HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1973-03-12 Special (� ------------------------------------
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March 12, 1973
A Special Meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held on March 12, 1973,
at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, with the following members
Mayor Ralph Lowe � ,
Councilman Milton Windler �._._.
Councilman Willi�;n Patton
Council�an Ralph �onzalez
Councilman Richard Haken .
, Councilman Benny Baker
Councilman Edward Zeitler
With a c�uorum present, and none absent, the .following business was transacted:
INTRODUCTTON OF VISTTORS - Mayor Lowe introduced Mr. Nick Classen of the Texas
Water Quality Board and Mr.. Mike Eastland of the Gulf Coast Waste Disposal
Authority. . He also stat�d that Mr. Glen Loggins and representatives from Mortgage
� and Trust had been invited to attend the meeting.
Lettex to Highway De artment regardin lum sum ayment for .sidewalks - Mayor �
Lawe xead a letter he has sent to .the Highway Department in�;line with action
taken by �he Council that payment would be made in one lump sum rather than '
by pro�re�si payments, the lattex ha�Iing variances depending on cost of materials.
Deadline for Filing for cit 0£ficials Election - Mayor Lowe pxesented fi��e
b�;the seven candida�es who have f�led for this election: Dr. William P. Jones,
Mx. Robex� Newlander, and Councilmen Patton, Gonzalez, and Baker.
The Mayox stated that one of the candidates had filed for office at 10:30 p.m. �
an March 7, and asked the City A�torney to clarigy whether or not this was �
a legal action. Attorney Ody Jexden stat.��. that there is no doubt in his m�nd
that the Election �ode allows £or filing up unt�i_7. midnight of the last day for
f.iling provided that person with whom one must file is available.
Position o� Ba11ot - Drawing for place on the ballot was held in the City
Secretaxy's office earJ.ier this evening. Results were;
Councilman Position No. 2 1. Ralph G. ,C�onzalez
, 2. D. F, Pri�ce
� 3. 4Vii�liam P, Jones
Councilman Position No. 4 1. Authur R. Hutchings
' 2. William B. Patton
Councilman Posit�:�n N0. 6 1. Robert A Newlander
2. Benny R. Ba�Cer
Councilman Gonzalez requests complete financial disclosure by all candidates
and incumbents. He read a speech which he made before the Galveston County
Mayors and councilmen's:.�. Association on January 26, 1972, requesting that tha�t
oxganiza�ion adopt a resolution to this effect. No actian was taken by the
GCMCA. Tn the discuss.ion �ha�C followed most of the people concerned felt that
this kind of disclosure would be detrimental to their business or would be too
e .
x en,s.ive or too tim
p e consuming to be justified. Dr. William Jones stated
that i
he would be happy to give a copy of his financial statement from the bank .to
nnembers of the Council. '
Ci�y Manager's report on gaxbage bags- Jim Morgan reported that his efforts
to ge� prices and! commitmen�s for a quantity of paper bags has been unsuccess- �
ful, but he has xeceived a quo`tation of .0892¢ per bag but the company could
�not supply bags at this time.
Sub-regional Sew�r ��� A�,plication - Councilman Zeitler gave an expl.ana-
tion why he had requested tha�� the presentation of the grant application
be postponed fxom March 7. A lengthy discussion followed, climaxed by a
motion from Councilman Patton:
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� MOTION: (Patton) That.'�Council censor Mr: Gonzalez for his ac�at�ns
� Wednesday, and �e�onfirm its position with the TWQB.
This motion died for lack of a second.
MOTION: (Patton) That Council ratify its position toward a sub- �
xegional sew.er system clarigy this position to the
Texas Water Quality Board.
, Second: Baker � � � ,
; I Vote: FOR (6) Windler, Patton, Haken, Baker, Zeitler
� , AGAINST (1) �onzalez �
Group Insurance £ox Employees -� Jim Morgan read r;ecaps of several proposals
for group insurance and asked Council for an opinion. He was asked to tabulate
the �proposals and come backe:;to Council with a recommendation.
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Adjoux�n.ment - Motion was made and seconded that the meeting adjourn. The
meeting was adjourned.' � ,, ,
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(� Bobbie C. Henry, City Secret'ry
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