HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1973-09-17 Regular -- - - -- ---- - -------- ����� ��,�� 3�� ia-�-�� PUBLIC HEARING ON 1973-74 BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD September 17�, 1973 Af e c n 'd b '` �� t r o si era le d�scussion on the budget by Council , Mr. Bob Stewart � called attention to the fact that the City Charter was being violated by adopting a budget after September 15 and by setti.ng the tax rate before adoption of the budget. Following consultation of the City Attorney� Council set aside the adopted $1y00 per $100 evaluation set at last Counci1 Meeting and asked the City Manager to adjust the proposed budget to comply with the current year's tax receipts, With no more action possible on the .budget,� the Councilg at 10:00 P.M, moved to the Regular Meeting of the Council . MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIE.NDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL r,� September 17,� 1973 . d� � A Regular Meeting of, the Friendswood City Council was called to order at � 10h00 g p � p.m; with the f ollowin members resentd � Mayor Ralph Lowe Councilman Ralph Gonzalez Councilman Richard Haken Councilman Wi1liam Pa�ton Councilman Benny Baker Councilman Milton Wind1er Councilman Edward Zeitler , With a quorum presentp anci none absent, the following business was transacted: � i , PETITIONS - A Petition from Dr, Boone requesting that his dedication of certain ' �-- � roa s �on his property.be set aside�, action postponed to a11ow the Attorney to make recommendation to the Council on a course of action. BUSINESS ITEMS l . Park Land - Mayor Lowe asked for the Attorney's opinion on the legality of t�ie�use of sewer funds received from WC&ID #108.. The Attorney stated that the City could use the money for any city purpose sa 1ong as the money was available at the time that increased sewage faci1ities are built. 2. One-da-Y. S�t..reet Pro�ram � Mayor Lowe announced that arrangements ha.ve'be��� ma�ce�'wi'th the County to furnish trucks, he will get equipment furnished�, and with volunteer 'help from citizens� a work day wi11 be held on Saturday of tfiis week to patch as many .pot-holes as possible an �hat day, Each Councilman :was assi n d g e a section of the cit with a foreman vo°1unteer° Y , the Mayor asked for ten men to wark with each team; to meet at Winding Way and FM 518 at 8 A.M, on Saturday morning ready to work. 3. Criminal Justice Grant Award - A reement - An agreement with the: Texas Criminal Justice Council stating .that �.the City accepts the grant and conditions�, with specia� requirements� and will comp1y with a1� conditions and requirementsA was read by Councilman Haken, MOTTON: (Haken) To authorize the Mayor to sign the agreement on __._' ��"�" "behalf of the City, Second� Zeitler 11oteN Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRTED 4. Resoluti4n 12-73 - .Weed.Ordinance �violation (Rex Clawson) MOTION� ' (Windler) For passage of the Resolution Secan'd: Gonzalez Vo�F�: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED ORDINANCES #192 - Amendments to Ord, #174 (Zoning Ordinance) - Second Reading ,.-- ---- ---___ -- � -- - -- - -- -_ _ -- -- ---- _- -- . -------------- , ---- -- -- - MOTION: (Hak�n=;) To table second reading of Qrd. #192 Secon�, `Baker. " � � ' Vote: Unanimous FOR" " � °MOTTON CARRTED #187 - Oil and Gas Ordi'nance�= Second Readin '� .. ' k , � .. �� MOTION^ �(.Baker') To approve second reading of Ord. #187 �Secon : Zei tl er � � � Vote� .Unanimous FOR ' r MOTI0�1 CARRTED � �191 - S eed Zones in Newl Annexed areas - Third and Fina1 Readin � � MOTION: (Ze:i;tler�) That Ord; #191 be passed and adopted on third � and final reading. Second: Haken Uote: FOR (6) Lowe� Windler� Patton� Gonzalez� Hakenp Zeitler AGAINST: (1 ) Baker MOTION CARRIED #190 - Annexation of Lon wood/Jones area - Third and Final Readin MOTION; (Gonzalez) That Ord, #190 be approved and final1y adopted on third reading, . ' Second; Zeitler , VOte: FOR (6) Low.e, Windler„ Patton, Gonzalez� Zeit1er„ Baker AGAINST (1 ) Hafcen MOTION CARRIED WARRANTS FOR APPROVAL MOTION: (Windler) That G&A' Wa�rrants' 3369� 3370„ 3371 � and 3372 be approved Second: Gonzalez Votea Unanimous FOR MOTION .CARRIED MOTION� (Windler) That M&0 Warrants 1859� 1860� and 1861 be approved Secondi Gonzal.ez Voteu Unanimous. FOR � MOTIpN CARRIED � � Sewa�e•Qlis osal Plans - In accordanee with action at the �ast Counci1 Meeting� I - �Counci man Gonza�ez asked that his motions '1„ 2„ and 5 be °untabled; that his motions 3 and 4 stay tabled� to� be revised as numbers are available. 1 . MOTION: (Gonzalez) That we instruct the fiscal agent to initiate the praceedings necessary for the sale of the'bonds as approved by the voters on August �11�, 1973; and that �the fiscal agent report ��'back to Cbune.il with the best interest rate recommendation that can be' obtained for the sal� of tlie bonds; Second; Wind1er Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED 2. MOTION:. (.Gonzalez) That an infiltration analysis be prepared as required by the Environmental Protection Agency, which shall inc1ude a cost comparison to treat waste water infiltration , versus the r.eplacement and/or .repair of those sewage lines where high infiltration is found;. Second: Zei�ler � ��i.;��.e, Ralph Somers asked for a closed session to discuss his position on these matters. Motion #2 was tabled till after discussion with Mr: Somers: 3, MOTION; (Gonzalez) That all , the sy,stem final designs on sewag� plant ! expansion� improvements� and modifications be made under the � speci fi c and di rect authori ty of the Ci ty Martager for Counci 1 � consideration and approval not later than October 15� 1973 and that the City Manager schedule a u�lic e : . p h arin on En�ir onmen�t 1 g a Impact not later than October 29� 1973, No consideration sha11 be given to trunk or extension 1ines other �han the August 11 � 1973 voter approvad 1ines; Fu11 operation of a11 sewage system elements shall be scheduled for no later than Jan uary 1 � 1976. Second; Z�itler � MOTION:; (Patton) To table until hearing Ralph Some�s` discussion Second. Baker Vote; Unanimous FOR MOTIO�i CARRIED -------- ------��.� Following a closed :session regarding personnel and activities as well as . professional services dealing with sewage disposal� � � MOTION; (�aN�Z�+�-��. ) That the Ci ty Manager be i nstruct�d to di 1 i gently pursue, with .whatever profess:ional help he fee1s is necessary� a plan and manner �of implementation for waste water treatment for the� City in' compliance with the state and federa1 requirements� �� , Second: Windler Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED �.�.� Procedures Ordinance - Councilman Haken cited a number of violations by the Council of Ordinance #97 setting for.th procedures for counci� meetings. He requested that Council Meetings conform as mucfi as possible with the ordinance or that the ordinance be revised or abolished� ADJOURNMENT - Motion made and secanded that the meeting adjourn. The meeting was .a ��ourned, � � � ���.� � � � � C.z� "Bobbie C. Henry� . Ci ty Sect Cx� APPROVED; � Ra L.. Lowep, ayor. �J , 4 ��.�: ; ;