HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1973-02-19 Regular - ---------- ------ j -__�,��I�� MINUTES OF A REGUL.AR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL � February 19, 1973 The Friendswood City Counci7 .met in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, February 19y 1973, at .7;30 p.m, with the fol1owing members present: � ' Mayor Ralph Lowe , � Councilman Milton Windler Councilman Ralph Gonzalez � Councilman Benny Baker Councilman Richard Haken Counci1man William Patton With a quorum present, and none absent, the fo7lowing business was transacted� READING AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Minutes of the Regular Me�ting of Feb, 5„ approved as corrected. Counci man Patton requested that the minutes include ;`' Mayor Lowe's statement regarding his feeling on Annexation Ord, #W-1 , C� ' "'`� PLANNING COMMISSION APPOINTMENT - Mayor Lawe stated that he would like to �� � 3 �� appoint Mr� C1yde Raney to .the Planning Commission (Position #2 on the pro- posed roster) with Council concurrence, MOTION: (Gonzalez) To appoint Mr, Raney to the Planning Commission Second: Baker . Vote: Unanimou's. FOR � MOTION CARRIED � The Oath of Office was then administered to Mr, Raney, PLANNING �COMMISSION - Discussion of Guidelines for Act�on - Planning Commission ; mem ers C. C. Bost, Tracy Spears, James S ore9. and C yde Raney asked for ; gu�ude�l i nes from Counci 1 on severa1 sub�ects: D-iscuss�ion �i n�l u ded; , - A list of streets in the newly annexed area which the County has been main- taining. The City Manager was asked to get a list of streets in tfie area which have actually been accepted by the County, Subdivisions now being deve1oped in the area, some with building, some .without, do not have standard streets, Should the same restrictions be enforced on these people as those currently in force in the City? Opinions were that these restrictions should apply except in the case of hardship on an individual . Suggestion was made that no building permit be issued until plats and deed restrictions of "red flag" subdivisions have been filed with the City�, It was also suggested that if a subdivision is 30/40% sold, no way may be ava.i]able. to force a developer to buald acceptable streets� in which case the street might be designated as a private street� with garbage and police service furnished but no mainten- ance by the City, Property owners would have the prerogative of bringing the streets into compliance with City requirements , No definite policy was set on these situations. The Planning Commission was asked to list specific situations and questions along this line, whereupon they would be submitted to the City Attorney for his study of legal ramifications and recommendation to Council , �; , � Procedure for rezonin of fire de artment location - If the bond issue for the fire station passes, Council wil request t e Planning Commission to ( hold public hearing on this change in zoning, � .__ SUN MEADOW TAX SITUATTON - Mr., Dickie Warren reported that. the water district can set the tax rate for, 1973; tha� they can appoint:a tax asses�or-collector and a Board of Equalization; that these activities must be completed by October 1� all of his infarmation ha�ving.�been concurred �with by the attorney for the TWQB via discussion with the Attorney General , , CITY/SCHOOL. JOINT TAXING -OFFICE PROFOSED -..Mayor. Lowe stated .that interest has een voic�d regar ing combining of t ese�two:.tax�,departments, and asked opinion of the Counci1 . No opposit�on was indicated, -------------------------------- ---------------------------------- �1�_.�. —-------— VOTER REGTSTRATION OFFICTAL - Mrsn Linda Wi1liams, Secretary for the Police Department as een deputized �and instructed in registration of voters in • the City� and will be avai1able for, those .who wish to register. �,�3GARBAGE SERUICE - Mr. Morgan reviewed his plan for garbage service starting April l � wit�i tfie purchase .of a second truck and i�nitiation of use of plastic bags which.,wi1l be°furnished by the City. Payment for truck ($10,000) and bags ($13,000) will be cover�d by��r,ansfer of funds from the Utility�Dept. Additional labor will come from currently budgeted funds. Severa1 people ` � voiced oppnsition to plastic bags on the basis of eco1ogical impact. Mr. ' Morgan said that plastic was selected rather than paper bags because of the � wide difference in cost. MOTION; (Baker) That the Gity i.nit�ate the plastic bag system to go into effect on April 1 , or on receipt of the bags, Second; �Windler Vote; FOR (�) Lowe, Windler, Patton, Ha[cen� Baker , AGAINST: none ABSTAINING; (1 ) Councilman Gonzalez stated that "'plastic bags viol.ate my principles on ecology so I will abstain from voting." MOTION CARRIED MOTION:- .(Baker) That the City Manager ask for bids for a new garbage truck. Second4 Haken Voteti Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED � MOTION: (Baker) That the City Manager be authorized to hire additional sanitation department employees when needed Second: Pa�ton Vote; Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED BIDS ON AMBULANCE MOTION: (Baker) That the City Manager ask for bids on an ambulance j basis specifications furnished by the Fire Department , , Second: Haken � Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED ORENING OF BIDS FOR GASOLINE AND DIESEL FUEL - The following bids have'been receive for furnis ing gaso .ine an iese fuel to the City: Gasoline Diesel Cents per qa�ls on Gu7f Oil Corporation ?