HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1973-03-19 Regular ------------------—,- -- • ---- ------- "' - MINUTES.:OF �A� REGULAR� MEETING OE: THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL '�" � � • , � , , March 19, 1973 A regulax Meeting of the� Friendswood City �Coun�il was held at City Ha11 at 7:30 p,m. on Monday , March 19, 1973, with the foll.owing.members pxesent: . , -. ,;, Mayox Ralph L. Lo�ve- ' . Councilman_ Milton Windler i Councilman WiLl�iam Patton . � I Councilman Ralph Gonzalez . .._... Councilman Richard Haken Councilman Benny Baker � . �: � �: . Councilman Edward�:Ze�itler. � , , ,,, . , With a quorum present, and none absent, the following business was transacted: READIN� AND APPROVAL OF N1CGIVUTES - Minutes of a R�egular Meeting of March 5 approved as corrected. Minutes of a 5pecial Meeting of March 12 have not been completed. WELCOME TO VTSITORS - Mayor LOwe welcomed Mr. Mike. Eastland of the Gulf Coast Waste Disposal Autho,r;,ity and Mr. Dean Schultz of the Texas Highway Department. ANNOUNCEMENTS AND COAM�IUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOR 1. Mayor Lowe asked Council•lnax� Zeitler to read a Proclamation by Governor po1ph Brisca designat�.ng Apr�:l 8 to 14 as "Libxary W.eek." �2. The Mayor announced that tax statements for the city's buf£er strip are now completed and wi11 be mailed out tomorrow. The highest statement is $814.90; the lowest is $1.70. 3, The Mayor thanked Mr. James Shore, Election Judge and other election ± � officials for their efforts on �he bond election, i ' , PETITIONS , 1 . Mr. Ted Gillory, who was interested in getting utility connections;:on Lins.on Lane, was feferred to the Planning Commisioon. Z. Mr. Jess Williams �etitioned Council to pass an ordinance requiring that dog owners build a fence to keep their do€�s in. He was told that the' subjecfi. will be discussed at workshop next week and invited him to be present. 3. !1 letter from Mr, Williams making application for appointment to the Planning Commission was read. No action taken. 4, Mr. BiJ.1 McAndrews of Cxown Petroleum Company. spoke regarding an oil- we11 drilling ordinance, and offered to help in working up such an ordin�,nce, CANVASTN� RETURNS OF BOND ELECTION - The City Attorney read a resol:ution canvasing � the returns o£ the bond election. MOTION: (Haken) That Council adopt the resolution dec-laring the results of the Maxch 17 bond election. Second: Zeitler � , Vote: Unanimous ���R MOTION CARRIED , UNFINISHED BUSINESS � 1. Subregional Sewer Plant - Mayor ,Lowe stated that in view of the defeat of bonds for this project, the Council must consider an "alternative to the original p1an. He asked Mr. Eastland to comment. Mr. Eas�land stated that the GCWDA had stood aside awaiting the outcome of the bond election, but .. � ., , . . , . ,. .. .. , � 4. . - ---- ---- 4�7�_� �' �with the defeat of the bonds the GCWDA wi11 start immediately with their own plans for the subregional plan�. Mayor Lowe requested that Mr. Eastland work with Mr. Ralph �omers, special appointee from the city, in formulating plans for this city's future sewage dispos��,. A report from the two wi11 be forth coming in� three weeks. , 2. Sidewalks along �FM 518 - Mr. Schultz of the Highway Department was included in the discussion regarding payment £or the sidewalks which were also voted ,--� down in the bond election. Mr. Shcultz stated that if the sidewalks were ' � elimu'nated from the plans at �this late date, no guarantee� could be made that the general contract for tvidening o� FM 518 would be let early in April. --- He indicated, in fact, that letting of the contract would almost c�r.tainly be postponed indefinitely. Method af payment was discussed by