HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1973-09-24 Special �'�
September 24„ 1973
The Friendswood City Council met in a Special Meeting at 7:3Q p.m. on
Monday� September 24� 1973� to consider the following items: Budget;
- Park land; Clear Creek; Street.Pragram; Petition (D,F. Prince); Hwy' 35.
� With a quorum pres�nt ineluding;
i i
�— Mayor Ralph Lowe
Councilman EdWard :Zeitler
Counci�man. 6enny Baker
Councilman Richard Haken
° Councilman Ra1ph Gonza1ez
Councilman William Patton
Counc�lman,Mi1ton Windler
and with �none absent�� the �Eollowing, business was transacted;
U� PETTTION - Mrs. Ju1ie Parkinson presented a peti.tion signed by 152 citizens
of friendswood which read; "We the undersigned oppose the purchase of the
t,� prop�sed p�rk. In the past two bond elections the people have voted no
� to buying park land and we expect the city council to abide by the wishes '
of the people;" . No action'was taken on tY�e petition, � I
F I S C A L A G E N T R E P O R T - H a r r y G r an berry ma de a repar t.on t he bond market for ����
t a x a n r e v e n u e on ds in connec tion wit h t he sale of sewer and drainage
bo►1ds voted August 11 „ 1973. ,5`�� C�rr�c�'ed
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! ', , BUDGET - Cit Mana er Mor an
Y g g presented a pr.oposal which would bring the
income of the next fiscal year up to the proposed budget figure. This plan
inc1uded: (1) $1 .00 per month per household unit for fire protection
(2) Increase water rates (3) Adjust method of charging apartments and mobile
homes for water and sewer ser.vice� for an estimated ,$40�356 additional revenue.
The Counci� was in agreement with the $1 ,00 charge for fire protection� but
rejected a water increase and substituted a 50� per month increase for sewage
treatment for single family residences� Apartment and mobile home units are
to be changed to the following: Watere Minimum charge of $5.00 x number of
units. Number of uni.ts� mult�plied by 69000 to be covered by a minimum charge;
a11 over minimum �to be bi�led at 40¢ per 1 �000 gallons. Sewage; ;First two
units - $7�00 each; three to ten units - $6.00 each; eleven or more units -
$5.00 each. These revenues would bring in the required amount to meet the
proposed budget.
MOTTON» (Patton) To �urn this ove.r to the City Manager to complete
� his figures on �he budget and bring it back to Council ,
S�cond: Gonza1ez
1lo�e: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED
PARKS - On ;the.,ques:tjpn Q.f...purGhase- and financing of the park land� Mayor Lowe
rsad a �e�ter from .Dr.�: Wm. Jor�es,.making a two-year of�fer to buy the two acres
� out` of �he 12-1./2 acres of .p.roposed park �and which wou1d no�t be funded. by �i
� grant money� at a purchase price of $20�000 per acre. Dr. Jones stated that�-
� ___ his r�ason for the offer was to aid and encourage the city to acquire this
_ land with certain sewer treatment funds and then reimburse those funds if it
b�came necessary by sa1e of these two acres.
Mayor Lowe also read a letter from Mr. J. C. Poirier of the Galveston County
Gran�s Division� urging that the ,city acquire park land whenever possible
for �F�ture development,
A Sp�cial Meeting of��t�j„���q,�„�was set for Thursday nigh�„ Septemb�r 27,
to t,�ke wh�teveV�`�-ac�ti on i s necessary�"'��a.w�owi ng a heari ng for grant before
the 'rexas Parks and Wi 1 d�i fe Department on�h���,�,�ate,
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CLEAR CR�EK PROJECT - Mayor Lowe .reported on a meeting last week with
Ga1veston .an Harris �County authari,�ies.�resulting in an immediate
p1an to rel,ieve f�ooding a1ong C1ear Creek. This p1an would necessitate
permission� by resYdents along the creek for access by workers and
equipment. Mayor Lowe suggested that Mr. Brooks Hickerson as liaison
between the residen�ts and the Couneil on this project,
MOTION: �(Gonzalez) 1'hat ,Mr. Flickerson be appointed liaison in
� comp1�ance with. recommendation of the Mayar
Second: Baker �
I �
Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED , ;
STREET PROGRAM -� Councilman �Gonzalez ,outlined plans for immediate w�.qrk
on t e streets with the :first item of: business being to authorize tf�e
County to proceed with laying of inverted penetration topping on Melody
l,ane� with the City furnisliing materials and the County furnishing labor
and equipment.
MOTT�N: (Gonzalez) To authorize the City Manager to take the nec�ssary
� bids for materials to top Melody Lane
Second. Zeit�er �
Vote� Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRI�D
The ba�1ance. of the program inc1udes emergency street repairs to C1earviEw� �
Greenbriar� Briarmeadow;, Wilderness Trailx Old Road, b1ading of Lundy Lane�
and comp1etion of the Coward's Creek crossing on ,Sunset which, stated
Counci1man Gonzal�z� is in a "very dangerous condition."
MOTTON: (Gonzalez) For adoption of this program as outlined
Seco�: Baker . .
Vo�e: Unanimous . FOR MOTION CARRI�D
Mayor Lowe reported on Saturday's S.O,S; (Save 0ur Stree��-)-�work��day and
read a letter from the City Engineer �s�ating ��that� this= work`�h�d �xpe`dited �
street patching by approximately one month. The Mayor thanked all of th�ose � �
who supported th� rprogram� and worked on Saturday. ; ';
Motion made and seconded that the meeting adjourn, The meeting was adjourned.
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Bobbie C. Henry ����
Ci ty Secretary
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ay a p owe
. , . .He stated (1 ) That the net revenues from the District #21 W&S customers
are pledged to pay the revenue portion of the outstanding Dist. #21 bonds;
(2) That the net revenues from the Sun Meadaw W&S �eustomers are pledged 'to
pay the revenue portion of the combined tax and revenue..bonds (approx. $1„800;,000.) �,
outstanding Sun Meadow bonds, (3) The "City" W&S system is composed of.the E
Dist. #15 systems wi,th all additions: and extensions thereto, The net revenues . �
from the "City" W&S customers are pledged to the $29,000 remaining outstanding
1957 series Dist. #15 combination tax and revenue bonds and .approximately $690y000
City revenue bonds dated in 1969. The $250�000 voted sewer revenue bonds
are voted to, be payable from the net revenues from the "City" system. Therefore�
the City .has two alternates: (1) Se11 the $250FQOO voted sewer revenue bonds as
Junior l.ien to the $29,000 outstandin Dist. #15 cambination tax & revenue bonds
and Junior Lien ta the approximately �,690�000 Series 1969 City Revenue Bonds,
(2) Advance refund' the $29n000 outstanding Dist. #15 'tax & revenue bonds� the �
City secure consent from the h�lders� of the approx. $690„000 series 1969 Gity
revenue bonds to either stamp or refund their bonds to inc1�de the $250,000
as parity lien bonds. Mr. Granberry was instructed �o proceed with �he sa1e of
the $250�000 Sewer Revenue Bonds and the $100r000 Drainage Tax Bonds, Mr.
Granberry was instructed to give progress report at the Regular Meeting Oct. l , 1973,