HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1973-08-06 Regular - –- -- - - — -- ---- - � �I.. MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING .OF THE FRTENDSWOOQ CITY, COUNCIL August 6� 1973 A Regular Meeting of .the Friendswood City Counci1 was held in the City Hall at 7�30 p.m. on Monday� August 6� �973� with �he fo�lowing members present: , i Mayor Ralph Lawe i Councilman Wi1liam Patton ---�' Counci lman Benny Baker Councilman Richard Haken � Councilman Milton Windler (arrived late) With a ,quorum presentp and with .Councilmen Edward Zeitler and Ralph Gonzalez absent� the fo�1owing business was .transacted: READING AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Minutes of a Regular Meeting of July 16x approved as corrected page 1 : Motion re garbage fees to read "residents may '� mafce written ,request") Minutes of a Special, Meeting of July 23, approved '� as presented, � � Bl1SINESS ITEMS Cx� � 1 . _Re_gu_e�st from Wa ne Robinson. (Leslyn Subdivision) that a building permit eb� �iss�ued to�iim prior to acceptance of..the subdivision due to the fact I that his commitment is nearing expiration on his home loan. P�OTIONn (Patton) To approve issuance of a permit to Mr. Robinson Second: Haken Vote� Unanimous FOR MOTION CRRRIED . , 2N Public Nearin on annexation of .area in. Jones/Lon wood vicinit - The � on y person to spe� � rs, Lea Nort g requested t at if t e ity annexes � the area� that certain street work be donee The pub1ic hearing was Y� complete,d, . 3, Joint Tax De artment - School representatives discussed the proposed con- tr�ct wit the sc o01 cov�ring a joint� �taxing department for the two entities. They reparted that the present tax department budget is $23�500. This figure� under the proposed contract� would be prorated between the entities in accordance with the�num�er of tax items for each. 4. Pro ert for new fire de artment uarters = Mr. Cecil Brown, Jr. presented copy of a deed to t is, parcel of lan for Council 's examination. Several restrictions on use of the property were questioned� and a copy was given to the� Attorney for his study. ~ � ADMINISTRATIUE ITEMS - Cit Mana er 1R Awarding of bids on Vester water line - Mr. Morgan recommended that contracts be..awarded to .the 1ow biddersp Municipal. Pipe. for materials at $1 �845.00 and Mora Construction for 1abor at $2�016.50.. � MOTION; (Patton) To award these contracts to the low bidders as � recommended by,.the City .Manager Second: Haken Voten Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED .� 2, Abandonment. of dedicated .,.road, in Hidden Valle , - Dr. Boone has abandoned p ans to eve op t is subdivision and wis es to retrieve the roadways whi ch have been ded�.i cated. He, wi,l l be advi sed to fi 1 e a, repl at� then get his own attorney to pursue the abandonment of the roadways. 3. ETJ agreement with Pearland -� To clear up overlapp�ing areas„ Pearland will be asked to appoint a committee to meet with a committee from Friendswood , to study the question. 4. Streets in newl annexed area - Mr. Heaney has furnished depths af material and widt s of t ese streets for Council studyA and wi11 make recorr�nendation on the subject at the next Regular Meeting. ., -- - - - - -- �,�1 �- - - � ------ ------------------- 5. Sunmeadow - Storm sewer extension .across o1f cour.se - An added cost has, been added to this proposed' projec�t for mov7ng the equipment back to the site. Mr. Heaney will be asked .to furni�h the Council his estimate on the cost of this job. Mayor :Lawe ,also requested that a11 � contractors in the Sunmeadow development work be .requested to meet at the City Hall with Mr. Heaney� Mr. Morgan, and the ,Mayor� and to bring copies of their contract witfi the :develo�er to 'this meeting. 