Council. � MOTTON: (Gonzalez) That the City assess the property owners for 660 of the cost of the sidewalks as allowed by the Charter to define the source of revenue that this project would require. Second: Haken MOTION: (Zei�ler) To table the motion �`" � Second: Patton � � Vote: FOR (4) Patton, Lowe, Baker , Zeitler '� AGAINST (3) Haken, Gonzalez, Windler. � MOTION CARR��;D � C°� � MOTTON: (Patton) That Council authorize the Mayor to send a checJ� � � � for the lump sum payment of the sidewalks ($33,700) , and ' . that decision on :what�,fund this money wi11 come from be ; :���� �••. made at workshop meeting nexfit�t�onday.. Second: Zea.�ler Vote: FOR (5�• Windler, Patton, Lowe, Baker, Zei�ler AGAINST (2) Haken, Gonzalez MOTION CARRIED ,�_1 . , r ., . , ` 3. �Atitarding�-of Cont�act with Mainland Construction for moving of utilities � � --� on FM 518; , . .,. . ., , � , . , . , . , „ � ����3 MOTTON: (Windler)A That the mayor be authorized to execute the contract and make award a£ter he has received a copy of � �� the Commissioner'.s Court o.rder stating .that the County will meet their part of the obligation which is mo�ing utility lines on FM 518. Se�.ond: �Zeit];er ±� ,,, � Vo�e: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED 1' . � � � , - 4. Legalit rof��Meeting - Councilman Zeitler ask�d the City Attorney to give an .opinion on whethex the meeting of the coucilmen held on the evening o£ Maxch 6 was 1ega1. Mr, Jerden stated that :in his opinion the meeting was with.in the law inasmuch as no ' tice w as iven and uo g rum re � q p sent. ADMINISTRATI-:?�E TTEMS � City Manager James Morgan 1. Noise at ��wer Plant #1 � Letter. from a �consul�Cing engineer 'proposing to anake a study of the problem was read. Councilman Patton suggested that the exhaust line be covered with soil in an effort to mu�fle the sound. This wi11 be explored by Mr. Patton, Jim Morgan and Ken Toon. I2. Grau Hos ital Insurance. - Mr. Morgan made reconmendation that Aetna's _ #2 policy- be accepted stating that it had the vote of the 'majority of the employees, and ��s a premium r.ate�.very .simila� to the present policy with somewhat higher benefits. , .. ,. MOTION: (Windler) That the City Manger's, recommendation be accepted. Seoond: Haken Vote: unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED . �, 3. �Garbage: Truck Recommendation: - Mr; Morgan has s�iadied the bids ,and made recammendation that the City purchase a C-700 Ford Truck and 20 Xard I-Iei1 Packex Unit from Davis Truck and Equipment Company for a bid price _ of $14,265, low bid on the announced speci�a.cations. ---- ----------- ------------- . ----- ------- -----•---------------- .. ....._ -- - �� - MOTTON: (Gonzalez) Tha.t, the Mangers.' recommendation be �accepted. Second: 'i&aker ���, :_. ,_ � � � Vote:� Unanimous� FOR � , MOTION��CARRIED �` � 4. �arbage Bags - Mr Morgan reported that .he had been urialbe to find a supplier for papers bags at this time. Suggestion was made that the �- ��.� dog problem� be xesolved before the final decision is made on use of bags. 5,: -, S�ree�ts�lm newl annexed :axea - �Discussion r.egarding maintenance of� raads. iz� this .area i11 �be affec�ted by information .still be received � i on which street� the County has been .maintaining. I 6. . �Building��permits in flood ,�rone areas.= The Planning Commission has stated that although they do not wish to examine each application for building pexmit, �they. would like to� work� up� a procedure with 'the City Manager whereby they would. be invoJ.ved in t�ose� applications which might present a conflict wi.th the Flood Tnsurance rec�uirements. 