HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1973-06-04 Regular � MINUTES �F A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL June 4, 1973 The Fr�'endswood�::Gi.ty�, Coun�1,1=met�.�i�i-._�:���t�gu1 ar:=N�ee�i�t�.g• a�-��=7..�� .xa�:m. on Monday, June 4, at the Friendswood City Hall with the following members present: Mayor Ra1ph .L. Lowe ��-� Councilman Edward Zeitler Councilman .Benny Baker Councilman Richard Haken �� Councilman� ,Ralph Gonzalez Councilman Wi7liam Patton � Councilman Mi'1ton Windler (arrived 1.ate) With a quorum present, and none absent, .the following business .was transacted: , READING AND APPROVAL, OF MINUTES;`;�- Minutes of a Regular Meeting of May 21 , and inutes of a Specia Meeting of May 28 approved as read. � PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS - Mrs. Betty. Merchant who is in charge of the 4th �� of Ju y para e, rev�iewe expected expenses for the event including a street ' banner and cash awards for parade entries: G� � � M�TION: (Baker) To authorize th�e City Manager to purchase a banner wh'ich advertises t,ki�:;"4th of J�i'ly cele.bration, cost not to exceed $200. ' Second: Zeitler ' Vote: Unanimous MOTION CARRIED i SPECIAL REPORT - Councilman Patton gave a report on review of WC&ID 108 facilities wFii ch'�'�ie �made on Thursday, May 31 . OATH OF OFFICE - Mr. W.�-E. Dykes and .Mr. George Rummel , newly appointed .members `""`°�� o� the Zoning Board of Adjustment, were administered the 0ath .of Office by the Mayor. �--' AWARDING OF BIDS ON UTILITY DEPARTMENT PICK-UP - - �f�OTION: (Patton) To accept the bid of A. C. Co1lins Ford at $3,300.31 as. the low bid.� Second: Baker Vote: Unanimous MOTION CARRIED AWARDING OF 'B,ID ON SURFACING OF SPREADING OAKS - MOTION: (Gonzalez) That the City Manager's recommendat:�:on be accepted � and the contract awarded �o .Bost Ditching as low bidder at $6,840. Second: Zeitler Vote: Unanimous MOTION CARRIED � AWARDING OF BID ON ROOFING AND REPAIR�.a<TO CITY PARK BUI.�:DINGS _- + 3;:OP9',.QO Build-up w/cupelo) I Bids were read as follows: Kimball Company ($2,725.24 Metal gable roof) Larry Tate �� ($2;943.46 Built-up roof) � Since these quotations were made on a job description instead of written i specs and were not compatible, it was decided to have specs written for I "a flat roof like the one that is on: �che building but with a small outlet � ���'�i above the pit area." New bids will be requested for next Monday night. ! � I _ _� GARBAGE �TRUCK DELIU�RY - Mr. Jerry Phillips of Davis Truck Equipment explained � that an extended elay would be ;r.equir.ed for delivery of the C-�700 garbage truck I which the City has ordered, and recommended that. they accept delivery on a model � LN-750 at $14,167, i i MOTION: (Patton) That the City accept delivery on the LN-750 at $14,167. � Second: Zeitler � Vote: Unanimous MOTION"GARRIED ' i I ; _```` � ---- ---- ----------... � �\ � Page 2 REVENUE SHARING BUDGET - Mr. Morgan reviewed his Proposed Budget for Revenue S aring Fun s as fol ows: Source of funds : 1972 Revenue Sharing Funds. . . . . . . . . . . . .$18,975.00 �'1� Funds from Current Street Budget.. . . . . . . 7 170,00 , ' 26, 45,00 ��" Planned.' Ex enditures: (Surfacing of 2650 f.t. Shadowbend) Capital Out1ay (mater.ials..).. . . . . . . . . . . . .$23 565.00 � Rental of Equipment... . . . . . . . . . .., . . . . . 2,580.00 �" 26, 45.00 - ,� Ba1ance. . . . .-0- ( I MOTION: (�onzalez) To accept the City Manager's recommendation for the --T,� expend�:ture of Revenue Sharing Funds 1972 for construction and surfacing of Sr,-adowbend. Second: Haken Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION. CARRIED ARCHITECT FOR CITY HALL/POLICE DERARTMENT ENLARGEMENT _�. Mr. Morgan gave results of his investigation on architectural fees. These range from 8-1/2% to 13% versus Mr. Kell� Gaffney's quoted 7%. MOTION: (Patton) That Kelly Gaffney be retained for architectural work � for Po;lice Department and City Hall . Second: Baker ��Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED OFFICIAL CITY NEWSPAPER - MOTION: (Zeitler) That the Friendswood Journal be designated as the official Ci ty newspaper for the com�-ii�.