HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1973-05-07 Regular -- _ -------------------------------------- ------------ ------ - -- - ._. - �., .... (� MINUTES OF' A REGULAR MEETING' OF•THE FRIENDSWOOD GITY COUNGIL May 7, 1973 A Regu,-1 ar Meeti ng. of...the' Fr.i en,dswood Ci ty Counci 1/ was. hel d �a�t the Ci ty� Hal l at 7:30 p.m, on Monday, May 7,, 1973, w.7th the fol;l;owing. members present: Mayor Ra7ph Lowe � ` Counci.aman Milton;Windler Councilm.an Will.iam Patton. � � '. � '. C:�unc:i.lman .Ralph Gonzal,e.z - � , � Councilman� Richard. Haken � . , Councilman Benny Baker � i Counci lman Edward.,�ei,tl er ._ . . With a quorum present, and none absent, the following business was transacted: READING AND APPROUAL OF M.INUTES Minutes of a R�egul.ar Meeting of April 16, approved as corrected Minutes of a Special Meeting of, April 23, approved as read Minutes of a Special Meeting of April 30, approved as corrected ANNOUNCEMENTS FROM THE MAYOR 1 . Young people from the Church of Latter Day Saints have vo1unteered to do some work for the City this Saturday. The Mayor expressed the City's appreciation to the group for thei°r cor�muni=ty interest.: ' 2. May 5 was "Baseba1l Day" with a parade and opening of the season. � 3, At a meeting 1ast Tuesday, Forest Bend voted to furnish their own fire protection rather than combine with the Friendswood Fire Dep�rtment. � 4. On Wednesday of this week, the Council will meet jointly with the Planning . Commission to discuss the sewer problems in the city. ' ; PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS � Racquet Club, represented b� Ann Galen, petitioned the City to hold a bond election for the purchase of park land and construction of four lighted tennis courts. The Vi11a�e Green Civic Club volunteered their help and support for any city" project which would help to alleviate flooding such as was experienced this spring. This led to a general discussion of flooding in Friendswood and possible so1utions in re1ation to all the creeks, In the course of the discussion, Mayor Lowe asked James Nye, Chairman of the Drainage Board, to contact .the Brazoria County Drainage Board to see if they would agree to follow their flood waters down Mary's Creek . to Cl,ear Creek, using their equipment to clear the creek bed, if Friendswood will acquire the necessary right-of-way, ' Mr. Nye as�d for clarification on the osition of the Dr i p a na e Board in 9 approving plans for proposed subdivisions. OATH OF OFFICE FOR COUNCILMAN GONZALEZ - Mayor Lowe administered the Oath of ' O�Ffice to re-elected Councilman Gonzalez. Immediately fo1lowing a recess was called and refreshments served to a11 in attendance. � LAND USE STUDY COMMITTEE REPORT - Chairman Georg Ulbrich outlined the scope of i his committee s stu y, and assured Council that recommendations would be forth- coming within �he next two or three weeks . Mr, Ulbrich was a.s.ked to contact the Mainland Savings Association and request th�t they spare as many trees as possible in the construction of their building at FM 518 and FM 2351 . � ------ 4�.� RESOLUTION �EGARDING PURSUING OF �FREEWAY SYSTEMS BY THE STATE - In the interest of freeway outlets for Frien swoo c�tizens, C o u n ci lman Pa t ton presented a resolution requesting that the State Legislature not pl a c e a m o r a t o rium on fur t her freeway development. Of primary .interest are widening of the Gulf Freeway and construction af State Highway 35 from Houston to Alvin. MOTION: (Patton) For adoption of Resolution #2-73 Second: Baker Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED STATU� REPORT ON STREETS AND DRAINAGE - Councilman Haken gave a summary of � ' work present y bein �� , g�,. one wit regar to the street program which incl:uded: � � Priorities and estimate of man-hours for work on: �...� 1 , Paving Spreading Oaks: $5;500 (contract) 2,. Melody Lane - County to help. Cost to City $3,500. To start this week 3. Shadowbend - 26' of roadbed. Use material from FM 518 for base. 4, Clearview - Pave on participation basis 5�. Sunset - Progressing with County.assistance. 