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HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1973-04-30 Special ----------------- ------ -- - - ---�._� �`�'� ' --------- . � MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL , April 30, 1973 A Special �Meeting of.the� Friendswood City Council was held� on Monday, Apri1 30, at 7:30 p,m, �n th� City�.Hall _for the purpose of canvassing the City Election and dissolution of Sun Meadow; also to take whatever action might be necessary in connection with sale of bonds, Present were: . � '. . , .. . � Mayor� Ralph�-L. Lowe' ' � Counc7lman` Ri chard �Haken ' Counci.lman Benny Baker �" � Councilman� Ralph Gonzalez _ .. , Counc9lman William Patton Councilman Edward Zeitler � �` � ' �: � : 'Counci:lman��Mi�lton Windler�� - � With a quorum present, and none absent, the following business was transacted and subjects discussed: 1 .� ,� FLOODING CONDITIONS ON COWARD'S CREEK - Mr. Bob Newlander who was appointed � :� by� th� Mayor to: hea a committee �to study� the condi�tions at this area, made a �repor:t of the commi'ttee's��findings � and �some contacts whth the County in an 'effort`a7leviate`°the �looding conditions� � � 2. . DRAINAGE MEETING TN HOUSTON - A meeting will be held in Houston tonight to discuss drainage plans for�the.'en�ire �area. 3. CANVASSING��OF CITY RUN-OFF ELECTION - A Resolution setting fot�th the results � : �of �the��Ci;ty a s �Run-off"E ecti on�s'et forth "resul ts as 'fol'l�ows: � � � , Total votes �ast ` .� 1461 � y Ralph G. Gonzalez � •' 795' William� P. :Jones 666 . , MOTION: (Patton) For adoption of the t^esolution ='canvassing election Secon : Haken � : � Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED � . . ; , . , . . , 4, CHURCH OF LATTER DAY SAINTS VOLUNTEER`WORK - Bishop� Garth La�dle presented Pat Burte of t e young peop e group, w o asked that they be allowed to do same pr.oject.for the C�ty �such as painting street sign posts or fireplugs � beginning .at 8-o'c.l�ock� on May 12. The offer was accepted and work wi11 be � � ' assigned, The youth group were thanked for the offer. 5, WELCOME WAGON - PARK PLAY EQUIPMENT DONATION TO CITY - Mrs, Sandy Anderson told Council that the Welcome Wagon would like to present the city with a 12=foot slide and.�a merry-go-round, and would like direction as to where the,.C�ity wou1d li�ke this equipment installed. �The group was thanked for the gift�; and Counc�iilman Baker wi�l�l work with° them on location. 6. ..,LANp USE��COMMITTEE, �George� UT�ricfi; Chairman. Other appointments to this committee were ma e as follows: Clyde Raney Richard Yancey Edith Hausman R�chard Erwin Art Hutchings � p , Ruth Prengle � John Crosby 7. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT - Mrs. Ivy Fossler, Chairman, requested that appointments be made to fill out �his Board, since several items are �to be referred to them for decision in the near future. 8. DRAINAGE IN BRIAR M�AI�OW - City Manager gave a proposed solution to the problem. �l.l'R 9. SEWER BACK, UP COMPLAINT,.- Mr,, Bob,Bizze,ll pr;epared to state that he. is sti11 having problems with proper; sey�rage;drainage, Superintendent` Toon was asked to check this p�taoblem out, ' 10,. WATER L,INE �- SUNSET%GREENBRIAR - A�citizen. requested that the; City install a water, 1 i ne to ,hi s ,s i te,.on, a, parti ci pati,on bas i s; the Ci ty Manager stated that money would be the: only problem--that.the budget figures would have �o be checked out. 11 . DISSOLUTION OF SUN MEADOW �- The` City Attorney presented a Resolution for passage by, the Counc�l to•exped�te .the transition from the Municipal District � i to the City of records; and,:r,esponsibilities.: � __,� A RESOLUTION OF THE,CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS, MAKING C,�RTAIN' FINDINGS RELATING TO THE STATUTORY DIS- 3 SOLUTION OF THE SUN MEADOW MUNICIPAL UTILTTY DISTRICT OF ��`' � GALVESTON COUNTY, TEXAS; AUTHORIZING THE RECEIPT OF ALL BOOKS, RECORDS, DOCUMENTS, BANK DEPOSITS, ECT. CONCERNING OFFICIAL BUSINESS OF THE SAID SUN .MEADOW MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT OF , , . GA,LVESTON. C,OUNTY, ,TEXAS,,, . • � ' , MOT.ION:,. � (Gonzal ez,) .Fo,r, adopt.i or� of the� resol uti on Second: Ze.itler ' " � . _ . � ' Vo'te: Unanimous FOR � MOTION CARRIED ' � , � 12,' FTR� nEPARTMENT.;PROTECTION ,F,OR..FOREST BEND - Feasibil.i,ty .and financing of � a �oint .was iscusse. , Forest Bend citizens wall meet tomorrow � night to vote or� the subject. , , 13, STRE�T� &� DRAINAGE WQRK.- C�ty Manager _requested, permission to advertise for � s on, ot„mix.'toppi,ng:.for; Spre�ding Oaks.;(.a budget item) and to ,� ' get quotations for."furnishing of. a dragline and .operator. for drainage work on Castlelak�. He was told �to proceed. , , , 14. WATER LINES TN FM 518 MEDIAN .- The City will lay steel pipe casing with - ; plastic pipe under the highway and stub up in the medians to provide a , � , wa�er. . supply,.for plantings 9n the median. . ', , , , , � r_..' 15. DRATNAGE �AT JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL' - A meeting. between the school and the city ' as resolved the quest�on of s ared expenses for_ this project. 