Meeting Sept. 10 - approved as corrected Minutes of Regular Meeting Sept, 17 � Returned to secretary for correction; to be: resubmitted for approval at next meeting Minutes of Special Meeting Sept. 24 - approved as corrected Minutes of Special P�eeting Sept: 27 �- approved as read ANNOUNCEMENTS & COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOR - Mayor Lowe reported that the i - � ba ance of the necessary papers for grant approval have been sent to the Parks & Wildlife Department. � He also read a letter which has been signed � by the present owners of the park land whi�h states: "In consideration of — previous concessions o�F the heirs� the City of Friendswood, acting through its Mayor� Ralph L, Lowe� agrees that: Should the City in its sole discretion determine to sell said pr.operty at any time during the two-year period ' following the date here,of„ the City will divide any profit rea1izedr over and above the current se1ling price paid by the City,� by paying one-half of said profit to the heirs of Vincent� Ear1 Stevenson. " Mayor Lowe stated that� in his opinion� such an agreement�would s�rve the City in the event the �50% grant should be aborted. The Counci1 asked that they be given copies of the letter to study before approving the Mayor's signing. P�TITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS - In regard ta the City Manager's proposed increase in water an sewer rates f�r apartmentsy Tony Banfield appeared to pro�est the amount of the increase and the 6asis for the increase, i ,e. to charge each unit as though it were a private residence rather than the complex as a commercial operation� notwithstanding occupancy or amount of facility use by the individual unit, MOTION (Windler) That we adopt the City Manager's recommendation with regard to'water and sewer ra�es for mu1ti-family dwe1lings with the provision establish.ing a factor ref1ecting the occupancy rate„ this factor to be determined every six months by review of the respective managers. � Second: Haken Vo�e,' FOR (5) Windlerx Haken„ Lowe� PattAn� Gonza1ez „_ ,y AGAINST (2) Baker� Zei�1er MOTION CARRI�D � The City .Attorney was instructed to write an ordinanee covering this increase REPORTS FROM SPECIAL AND STANDING COMMITTEES Rec clin - Councilman Zeitler made ,a report on present status of this program. Park Trees - Councilman Goir�za1ez asked when the trees are ta be set out at the Litt1e League Park. Counc�i1man Baker said the basebal1 people would �ike to complete earth work at the park before they plant the �rees, ,------ ------ ; . _ _" __ m.�.q�u,r_. _ _. __ '___'_"_'_-_______ -__-____"___ ____'_-___"- _ ..._____.____'-_"___ ' "'_______'_" MM :. . �'�: UNFINISHED BUSINESS BROKEN MATERIAL FROM FM 5�8 - Mayor'` Lowe proposed that the City try using the material broken up .from FM.'5�8 as cover for some �of the streets in Friendswood which are bad�y in` need of repa�r, He stated that Arden Hill who has a contract to haul thi$ mater.ial � away for Brown & Root� will haul and bull-doze the material out for a compensation of $576,00 _for an eight- hour day. One or two 1oads would tell. whether this will work, satisfactorily. MOTION: , (Windler) That CauncY.l autho�ize:the City Manager to proceed to expend funds for a sufficient test fot^ this pragramp and if ' found to be desirable� ,to recommend other places .where this � materia1 can be used. ` Second; Gonzalez Vot�; Unanimous FOR ' MOTTON CARRIED (This portion of the meetir�g�was ree.essed a�.10»20. Durir�g_ the recess the Special Meeting was called to or�er and the business at hand transacted, after which the Special