HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1973-08-20 Regular , -------- ----- ���', .
August 20� 1973 .
A Regular Meeting of. the Friendswood 'City Counci1 was held at the City Hall
at 7b30 p,m, on Monday� August 20„ 1973� with the following members present;
Mayor Ra�ph l:owe
� � Councilman Milton Windler
� Counci1man Wi11iam�Patton
'°. � Councilman Ralph Gonzalez ".
' Counci1man Richard Haken
Councilman Benny Baker
Counci1man Edward Zeit1er
, � ,,
With a quorum presenty and �none absenty the fol1owing business was transacted�
, ,,, . . .
READING AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Minutes of a Regular Meeting of August 6,
� approved as corrected� Note� the paint at which Counci�lman Windler jo�ned
� the meeting; On page 3� add the name of Dr. Wi1liam Preng1e to the proposed
� Charter Committee. On page 4 correct spelling of Lousma'and ihsert "Skylab
� Spacecraft.") Minutes` of Special Meeting of August '13 approved as read,
, �
1 , Park Land ; Mayor Lowe read' a letter .from 'the Parks and Wildlife Department
rega�r ing�' status of loca1 funds for the proposed park purchase. He ,
al so. referred�.ta .the ��opti on whi ch the, Ci.ty has unti 1 Octo6er 1 , to purchase
�his land,� , . . , .
Counci1man Patton stated .that he- would lake to make one more concerted
effort to acquire this land� and suggested� severa1 methods for financing,
� The Secretary was ir►structed,�to �,contact� the Parks and Wi1dlife Department
for the date of t�e nex�t �meeting when the grant�.application might be
j approved� and the expected time �ag between approva1 and receipt of the
funds by the City, This item will be placed on the �next agenda.of the
City Council , ,
, ,
2,. Proclama,� tion - Mayor Lowe � read and presented .to Mrs. Peggy Linney a pro-
c amation setting aside the week of September 3 as Membership Week for
the 1oca1 Parer�t-Teacher Organization. �
. , , ,
3. Communit Yauth Pro ram Committee - The Mayor Read a letter from members
of this committee ,reporting som� of their activities� and asking if the
Council wishes them to continue as an active. committee. ��Decision was that
they should meet -and discuss -possible projects .and report back to Councll .
4. Lease ,of Sewer Plant Property for Grazinq - Mrs� :Kathleen, Glark�,. by letter�,
requested permission to �lease two' plus acres . of land adjoining the Tower
Estates sewer plant. It is Council 's belief that this property is not a
part of the sewer plant and thus not within the City`s autfiority to lease,
5. Parking of Equipment on FM 518 - Mrs, Se1ma Enge1 's letter pointed out
that .equipment involved in canstruction on FM 518 has been left parked near
intersections with side streets over the:week=end� thus causing a traffic
haaar•d� :Mr. Morgan stated that this condition has been reported to the
contractors and they have prom�:sed to correct this situation.
� ' SPECIAL REPORTS � � � � ,
' � .
,.�: � ,
l , Beautif.ication 'Committee �.y� Mr. Geo�rg Ulbric repor.ted�that �the committee
is currently cooperating with the Frierids Church and contractors to see
that minimum damage is done �.to the L.ive Oak trees along FM 518 during
2, Streets in Newl Annexed Area to be Maintained b the Cit - Councilma-n ��"�~,.�^3
Gonzalez� on the basis of investigations made by t e City Engineer, gave
widths and depth of materials. on certain streets, and made recommendation
that the fol1owing streets be accepted for maintenance by the City:
---- ------
- ----- -----------
,,, � _--------_-
°�. __ ----
Rust"i c L'ane from 2351 to Brazori a County l i ne
C1over Ridge Avenue
Westfield from 2351 to .Brazoria County line �
Meadow Lark from Rusti c Larte ta Bra�Ori'a County l i ne
Estate Driv� from .528 �to Mandale . ;
Tower Dri�ie from••528� to Mandale, ' ���.�
Mandale from Brazoria County Line to Canal Drive
St. Cloud
St. Andrews . ' ,
Dorado :. ! !� i
� !
