HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1973-02-05 Regular , -- -- -� ,.
F�ebruary 5, 1973
A Regular Meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held at the City Hall
on Monday, February 5� 1973 at 7:30 p.m. with �he fol1owing members present;
Mayor Ra1ph Lowe y ,
Councilman Milton Windler
�--� CounGilman William Patton
Councilman Ralph Gonzalez
Councilman Richard Haken
. Councilman Benny Baker
. With. a quorum present, and with Councilman, Edward Zeitler absent, the follow- '
ing business was transacted: '
READING AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES � Minutes of a Regular Meeting of January 15, !
� approved as presented, '
� 1 . Mayor Lowe read the following letter from the Superintendent af the Clear
Creek Public Schools:
"At a recent meeting of the Glear Creek Indepe.ndent School District's
Board of Trustees; 7and was purchased for -an elemeritary school site,
This land is located on the Friendswood-Link. Road about midway between
the �ulf Freeway and this road's crossing of Clear Creek. We trust
that the City of Friendswood will welcome the news of this purchase
and the school building to be built there, and that it wi71 cooperate
with us in regard to fire and police prqtection, I rea.lize that this
' property is now in the Houston extra-territoria7 jurisdiction but I
; trust that it can be released, so that Friendswood can provide the
essential services to the schoo1 ,
Sincerely, Lloyd R. Ferguson
Mayor Lows commented that this letter.emphasizes the growth of the area
and th'e fact that Friendswood should prov%de such services as fire and
police protection for all of the area,
2. 'Cl..earwood Im rouement District Contract - Attorneys for the �'.WQB and
Clearwoo ave een contacte in an effort to eliminate `the portion of
the Contract dealing with approval. from the var.ious entities. Art, VII
has been questioned by both the TWQB and the State Health Department,
3. Mr. Jerr Pate of the. Galveston Count En ineers will meet with city
representatives at 9.:00 a,m, on Tuesday to discuss drainage in the area.
4. Park Land Grant A lication HUD has been refused on grounds that treatment
was not given to t e ethriic minority, (The fact that we have no ethnic
minority has no bearing) , Councilman Gonzalez has presented another
direction the city may go in requesting park grants; this will be explored.
5. Count Commissioner Paul Ho kins has committed the County to complete the
pav�ng on Green riar an t e rainage work along Sunset and� in the Clover
Acres area.
� 6. Mayar Lowe has talked with the Cit Attorne�Tof Pearland pertaining to
overlapping ETJ� and the fact that t e two cities should loek at the
problem of water and sewer service for people on the. boundary line between
Pearland and Friendswood.
1 . Mrs. Diana Ratcliff and Mrs. Barbara Kincaid of the Friendswood Racket i
C1ubp and Mrs. Char1ene Todd, as a private citizen, spoke to the Counci1
concerning an earlier request for lights on the school tennis courts !
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and/or presenting the question of city �ennis court� to the voters on the �
bond election. The possibi1.ity of a cooperative. effort by th� school and
city was 'discussed. Mrs. Todd was asked to eome up with p�ans and cost
figures as background for the referendum to the people,
MOTION: (Baker) Th.at tennis courts, swimming pool , and park land be
�ncluded in the bond issue .as three separate items.
Second» Gonzalez .
MOTION: (Wind7er) To table this motion until� the Fiscal Agent arrived,
� Second: Haken
Vote: FOR (5) Windler, Haken, Patton, Lowe� Gonzalez
AGAINST (7 } Baker . '
Motion carried
2. Bill Schultz s eakin for Geor e.Bof sil and David. Schultz, who own
property �n t e .area eing..consi ,er.e for. annexation, stated that his
c1ien��s plan to deve1op �heir property� and .wauld 1ike to know when they
might expect wat�r and sewer service, or whether they would be free to
contract for these services with Swn Meadow. He a7so asked about the �
, possibility of formation of a water district. He was told that the
answers to these questions will have to be worked out if and when the
area became a part of the city.