6. Concrete surface on �unset over Coward' s Cree[c crossin - Mr. Morgan recommende t at t is surfacing e postponed unti t e base. materia1 � has adequately cured before`�this permanent{ surfact be app�ied. � '_- 7. Fox Meadow Water Line - Mr, Morgan reported that tha�s line has been increase to 8 inches ,and fire plugs have been installed with the under- standing on behalf of the con�ractor and deve1oper that.this was agreed to by the Citys (This is the 1ine :leading from the present City line to the entrance of the subdivision. ) Mw. Morgan wil1 obtain cost figures on the project� what the City's .portion would be under the existing policy� and .the Counc7l� will then reach a decision on payment, 8, Partici ation in Telet e Network - Chief Wright has asked that the City subscri e to a posi�ion in the network due to the fact that only a few s�ots remain. Council asked for some indication of the extent of need for this installation be�Fore �naki�ng �a decision. � 9. Mustan Meadows Subdivision - This subdivisi�on has not been approved by �unci due to t e p. anned use of septic tanks. The su6ject was again tab1ed pending presence of a11 mem�ers of� the Council . 10. Po.licy for operation vf the ambulance - The Fire Department has presented capies of,. pol.iey, covering operation of the recently purchased ambulance: No ,�c;ti.on was taken by �.Counci 1 , f� ORQINANC�S , ; , Ord. #179(E) - AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING SPEED LIMITS DURING CONSTRUCTION ; ' ON A PORTION OF FM 518 WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS OF FRIENDSWOOD; � � PROVIDING A pENALTY FOR THE UIOLATION TNEREOFa DECLARING AN EMERG�NCY MOTION:. (Baker) To re-enact Ord. #179(E) as an emergency ordinance Second: Patton Uote� Unanimous FOR ° MOTION CARRIED Ord. #183 - Rezonin Sunmeadow Traets -to R�2 - Third and Final Readin AN ORDINANCE CHANGIf�G THE ZONING OF CERTAIN TRACTS FROM R-1 TO R-2; CHANGING THE ZONING MAP ACGORDINGLY; COMPLYING WITH SECTION 15 OF ORDINANCE NUMBER 174 OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOQD KNOWN AS THE ZONING ORDINANCEy MAKING CERTAIN FINDINGS; RESTRICTING ISSUANCE OF BUILDIfVG�PERMITS, MOTIONy (Baker) To approve 3rd and fina1 reading and adopt Ord. 183 Secon ; Wind1er Vote; Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED Ord, #184 - Rezonin Sunmeadow Trac�s to C-1 - Third and Final Readin AN ORDINANCE CHANGING THE ZONING OF CERTAIN TRACTS FROM R-1 � TO C-1; CHANGING THE ZONING MAP ACCORDINGLYp COMPLYING WITH SECTION 15 OF ORDINANGE NUMBER: 174 ,OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD � KNOWN AS THE ZONING ORDINANCE;> MAKING CERTAIN FINDINGSp RESTRICTING ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMITS. MOTION: (Baker) To approve .3rd and final reading and adopt Ord, 184 Second: Patton Vote„ Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED -- --- ----- - � �"' i e� Ord. �#185 and #186 - Dealing w9th rezoning of the fire station location ` and ad�oinfng �property of Mr: Ceci1 Brown� Jr. � was tabled pending, accept�ance of terms contained in a deed from Mr, Brown for the fire station location. � MOTION: �(Patton) To table Ord�nances •185 and 786; � Se�onda Wind.ler � - Vote; Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED � � Ord, #190 - .Annexation of Jones/Lon waod Park' area ro ert - First Reading �" AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF FRIENQSWOOD, TEXAS MAKING CERTAIN FINDINGS; SETTING FORTFI RESULTS OF