HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1973-09-10 Regular - ---------�-- ---- G%�„f�z�s-We�CC� �.���.P--��"�° � � 7 /o r--j -�3 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETTNG OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY .COUNCIL September. �'�� 1973 , r . � A Regul;ar Meeting of. ;the Friendswood .City Courtcil was held �at��the City Hall at 7:30 ppm. on �Monday� September��lOA 1973, This meeting was .postponed from ; September 3 due to Labor Day holiday, then from September 4 due to expected � � hurricane. Members present werea t � � � � � � � � . � . �-- • . . Mayor. Ralph Lowe , Councilman Edward Zeitler Coun�ilman. Benn,y .Baker Councilman Richard Haken CQUncilman Ralph Ganzalez � Counci1man William Patton � � � Councilman Mi�lton,�Windler� � � With a quorum. prese,n.t �an.d none absent� the following bus.iness was transacted: � , � APPROUAL OF MINUTES - Minutes of a Regular Meeting of August 20� approved as � wr��ten, � � . � RROCLAMAT�I�O�i - Mayor Lowe .read a proclamation setting out the wee[c of September 10 t ru Se.ptember 16 as Fiestas Patris Week� and urgi'n citizens to pay tribute to this important celebration and in commending its. pa�ticipants for the vital role they play in making this nation and state a better place in which to live for persons of all heri�ages, PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS Mrs. Leah North asked that attention be given to the .Sunset crossing inasmuch � i as the surface is slippery when wet and there�are no guard rails to prevent ' an out-of-control car from .slippi.ng into� the creek. ' � Mrs. North also asked that p�ocedures for .appr�oval of subdlvision plats be � c1arified between the Council and �the P1anning Commission, In her capacity � as secretary to the Planning Commissi�n» Mrs, North stated that she could nat sign certain pla.�s- by way of approval since required drawings have not been filed and all requirements as set farth in',`,the Subdivision and Zoning Ordinances have not be�n met. Mayor Lowe�, with concurr�nce of the Councilz asked that a meeting be set up between the Council and the Commission to try to resolve this situation� time to be set by P1anning .Commission. ,(� ��.�f . ,44 ��, e�t'�� SPECIAL COMMITTEE REPORTS �'� �'� 1 , Communit Youth Pro ram Committee - Coun�ilman Gonzalez reported that this group as met and he outlined s�ome of the ideas they are entertaining in conjunction with the recreati,�nal program of the City, 2. Fire De artment Buildin Plan� - Councilman Windler reported that floor. plans for the building are essentially campleted. No further contact has been made with Mr. Brown regarding conditions included in the deed to the City. A traffic flow report of the area is to be made b the Fire De Y t, p 3. Ambulance Operation Poli� - As presented to Council recently, MOTION: (Windler) To approve proposed policy for operation of the ' � ambulance by the Fire Department Second. Patton �� � . .. . . ... �...__. Vote: Unanimous FOR�` " �" �"� ' "' MOTION CARRIED- UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1 . Bid for Limestone on Shadowbend -� Mr, Morgan recommended that the bid from Par.ker Brot ers for 3000 tons of crushed limestone at $I2,990 be accepted, MOTION: (Haken) That the• City �1a�na-ger's recommendation be accepted Second� Gonzalez - Vote: Unanimous FOR - - - . MOTION CARRIED .. , . .� _.. . ....... . . . ... . .. -----.