HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1973-03-05 Regular ---4�����. MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY .COUNCIL March 5, �,973 A Regular Meeting of the Friendswood Chamber of Commerce was held at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, March 5, in the Council Chambers at City Hall with the following members present: � Mayor Ralph L. Lowe , Councilman Milton ulindler ---�- Councilman Ralph Gonzal.ez Councilman Richard Haken Cou.ncilman Benny Baker ' Councilman Edward Zeitler With a quorum present, and with Councilman William Patton absent, the following business was transacted: READING AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES - P�inutes of Regular Meeting of Feb. 19, � approved as corrected. Remove Councilman Zeitler`s name from those present) � Minutes of a Special Meeting of Feb. 20, approved as presented. � . � ANNOUNCEMENTS FROM THE MAYOR /`� � 1 . A meeting was held last week with the Highway �epartment regarding the exemption of Council to the median at Magnolia Street (FM 518 project) � ' �� ThesaH���:,gli,Way��:�.Depa�ntment���_agreed to� shor�en the�median•��to �allow l�ay �Company :�a��.tr:ucksi.�orbtu�rn:�;on��to� the��hi;ghway�;� as°rreques�ed�by_the{_City. � ' n � -' � � � - - - 2. The Mayor read a letter to Mr. W. B: Moon�; Galveston County Mosquito Contr.ol Division, requesting that county spraying, ground and air, be started as early as possible in the spring because of heavy rains. � ;�� : ;. . , . , . ; . , , � 3. Mayor Lowe sta�ed that he has been in .contact with Brazoria County , Commission with� regard to drainage from that county into Chigger Creek and resu1tan� flooding of certain Friendswood areas. , 4. Mainland Construction Compan�, who will be awarded the contract for moving utility lines on FM 518, has set a 60 day duration for this work. The contract amount will be paid by the County in a lump sum upon completion. 5. Councilman Windler has reported that the Clearwood agreement is still in� the working stage with an .effort being made to- resolve any problem. 6. Mayor Lowe reviewed his contacts and activities regarding Houston ETJ and the possibility of their relinquishing to Friendswood the area lying between Forest Bend/Wedgewood and the Gulf Freeway. 7. The Mayor rer�inded the audience of the Bond Election on March 17, and the City Officials Election on April 7. Filing for city office closes March 7. � PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS � 1 . Mr. Hank Richmond, who requested a place on the agenda, was not present. I 2. Mr. Sam Hutton and Mr. Floyd Sieler presented a yearly report for 1972 for the Baseball Associa�;7on �activities and a proposed program for 1973. 'i He stated that they recieved $6,100 from the city last year; that their � budget for'1973 is $13,000; and that they would like a commitment from � ___ the city.�s to what funding they might expect this year. 3. Mrs. Chick McCraw, representing Imperial Estates Civic Club, requested that the city take action to stop dumping on the road near Sewer Plant #1 , and barricade th�� old Choate Road. ��The City Manager was instructed to take necessary action to stop �traffic and dumping on the raadway. � � � i I _ � i ��•��' �`------------------------------- - -- --- --------- UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1?. Bond Election Mee.tinqs - Mayor Lowe reported on meetings scheduled with citizens groups to explain the bond issues , and asked if any of the Council had remarks or questions regarding the issues or these meetings. Councilman Windler said he had been asked about locating the tennis courts and swimming pool on school property if the park land bonds do not pass: Councilman Gonzalez said he would like to see the brochure being made up by the Fiscal Agent, and , upon examination , and several changes, the brochure was approved by Council . 2. Clearwood M.U.D. - The Mayor .read a 'letter accepting Clearwood's offer l of a 60 day extension to finalize thP sewage treatment contract, and ' asked for Council approval . . MOTION: (Gonzalez) That the letter to� C�.learwood be fo�warded as read. Second: Baker Vo�e: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED 3. FM`;�51�,� Project- The Mayor read a letter to the Highway Department accepting and approving the change to the median at Magnolia , and asked for Council approval . MOTION: (Gonzalez) That the letter be forwarded to the Highway Department with the stipulation that Mr. May will comply with the designated traffic pattern. Second: Baker Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED , 4. Mosquito .Spra�ing by Count,y- Mayor Lowe read a letter to Mr. W. Q. Moon of the Galveston County Mosquito Control Department requesting aerial spraying of the Friendswood area this spring. Councilman Windler objected to the spraying by airplane because of the