A PUBL:IC HEARING� EXTENDING THE CITY LIMITS OF "THE. CITY OF �RIENDSWOOD, TEXAS TO INCLUDE ALL LANDS AND AREA WITHIN CERTAIN LIMITS AND BOUNDARIES AND ANNEXING 'TO THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD :AGL. OF THE AREA WITHIN SUCH LIMITS AND �BOUNDARIES;� PROVIDING� THE� PASSAGE OF THTS ORDINANCE SHALL NOT IMPAIR OR AFFECT ANY OTHER ANNEXATION ORDINANCE WHETHER PASSED O�i ONE OR MORE READINGS AND NOT YET PAS.SED ON FINAL READING; -�. PROVIDING A SAVING AND SEV�RABILITY CLAUSE, � €� MOTIONW (Windler) To approve first reading of .Ord. #190 � Second� Patton � Vote: FOR (4) Windler„ Patton, Lowe� Baker AGAINST (1 ) Haken � � ' MOTION CARRIED Ord. #191 -� S eed Zones in� newl annexed�areas - First Reading AN ORDINANCE ALTERING THE PRIMA FACTE SPEED LIMITS ESTABLISHED FOR VEHICLES UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF: ARTICL,E- 6701D� VERNON'S TEXAS CIVIL STATUTES, UPON THE BASIS OF<<AN �ENQ�INEERING AND TRAFFIC INVESTIGATION, UPON CERTAIN STREET$ AND HIGHWAYS, OR PARTS � ' THEREOF� WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD� ' AS SET OUT IN THIS ORDINANCE� AND PROVIDING A PENALTY OF A FINE .. NOT TO EXCEED TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS ($200) FOR THE VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE, � MOTION; (Wind1er) To approve first read�ng of Ord, #�91 Second; Patton Vote; Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED MISCELLANEOUS REPORTS ' 1 . Charter Committee - Mayor Lowe suggested that a Charter Committee of five persons be appointed to review and submit proposed changes to the Charter. He proposed to name Jim Bilodeau� Gary Taliaferro, Loren Woods�, Bill Jones� Warren North� and Dr. Bill Preng1e, No action was taken. 2. Councilman �Haken made a report on conditi�ons .of parking around the Imperial Gardens swimming pool � and st�ted that it is felt the situation will be rectified with the start of school and recommended no action be taken. WARRANTS FOR APPROVAL �,� MOTION� (Windler) To approve G&A Warrants 3223 and 3222 �z� Second. Patton � Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED �L`� MOTTONa (Windler) To approve M&0 Warrants 17��6 through 1774. � r ' �- Secon ; Hafcen Vote� Unanimous FOR MOTIO(� CARRIED MOTION� (Wind1er) To approve G&A Warrant 3221 (materials for Lundy Lane � and Wilderness Trai1) Second: Patton Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION GARRIED - - - - - _ --- - - ------ -- - � - ---. ..-- - Book Review..Board for Librar - Counci�man Pa�ton stated that as a result of his examination of a� �ertain book"from the Friendswood Library� he would sugges.t that some kind of control be placed,on what books are checked out to youn� readers. � ` a(j,,�� RESOLUTION - A resolution was proposed which would a11ow Jack Lousmay a 1J Friendswood citizen and present1y an occupant of the Skylab Spacecraft to vote in the bohd election to be held _on� August 11 , The proced�re wou1d be for Mr. Lousma to communicate his vote to Chris Kraft who would then fi11 out the absentee bal1ot fow Mr.� Lousma, MOTIONp (Ratton) F'or adoption 'of the resolution Secona: Baker' ' Vo'te: Unanimous FOR` ' ' ' � MOT`ION CAR�IED L�TTER REGARDING BO�iD LEECTION PROPOSITIO[�S - The Council decided to mai1 to al qua ified voters a one-page �etter written by the Mayor and signed by a11 members of the Counci1� explaining brief�y the propositions to be voted on August 11 ;' '' ' ADJOURNMENT - Motion made and seconded that the meeting adjourn. The meeting was adjourned, � , � " ' ' -���°-��_�:.,�� �/-�°��U� City Secretar APPROVED„ �-� �. ���'�-�� � yor Ra p L, owe , � �