3. P1an.ni:n Commission A ointments � Mayor Lowe stated that two vacancies
now ex�st on .t e Planning Commission; that if the area is annexed, he -
would 1ike to appoir�t Mr, C1yde Raney �Go thi.s commission, The other
position. will be filled by a selection by the Council . Persons who would
1ike to serve in this .capacity were asked to give their name tp the City
1 . Annexat;ion of Sun Meado�
MOTION: (Windler) To untable Annexation Ordinance W--7 �
e'�"con�'� Baker ,
Vote; Unanimous FOR
Mr, Bob ,Giles of Sun Meadow made a slide .pr�sentation of the fi.nancial
Status of the subdivisivn. Others in t�.e audience were heard far and
against the annexation of Sun Meadow.
Because of the length of the ordinance, Mayor l.owe requested a poll of
the Council on .the question of "reading with the intent of passing Ord,
'::W-1 ." The poll showed Councilmen Windler� �onzalez., Haken, and Baker
saying "YES" and Coun�ilman Patton saying "N0." Mayor Lowe stated for
the record, "I do not intend to vote for or against any motion to annex
property in which I have an interest. I do have an interest in Sun
Meadow; therefore, I do not think it proper for me to vote on this issue,"
With four Councilmen indicating theai�r intention to pass the� ordinance,
the City Attorney was asked to read the ordinance in its entirety before
a formal vote was taken. While the. ordinance was being read, the meeting
prnceeded with other items of business.
1 . Installin Culvert - Due to a drainage problem at the corner of Spreading
Oaks and Quaker Drive� Mr„ Owen Woods asks that the City extend the
former drain tile program to take care of this situation, This would
mean that Mr. Woods will pay for half of the tile; the City to pay for �
half and do the installation work,
2. Water rates for a artments and mobile home arks was postponed for one
month when interested persons will be invited to be present,
3, Mr, Morgan presented a well-drilling ordinance for Council 's study and
" �)��`.
1 , Annexation of Sun Meadow Cont'd)
�A'fter�?'campl�eti:on. of reading of Annexation Ord. #Wyl , Councilman Haken
stated that he �woul.d��'1,i�ke Mayor Lowe, to say how he wo.uld vote on this
annexation if he were 'going to vote, The following statement was made
by the Mayor (and included i.n these minutes at the.request of Councilman
Patton at the meeting on February 19 when these minutes were read for
approva1 ):
; . . . ,
"I �have made a record, I initiated�the annexation with Mr. Dickie Warren.
T met in people's homes and I have stated on more than one occasion that
short range this is a negative ,thing for the City of Friendswood, but
there is .no question in my mind that 1ong range it is the right way to go.
' There are many factors involVed, Revenue Sharing is an example, It will
defini�ely in.crease because of this, and pro�ably I am the only one that
is negatively effected by it, and I still support it. I think the big
picture is the way we have to think in ,Friendswood and this is the way
�'' I would vote if I were g�ing to vote.
� "� "I recognize very clear1y that Mr, Patton's position is valid, I support
� it,� I do think there is a detrimental factor in the fact that this
� Council chose not to coasummate ,this annexation 7ast December. I believe
I am the only one on` the Council who voted against. annexing the pink area,
so rr�y position has been� consistent all the way through, and certainly if
this Council passes this tonight� we must recognize the fact that this
$40 to $50 thousand dollars worth of tax dollars is lost in the pink area
that does not come ;to the City, On the other hand, I am not sure those
peop1e are not entitled �o a tax break for one year.anyway� because they
are going to be without services many years, So if we are to give a tax
break to anybody, I believe these people deserve �it, SUMMATION: I would
vote for it," ..
; � �- �3
, MOTIONN (Windler) To approve Annexation Ord, • #W-1 on third and final
����� reading (and assign it a permanent number of 178) ,
Second: Gonzalez
Vote; FQR (4) Windler, Gonzalez� Haken, Baker
AGAINST: � (1 ) Patton
Motion carried
' (Councilman Patton, left the meeting at this point)
2, Order calling City Officials Election - Mayor Lowe read an order calling
election of Council Positions 2, 4, and 6 on Saturday, April 7, 1972,
3, Renewal of Park Land Option
� , 'MOTION< (Windler) That Council renew the option to purchase the
selected park site for another 90 days.
Second� Haken . .
