HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1973-01-15 Regular -----__----------------------- I
Jar�uary 15, 1973 li
The Friendswood Cit �
y Council met in Regular Session at 7.30 p,m, on January �
15, 1973 at the City Ha11 with the following members present: �
Mayor Ralph L. Lowe
+r Councilman Mi7ton Windler
� Councilman William Patton
�--' Councilman Ralph Gonzalez
Councilman Richard Naken
Councilman Benny Baker
With a quorum present, and with Councilman Edward Zeitler absent� the follow-
ing business� was transacted:
READING AND APPROUAL OF MINUTES - Minutes of the Regu7ar Meeting of December
18 approved as corrected, (Corrections show in red ink on pages 442� 443, 444)
�'' � Minutes of a Public Hearing on Annexation Petition (South of FM 528) were read
� by Councilman Gonzalez. No approval necessary; for the record only,
:'� .
1 , Mayor Lowe met last week with Mayor poyle of Webster to dis cuss the ETJ
praposed by Houston.
, 2. Arrangements have been made with the County to furnish shell for several
streets in Clover /�res; City equipment will be used to spread the material ,
3. Gulf CQast Waste Disposal Authority has postponed handling of Friendswood's
request� for approval of the C1ea,rwood MUD :contraet until their February
- meeting. . ; , ,
, .
' Councilman Gonzalez repor:ted, that a meeting is to be held in Pearland on
�� Thursday, January 18�. between GCWDA .and Pearland to discuss treatment of
that city's sewage by the GCWDA. 7he City Manager wi71 request that he
and/or other Friendswood offiaials be allowed to attend this meeting,
OATH OF OFFICE - PLANNING .COMMISSION appointee Char1es Coe was given the Oath '
of office by Mayor Lowe. Later in the meeting a r�quest from the City Secretary �
that "Positions" be assigned to Planning Commiss�on members was discussed; it '
was decided that the proposal go first to the Commission who, if they concur� �
would then ask for confirmation by Counci1 . �
L.TBRARY BOARD APPOINTMENTS - A letter from Ed Zeitler, Chairman of the l.ibrary ;
Baar , requested � at Mrs: Bever]y Koos �and Mrs, Dolly Gibson be appointed to �
the Board to fill vacancies left by Mrs, Helen Cline and Mrs. Pat Anderson �
whose terms expire in January of 1973, i
(Gonzalez) That Mrs. Beverly Koos and Mrs, Dolly Gibson be °2�'�`�
appointed to three-year terms on the Library Board. �
Second: Haken �
Vote: Unanimous FOR j
Motion� carried. A letten of appreciation will be written to the outgoing �
� � member.s, i
; SUN MEAQOW VILLAGE PETITION - A letter was read from Judge Ray Holbrook request-
�ng that�Friendswood take posi:tive action as soon as possib7e.:regarding
_ anaexation, of Sun Meadow; in case. of failure .of tC�e annexation� the Court �
must then make a decis7on on the request for formation of a village, No action '
was tak�n on this lett�r, '
1 . Water and Sewer Rates for Multi-Famil Dwel7in s and Mobile Homes � Mr. Morgan '
presente tables comparing payment.per family for water an sewer service �
of� single�family dwe77ings . and apartments and mobile homes. The tables also
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� to a more equal payment for these services. Counci1man Patton asked that
; the figures be extended to show what. apartments wou1d have paid at the
isame rate as homes. Mr. Morgan was directed to contact mobile home park
owners and apartment owners to attend workshop next Monday� if they wish,
to discuss the increased rate proposa7 .
2. Uti]�t Extension - Property owners on Sunset have requested permission
ta �ie to ut� i y 7ines of Leslyn Subdivis�on. This would entail
obtaining a R.O.W, from Dr, Jones and payment of extra expense to Leslyn
to make this extension possible. Other costs wou1d be in compliance with
Ordinance No. 176. ;,
� 3, Sale of 1965 Ford - One bid has been received for the old police car ($50)� � _.
� from Jessie Samuels. Suggestions were made that the car .be "preserved as
� the first car purchased by the CityA �r that it be placed on park land for
chi]dren to play inA or tha� it be offered to the school for shop training.
MOTION; (Baker) That the car be offered to the school; if not
accepted� it would then, be sold to Mr, Samuels for $50.
Second; Haken
� Vote; FOR (4) Lowe� Baker� Haken, Patton
AGAINST: (1 ) Gonzalez
ABSTAINING (1) Windler
Motion carried
4� Taxin of S�bdivision or CommunTt Park Land - Mr, Morgan asked if Council
wishes to continue practice from the past of cvllecting taxes from these
recreationa1 areas at 70% of the appraised value. Council agreed that this
practice should continue, but asked that Mr. Morgan draw up a policy whereby
pr�vate land which is used by the general public for recreational purposes
might a7so receive tax benefit, after execution of a written agreement
with the City:
5. TML - Forma�ion ofiTexas Util.it Advisor Committee - An organizational
meeting for t is group wi. .1� . e e �n Austin at 0 o' c7ock ,on January 26;
and 1�1r. Morgan asked if"�th"e City wquld. want a representative. Decision '
was that this commi�tee would be of interest to Fr.iendswood and that
someone from Friendswood shou1d attent this meeting._
7., Re ort from Councilman Haken on Electrical acrd Meetin - The question
before the oard was: Does a person making repairs or modifications on his
homestead ha�e to :h.ave a license and be bonded? The Board found that the
�7ectrical Code exempts such peop7.e� f'rom license .and bonding�. but does
require that° they ob�ain a �ermit and the necessary inspections;
8, Councilman Gonzalez gave a .report on a tour he made of the City with
Charles Mills of CPS to explore possibilities on moving light lines off of
Friendswood Drive at the time of widening, obtaining the right�of-way, and
street lighting through the downtown area after comp1etion of the new highway.