16. MOVTNG OF UTILTTIES ON FM:518 .-..Sand bedding was not included in the request fo.r , i,ds and;s,pecs ,for�this job.;. however; other..deletions wi l l more than offset� the cost of this particu�ar . 17. REPORT.ON RECYCLING PROGRAM..-_ Councilman -Zeitler reported that the cost of the building has �been pai off and $200 will be ;gaven to the Library for purchase of books. He also stated that under Revenue Sharing Funds, the ,1 ocal .1 i brary wi 11,, recei ve $500 _fo,r. book .purchase. .,, 18. SALE OF $150;000 IN BOhJDS FOR FIRE STATION AND ADDITIONS TO CITY HALL - ,The Fiscal Agent a vise that t ese onds cou e sol now at - 20 i�nterest without the ti,me�nvalued in.:getting a. Bond Rating. MOTION: (Patton)' To authorize the Fiscal Agent to sell these bonds at a maximum interest rate of 5.=1/2%. Second: ', . V'ote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED 19. GALU� COUNTY FLOOD �CONTROL DISTRICT (Proposed) - Mayor Lowe was authorized ; to wr��i;te ar�ot er etter supporting formation of this District. � � � � MOTTON: (Gonzalez) To wrii:e letter endorsing this flood control -�- di stri ct. � Second: Zeitler Vote: FOR :(6) Lowe, Windler, Patton, Gonzalez, Haken, Zeitler AGAINST (1) Baker MOTION CARRIED ��'� ----___------------------------ ------- ---�------ , ---- 20. R�SURFACING 'OF MELODY LANE - County.,,to do .this work with the City furnishing � approximately 3,500 for materials. ,. ' � 21 . TELEPHONE CABLES ON LUNDY. LANE - Counci,lman Patton stated that cables fram lvin exchange and Frien swoo exchange 'run al�ong this. street: Many of thc people' on, the A1'vi n ,.1 i ne..wou7 d prefer. to. be� a 482. numbei�; Counci lman Pa�ton � sta�ed 'that t`he �ouncil needs �to take this case to th� Telephone Company for these citizens. He requested that a representative of the Company be invited to attend the next Council Meeting;. ,,, , ,. „ � . : , � ,� , 22. � T�AFFTC SAFETY AND ENGINEERING CONFERENCE - A&M = WEEK. OF MAY 7 - The City Manager requeste permission to atten th�s conference. ' ' , MOTIONi (Haken) To app,' Mr. Morgan's attendance at the Traffic �__: ' � Conference�in College Station, � Second: Zeitler ' ' ` � ' ' '" Vote: Unanimous' FOR MOTION CARRIED . � 23:: ' ANNEXATION °- As a 'resul t "of the request� of .Mr: Roger Tanner for annexat9on of his property on Melody Lane, th� Secretary was instructed to have pre- pared an ordinance to annex all of the land not within the. City lying between the 'pre'sent city boundaries and Clear Creek, and to make arrangements for the necessa�y notice and public hearings for such .an annexation. 24. REPAIR TO BUTLDINGS AT TNE CITY PAR14;- Councilman Baker has been ab.1e to get only one quote on repairs to t e restrooms .at the° City Park. The barbeque and drinks�'baildings are also in �need of repairs. 25. S�WER LINE TO SERVE.HERITAGE ESTATES, - Several alternatives were discussed �;�- �and the City'Manager. gave. t e fo owing figures: � Cost of trunk line"from Quaker's Landing. to Plant #2 . $192,160.00 'I Cost of trunk l�ine from Heritage Estates to Clearview 68,150,50 Developer's line to Quaker ' 12,691 .00 26.� SEWAGE' TREATMENT FACILTTIE$� - Ci ty ,bui 1 t:#faci 1 i ti es vs. GCWDA pl ant MOTION: (Windler) 'Tot ask Ralph Some1^s to write a letter�'to the GCWDA requesting cost estimates on. treating of Friendswood's sewage. � Second: ,�onzalez ' - Vote: UnanimoUs FOR ' ' MOTION' CARRIED " �' ' , � � MOTION; . (Wind�er) To write a letter to Forest Bend. asking if� they want to be released from their con�tract with Friendswood Second: Gonzalez'� � � " Vote: FOR (2) Windler, Gonzalez ' AGAINST (5) �Lowe; Patton, HaKen, Baker, Zeitler ' � MOTION' FAILED ' � � ' ' The president of the Forest Bend Water Board, Don Carpenter, was present and stated that the..Board did not desire to cancel the contract. , � � , . 27. COUNTY FUNDS FOR FIR� PROTECTION - The City each year�makes a formal request to Ga veston County for fun s to cover fire protection for those areas of the County not in ;the City of Friendswood. MOTION: (Patton) That a letter �be sent to the County requesting these funds for the Fire Department Second: Baker ' Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED � . . � , , , . I , � � � �� �,� ._„� � , - .� -�. � � � , i � CLOSED SESSION Municipal Court - Complaint of a citizen against procedure of the Court was discussed with the citizen, Council, and Court Judge before the regular meeting, At the closed session, Council decision was. to write letters to the Judge and the citizen stating" that no request will be made for the resignation of the Judge over the incident. Mayor Lowe reported suggested changes in. Council Liaison positions as follows: Windler: Fire Department - Finances; Gonzalez: Streets and Drainage; Haken: Police Department and School Taxing .Committee,; Baker: Recreation; Patton: Utilities and Flood Plains; Zeitler: Planning Commission, Library, Recycling. ADJOURNMENT - Motion made and seconded that meeting adjourn. Meeting was adjourned. Bobbie C. Henry, City Secretary APPROVED: Ralph L. Lowe, Mayor