7. Use of Se tic Tanks within th,e Cit - Policy statement from CQUnci1 : If bua.l�;.ng site is accessable, �to sewer line, bui�ler is requi.r.ed to connect; if no h.00k-up is possible, �hen septic tanks are to be permitted. (Councilman Baker left the .tnEeting at 11 :30 p,m.) 8. School Draina e Program - Plans have been final.ized. Estimated time of ' aompletion �s 60�.days i�.done .by the Street Department. The school has � � reauested ,that the work be started after s�hool is out in June and be completed by Augus� 20. It was decided that this work should probably be done on a contrac� basis due to the lack .of manpowex in the street �epartment and the time involved. UNFTNTSHED BUSINESS (conti:nued) 5. Hous�on/F�y''iendswood Ex�raterritorial Jurisdiction - Mayor Lowe announced ""�°� that he has exhausted his e�foxts to extend the ETJ beyond the proposed ��! lines, and that a lettex will go out to Houston this week accep�ing � those lines wha.ch have been proposed and discussed. 6. Park Land Grant Applicata.on - A Resolution necessary to the, processing of� .a grant application to :�he: Te�;as Aarks and Wildlife Department for paxk�:land in Friendswood, was read. MOTTON: (Gonzalez) That the Resolution be approved ' � Second: Zeitler Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED Mayor Lowe stated that the option on this land is good for another 30 days, that the grant. ,application :1�ooks pnomising, the�efore activ.ities wi11 pxo�;�ed toward getting the gran� approved despite the vote against a bond issue for this purpose. WARRAIVTS - Warran� #1544 .;,.('MF�O) was not appxoved pending review of the repo�t from Coenco, Inc. (Malcolm Colline) on facilities at Sun Meadow. . MOTION: (Windler) To .approve MF�O Warrant #1545 and GF�A Warrants #2782, 2805, 2806, 2807, and 2808. Se�ond: Patton Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRTED ORDINANGBS � � Ord. #176 - Fixewor��'s - Third Reading , MOTION: (Patton) That Ord. #176 be approved and adop��ed on third � reading. Second; Gonzalez M0�'ION TO AMEND: (Windler) To amend the ordinance to allow certain � conditions under which fireworlts can be legal . . � �r�� � : -----------------� �@�. Second: Zeitlex� ' � Vo�e: FOR (2) Windler, Zeitler AGAINST (4) Patton, Ganzalez, Lowe, Haken VOTE ON ORIGINAL MOTTON: FOR(4) Patton, Gonzalez, Lowe, Haken AGAINST: (2) Zeitler, Windler MOTION CARRTED�� . ,,. � ., . . „ , .;. . .,:� ;. ; , , �. �. . � � . . . � , Ord. #179 - Construction S eed Zone Oxdia��ance. - •Second Reacling � . � . �;; . , ,, .. . � MOTION: (Haken) To acknowledge second �reading of� Ord. #179 -- Second: Patton � � , � Vote: Unanimous FOR . MOTTON CARRIED Ord. #182: Counci7.man Windler presented an ordicance composed of the existing dog ordicance and .the emergency ordinance under. whicn the city has been operating, and asked that �his ordinance be passed on an emergency basis since the last passage of the �emer- gency poxtion has e�cpired. � MOTION: (Windler) That Ord. #182 be passed on�.one �� �xeading in� view-�of the exsitance of an emergency �I a£fecting ��he health and well-being of the � i",�`� eommunity... , G� Second: Patton Vote: Unanimous For • Motion Carried 7. Tele hone Service xn �Sun Meadow MOTTON: (Gonzalez) That the City Manger be instructed to w�cite � a• letter to the �telephone company and ask that the suffix be. changed to 482 before any_moxe development is made in the Sun- Meadow :area. - , Seoc�d: Haken � �� ' Vote: Unanimous :FOR MOTION CARRIED � � - : . T . • , � ,. , , . ADJOURNMENT � ;, . . Motion made and seconded �hat the meeting adjourn. Meeting was adjourned. ��; . � , ' ��; � ����.i L___. Bob�ie C. Henry, City Secretary APPROVED: , . � ,. � � , . , .. .. ... ;r- ��,, .. � '� � � ��r�. �� �-� ��v�.4:... � . �� ��-. � . ayor Ra pli L. Low�,. � .. � . , , .. ,. ,, . �� ' I � ,.. , . � . ,. � _�i F