�$.95 16,�0 Atlantic Richfie1d 20,55 15.00 Texas Gulf Gas 17.90 14.50 MOTION: (Baker) That the contract be awarded to the low bidder� Texas Gulf Gas. Second: Windler Uote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED OPENTNG OF BIDS FOR RADAR GUN - Both bids quoted the same price. �.��� Richard Ott, C.M, I. Inc, $992.50 Buckshot Enterprises, Inc. 992,50 MOTION: (Gonzalez) That the C.M, I, Inc, bid be accepted based on the ; fact that they are a local concern ; Second„ Patton � Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED CHANGES TO WATER WELL N0. 3 - This budgeted item will be handled by the City Manager wi out furt er, authorization from the Counci7 , STREET PROGRAM - Councilman Haken reviewed procedure and base cost for permanent paving at $35 per linear foot, The $100,000 proposed bond issue would pave approximately 1 .6 miles with owner participation. --------------4�5:� WEDGEWOOD CONTRACT - Councilman Windler has a meeting scheduled for Wednesday night to try to resolve the problem of Article VII of this contract. BOND ELECTION ORDER - Harry Granberry, City Fiscal Agent read a resolution, calling the bond election containing ten proposals. MOTION. (Patton) That the resolution be adopted Second: Baker Vote: .Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED �� (Councilman Windler left the meeting at. this point. , � SURVEY OF SUN MEADOW FACILITIES - As requested by Council, Malcolm Collins presented a proposal to survey and report to Council on existance and condition of facilities in the newly annexed Sun Meadow Subdivision, for $500, MOTION (Gonzalez) That this proposal be accepted Second; Haken Vote; Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED +t'' ITEMS DEALING WITH FM 518 PROJECT G�t �""� 1 . Speed Zone Ordinance During Construction on FM 518 - The Highway Dept. � has requested the city to pass an ordinance setting the speed limit at � � 25 miles per hour along the construction route during the widening of FM 518. Council 's decision was to pass the ordinance on an emergency reading. It will then be read on three separate readings to make it effective for the duration of construction. MOTION: (Patton) To pass Ord. #179-E as an emergency ardinance. SeconT; Baker Vote� Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED � 2. Sidewalks - The city has the choice of committing payment for the side- walks in one lump��sum:or �in progress payments. The question was set � � aside until further consideration� can be given it. - 3. Approval of Highhway Department Plans � Counci�lmen Patton and Baker stated that t ey felt the plans should not be approved until they were altered to comply with a request from the city to shorten the median at Magnolia to allow large trucks to exit from The May Company, MOTION: (Gonzalez) To approve these plans as presented Second: Haken . Vote� FOR (3) Gonzalez, Lowe, Haken AGAINST: (2) Baker, Patton MOTION FAILEp ORDINANCES � 1 . Ord, #180 - Animal Ordinance - First Reading MOTION: (Gonzalez) To approve first reading of Ord. #180 Second: Haken Vote; Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED 2. Ord. #181 - Fireworks Ordinance - First Reading MOTION: (Haken) To approve first reading of Ord. #181 ! Second: Gonzalez ; Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS 1 , Mr. Morgan read a letter from Ralph Somers giving. his opinion on location of the sewer plant at site "B" as opposed to site "A", In connection with the Annalea liftt station and lines� Mr, Somers questioned the cost data as presented by the engineer. 2. Don CarpenterA representing WC&ID #108, asked if the city would furnish dispatching services if that subdivisi�n hires a police officer. The ' Council agreed that this could and would be done, since Friendswood has in the past been the recipient of such service by other cities,. -�--------------__---- --_—----- -------------- ----------- ��� - - --------- 3. ..Mayor Lowe stated �hat�he is working wi�th Pearland and Br.azor�a County on a land fi11 1ocation . for solid waste disposal which would be more accessible to Friendswood gar�age trucks, 4. Gouncilman Baker suggested that the Flood Insurance levelslbe studied in light of property which seems to be unfair to local property owners. WARRANTS FOR APPROVAI. MOTION: (Patton) That M&0 Warrant 1504 and G&A Warrants 2719, 2720, and �'L`T21 be approved for. payment_ � , Secondp Baker ,, Vote: ,Unanimous FOR . �, . ,•.�MOTION.CARRI�D ,; : , ,,. ; , ADJOURNMENT � � ' .�_ ;� : �., �� .� � . �. . :� �: ,; ._� , . .: . Motion made and seconded that�.the:•meeting adjou�rn. The meeting was adjourned, � � .. � , � . , . � . � , ,,,.. .. � � �..... .�.��e;� _�gc�. � -Bobbie C. Henry, ity Se etary .� , � {�„ . APPROIIE�� ; , . . � . .• : ,��s . . . � , .:;.. . • � �i � '.. . , . , � ,,. t �, . i . ,/���� /,� �� � .� f.,,� ��;�?��F'`,�f��, t,;�..,, �,,..� �.,,� - �. �`�'Ra1 p L. Lowe, Mayor - .� : , NOTE. A questi,on;�o�F �1egali�y made �by th� Secretary on a motion from the meeting o�F February 5, .was rej�Gted�;by, proof fnom �Gouncilman Haken`that � the residency 1^equirement for.o�fice holders can be set by the City Charter � ' at one year as opposed to the six months set forth in the general election laws, : The; action.;of. February 5 :stood approved: , , � . :, � , � . ' t , . , , . . . :� :. . ., :. ; ,� _ _ . �. !J � .i . .. _ i. �' . ' . ' i . , . . . . . 1 . . . � 1 � �.� I I . � . � • � � . � ' I r � . i� - ' . .. • 1