December 18, 1972
A Regular Meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held at City Hall at
7:30 p.m. on Monday, December 18, 1972 with the following members present:
Mayor Ralph Lowe
Councilman Richard Haken
Councilman Benny Baker
Councilman Edward Zeitler
Councilman Ralph Gonzalez
Councilman Milton Windler
Councilman William Patton
With a quorum present and none absent, the following business was transacted:
1 . GCMCA held its annual social at the Lakewood Yacht Club Saturday night,
2. Meeting with Houston to discuss agreement on overlapping extraterritorial
Q jurisdiction of that City and Friendswood.
3. Meeting with Mr. Gail Whitcomb and Mortgage & Trust relative to sewage
treatment for two water districts which they are developing in Harris
Minutes of a Regular Meeting of Dec. 4, 1972, approved as presented.
Minutes of a Special Meeting of Dec. 11 , 1972, approved as presented.
1 . Mr. Clyde Rainey presented a petition signed by a majority of voters in
the area bounded by FM 528, a portion of the Brazoria: County Line, League
City Limit line, and FM 518, requesting that the area be annexed by the
City of Friendswood.
MOTION: (Windler) That Council accept the petition and take the
necessary steps to publish, hold public hearing, and get
the matter into the proper system by Council as an
annexation ordinance.
Second: Baker
Vote: FOR: Lowe, Haken, Baker, Zeitler, Gonzalez, Windler
AGAINST: none (Councilman Patton was not present for this vote)
Motion carried
2. Mr, Jim Gartrell requested Council approval of Leslyn Subdivision plats
(Dr. Jones) which had been tentatively approved by the various departments
of the City.
MOTION: (Baker) That Council grant Mr. Gartrell approval of the
T ' Leslyn Subdivision subject to the signature of the
Drainage Board, the Planning Commission; and the City
Second: Zeitler
VOTE: For: (7) Lowe, Baker, Zeitler, Patton,. Haken, Windler, Gonzalez
_. Against: none
Motion carried
3. Rodger Koppa's letter of resignation from the Planning Commission was read.
MOTION: (Patton) To accept Mr. Koppa's resi.gnation and that a resolution
be adopted thanking him for his services to the City.
Second: Haker'i
Vote: FOR: (7) Lowe, Baker, Zeitler, Patton, Haken, Windler, Gonzalez
Motion carried
4, Letter from Sunmeadow requesting that they be released from their
petition for annexation in ,order that they, may pursue the formation of
a village. No action was taken on this request.
5. Equalization Board Re ort - December 4, 1972 sets forth the total value
of property in Friendswoo at 32,084.560; total taxes $288,697.34. The
1972 Tax Rate at 90� per $100.00 (85¢ G&A - 15� Interest & Sinking) , taxes
to be based on 60% of the assessed valuation.
MOTION: (Gonzalez) That Council accept and approve the report of the
Equalization Board.
Second: Patton
Vote: FOR (7) Lowe, Gonzalez, Patton, Haken, Windler, Zeitler, Baker
Motion carried
1 . Heavy vehicles on Melody Lane - Mr. Morgan stated that Melody Lane is breaking
up under unusually heavyeE v- cles. He was. instructed to draft an ordinance
limiting the load to "two axles" for next Council Meeting.
�v< . 2-. School's Request for Sto -Si ns at Laurel and Shadowbend to help control
school-time traffic:
MOTION: (Gonzalez) To install four_wa,:jstop signs at this intersection.
Second: Haken Vote: Unanimous r- P Motion carried
�ri1n71J >1/J$
3. Street Names -(Mrs.-' eah North,requested that a, review be made of street
names and that proper names be officially adopted as set forth on the Fire
Department map. ,
MOTION: (Zeitler) That the Fire Department map be adopted as the official
map for street names as of this date.
Second: Windler
Vote: Unanimous /=v k
Motion carried
4. Annual Meetin of the H-GAC - Mayor Lowe announced that this meeting will
be held at the Golfcrest Country Club on January 26.
5. Clearwood Contract - Mayor Lowe read a letter from Mr. E. B. Cape, Director
of Public Works in Houston, expressing Houston's approval of the contract
between Wedgewood (Clearwood MUD) and Friendswood for sewage treatment, and
of the proposed sub-regional sewer plan. Gulf Coast Waste Disposal Authority
will place approval of this contract on their agenda for January.
6. Workshop Items for January 8 - Charles Mills of CPS will be present to discuss
moving the power lines along FM 518. Gulf Oil representatives will be
present to demonstrate the MBR garbage truck.
PERSONNEL SESSION closed to discuss appointments to Planning Commission. Results
later in the open meeting'.
7. ET-A Agreement with. Houston - Pr,oposed agreement with Houston on overlapping
extraterritorial areas was discussed. Council was generally agreed that
Houston's proposal was acceptable-.
MOTION: (Zeitler) That Council accept the proposed apportionment of
ETk between Friendswood and Houston as set forth in Mr. Roscoe
Jones' letter of November 6, 1972, and the accompanying map.
Second: Gonzalez
Vote: FOR (6) Lowe, Zeitler, Haken, Patton, Baker, Gonzalez
AGAINST: (1 ) Windler
Motion carried
Galveston Count Drainage District Pro osed) - The State- Legislature will
be asked to create this entity at the next session early in 1973 if all
cities in Galveston County approve.
MOTION: (Gonzalez) That a letter be sent to the Commissioner's Court
expressing Friendswood's approval of this Drainage District.
Second: Haken
Vote: FOR' (6) Lowe, Zeitler, Haken, Patton, Gonzalez, Windler
AGAINST: (1) Baker
9. Review of Bid Tabulations for movinig utilit lines on FM 518 - These bids
were reviewed but no action taken since they will b- turned over to the
County for awarding in connection with the highway work to begin soon.
