HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1973-07-02 Regular ���_._.__--- ----- --- -- -- - ��`�'---, MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING O� THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL � Ju1y 2, 1973 A Regular M�eting of the Friendswood,Ci.ty Counci,l was held at the City Hall at 7.30 p.m, 'on' �londay, July 2, 1973, with �the following members present� � Mayor`R'al ph l,owe � � ' � � ' Councilman, �dwar.d Zeit7er --� ' Councilman' Benny Baker (arrived late) Councilman Bill Pat�vn With a quarum. present� and three members absent (Councilmen Haken, Gonzalez„ and Windler) the fol:lowi.ng,`bus.iness was transacted. READING AND APPROVAL OF' MINUTES = The minutes of June 25� 1973 under EMERGENCY � APP OP IATIO � otian y Councilman Patton should be corrected to state. `� The purpose of the motion is to correct,,the invalid action by the City ' �'� Counci7 iri the Sunset Crossing over Cowar� Creek business item and � to additionall'y fund the flooding in E1 �Dorado and Annalea Subdivisipns. Cz.� � ANNOUNCEMENTS AND COMMUNICATTONS: FROM THE` MAYOR 1 , Mayot^ Lowe read a letter fr.om Representative Allan Bib7e to Representative Jack Brooks in. referer�ee ta $50�000 for the Clear Creek Study by the Corps of Engineers, "` ' ' ' , 2. A letter to. Mayor Lowe from the Small . Bu�iness Bureau<�concerning the recen� disaster was read. , PETITIONS ANQ COMMUNICATIONS , 1 . Bob Newlander, spokesman for the Cit.izens Committee of Upper Coward Creek� -- read a lette.r from the Committee and presented a contribution of $1000 to aid in funding of Coward C'reek Crossing� at Sunset: 2, Roger Tanner requested annexation of property in Longwood Park inc1uding public utilities ,from Pearland. City Manager� Jim Morgan, stated that Pea�rl and req�i re��.Fri�ndswood to' pass an ordi nance anne�ci ng°the area before they wi�11 ser,vic� th.ese peop.9e, "Mayor Lowe asked that the City Attorney prepare a.petit.ion to annex,them by :August 1, 1973, Mayor Low� and Mr, Morgan"will meet to discuss �he issue fur�her. 3. Grant Gibson presented a pl�an to cut through the oxbow behind his home on Coward Creek and fi11 with heavy fill to a1levi:�te erosion problems. He requested that the City dotiate rip-rap for fill material ; 4, Mr, Todd� representa�ive from Sunmeadow„ appeared befare,Council concerning construction of townhouses_.on area to be rezonedA Legal counsel s�ated ���<;�• that construction cannot begin until Ordinance 183 is passed, after third and final reading. The first reading was made on July.2: 5, Georg Ulbrich� chairman of the Land Use Committee,, had no formal recommenda- tions to make concerning the park land site on FM 51�. NEW BUSINESS � �_� 1 . An offer made, by Mr� Chennau1t. to the City to crush street materials for $3.OQ' per cubic yard� was rejec�ed. - 2. The City will accept street material if transported free of chai�ge to area designated by City; one area considered was the drainage easement on Stadium Lane. . � 3, A�ointment to Arena Board - A letter from the Arena Board states that the terms of �"erman o��Betty Merchant� and Dr� Bill Jones expire this month. The Board recommended appointment of Audrey Neff� Dr. Jones, and W, B. Woods to fill the three positions. - _ ._ _ ---- ---- - - - - - - ..._. . --- - ------ -------- --- - -- --- --- - - °/-A�* - - -__.--- --- Y-!.• MOTION: (Zeitler) To accept recommendation of the Board and appoint Miss Neff� Dr. .Jones and Mr, Woads, Second: Baker ' � � Vote. Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED. 4. Mustan Meadows Subdivision - The Planning Commission had recommended that Mustang Mead�ws. be: allowed to .develop without:being required to have. City Utilities because of' interim period whe�.- area was annexed by the City. Mr. Mo.rgan recnmmended that. water and sewer be made a r-equire- ment because of future needs of� th� subdiyision. At Mayor Lowe'.s suggestion no action will be. taken unti7 all Counci7 members are pres�.nt and pending .a ,written .rec,ommendation� by. the P7anning Commission after � additional study;� � : . 5. E1 Dorado Subdivision - "Clyde Rainey .asked..C�unci] when obligation of the deve oper of t e Su d�ivi.sion cortce�ning�'st�^eets is terminate.d, A recommendation was made"by Councilman Patton that'.further stutljr of sub- s tandard s tr�eets be� made be�ore;�aeti on i s taken: 6. A ointment .o�F Assistan�t` �i.t Secretar MOTION., (Patton), To approVe L. B. Cline as Assistant Ci'ty Secretary Se noc d; Baker � ' Vote„ Un�nimtius FOR MOTION CARRIED ' QOND ISSUE � 1 . Figures in an� amount not `�p excee'd $50,000 _on park program; Sewer system impro�ement costs gi.v�n by .Walsh Engineering was agreed upon� and bond issue amount of $250,000 was .�stabl'ished. " 2, Ths City"Manager was instructed ta have_.more. definitive costs on storm sewers in Heritage Estates by July 9� 1973, REZONING - Ordinances presented far First Reading MOTION. (Patton,), .To pass. on first reading, Ord. #183 cfian�ing seven t'racts ��' in Sunmeadow from .R�-1 to R-2; Second: Zeitler ' Vote: Unanimous FOR� MOTION CARRIED MOTIONq (Zeit1er) To pass on first reading Ord. #184 changing two tracts � in Sunmeadow from R-1' to C-1 (7 ------ . -- �y �'---- MOTION� (Baker) To approve for payment: G&A Warrants: #3100 - Chemline Corp. $4„657,29 3701 - Village Interiors 738,65 , 3108 - Rosenberg Library 685,17 3109 - Tulsa Safety & Equip. 9a590,00 M&0 Warrants: #1717 - Mainland Const. Co, $25a267.06 r 1718 - Walsh Engrg. 8�371 .50 iC�.OSED SESSZON MOTION», (Baker) To appoint Mrs. Glenn. Box to the Board of Adjustment � and Mr, William N. Taylor, Jrd as alternate ' Second� Patton " Vote^ Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED AQJOURNMENT � Motion made and seconded that the meeting adjourn, The meeting adjourned „� at 11;50 p.m. � �`» � � �-f / . .,...- �r Acting City Se etary '� APPROVED; �� U-z-�e�..�..d Ma r� Ralp Lowe � FOOTNOTE� During a discussinn of� clearing of the creeks to alleviate flooding� the following pledges were made and signed on the Councilroom black- board: I WILL GIVE THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD NECESSARY RIGHT-OF-WAY TO SOLVE THE DRAINAGE PROBLEMS OF COWART CREEK FROM CLEAR CREEK TO TWO MILES UpSTREAM: Gary Ezell R. E, Yancey D, L, Buchanyi H, W, Pringle John Leverton Loren Wood J, L, Bridwell Bob Newlander � � � � , � i I