Meeting was adjourned and the Regular Meeting re- convened as .fo1lows�.). READING OF ORDINANCE #187 - Oil and, Gas Drilling - Zn comp1iance with Charter requirements and in view .of the 1ength of this ordinance� the City Attorney was instructed to read the ordinance in its entirety while Council proceeded with other business, Citizens were invited to hear the reading if they so desired. BUDCET - The City Manager presented a.praposal ..ta make up :�th.e def.icit in the proposed budget (resulting. from late adoption) using the items he had presen�ed in the meeting` of Sep��mb,er. 24, After some discussion it was agreed to increase sewage treatment rates 50� per month per residence� excepting Forest Qend; to adjust water rates for apartments and mobile home parks as fallows: Minimum charge of $5.00 x Number of Units. Number of units multiplied. by 6„000 is covered by minimum charge. All over M�nimum @ 40�/1 �,000 gals,;;;� to adjust sewer charges for a�artments and .mobile; .home parks as follaws: ` , Two or more units on common tap: 1st two units '�;.$7,00 each; 3�10 units - $6.00 each; 11 on. more units - $5.00 each; � and`..�the levying of a $� .00 fee i for each household for �fire protection:. �. .. MOTION: (Windler) To �enter, into an agreement With Forest Bend to � leave �their sewer rate .at $3.00 per month. Second: Zeitler Votg: FOR UNANIMOUS � MOTION CARRIED s•.� � (NOTE; The exception for Forest Bend. resulted .from a fee1ing tha� .:the increase., in sewer rate, necessitated by 1a.te adoption .of the budge�p shau1d �not be imposed on these people who 1ive ou�si.de the. City. Mayor Lowe stated that he had a check for $2�OOa from U.S.' Homes and his, own pledge ��b:r• $1,,OOQ for the � tota1 $3�000 revenue this would have brought the City had Forest Bend not been exempted. ) � � f MOTION: (Windler) To adopt the Budget�as presented� with the stated � changes ` �Secondb .,Patton Vote: .Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIEQ � �<�� PARK PURCHASE - Ap.propri ati on.`Ordi nan�e -�``fi�o�;�over l oan for park purchase MOTION: . (Zeitler) To authorize the City Attorney to write„ and .the City Seeretary to post an ordinanee appropriating .$94�000 � from unappropriated funds to repay promissory note at bank. Second: Patton ' Vote» FOR_:(4) Pa�ton� .:L:awe, Haken, Baker AGAINST (2) Windler� Gonza1ez MQTION CARRI�D � SEWAGE TREATMENT PROGRAM �- Cit,y Manager Morgan reported that he and Ra�ph- Somers have besn interviewing engineering firms to work with them.on plans� and an effort to have a grar�t application to TWQB prior to November 1 . _._------- ---- _ �'�__ ORDINANCES Ordinance '#192f� After lst �eadin ��� had ��een tabled For 2nd Reading AN ORDINANCE �AMENDING '�RDINANGE N0,� 174 WHERETN RULES AND.- REGIJLATIONS GOVERNING. ZONING ARE SET FORTH; CONCERNING SPEGIFIC USES; BOARD'.OF ADJUSTMENT; SCHEDULE OF DISTRICT REGUL.ATTONS, MU�TI-FAMILY RESIDENGES; REPEALTNG ORDINANCES IN COIVFLICT HEREWITH; -- PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ' � MOTION; (Wind1er) To untabYe Or.dinance #192 ---' Second: Patton . Vote: FOR (6) Lowe� Baker� Haken� Windler, Gonzalez„ Patton A�AINST (1) Zeitler MOTION. CARRIED MOTION: (Windler) To approve second reading of Ord, #192 Second; Haken Vote» FOR (6) Lowe, Baker� Haken� Windler, Gonzalez� Patton AGAINST: (1) Zeitler - MQTIQI� CARRIED � Ord�nance #T-10-A � First Readin (S. ec.ific Use for dri1lin � Grown) � �" AN ORQINANCE �OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF `THE -CITY OF FRZEN�SWOOD, TEXAS, � AMENDING ORDINANC� N0. 