HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1973-05-21 Regular - -----��'v X�: MTNUTES OF A REGULAR ME�TTNG OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY .COUNCIL � . - May 21, 1973 A Regular Meeting of the �'ra.endswood City Council was held at the City Hall ' a� 7:30 �.m. on Monday, May 21, 1973, �rith t.he follov�ing members present: Mayor Ra1ph L. Lowe Councilman Edward Zeitler Councilman Benny Baker Councilman Richard Haken Councilman Ralph Gonzalez Councilman William Patton Councilman Milton Windler Wi,tl� all members present, the following business was tr.ansacted: �V � � REA�TNG AND APPROVAL OF MTNUTES - Minutes .of Regular Meeting of May 7, �"'� approved as read. � �� REPORT ON TOWER ESTATES SEWER TREATMENT: Councilman Patton reported discovery Q that sewage from this area was running directly in�o the creek. Correction has been make to route it through t'he Sun Meadow treatment plant. UTTLTTY' LTNE MOVEMENT ON FM 518: A change order in the amount of $2 ,000 for I'' sand base for pipe. This item was omitted from the original specs. MOTTON: (Zeitler) To approve the change order Second: Windler � � , vote: Unanimou.s FOR MOTION CARRIED i � �, OPENTNG OF BTDS ON SUR�'ACING SPREADING OAKS .(1-1/2" hot mix from Woodlawn to - Su � nset i Bost Ditching Service $6,840.00 Kenned�r Construc-�ion Co. 9,060.00 ! � �'xds y�rere turned over to the City. Manager for review, to be returned ' to Council for awarding. I I i , CANE CORPORATTON SUBDIVTSTON - Mr. Lynn Eignus stated that he is prepared to � ins�tall taa�er and sewer lines and bring the streets up to city specifica- I tions, bu� would like permission to continue selling lots while these i improvements are being accomplished. MOTION: (Zei.�ler) To authorize Mr., Eignus to continue selling i lots contingent .on approval by the Planning Commission ' Second: Windler Councilman�Gonzalez asked for a eommitment that Mr. Eignus would go be�ore the Drainage Board within two weeks. With Mr. Eignus assurance he stated that he could then support the motion. Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED , � ! � ����'�R `�'R.bM"FRT�NDSWOOD �'OURNAT, requesting that they be considered for designa- , ti:on as official ne�rspaper. � � ' MOTTON: (Patton) To put selection of of�icial newspaper for coming � , year on the agenda for .next Council Meeting, i Second: Wixidler i Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTTON CARRTED ---�--�— --- ---- (� — — — -- ---_....._—__---- � �.P� - ----..__.. , ---- Page 2 BROWN & ROOT (Larry Wilbanks) needs two acres of land on FM 518 to set up a pug mill for processing materials for widening of the highway. ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMEN'T - Chairman Ivy Fossler requested that some final action be taken on the truss plant which was ruled to be in conflict with the Zoning Ordinance last year. She also requested that Council review the ordinance and the duties of the Board of Adjustment in order to support the Board in their decisions. This item is to be studied at �he workshdp meeting next Tuesday night. GIRL SCOUT BUILDING - Mr. Lloyd Van Horn requested permission to place a storage building on City Hall property for use by the Scouts. � ! � ,. MOTION: (Haken) To approve Mr. Van Horn's request. ''- ' Second; Baker Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED MR. SAM VESTER'S OFFER TO INSTALL WATER LINE - Mr. Vester has previously reques-�ed �h.at t�he Cz�y share in the cost of a water line to his property on Falling Leaf (from Greenbriar or Sunset) but funds were not now available for participafiion by the City. Mr. Vester now offered to finance the cost of -�he line if the City would promise to reimburse him when f.unds are made avail,able for .the difference between a 2'T line and a 6" line. (Approxi.mate cost to the City: $1,650.00) MOTTON: (Patton) To accept Mr. Vester's offer and direct the City Manager .to request bids on the job based on City Specifications. Second: Baker Vote:. Unanimous F'OR MOTION CARRIED SEWER BOND ELECTION - Activities and studies were reviewed by Council regarding need