�year. Second: Baker MOTION: (Patton) To table the above motion pending arrival of Councilman Windler. --- ; Second: Haken i � Vote: FOR (3) Baker; Haken, Patton I �;, AGAIN�.T (3) Gonzalez, Lowe, Zeitler MOTION TO TABLE FATLED Councilman Gonzalez stated that he would abstain from voting since he felt there is no need to change newspapers�;. Mayor Lowe stated for the record that he felt each Councilman should vote. on every issue �unless there is a conflict of interest whlci� would justify their abstention. V:O�"�E� ON QRIGINAL MOTIQN FOR (3) Lowe , Haken, Zeitler AGAINST: (1 ) Patton ABSTAINING: (2) Gonzalez, Baker MOTION FAILED SIGN ORDINANCE - (A pr.oposed sign ordinance from the Planning Commission} .MOTION�:; (Patton) To pass an emergency ordinance suspending issuance of � permits for permanent signs for a 90-day period pending study of this proposed ordinance. Second: (Zeitler) Vote: FOR (2) Zeitler, Patton AGAINST (4) B.a���r, Haken, towe, Gonzalez f � �I� T e MOTION FAILED �I � h ordinance will be placed .on the workshop agenda for June 11 . '� t 3 (COUNCILMAN WI•NDLER ARRIVED 'AT THE MEETING AT THrS,TIME) � SALE OF $�,1�0,000. TAX BQNQS:;�,�- Harry Granberry, Fiscal Agent, presented a "Resolution Au t h orizing Zssuance o f 0,0 0 0 Genera l Q�:ligation Bonds 1973" and "Certificate for Resolution Authorizing Issuance of $150,000 General Obligation Bonds , Series 1973" both of which are attached here to and made a permanent part of these official minutes as follows : Page 3 � '. : r�o:rzo�: � � - _ _ - ,_,,,���, : ; (Pa.tton): Fo�^ a?�pt�on- of t�ie� ResoTti"t7�on-�Authorizing Issuance ..o"���'1�0;Ofl0..Ce�e-r.al_4-Ob1=����atian Bonds 1973. . '"Seeorid;: Windler � Vote: " Unanimous FOR � - --�--- � ° ° MOTION CARRIED � ARGH:I:T �.CTU�AC��.ES�RVI�T"����I�;;'��;'��:'�'�p'�pARTMENT - The Fi re Department pl ans for the new fi re stati on are for purc ase of a pre-pl:anned metal bui 1 di ng; however, some architectural work wil] be r.equired for the facing and finish work, MOTION: (Windler) To authorize architectural consulting service for t.15'e � Fire Department •�n a basis of ten (10) hours at a rate of $15.b0 ( per hour, Second: Haken - - Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED REZONING OF PROPERTY FOR FIRE DEPARTMENT BUItDING was discussed. This will e inc ude w�t ot er property rezoni.ng. as recommended by the Planning Commission. ORDINANCE w STREET' IMPROVEMENT/PART3CIPATION PROGRAM AN ORDINANCE ESTABLTSHINC A POLICY UNDER WHICH THE CITY ' WTLL MAKE +� •��PERMANENT STREET TMPROVEMENTS IN DEVELOPED AREAS. �f'' �» MOTION: (Gonzalez) To approve first reading of Street Program Ordinance. � Second: Haken � Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED � ORDTNANCE - HAZARDOUS MA7ERIALS MOVEMENT THROUGH CITY - was discussed but no action taken. WARRANTS MQTION: (Windler) To approve for payment: G&A Warrants : 3014 - Dan's Garage $ 769.08 3015 - H-GAC (PD) 1 ;419.00 � 3013 - Aetna 647.17 M&0 Warrant: _ 1657 - AdUalorem 510.88 ____� �:Second: Patton Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED OFFTCIAL CITY NEWSPAPER.��=� A new vote was requested with Councilman Windler present. MOTION: (B�tken,)�<:�,'�o desi gnate the Fri edswood Journal as the Offi ci al News- paper for the coming year. Second: Windler Vote: FOR (5) Windler, Haken, Baker, Zeitler, Lowe AGAINST (1 ) Patton Abstaining (1 ) Gonzalez MOTION CARRIED SEWER PLANT PROGRAM � Mr. Dave Hill of Walsh Engineering said that some errors in the app ication will be corrected before it is carried to EPAf�n June 8. MOTTON: (Windler) To approve funds for expenses for three people to go to Dallas for conference with EPA on June 8. Second: Zeitler Uote: Unanimous FOR M�TION CARRIED MOTION: (Patton) To approve and authorize the Mayor to sign Resolution No. 4-73 requesting grant fur�ds under Public Law 660. Second: Zeitler Vote: Unanimous FOR SUMMER WQRK CREW FOR CREEK�-CLEARING WORK MOTION: (Gonzalez) To instruct the City Manager to write a letter �o the County requesting a work crew for clearing a brush along the creeks during the summer months . , --- -- ------ SECONDt Windler Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED ADJOURNMENT ' � Motion made and seconded �hat the meeting adjourn.. The meeting was adjourned. . , , , �� , , ,���--�"�'��-� , Bo6bie C. �Henry, City Se retary APPROVED: �„✓�✓' � � q�� , . , ayor a p. . owe �''✓ I . . , � . . �. � , . . i .. �—