HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1972-12-04 Regular 437
December 4, 1972
A Regular Meeting of the Friendswood .City Council was held in the City
Hall at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, December 4, 1972, with the following members
Mayor Ralph L. Lowe
Councilman Ralph Gonzalez
Councilman William Patton
Councilman Benny Baker
Councilman Richard Haken
Councilman Edward Zeitler
Councilman Milton Windler
With a quorum present,. and none absent, the following business was transacted:
READING AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Minutes of Regular Meeting of November
�..r 20 approved as corrected (Page 432 r Spelling of "Coward's Creek)
1 . Mayor will attend Gulf Coast Waste Disposal luncheon on Wednesday,
2, Galveston County Chamber of Commerce Dinner in Galveston Friday night.
3. Friendswood play-off ball game at College Station Friday night.
4. Galveston County Mayors & Councilmen's Association annual dinner
meeting Saturday night in Seabrook, Lakewood Yacht Club.
5. Mr, Heiser, Houston Planning Commission will be invited to lunch at
City Hall next Monday to review map of extraterritorial
1 . Mrs, Hutchins requested that Council make arrangements for someone to
act as counselor for young people who find themselves in trouble with
the police. Other comments related to this request related to a youth
center and to teen-oriented activities for the community,
Mayor Lowe appointed a committee to study the situation and make
recommendations back to Council . The committee consisted of: Mrs.
Hutchins, Mr, Howard McCall, Mr. Bob Bizzell, Councilman Ralph Gonzalez,
Councilman Benny Baker, and Patrolman Russell Williams.
2. Mr, and Mrs. Bob Bizzell and Mr., Howard McCall appeared before Council
to protest the City's method of operation on water cut-off. They also
requested compensation for money paid out for plumbing service on their
sewer line in view of the fact that the problem was in the City's main
and not in their service line. They stated that they feel the Utility
Department is understaffed and recommended that the City hire more people
for this department. They also charged that the drainage ditch in Annalea
is ,a breeding place for rats and snakes and asked that the ditch be
cut and the area be treated for these pests,
MOTION: (Windler) To disapprove request by Mr, and Mrs. Bizzell
for reimbursement of money spent for plumbing service.
Second: Haken
Vote: FORM AGAINST: none
Motion carried
Regarding the drainage ditch, the Mayor asked that the Annalea Civic
Club appoint a 3-man committee to study this situation and make recom-
mendation to the Council .
Jim Morgan stated that when the City goes to- computer billing in two
months, there will be a second notice to water customers prior to the
cut-off date. This should eliminate most of the problems with the
late-paying customers .
jl�t, AWARDING OF BID ON SEWER. CLEANING MACHINE - After seeing a demonstration
Of the two machines considered by the City, Mr. Morgan recommended that
the higher priced machine be purchased inasmuch as its performance was far
superior to the other machine. Result:
MOTION: (Gonzalez) That Council accept recommendation of the City
Manager an& purchase the Naylor Company machine for, $6,546,
Second: Baker
Vote; FOR (7) AGAINST: none
Motion carried
CHANGES TO ELECTRICAL AND PLUMBING CODE - Changes as proposed by Mr. Morgan
are to be referred to the E1ectrica Board for their review and recommendation.
SMOKING IN COUNCIL ROOM - Installation of an exhaust fan to clear smoke
from the room was discussed in view of its effect on the air conditioning
in the building.
prohibit t e ganging-up of young people on shopping center parking lots
after a certain hour at night was discussed following statements concerning
recent trouble at Stonesthrow, City Attorney Ody Jordon and Councilman
Zeitler were directed to" write an ordinance covering this problem for the
Council 's consideration.
MOTION: (Gonzalez) That a special meeting be called for December 11
to take action on two items: Accepting bids on moving the utility
lines along FM 518, and adopting a resolution in connection with
grant application for the subregional sewer plant.
Second: Baker
Vote: FOR (7) AGAINST: none
Motion carried
MOTION: (Windler) To approve the following:
G&A 2504 Aetna Ins. $ 742.50
2506 Royal Globe Ins. 10,194.00
M&O 1400 Naylor Co. 6,480.55 ($6546.00 less
Second: Gonzalez 65.45)
Vote: FOR (7) AGAINST: none
Motion carried
MOTION: (Windler) To approve G&A #2476 - Friendswood Fence Company $581 .38
Second: Baker
Vote: FOR (7) AGAINST: none
Motion carried
Ordinance No. 174 - Revised Zoning Ordinance - Second Readin
MOTION: (Gon.zalzez)eTo approve on second reading Ord. #174
Secon : Zeitler
Vote: FOR (.7) AGAINST: none
Motion carried
#1-W MOTION: (Gonzalez) To approve second reading
Second: Zeitler
Vote: FOR (5) Gonzalez, Zeitler, Baker, Windler, Lowe
AGAINST (2) Haken, Patton
Motion carried
#2-W MOTION: (Baker) To approve on second reading
Second: Zeitler
Vote: FOR (5) Lowe, Haken, Patton, Zeitler, Baker
AGAINST: (2) Windler, Gonzalez
Motion carried
#3-W MOTION: (Gonzalez) To approve on second reading
Second: Baker
Vote: FOR (7) AGAINST: none
-Motion carried
#4-W MOTION: (Patton) To kill Ordinance on -second reading
Second: Haken
a....' Vote: FOR (4) Haken, Patton, Baker, Gonzalez
AGAINST: (3) Lowe, Zeitler, Windler
Motion carried
#1-E MOTION: (Patton) To approve on second reading
Second: Zeitler
Vote: FOR (5) Lowe,-Windler, Baker, Zeitler, Patton
AGAINST (1 ) Haken
ABSTAINING (1 ) Gonzalez
Motion carried
#2-E MOTION: (Zeitler) To approve on second reading
Second: Baker
g Vote: FOR (5) Lowe, Windler, Baker, Zeitler, Patton
AGAINST (1 ) Haken
ABSTAINING (1 ) Gonzalez
Motion carried
#3-E MOTION: (Zeitler) To approve on second reading
Second: Patton
Vote: FOR (5) Lowe, Windler, Baker, Zeitler, Patton.
AGAINST (1 ) Haken
ABSTAINING (1 ) Gonzalez
Motion carried
Councilman Gonzalez reported that Wedgewood has agreed to participate in
the Fire Department's proposed program of $1 ,00 per residence for fire
A discussion of the merits of annexing or not annexing the Sun Meadow area
included statements from former Mayor Ed Stuart to the effect that houses
were selling very slowly in the area and full development seems doubtful ,
This would have an effect on the tax picture for the city, he stated,
Mayor Lowe stated that there are at- present 81 water meters, 125 water taps,
20 applications for taps waiting in Sun Meadow; that there are 17 homes
in Tower Estates who are paying $5QO0 per month;'-for sewer treatment.
The question of the formation of a village by Sun Meadow residents prompted
a statement from the .Mayor that he feels the Judge will not make a ruling
on the village request until Friendswood has consummated whatever action it
is presently involved in.
CLOSED PERSONNEL SESSION - Selection of a City Prosecutor: Decision was
made to retain Mr, Trigg as prosecutor with possibility of an increase in
the present; $50. per session fee in the near future.
ADJOURNMENT - Motion made and seconded that the meeting adjourn. The meeting
r was adjourned.
Bobbie C. Henry, City Secret ,
Mayorph L. Lowe