__--- ----- -- - --- - ---- `� - - -- ----- -------- ,, - __- ��• - _ Z. Plans for enlar ement of Cit Hall as drawn up_ by' architect Kelly Gafney were presented y Counci1man Haken. These will be examined by Council and will be discussed at .the next" meeting. y�l -7.3 3. Park Land - Mayor Lowe presented a proposal for financing half the cost � of the proposed park land by using $35�0OO��from.the money received fram WCIQ.#108 for sewage treatment� future interest -to rep7enish the account;� and $10p000 orig7r�a11y' appr�p�^iated for recreational activities for the ba1ance of the year. City Attorney� Ody Jerden assured the� Council that this procedure would be legal» that the funds paid to the City by the Water District are City funds to be spent 'as. the Council sees fit, In further discussionn it was decided not to 'use the present recreation funds `but to take the. .total $45�000 from the� sewer fund. MOTIONe (Patton) That �we acqu7re the park land, utilizing money we have in the .bank .from the Forest Bend sewage treatment account� in the amount necessary ta :consumate the purchase� with the restriction that the purchase will not be made without a com- mitment from �the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department for a grant of matching funds. ` :Second: �Zeitler � Vote: FOR (�� Pattona Lowe� Zei.tler, Baker� Haken AGAINST (2) Wind7era Gonza�ez MOT�ON CARRIED 4. Recreation� Expenditures for. the ba1ance of 1973 - Coun�i1man '�aker presented the proposed recreation costs as -fo1lows: Footba1l (Colts) $200,00 : Football (Chiefs) 200.00 Playground Equ-ip. 4�200.00 �aseball 3A600.00 Total 8�200.00 MOTION: (Baker) That this program be approved � ; i ; Secon �;. .(Zeitler) �. I Vbte: Unanimous FOR . � MOT�I.ON CARRIED . . . � ,. . .. , . 5. H-.GAC Representatives for 1973 - .A Resolution designating Ralph Lowe as delegate and William Patton as alternate �o H=GAC for 1�973. MOTION: (Zeitler) For adoption of the resolution � �� Second: Baker � I �x�,���� Vote~ FOR� (6) Patton� Zeitler� ,.BakerA Haken� Windler� Gonzalez AGAINST; none �� ° Abstaining: (1 ) Lowe ���'°�:.� `��� °� COUNCTLMAN WINDLER� LEFT TH� M�ETING AT THIS P�O��I�NT��"����� 6, Board of Adjustr�,ent A ointments � Mayor Lo'e recommended that Ivy Fossler and Bruce Foste be reappointed to �their- respective posi�ions on this Board. MOTION: (Gonzalez) That Council approve recammendation of the Mayor Secorsd� Zei tl er - Vote: �FOR Unanimous MOTION ;CARRIED �'' -r� 3 7. Acce tance of Lesl n Subdivision -� Mr. Morgan stated that streets and all ,L � t � u i ..�ty. i nes - ave eerr teste �and approved by Ci ty personnel � and the �� ���i subdivision is complete for acceptance by the City. Mayor Lowe as[ced that �1��� future :acceptance �r.equests be accompanied by documentation of such tests �� and approvals. L,eah North asked if �he 1ines7� va�ves� and fire p1ugs. � _ _had been tes�ed. Mr. Mor an s�id he was no� sure, ' ' � '� �.� � "`I�I�T�TV�� ei er o accep es yn ub3i vi si on streets and uti 1 i t y i �� � lines for maintenance by the City. Second; Patton Vote: FOR (6) Patton� Zeitler, Baker� Haken� Windler� Lowe � AGAINST;. none � ABSTAINING� (1) Gonza1ez MOTION CARRIED � ���� o����, 8, Mustang Meadows - Approval °�' �'�-, ^,��- _ (with water wells and septic tanks) � �, 1 ��' That �t�he Cit�_ acce�t the P1annir�g Commi�ssi n's reco�m4mendation �,� (,� MOTION: (Ratton) ��-���r-e�e--t;�.e �' � � �- r �� ���' �,� �`�'" . �. , ��s'`' � � . ..-_ � . . ... ---_: .� � ,:: - ' ��i-�-i-er�r� � �� , far ap roval of Mustang Meadows based on thes�, contingencies. � 1 . The 1ot sizes �o be restr�cted to the same size as the original � - --� -- - -- -- ---- -.. .._... - -------- e.) - � �. p1atA to never pe subdivided further. 