HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1973-06-11 Special , �° — MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETTNG OF .THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL June 11 , 1973 The Eriendswood City Council met in a Specia1 Meeting on Monday, June 18, 1973, at the City Hall with the fol1owing members present: � i ' Mayar Pro-�tem Wi1liam Patton , ; Councilman Benny Baker ��� Councilman Ra1ph Gonzalez �.�ouncilman Richard Haken I With a quor�rm;_,presen,�, and with Mayor Ralph Lowe, Councilman Milton Windler, I� and Counci1man Edward Zeitler absent, the following business was transacted: B�DS ON REPAIRS TO CITY PARK BUILDINGS - The following bids were opened and read• � L. P. Taity Jr. $3,610.00 ��,. Kit�ball Company 2,gg2,76 � � Mayor Pro-tem Patton stated that the specifications bid on were for a build- i�:1 up roof whieh was not the intent ofi the Council and asked that tlie specifi- cations be rewritten and resubmi�ted to the bidders. Mr. Tate, who was present, also stated that the specs did not specify what grade of screen or lumber was to be used, thus making it po�sible to use second-hand materials. Counci1man Gonzalez's motion to .accept the low bid died for lack of a second, MOTION: (Patton) To throw :out �he bids • Secon : Baker � � Vote: FOR (3) Haken, Patton, Baker I AGAINST (1 ) Gonzalez MbTION FAILED \�J MOTION: (Patton) To table deci.sion on .the bids Second: Gonzalez ,�s Uote: FOR (4) Patton, Haken, . Baker,. Gonzal.ez MOTION CARRIED .��� CREEK CROSSING ON SUNSET - Coun�i7.maa Gonzalez reported .ti�at the County has " agree they wi11 install a second culvert (railroad tank cars) under the road on Sunset if the City would :p�urchase the two cars at $500 each, � MOTION: �� (Gonzalez) To send a letter to. Commissioner Hopkins and County Engineer Horton that .the. City will p�'rchase two cars at a total cost of $1 ,000, and formally req.uests that the Coward's Creek crossing on Sunset Drive be lowered 18 inches in accordance with ',�'I�e Ci ty Engi neer's recommendati ons , and that the Ci ty� procure the appropriate safety barricades and signs for this crossing. Second: Haken Vote: FOR (4) Patton, Haken, Baker, Gonzalez AGATNST: none ADJOURNMENT Motion made and seconded tha-t the meeting adjourn. The meeting was adjourned. �� � p �;��.-� � ���� °-� Bobbie C. Henry, City Secr�ry APPROVED: � � � � . ,� , �..e , a �y....-�.;� J Ra1ph L. Lowe, Mayor � �