ecological effect. MOTION: (Haken) That Council authorize the Mayor to send the letter to the County regarding mosquito spraying. � Second: Zeitler � Vote: For (5) Lowe, Gonzalez, Haken, Baker, Zeitler ' ' Against: (1 ) Windler P�OTION CARRIFD 5�. �a� -Sum Pa ment to Highway Department for Sidewalks - A letter from the J•) 'ri�gnway uepartment gives .t e City the option of paying $33,000 in April �p as full payment for the sidewalks ; or making progress payments as the construction is done with the chance of increased cost due to variations in labor and material costs during construction. MOTION: (Windler) That Council authorize the Mayor to write a letter stating that the Cit,y chooses to pay the lump sum amount. Second: Zeit1er Vote: FOR: (4) Windler, Gonzalez, Zeitler, Lowe • AGAINST: none ABSTAINING: (2) Baker, Haken MOTION CARRIED 6. 0 ening of Bids on Garba�e Truck - �ids opened and read as follows: R. B. Everett & Co. $15,359 Davis Truck Company- Cab-over (40/60 days del . ) 14,265 Non-cab-over (120 days del . ) 14,167 Non-cab-over (45/60 days del . ) 13,611 � � Garwood 16 ,397 Pak-Mor 14,160 MOTION: ' (Gonzalez) That the City Manager study the bids and.make recommendation to the Counci1 . Second: Flaken Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED -- ��'t��. 7�. Openinq of Bids on Plastic Refuse Baqs - Bids read as follows : Adams Industries (395,000 bags) $34.86/M Mobil Chemical Company (395,000) 33.95/M The Mayor asked that the Manager study bids and make recommendation to Council . Several citizens voiced opposition �to plastic bags and requested that �he City consider paper bags. Mr. Ben Felts discussed the comparison in cost and capacity of paper and p1astic bags. � MOTION: (Gonzalez) That the City Manager proceed with obtaining costs �� of using �paper bags for citizens who wish to use them. ---�- Second: Haken Vote: FOR: (5) Haken, Gonzalez, Windler, Lowe AGAINST: (2) Zeitler�, Baker . MOTION': (Gonzalez) That the City Manager make recommendation to the . Counci1 on plastic bags. Second: Haken ' Vote: FOR: (5) Lowe, Haken, Gonzalez, Windler, Baker AGAINST: (1 ) Zeitler. . �" MOTION CARRIED � � 8. Openinc�of Bids on Ambulance - Bids read as follows: Jl,�3 � Gordon K. Allen Co. (Dallas) Market Price $15 ,878.34 � Ci ty Pri ce 15,000.00!: Tulsa Emergency Equip. Co. 9,625.00 MOTION: (Gonzalez) That the Tulsa Emergency Equipment Co. bid be accepted, based on a written acceptance by the Fire Department. Second: Zeitler f � Vote�: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED j 9. Recommendation from Plannin� Commission re chanqin� routin� of Greenbriar- " Br7armeadow arteria1 . Reason: present intersection with FM 528 is danqerous y 1ocated between two curves, widening of ROW�.;.woW1.d�.interfere with several homes. Request that action be taken in 30 days to allow Fox Meadow Subdivision approval to proceed. Council Decision was to request the Planning Comm�,ssion to hold a public hearing prior to any Council action on the retouting. 10. Designation of Positions on Planninq Commission - Planning Commission has requested that the following roster be adopted by Council setting forth positions for the members of the Commission: POSITION MEMBER TERM EXPIRES 1 Tracy Spears 1973 ' � 2• C1yde Raney 1973 . ' • 3 Vacant 4 Leah North 1974 5 C. C. Bost 1974 � e� ' 6 James B. Shore 1975 , 7 Charles Coe 1975 � MOTION: (Gonzalez) �That this recommendation be. appr.oved. Second: Zeitler _ Vote.: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED 11 . Subdivisions in proqress in the newl�annexed area - Two subdivisions , Hidden Valley and Mustang Meadows , have not complied witb requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance and have not submitted plats to the Planning j.- Commission. Council felt that they should be given notice to appear; if � devesl�opers failed to do so, then injunctions would be issued to stop any furthur development until these areas are in compliance. --------------___--------------------- ,.�a�.� -- �:�,.�� ---- — ---------- - � . . . ; � MOTION: (Windler) That the developer or his representative are to be notified to come ��before the Planning Commission Thursday, March 8, and pxesent his preliminary plan for discussion, If he can not comply with this rec�uest or offer satisfactory reasons to the Planning Commisiion, �hen the City Attorney is authorized to seek an injuct�i.