6. Greenbriar - No date set for start � Other recommendations included: Passage of' an ordinance covering a participation �' program (The Secretary was. instructed to post the ordinance as pr.esented) ; �""� Adoption of standards and specifications for city streets (to be ready by June 1 ) • � Use of Revenue Sharing funds for street construction; ' `� ted .for patching, mowing, ect, rather than "at random,That certain days be designa- � RE UEST FOR USE �OF� EASEMENT` TN��SUNMEADOW - A letter from Mr. E1vin Smith requests use of uti �ty easement e in his l:ot in Sunmeadow .to construct decking and fence for his swimming pool . Council decision was that no such authorization can be given. DRAINAGE THROUGH HERITAGE ES7ATES - For drainage of Harwood Subdiv�sion, a itional .drainage through .Heritage Estates during development would be � in order,, Estimate of this cos� would be $45,000 (cost to the City) above ; what the Heritage developers would be spending. ; ---' WATER LINE .EXTENSIONS- Tt was :agreed to lay a water line across from Les7yn Subdivision before the street is paved .to avoid tearing up the pavement later. A request from Mr. Vester to run a line down Falling Leaf from Sunset to his property was not found to be feasible at this time, PERSONNEL = Vacation pay prior to ,a full year's service was discussed in rel.ation to a .patrolman who resigned after eleven months emp1oyment plus some time as an auxiliary policemen. MOTION: (Patton) That.David Farrar receive 11/12ths of a year's � ' vacation pa,y in consideration of service to the City i Second: Haken Vo�Ce: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED � GARBAGE SERVICE TO FOREST BEND AND WEDGEWOOD - Mr. Morgan asked if the Council � would be receptive to the idea of furni .. He was asked to bring in figures to indicate whether orrnoteitcwouldtbe creek. profitable �o the City, Also, whether it would be acce table to brin I �rom Harris County to the Galveston County landfill , p g garbage SEWER SYSTEM - Mr. Ra1ph Somer.s discussed points to consider on sewer treatment, a�'lnc rea a etter he has written to Gulf Coast Waste Disposal Authority � requesting cost figures on treatment of Friendwood sewage. , ; ' ; ; il FOURTH OF JULY CLELBRATION - Councilman Baker asked if the Council would be in favor of. supporting the celebration, even subsidizing it from recreation funds, to keep this unusual event alive in Friendswood, The counci'1 indicated that they would support this program. � ; i I I � I -- — ---------- ---------�---------- — 4 94 _- ------.-__-- __ --- , GALVESTON COUNTY HEALTH BOARD - The Board will mee,t on Friday, May 11 , at � 3�;II�' .�ii. in� La 1�arque. � .Dr. Bi11 ,Jones .has been requested to represent the city a� �his�meeting. � � • � . 4 '. . � � .. LIAISON APPOINTMENTS - Mayor Lowe official.ly made the following liaison appoint- ments for the coming'year: Councilman Haken: Police Department - School/City Joint Tax Dept. Councilman Zeitler: Planning Commission - Recycling - Library Councilman Patton: Utilities - Flood Plain Councilman Gonzalez: Streets and Drainage Councilman Baker: Recreation - Parks - 4th of July, , Councilman Windler: Fire Department - Finances � WARRANTS ' ' __ . � MOTION: (Windler)' To approve G&A Warrants 2923, 2924, 2925, and 2926. Second: Patton - Vote: Unanimous FOR , MOTION CARRIED ELECTION OF MAYOR PRO-TEM � MOTION: (Gonzalez) That Council elect Richard Haken as Mayor Pro-tem Second: Patton Vote: FOR (1 ) Gonzalez � AGAINST (4) Lowe, Windler, Baker, Zeitler ' ABSTAININ� (2) Patton, Haken MOTION FAILED l �' � `� MOTION: ' (Zeitler) To elect William Ratton as Mayor Pro-tem Second: Wi.ndler Vote: FOR (5')� Lowe, Wind1er, Baker, Zeitler, Haken AGAINST (1 ) Gonzalez � ANNEXATTON `OF AREA NEXT TO LONGWOOD PARK - Mayor Lowe asked that he be allowed to contact residents in` the area .to see if, they will petition for annexation. He will � report to Council at next week's workshop. Action deferred until next , � Council Meeting. ' � � - � ORDTNANCES - �Ord. �#182 =' Daq Ordi.nance = 'Third and Final Readinq ` AN ORDINANCE SETTING FORTH LICENSING PROVISIONS FOR ALL DOGS; PROHIBITING DOGS FROM BEING AT I.ARGE ON PUBLIC OR PRIVATE PROPERTY; DEFTNTNG TERMS; PROVIDING FOR VACCINATION OF.DOGS; PROVIDING FOR CONFINEMENT OF DOGS EITHER IN "DOGPOUND°' or. `UNDER SUPERUISION OF LICENSED VETERINARIAN; PROVIDING 'FOR NOTICE OF IMPOUNDED DOGS AND RELEASE OF DOGS IMPOUNDED UPON PAYMENT'OF FEES; PROUIDING FOR DISPOSAL OF DOGS NOT REDEEMED; PROVIDING FOR RECORDS; PROVIDING FO�R VICIOUS DOGS; PROVIDING FOR UNCONSTITUTIONALITY OF CERTAIN � ' SECTTONS` HEREOF; REPEALING ORDINANC�S IN CONFLICT HEREWITH AND MAKING CERTAIN SECTIONS HEREOF APPLICABLE TO OTHER DOMESTIC ANIMALS. MOTION: (Windler) To .adopt Ord. #182 on third reading Second: Zeitler �Vote: FOR (6) L6we; Haken, Baker, Zeitler, Windler, Patton ' � � AGAINST (1 ) Gonzalez (He ,stated that he favors a leash law) MOTION CARRIED ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT APPOINTMENTS MOTION: (Haken) To reappoint William Dykes and George Rummell rl�� � � to the Board of Adjustment � Second: Zeitler Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED . . . I ADJOURNMENT -� Motion made and seconded that the meeting adjourn. Meeting ad;journed, . . . i� ///1//l �� `�'"7 f . - /�? G4-�(.-�._� � .-G'9Z' Ci ty Secr�etary APPROVED: %''�`�a...���:�„f�,�'� c�k.r�''%� '°'� ,�,�,.. L Mayor RaTph Lowe �`