9. Councilman Baker made an explanation for the audience as to purchase of
park land in view of the up-coming bond election. He urged that citizens
support th�s particular portion of�the bond issue.
1 . Civic Beautification Committee - Mr, Georg Ulbrich presented a letter in
^� 1� whic e isted six persons w om he requested be appointed to this committee,
'3 These included Mrs. C, C, Bost, Mrs. C, G, Gibson� Mrs. William B, Patton,
Sr. a Mrs. Chris Per.ner9 Mrs. . Max Smith, .and Mrs. Pete Workman, Council
expressed a wish to include Mrs, Chick McCraw as a member, .Mr. Huber�t Bales '
as a consultant, and Councilman Gonzalez as 1iaison from the Council .
MOTION: (Gonzalez) That the Committee be appointed as requested by
Mr, Ulbrich with the additions by the Council .
Second: Wind1er
2. H-GAC Executive Committee Members from Home Rule Cities Under 25,000 -
Concurrence by each City is needed to confirm two delegates and two alternates
,i _
as selected by representatives of the cities concerned at a dinner meeting
in Alvin last Monday.
� MQTION: (Gonzalez) That Friendswood vote for James Cook and.Asa Yeamans
as delegates and Ben Babovec and Alvin Baggett as alternates.
Second; Haken
Vote� Unanimous FOR , MOTION CARRIED
3, BOND ISSUE - The City Manager will meet Thursday with Ralph Somers and Bill
, Walsh to discuss cost figures for the subregional plant and sewer lines in
order to reach a firm fig,u.re for the bond electa�on.
� ORDINANCES �' '` , �
] . Councilman Haken introduced an ord,inance prohibitin.g fireworks in the City,
Severa�l people spoke for and agaihst such an ordinance. It wil.l be posted
for first .reading at the next Council Meeting.
2. Ordinance #175 - Flood Insurance Second R�adin )
!�'" MOTION: (Gonzalez) To approve second reading of Ord, #175
� Second: Patton
'"� Vo�e; Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED
`� 3. Ordinance #176 � .Utilit Lines inside the Cit Limits Second Readin )
MOTIONt (Baker) To approve second reading of Ord, #176
Second: Haken
4. Ordinance "5-W" New Petition for Annexation South of FM 528 - First Reading
� MOTION: � (Gonzalez) To approve on first reading ,
� Secon�; Baker . _ �
' Vote: Unanimous FOR Mf�TION� 'CARRIED �
-- 5. Ordinance�#�74 - Revised Zonin Ordinance Third and Final Readin )
Due to the length of th�s ordinance, Mayor Lowe announced earlier that
the City Attorney would be reading the ordinance in its entirety in the
City Manager's office i;n compliance with the .Procedures Ordinance, and
that anyone who cared to might sit in on the reading, Upon completion
of the reading, the following action was taken:
MQTIONa (Haken) To pass and finally adopt on third reading Ord, #175,
The revised zoning ordinance,
Second: Patton
Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIEp �
1 , MOTION: (Windler) To approve G&A Warrant #2618 in the amount of $875,00 to
� the Galveston County Health Dept, as a quarterly payment of our
yearly contr7bution.
Second; Haken
Vote: Unanimous FOR , MOTIOM CARRIED
2. IHOTION: (Windler). To approve G&A Warrant #2617 for $608.58 to Aetna Insurance
� for Current Month`s group irtsurance
' Second: Gonzalez
� ' Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIEp
3. MOTION: (Windler) To approve. G&A Warrant #2621 to Municipal Code Corp, in
the amount of $1 ,500 as the second scheduled payment as contracted.
Second: Baker
4. MOTION; (Windler) To approve M&0 Warrant #1444 for $838,05 to Rockwell Mfg,
Co, for water meters.
Second: Patton
Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIEp
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1 . Jim Morgan reported that on the Utility Department books, $45�080 had
been billed for the current periad,.and. that $24§209 is outstanding at
this time, Late notices are being sent out to �those who have not paid,
2, Councilman Gonzalez reported on proposed changes to the voting precincts
with,in, Friendswood, stating �hat '�here. wil1 be three precincts. instead of
the' present two af�er„these�:change�: are ;made: �n .Apri l , �The changes 'wi l l
not 'be made until after the April �lections,� Councilman Gonzalez will �
invite the Precinct Chairmen to me,et with Council next Monday night to
discuss the situation, and Council will tak� action to approve. or disapprove
at the next REgular Meeting. �
3. �Mayor Lowe reported on a case in Municipal Court las.t week where a ticket
� had been giv�n�at FM 235.1 � and FM 518 for going straight from the r�ght-
hand lane, He asked Council if this was illegal in their opinion; most
of the Council felt that at the time the right-hand lane was installed,
this was permitted action if' done careful1y and cautiously. '
ADJOURNMENT � ' � � " � '
At 10:50 Councilman Wind1er moved that the meeting adjourn, The `meeting was
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