174, (ZONING ORQINANCE)., GRANTING A SPECIFIC � � USE PERMIT FOR OIL W�LL .DRILLTNG AND RELATED STRUCTURES BY THE CROWN CENTRAL PETROLEUM CORPORATION; ACCEPTING AND ADOPTING THE FINDINGS OF THE PLANNING AND ZONING CQMMTSSTON MOTIQN: (Patton) To .approve .first 'r.eading of Ord. #T-�O-A Secon�: Windler '. � � . Vote. Unanimous FOR�: ` � MOTTON CARRI.�D Ordinance #'T-10-�B - First Read7,n.g� (Abandoning Road .for Dr. Boone � AN ORDINANCE MAKING GERTAI.N FINDINGS; VACATZNC,� ABANRONZNG,AND CLOSINC ; STREETS DEDICATED FOR PUBL,IC PURPOSES" WTTHIN TH� CITY OF FRI�NQSWOOD �-- LOCATED ON PROPERTY OWNED BY C: BQONE, PURSUANT TO HIS PETITION TO MAYOR AND COUNCIL. � MOTION: (Zeitler) To approve fi�rst reading of Ord. #T-10-B Second» Baker .z�,t�er Votep FOR (6) Lowe„ Baker,, Haken, WindlerT��o^��z °� Patto.n A��, AGAINST (1) Gonzalez MOTION CARRIED � Ordinance #187 - Oil Well drillin - Third and Final Readin AN ORQINANC� R�GULATING ALL OIL� .GAS,� �RZN� WAT�R,� AND SULPHUR WAT�R DRZLLINGA OTL AND GAS PRODUCTION� OIL ANp GAS PIP��INE TRANSMISSIONa PIPELINE� INSTALLATTON� WATER-�FL,OQDING AN�! GAS INJECTION FOR OIL RECOVERYA DEFINITIONS„ TERMS� REQt1IRING A PERMIT, PROVIDING FOR SPECTFICATIONS, REQUIRING A BOND, REQUIR�IN�• A CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE, • PROVIDIN� FOR PERMIT FOR USE OF�:STREETS AND ALLEYS,� PROVIDING FOR PROXIMITY OF WELL AND PIPELINE5 TO BUILDINGS9 .PROVIDING FOR DERRICKS ANQ RIG TYPES PROHIBITED�. PROVTDING POR PITS� PROVIDING FOR OPERATIONAL PRACTIC�S AND GALLED, TNSP�CTIONA FROVIDING FOR FENCES AND GATES, PROVIDII�G FOR FIRE PREVE�ITION .REQIJIREMENTS, PROVIDING FOR PENALTY FOR �� VIOI.ATION OF THIS ORDINANCE, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING FOR PUBLICATION OF THIS ORpZN�INCE, SEVERABTLITY CLAUSE AND REPEALING CLAUSE. , MOTION� (F'atton) To pass on third reading and finally adopt Ord. #187 '_.,_ Secon : Z�i�1er Vote; Unai7imous FOR ' MOTION CARRIED VIOLATIONS OF PLNNNING COMMISSION APPROVALS - Mr. Morgan stated that the Planning Commission as as e for lega gui anc� on cases where p1ans as approved are being vio1a�ed� and to what extent Counoi1 wishes t� pursue these matters, Discussion indicated that procedures might be somewhat a� faul�. This qu�s�ian wi11 be pursued by the City Manager. � ------------- ----- ----- -- -- -___------ -------- - ------ -- � � - ---- - - - -- WARRANTS MOTION: (Wind1er) To app�ove G&A t�arrants 3400; 3402y. and 3403 Secondr Haken Vote. Unanimous FOR MOTION_CARRIED MOTION: � (Windler) To approve for payment M&Q t�larrants 1862, 7864�, � 1865� 1890� and 1891 Second: Baker Voteb Unanimous FOR MOTZON CARRI�D ' DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENT BONQS - Fisca1 Agent Harry Granberry asked for ' ' aut o.rization to proceed with sale of $100�000 in Drainage Impro.vement Bor�tls voted on August 1T� MOTION: (Patton) To approve request of the Fiscal Agent Secanda Zeitler Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED bP�NING OF BIDS - Hauling of Street Material (3000 t�ns of crushed limestone base from Parker Brothers hopper to Shadowbend) � H & H Trucking Co;------------$1 ,00 per ton $3�000.00 � Hill 's Sand Company-�=------- .90 per ton 2.700.00 ' MOTION»(Haken) To refer bids to the City Manager for recommendation Second: Baker Vote: Unanimous .FOR MOTION CARRIED CLOSED SESSION - In a closed personnel session„ names for appointment to a c�iarter review committee were discussed. No actian was .taken. ADJOU�NMENT - Motion made and seconded that the meeting adjourn. The meeting was adjourned. I _ ��-�..�-e � � Bo bie C. Henry� City Se etary"'�" APPROVED: � � ./ »7 � , Ralp L, Lowe� Mayor , � �