Uote; Unanimous FOR - MOTION CARRIED ��
4. Flood Insurance Ordinance #175
MOTION: (Baker) To table third reading of this vrdinance.
� Second: Gonzalez
� Vote: Unanimous FOR � � MOTION CARRIEp.
��� 5. Approval of Plat for Sun Meadow II �
MOTION: (Baker) That Council accept the .plat for Sun Meadow II as
� apprbved by the Planning Commission� Drainage Board, and
City Engineer
Second; Windler � �
6. Bond Election
MOTION: (Gonzalez) That a special meeting be held on Monday, February
12 for the purpose of adopting an order calling a bond election.
I _-- .
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� �
Second: Haken I
Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED '
7. Absence of Counci7man. Zei�ler '
MOTION: (Baker}That Councilman Edward Zeitler be excused from I'
� atte.ndance at .Council .Meet�ngs .during his illness (in compliance �!
with Sec. 3,06 B,4, of the City�Charter) and that a letter be
, sent to him notifying him of this action,
Secondi Ha.ken .
� 8, F.M, 518 Project - Maps have been sent from the Hi.ghway �c�epartment for ; ; '
5�� fin�pproval by the Council . These ma p� do not reflect two ,of the �� ,
ch.�n�e,s ..re,quested by;� th,e Ci ty. .
MOT ON; (W�ndler} Ta ask the City Man�ger to set up a meeting with the
Htighway Department to discuss discrepancies in these plans.
Secand; Gonza1ez
9, Permission was iven the Cit Secretar to attend a seminar in McAllen
on Fe ruary 5 an 16;
10� qrd, #176 - U�i7it Lines inside .�it Limits (Third & Final Readin
MOTZON� (�aker) To table until next council .meeting
Second: Gonzalez �
11 . � Fireworks .Ordinanc� - No. 180 First Readin ) .
MOTION: (Naken) To table for two weeks till next Council Meeting
Se noc d: Gonzalez
12: Do Ordi.nance - No, 181 . First Readin
MOTION: (Gonzalez) To table for two weeks �
Secan�: Baker
13, Ambulance Purchase
MOTION: (Baker) To instruct .th� City Manager to get minimum require-
� ments for an ambulance, and prepare specs for bid requests,
Second: Gonzalez
Vote. Unanimous ,�OR MOTION:�CARRIED
14. Radar Gun for Police De artment
MQTION: (Baker) To direct the City Manager to go out for bids on
� the radar gun. . ' ,
Second: Gonzalez
15. Flashin Li hts and Barricades - Councilman Baker, with concurrence of
Council , stated that these are badly needed by the City and asked that
the City Manager proceed w3th purchase of these items,
16. Street Li ht Re lacemen� - Councilman Baker stated that '
a number o
f street
lights throughout t�F�'ie�city have been out for some time. Mayor Lowe said
that th� city would write a 1etter to Mr, Mi71s of CPS in an effort to --`
expeditE replacement of these lights: � '
17. Use of Fire De t, Radio as Auxiliar fo,r P,D. -The .City Manager was asked
to procee wit ma ing t is connect�on at. an estimated cost_ of $50 so
that when the police radio is out of operation� the Police Department can
use the Fire Department .facilities on a temporary basis.
18, Em lo men� Fee for New Patro1man - Patr�olman Jimmy Sprague was hired by
the Police Department throug a placement agency� the fee being $414.
The agency making the placement has suggested that the City pay half of '
this fee.
MOTION: (Gonzalez) That the City Manager authorize payment of $207
� to the employment agency upon determination that Mr. S�prague
is a satisfac�t�ry and pe�manent employee.
, Second: W.indler
.� �
MOTION: (Windler) That Council approve M&0 Warrants 1478 and 1477;
and G&A Warrants 2665� 2678� 2679 and 2682 for payment.
Second; Gonzalez
Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIEp
� Motion made and seconded that the meeting adjourn, The meeting was adjourned.
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City Secretary
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Mayo, Ralp L. Lowe
SECRETARY'S NOTE� The Special Meeting called for February l2 (page 453) was
not called to order. due. to the fact that all propositions
were not completed.to ca11 the bond election. This matter
was handled at the next regu��,ar mee�ing on February 19,
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