2. Deed restrictions , to every property buyer•agreeing to assess- ment on an equal and fair basis with all other property owners �in" the subdivision at the time that it becomes necessary to install city utilities, 3� That an ordinance be drawn up covering utility assessments to parallel the paving assessment ordinance, �'f 4. That the plat specify only. one house per lot. ������� 5. Tha� the provisions pertaining to assessment be subject to `' approval of the City Attorney, � �� j ! _6._ This does not, constitute final approval of the plat. Q� � � �� Counci1man, Patton read into the minutes a letter dated September 6� 1973 es� ------ from Guy K, Wi 1 ki nson of the County Heal th Department advi si ng agai nst ,� �2��`' approving a subdivision with septic tanks� stating disagreement with it��.����, �Councilman Gonzalez stated that he aqreed with the letter 100%) � Second; Zeitler o� l���:;:;��• � MOTION: (Gonzalez) To table the ,motion �Seco'n�; Naken Vote;� FOR (3) Haken, Gonzal ez� L�w�R:���� AGAINST (3) Baker� Patton� Zeitler MOTION FAILED :�J '�` Vote on Original Motion: FOR (4) Patton, Baker,, Zeitler� Lowe �' AGAINST (2) Gonzalez� Haken MOTION CARRIED � � � 9. Streets in the Newl Annexed Area - City Manager Morgan recommended that the City accept a 1 streets in t is area on an as-;is basis and maintain them on an as-is basis, MOTION; (Haken) That if the road has ever -met-county specsa is it has � been deeded to th� public; and if it meets the requirements of a public road� that we maintain it in a comparab1e manner with comparable streets elsewhere in the city� Second: Zeitler � i Vote� FOR• (1 ) Haken AGAINST (5) Lowe,„ Baker, Zeitler� Patton, Gonzalez MOTION FAILED i � '�-- MOTION: (Patton) That we accept the City Manager's recommendation Second� Zeitler Vote: FQR (�4) Patton� Lower Zeitler� Naken AGAINST (1) Gonzalez ABSTAINING (1 ) Baker MOTION CARRIED 10. Sewage Disposal Plans - *Mr. Harry Van Wagner read a report on the meeting in Austirr. on Au ust 30 with EPA. Followin discuss 'on C .. , i ouncilman G z made the following mot�ons. g � on a1ez , . , , . 1 . MOTION� (Gonzalez) 'That we instruct the fiscal agent to initiate the proceedings necessary for the sale of the bonds as approved by the voters on August 11 � 1973; and that the fiscal agent report back to Council with the best interest rate recommendation that can be obtained for the sale of the bonds, � Second: Zeitler MOTIONN : (Zeitler) To table action on the: motion, Se-con�`: �:Haf��n`,.M , Vote� FOR (6) Lowe, Baker�. Haken� Zeitler� Patton � �1GAINST (1 ) Gonza1ez MOTION CARRIED � ; 2. MOTION: (Gonzalez) That Walsh Engineering be instructed to prepare � an in�iiltration analysis as required by the �nvironmental Protec- __ tion �/agency�� which shall include a...cost comparison to treat waste water infiltration versus the replacement and/or repair of those sewage lines where high infiltration is found. 3. MOTION. (Gonzalez) That the City Manager/Walsh Engineering revise and prepare the appropriate EPA grant application as necessary for 75% federal grant fund,i�n.g. to, ,impl,ement a ci ty sewerage program which in.�ludes (a) the sewage system improvements approved by the voters c�n August...l.l � 197�; (b.) the limited expansion of plant #2 for a t�:�ta1 capaci t,y of 1 ,6 mgpd wi th��ful 1� �imp�J`��ientati on of thi rd � �. *�his repo�' in�d'i,�c,a�,t,�e,����ha�t _�S,_i�_���wpuld no� be e1i ible for qran�nder.�hP .. ��L�, ��,�,,. � U n.!