for enlarged facilities, comparisons of cost on various proposals , parti- cipation with Gulf Coast Waste Disposal Authority, and financing methods. MOTTON: (Windler) That we instruct Walsh Engineering to complete � the proper 2.5 million gallon per day waste discharge permit � at site �#3; that we ins�ruc-t them to complete -the request ,1 �or EPA granta to fund construction of Plant #3 and associated trunk lines, infiltration study, and trunk line for Annalea and Clover Acres; that we include as an enclos�tre to this fihe "Summary of the Friendswo�ci Water Treatment Proposal" with a cover letter from the Mayor to the EPA; TWQB, HGAC explain- ing our continued negotiations with the GCWDA and offering to� explain any points. . � � Second: Patton MOTION: (Zeitler). To table the motion Second: Baker Uot'e: FOR (3) Baker, Zeitler, Lowe AGATNST: (4) Windler, Patton, Gonzalez, Haken , MOTION FAILED , Vote on Or.iginal Motion: FOR (3) Haken, Patton, Windler AGATNST: (2�) Zeitler, Lowe ABSTAINTNG: (2) Baker, Gonzalez MOTION FATLED ' MOTION: (Zeitler) To ca�l a bond. election for June 9 for $160,000. �'�`�o� �7;an� ��3 �aith the option that we investigate cost of •��� �°trea�men� �b� �GCWAA; �hat we also authorize the action as � � spelled out in Councilman Windler�s moti,on � Second: Baker ; Vote: F'OR (3) Zeitler, Baker, Patton • AGATNST: (4) Windler, Lowe, Gonzalez, Haken MOTION FATLED T � e 7�'� Page 3 � (Councilman Windler left the mee-ting at this point) MOTTON: (Patton) That the permit application and grant application be completed and submitted as soon as possible; these to include Clover Acres, Annalea, North Tnterceptor as planned, Interceptor from P1ant 1 to Plant 2, Tnterceptor from Plant 2 to Plant 3 or GCWDA plant, and infiltration: Second: Haken !- ' i Vo-�e: FOR (4) Pa��on, Zeitler, Baker, Haken � � A,GATNST: (1) Lowe ;� � ABSTATNTNG (1) Gonzalez MOTTON CARRTED R.�QU�S'� ��' �'U�'DS �'OR CT,BAR CREEK FLOOD CONTROL PROGRAM - Mayor Lowe read a �,e�ttex to �he appropriations commzttees of the U.S. Senate and House requesting $1,00,000 �or �he Corps of Engineers to continue this program. The letters are to be hand-delivered by Judge Ray Holbrook this week. MOTTON: (Haken) '�o send the letters to the committees through �� Representative Jack Brooks supporting additional funds for � the Clear Creek Flood Control project. � Second: Baker y'� Vote: Unanimous POR MOTTON CARRIED � APPROVAL OF RENWICK VTLLAGE SUBDIVISION PLAT - A q�.estion was raised regarding an earlier discussion on approving subdivisions which were given preliminary approval under o1d regulations but do not conform to the current lot size regulations. MOTION: (Zeitler) To approve the final plat on Renwick Village Second: Gonzalez Vote: FOR (6) Patton, Gonzalez, Lowe, Haken, Baker, Zeitler �I� �;. (Councilman Patton stated that he. felt this action was � i be.ing �aken illegally) l�_-_f MOTION CARRTED A�'�'ROVAL 0�' T-IER�TAGE ESTATES SUBDTVTSION PLAT - There was some discussion as � to wheth,er the Drainage Board should see and approve the plat. MOTTON: (Zeitler) To authorize the Mayor to sign the plat by way of approval pending signature by the Chairman of the Planning Commission. Second: Baker Vote: FOR (4) Patton, Lowe, Baker, Zeitler i AGATNST: (2) Gonzalez, Haken � MOTION CARRIED i WARRANTS FOR APPROVAL I I MOTTON: � (Haken) To approve M�0 Warrants 1647,1648,1649,and 1650; and G�A Warr.ants 2992, 2994,2995, 2996, 2997. Second: Baker Vo-�e: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED ! i i BIDS ON DRAPES FOR LIBRARY - Two bids were received using identical materials � �or dra�ing the glassed areas o� the Library meeting room to permit showing ! of films for children during summer months. � j i � Lined Unlined � Hu11 McKelvey Beauti Pleat Tnc. $ 969.67 $ 678.67 � � w.._ Village Tnteriors (includes rodsz:�nd installation) 668.65 MOTTON: (Gonzalez) To award work to Village Tnteriors I Second: Baker i V'ote: Unanimous FOR MO.TION CARRIED AD�'OU�NMENT, -, �'k�� meet�.ng was adj ourned a� 1:30 a,m. I ��y�--��-�c-�c-2� � � APPROVED: City Secretary �'�� t��f /_l � .,� �