10. Resolution: Designating the Friendswood Bank as Depository for Revenue
Sharing Funds from the Federal Government and setting forth schedule of
signatures for that certain account,
MOTION: (Windler) For adoption of this resolution
Second; Zeitler
Vote; Unanimous.Ei�_r�.
Motion carried J" 2
11 . Homestead Tax Exemption for Senior Citizens = A new state law allows cities
to give senior citizens a tax break by reducing their appraised value on
homesteads. The minimum, is $3,000; no maximum is set. After some discussion,
Mayor Lowe stated that he felt Friendswood could show appreciation to its
t- senior citizens for their contribution to the communit b
minimum allowance, and suggested a $6,000 allowance. y y going beyond the
MOTION: (Patton) That citizens over 65 be allowed a $6,000 reduction
c� in assessed valuation for the purpose of city taxes, to become
effective January 1 , 1973 (payable in January 1974) .
Second: ,Zeitler
Vote: FOR (6) Lowey Patton, Zeitler, Windler, Baker, Gonzalez
AGAINST: none ABSTAINING: (1 ) Haken
Motion carried
I . #105-A-E REVISION TO DOG ORDINANCE (Emer enc Reading)
MOTION: (Haken) For passage on emergency basis
Secon : Gonzalez
Vote: FOR (5) Lowe, Gonzalez, Patton, Haken, Baker
AGAINST: (1) Windler
ABSTAINING: (1 ) Zeitler
Motion carried
2. #175 - FLOOD INSURANCE - AMENDMENT TO ORD. 157 First Reading)
MOTION: (Patton) To approve Ord. #175 on first reading
Second: Zeitler
Vote: Unanimous FOR
Motion carried
3. #176 - Water & Sewer Lines inside Cit First Readin
MOTION: (Patton) To approve Ord. #176 on first reading
Se:grtd: Baker i
Vote: Unanimous FOR
Motion carried
4. #174 - ZONING ORDINANCE REVISED (Third and final reading)
i MOTION: (Zeitler) to table third reading of Ord. #174 till January
$econ : Baker
Vote: Unanimous FOR
.Motion carried
ORDINANCES - ANNEXATIONS (Usifia tem orar numbers
1 . #1-W Biq Area inc.luding Sun Meadow Third and final reading
MOTION: (Gonzalez) To bring this ordinance to the floor for third reading
Second: Zeitler
MOTION: (Patton) To table third reading of Ord. #1-W
Secon : Windler
Vote: FOR (5) Windler, Baker, Lowe, Patton, Haken
AGAINST: (2) H-Ak .n,, lei fl er
Motion carried
2. #2-W _(Wrap-Around area Third and final reaqin
MOTION: (Zeitler) To bring Ord. #2-W to the floor for third and
final reading
Second: Gonzalez
Vote: ' FOR (3) Gonzalez, Baker, Zeitler
AGAINST: (4) Patton, Windler, Hakent Lowe
Motion failed
MOTION: (Patton) To table third reading of Ord. #2-,W
Seco—nU., Wi.ndler
Vote: FOR (2) Windler, Patton
AGAINST: (5) Gonzalez.,. Lowe, Haken, Baker, Zeitler
Motion failed
MOTION: (Windler) To defeat Ord. #2-W without taking third reading
Second: Patton
Vote: FOR (4) Windler, Patton, Lowe, Haken
AGAINST: (3) Zeitler, Baker, Gonzalez
Motion carried
3. #3-W (Clover Acres) (Third and final reading)
MOTION: (Baker) To table #3-W until second meeting in January
Second: Zeitler
Vote: FOR (3) Baker, Zeitler' Patton
AGAINST: (4) Lowe, Gonz
alez, Haken, Windler
Motion failed
MOTION: (Gonzalez) To pass and finally adopt on third reading Annexa-
tion Ordinance #3-w (and assign permanent Ord. #171)
Second: Haken
Vote: FOR (5) Lowe, ,Gonzalez, Haken, Windler, Baker
AGAINST: .,(2) Patton, Zeitler
Motion carried
4. #I-E- 2-E* 3-.;E (Strips east of Clear Creek) (Third and Final Reading)
MOTION: (Zeitler) To table third reading on all three ordinances.
�_econd: , (Baker)
Vote: FOR (6) Lowe, Gonzalez, Windler, Baker, Patton, Zeitler
AGAINST: (1 ) Haken
Motion carried
MOTION: (Patton) To call a public hearing for January 2 on this petition
Second: Baker
Vote: tJnan1moos
Motion carried ai"../'
WARRANTS FOR APPROVAL MOTION: (Windler) To approve G&A Warrants .2557 and 2556
and M&O Warrants 1411 , 1423, 1424 for payment
Second: Patton
Vote: Unanimous FOR Motion carried
.MOTION: (Gonzalez) That Charles Coe and James Shore be appointed to
serve on the Planning Commission (Positions to be designated)
Second: Baker
Vote: Unanimous FOR Mot ion carried
44 )
SUBDIVISIONS OUTSIDE CITY LIMITS - Councilman Windler proposed a resolution
setting out controls in our ET$` includi:ng procedure, notification of County
regarding building permits, and sale of lots under misleading information.
The question arose as to what authority the City has to control such sub-
divisions and decision was made to invite Mayor Blackledge, County Building
Inspector to come in at the next workshop on January 8 to discuss the question
of subdivisions outside the City.
I ADJOURNMENT - Motion made and seconded that the meeting adjourn, The meeting
was adjourned,
Bobbie C. Henry, City Se
cre ary
Mayor R ph L. Lowe._" /