�<r� to pre�ent sale of property in Mustang Meadows and Hidden Va11ey. � . - Second; Zeitler Vote: FOR (5) Lowe, Windler, Gonzalez, Baker, Haken AGAINST (1) Zeitler �. : ,. , . ,.... . , . . . .. ..... ....: �� MO��'I ON :CARR I E:�1� ; � i 12. F1ood Hazard Map for Newl� Annexed�Area - Jim Mor-gan was rec{uested to acquire a map. for this area showing� the=fd:o.od .hazard areas as related to flood insuracce £or the purpose of issuance of building permits and land control. � 13. Gaso�ine Bids - Too bids were received at the city�';s invitation; hoWever exas u as's bid was. not_a guaranteed ,proce for the year. They bid 18.9¢ £or e.t'hy1; 16.9¢ for regulax. Gu1f .0i1 Corporation made a guaranteed bid for 22.2¢ for ethyl; 18,7 for regular. Mayox Lowe recommended that the form did be accepted. , - ,,,. .. .. . . . - . MOTION: (Gonzalez) That the bid from Gulf Oil be accepted. , Second: Windler Vo�e: Urianimous FOR: � MOTION CARR�ED 14. Delivex of Sewer Grant A lication to Austin - Councilman Gonzalez stated �'.' �:�o', that arrangements had been made at workshop fox the project en�ineer to set up an appointment with the proper authorities in Asutin to hand-deliver this appli�ation on' Wednesday of this week: Councilman Gonzalez stated that he wi11 be available to go, that the City Manager would go, and any . other elected officials who wished would accompnay Mr. Waslh. Mayor Lowe asked about the advantage of hand-delivering or:mailing' the� application; ( Mx. Walsh s�ated that hand-delvering waszr�more.+.exp.edi�nt.�in>�tlie.�event there , were erxors ox omissions in the •application, i � MOTION: (Gonzalez) 'That w� follow through and meet this��appointment � � and get the application� going. � Second: Haken - � After. further�di�.cussion,��Councilman Gonzalez made. the motion: MOTION: (Gonzalez) To table the ques_tion until Ra1ph Somers returns to the meeting. {_ � + • � Second: Baker - Vote: Unanimous FOR Motion Carried ORD TXVANCE S 1 . Ord. #179 - Construction S eed Zane�Ordinance - F�rst Permanent Reading MOTTON:;�.,(Gonzalez) To approve first reading of Ord. #179 Second: Zeitlex � Vote: Unanimous POR MOTION CARRIED 2. Orr�:: #180 - Dog Ordinance - F' `rst Reading MOTION: (Gonzalez) To approve onsecond reading of Ord. #180 I Second; Haken I MOTION: (W_i_ndler) To Make certain changes including on �age 2, change ` � "pliysical" to "voice" command; to define "at ��.rge". Second: Zei�ler Vote: FOR: (4) Windler, Lowe,. Baker,�Zeitler ' � �. A�AINST (2) Hak�n, Gonzalez ' The revisa.on places the ordinance back on first readirig. Mayor asked `=-'< � that all c;hanges be available at next workshop. 3, Ord. #181 - Fireworks Ordinance - Second Reading. MQTION: (H<�ken) To appxove second reading of Ord. #181 Second: Gor�zale.z� ----- � �[1��e MOTION: (Windler) To amend the ordinance in certain areas as � tabulated and marked (Seeretary did not have list of changes at writing of. these m�2nutes) ����e�orid: Zeitler Vote: FOR (3'�> Windlex, Baker, Zeitler AGAINST (�) Lowe, Haken, Gonzalez MOTTON FAILS Vote on origianl motion: FOR: (3�rGonzalez, Haken, Lowe ' � AGAINST: (2) .Windler, Zeitler ± AB5TAINING: (1) Baker --� 4. Ord. #176 - Extensiori of Utility Lines within City Limits - Third Reading M�TION: (Gonzalez) To approve and. finally adapt on third reading Ord. #176 Second: Windler Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED ; �ti„`���� ���.. .., Return to Ttem 14 under UNFINISHED BUSINESS (Tabled) ��,��� �. l'°� In the discus'sion after the .return of Mr. Somers to the meeting, he stated that � the sooner the application went to Austin the better--that waiting until after '"� the bond issue was not necessary, but he felt that Mayor Lawe should attent the � meeting. He sta�ed that he would make every effort to go, but could not at the � time say definitely yes. Mayor Lowe asked Councilman Gonzalex if he would do � everything he could to suppo�� the application; Councilm�n Gonzalez stated that he would support the program as establ.�:�hed. - � , � , VOTE ON THE ORIGINAL MOTION: .Unanimous ��3R MOTION CARRIED Awarding o£ Contra�t on Sidewalks along FM 518 - fol�lowing approval by the Highway Dep:artinent and the County, Friendswood has been notified that they are to award this, cantxac� to the low bidder, Mairiland Construction. Manner of i payment o£ the contract by the County has not been clearly defined. . . j - _ MOTTON: (Gonzalez) To give the City Manager authority to award the -� � ` ' con�ract aftex assurance has been given by the County that • the County will be responsible for paym:,;.nt of the account. Second: Zeitler . Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED � .. � , ,. , , Mr, Bob Reed asked for some� information on the bond issues and dis�ussion fo7.7.owed. � , ADJOURNMENT - Motion made and seconded that the meeting adjourn. The meeting was adjourned. � � APPROVED� �� �� .a�'.�� ..,/��, .�� .. � .. , , . , -'��- �f ,-'� Cy-r...u�,°�.� , ,, � M y°x f��-�� >�� ' '� " ` � � � City Secretary , .. . . . . , . .�, . .. t --- -- , ADDENDUM: . • � Warrants A roved , MOTION: (Windler) To ap��rove M�0 Warrarits� 1525 and 1526 ' Second: Bakex • • � , . ,, _ Vo�e: Unanimous FOIt MOTTON CARRIED MOTTON: (Win.dler) To .approve ,GF�A Warrants 2763, 2764, :2765, 2766 � Second: Baker � , � ,; , � Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTTON CARRIED :