Dawn Hill � . : � .., �
Castle Harbour from Sunmeadow EB1vd.�.�to� Palm Aire
Palm Aire
Sunmeadow Boulevard �
Greenbriar fram 528 to Chigger Creek
Lundy Lane from 528 to 0' Farre1l North • ,
0' Farrell North of Lundy- Lane (not ta incil�ude Eldorado Cir.cle)
MOTION.- (Ratton) That the City accept these streets for maintenance
� on the same basis as other stree�s within the City.
Second: Zeit'ler
Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED ��
1 , Presentation for Austin Hearin on Blackhawk. P7amt A 1icativn (GCWDA)
.. .. . . .,._ , .... �� ,, , , . , , . ,,.,
A proposed 'formal presentation f�r`tbis meeting was discussed and several
changes were made, reflecting Friendswood's sewage treatment plans and
possib1e variation,� all of whieh would preclude issuance of the total
capaci ty permi t .request�d �y �QCWDA.•r. :: �
MOTION:, (Win.dler) That. the presentatrion� a's �-amended .be. used by :the City
representati ves for tiie .Austi n meet�ng on�.:Fri��,��,� August 24. � '
Secondz Bake.r . . , '
Vote; Unani mous :�FOR � MOTION 'CARRI ED �__�
2, Spraying Drainaqe Ditch in Annalea .- Mr, Bob Reid appea1ed to Council to
proceed wi�th spraying of tMis� ditch in spite�� of��protests�'from :enviranmental�
ists who contend that the outfall wau1d ki11 fi.s�h in C1ear Cr.eek. The
City Manager was directed to make a determination as to whether the spray
wouTd be harmful to �the ,fish� and if not� to pr.oceed with the project,
3, Sunmeadow Audit - Councilman Windler reparted that�the construction portion
_ of the au�it Tias been completed, and that the bond portion should be
finished soon� at which �ime .a camplete rep��t will �b� made to the Council .
4. Storm Drainage' Extension Across Sunmeadow Go1f Course - Edminster� Hinshaw
and Associates, �engineers for� Sunmeadow, have recommended`that this
extension be installed 'during present contract work.
MOTION� (Windler) To proceed .with the extension at a cost of $14�000.
, ' Secon�; Zeitler
' �� Vote: FOR '(6) Windler� Zei�tler� Pa�ton�,� Gonzalez, Baker, Haken
AGAINST: none.
� ABSTAINING� ��(1 ) Lowe (because of his interest in Sunmeadow)
5, O enin of Bids on Limestone - A request for bids for limestone to. complete
work an�ow�end�'resu�ted�i n one bi d from Parker Brothers & Co:� Inc, � '
to furnish approximate1y 3000 tohs of crushed limestone F.,OnB. � city trucks
at Webster� Texas� at� the team traek.for $12A990.O0. No. action was taken,
The City Manag�r was asked to make recommendation to the Council at the
next meeting. �
�. _ . .-- -- ----------
Ord. #185 and #186 relative to rezoning of the Fire Department location
and Mr. Cecil Brown':s property, were not read due to the fact that
items contained in the deed have not been resolved,
Ord. #190 - Annexation of Jone�/Lon wood` Park area ro ert - Second Readin
MOTION: (Windler) To approve second� readir�g of Ord. #190
� Sec�n�: Gonzalez
�i Vote: FOR (5) Lowe, Windler� Gonzalez� Patton� Zeitler
�-- AGAINST: none
Ord, #191 - S eed Zanes in newl annexed areas - Seeand Readin
MOTIOI�: (Haken) To approve second reading of Ord. #191
Secon�. Baker
'� Ord. #192 - Chan es to Zonin Ordinance � First Reading
�" -
-��j MOTION� (Windler) To .approve first reading of Ord. #192
� Secon�'; Haken
�7 Votew FOR (6) Lowe� Windler„ Ganza1ez, Patton, Baker, Haken
MOTION• (Windler} To approve G&A Warrants #3262 through #3266.
Secon�: Patton
MOTION:' (Windler) To approve M&0 Warrants #1804 and #1805.
� Secancl�� Pa�ton
! Vote: Urranimous FOR MOTION CARRIED
CLOSED PERSONNEL SESSION - Salary adjustments for new budget. �
z. _.,_�, (`� i��I �
City Secretary
Ra1 L. Lowe� Mayor