�� -- - ------ -- - - -_ --- ,� ------ - - - - -- ----- — stage waste water treatment as required by state and federal pollution control agencies; (c) the installation and implementation of an automation control system for plant #2. Estimated costs are approximated as follows: 1) sewage system improvements $1�000�000 2�) 0.85 mgpd expansi on of pl ant #2 350,.000 3) 1 ,60 mgpd tertiary 180�000 4) automation contr,ol system 110,000 5) engineering„and _contingency for items 2) 3) and 4) , 128 000 � � � � � 1�768,000 �� � � � Grant application for _75% of the total cost to be,approx.imately $1 ,330,500. City participation to include $250�000 from the approved bond election and $193�500 from the Forest Bend Account. "^ 4. MOTION: (Gonzalez) That we make application for a 1 �6 mgpd waste water treatment facility expansion to include full implementation of third stage waste water treatment at plant #2a . � '5e MOTION: (Gonzalez) That all the system final designs on sewage plant � expansion� improvements� and modifications be made under the specific and direct authority of the City Manager for Coun�il consideration and approval not later than October 15� 1973� and that the City Manager schedule a public hearing on Environmental Impact not later than October 29,, 1973. No consideration shall be given to trunk ar extension lines other than the August 11 „ 1973 voter approved lines. Full operation of a11 sewage system elements shall be scheduled for no later than January 1 � 1976. ����c;��� MOTION� (Zeitler) That all motions be tabled until the next meeting, G �ri L,ti..� Secon : �e�-tl-er� '73�K�w `�w�o,;,� Vote4 Unanimous . ��- MOTION CARRIED � � Mr. Ralph Somers then gave a report on the EPA meetin and read 1 � 9n a etter , �rom Mr. Dick Whittington dated August 31� 1973 regarding waste contro1 - order 10175. ORDINANCES #187 - Oil and Gas Ordinance - First Readin AN ORDINANC� 'R�GULATING ALL OIL� GAS, BRIN� WATER, AND SULPHUR WATER QRILLINGb OIL AND GAS PRODUCTION� OIL. AND GAS .PIP.EL:TNE TRANSMZSSION„ PIP�LIN� ZNSTRLL.AT�ON� WAT��=FCOOQING ANp GAS' IN�- J�CTZQN F�R OZI, RECOII��Y» D�FZfV�T'T"ONS,�'" T�RMS� 'R�QUI:R"ING A P�RMIT„ PROVIDING FOR SPECIFICATIONS� R�QUIRING �A BOND; REf?UIRING "A CERT'IFI- CATE 0�' INSURANCE; PROVIDING FOR PERMIT F(�R USE OF STREETS AND � ' AL`LEYS„ PROVIDING FOR PROXIMITY OF WELL AND PIPELINES TO, BUILD`INGS� PROVIDING FOR DERRICKS AND RIG TYPES PROHIBITED„ PROUID:IN�` F'0�'PITS� PROVIDING FOR OPERATIONAL PRACTICES AND CALLED INSpECT:IONS.; pROVIDING FOR" FEIVCES AND GATES, PROVIDING FOR FIRE pREVENTTON REQUI�R°��}�TVfiS� PROVIDING FOR PFNALTY FOR VIOLATION OF THIS OR�INANCE, AUl'HORIZING AND DIRECTING FQR PUBLICATION OF THIS ORDTNANCE, SEVERABILITY CLAUSE AND R�P�AL,ING CLAUSE. �: MOTION� (Zeitler) To approve first reading af Ord. #187 Secon : Baker �Vo�e�: Unanimous � ' .°M01'Z��N`:CAR�R'T'�D�. ; � #193 - Tax Levy � One reading on1�necessary - MOTION� (Patton) F�or passage and adoption of Ord. #193 Second: Gonzalez Vote; Unanimous MOTION CARRIED - -- - - -- ------ ---- �'�;..- WARRANTS FOR APPROVAL .. MOTION� (Patton) That G&A 'Warrants 3286 and 3308 through 3312 be approved� Second: Baker Votew Unanimous MOTION CARRIED MOTIONM (Patton) That Construction Warrants 131 and 132 be approved � Seco. Baker Vote: Unanimous „ MOTIpN CARRIED �_._' MOTION: (Pa.tton)To approve M&0 Warrants 1826 through 1831 . Secon�» Ba ker Vote: U.nanimous MOTION CARRIED ADJOURNMENT MOTION made and seconded that the meeting adjourn; The meeting was adjourned, � di � � � ° � City Secretary APPROVEDw �n� May Ralph L, Lowe i ;