November 20, 1972
A Regular Meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held at the City Hall
in Friendswood, Texas at 7:30 p.m. on November 20, 1972, with the following
members present:
Mayor Ralph Lowe
Councilman Ralph Gonzalez
Councilman William Patton
Councilman Milton W.indler
Councilman- Richard Haken
Councilman Edward Zeitler
Councilman Benny Baker
With a quorum present and none absent, the following business was transacted:
1 . The Mayor attended a meeting of the League City Council on November 9,
to ask League City to define their intentions on annexation of territory
C� within the Friendswood buffer strip. They indicated that they are still
studying the situation and .could make. no. commitment at this time,
2. Mayor Lowe, Councilman Patton, andithe ' .City- Secretary met with
Mr. Ronald Heiser of the Houston Planning Commission to discuss overlapping
extraterritorial jurisdiction of. the .two .cities. A compromise on division
of territory was discussed, Mr.. Heiser will return for further talks after
he has corrected inaccuracies in his map of the area.
3. Tax Assessor L, B. Cline is preparing tax statements for the period since
1962 for property contained within the 1007foot buffer strip which has
never been taxed since annexation.
4. Extra Holida for Frida followin Thanks ivin
MOTION: (Baker) To close city offices on Friday, November.. 24.
e noc d: Patton'
Vote: FOR (7) Lowe, ,.Gonzalez, Patton, Windler, Haken, Zeitler, Baker
Against: None
Motion carried
5.. . Plannin Commission Appointments— Lloyd Van Horn will be asked to serve
another term. Raymond Nelson has tendered his resignation. This makes a
total of three vacancies. Mayor)Lowe .stated that he would like to postpone
making these appointments pending completion of annexations in order that
some representation from the newly annexed areas might be considered.
A letter of appreciation is to be written to all of those now serving on
this commission.
6. Councilman Gonzalez reported on 'a meeting with Forest Bend residents and
the Fire Department regarding subscriptions from the area to support the
Fire Department. Wedgewood will be' approached with a like proposal , i .e.
a $1 .00 fee from each homeowner for fire protection, wi.th. 100% participation.
Council concludes :that the $1 ,00-per-"residence fee throughout the area
protected by the FVFD will pay for ambulance service, fire marshal , and
all operational expenses including vehicles, with the City furnishing the
building which would be a part of the proposed. bond. issue.
1 . Sale of "Old" Police Car - Council concurred with Mr. Morgans .plan to
sell the car now being used by Mr. Jones and replace it with the oldest
police: car when' the. new police car is delivered.
2. Smoke-testing, which has been authorized: by Council , has been investigated,and testing will begin in the near future, up to the allowed $1 ,000.
3. Utility billing: Mr. Morgan has talked to two companies who do computer
billing and he recommended that the city proceed to change to this method
of handling the accounts receivable. Cost will be comparable with
the present method but there are advantages in accounting records,
second notices, etc. Billing will presently continue on a. bi-monthly
basis; a penalty to be added after the' due date. Mayor' Lowe suggested
monthly billings, meters' being,read. one month with the same amount being
billed for the next two months; meters read and corrected billings would
be made the fourth month. Mr. Morgan was told to proceed with the plans,
MOTION: (Baker), To approve City Manager's pursuit of the matter:
econ : Windier
FOR: ; (6) Lowe, Baker, .Windler, Patton, Haken, Zeitler
Against: none (Councilman Gonzalez was out of the room - no vote)
Motion carried
4. aoJ.)a,r � (21-ee?�
R-O-W uestion on Windin Wa - Mortgage .holder on Apartments
property as requested that the� old .ROW of Winding Way be .abandoned
since a new route has" been used for several :years, Since the newer
route is not a dedicated ROW i.t was decided that abandonment would not
be in order. Instead the following motion was made:
MOTION: (Zeitler) To authorize the City Manager to write a letter,
informing the property owners .that. the old ROW, owned:by the. City.
of Friendswood is not in use at this time for vehicular traffic,
however a part of the ROW is being used for an underground sewer
Second: Windl.er,
Vote: FOR (6) Lowe, Windler, Patton, Haken, Zeitler, Gonzalez
AGAINST: none (Councilman Baker abstained)
Motion. carried
5. Tax Reduction for Subdivision Parks .- In the past, these park: areas have
Fee taxed at on y: 10% of. value. The question of .other areas of privately
owned property. receiving such: a tax_benefit.was also-discussed. . The City
Attorney was asked to review the legality of a tax incentive by the City
for private property. being� used as - park or: r.ecreational :.area. ,.
6. Policy re ardin utilit lines inside the City Limits:
7. Tax deduction for citizens over 65 - Recent legislation allows cities
d mnimum:_ of%.. 3,000 value, reduction on property for tax purposes for
persons over 65 years of age,will allow. Mr. Cline has been Each citydecides
- on. on the maximum they
asked to make a survey of eligible people
in Friendswood as a basis for making a decision on this maximum.
8. Annexation: Fiscal Agent Harry Granberry discussed bond sale by Sun Meadow,
stating that the current sale would: be'advantageous. both. to.the city, .
in the event of annexation; and to the. ,"te�.i'di s tri ct, .inasmuch as this.
money wouYd allowith.e .area to continue development. He also stated that
the city' could legally charge._higher ,rates .for. water. and sewer to this
area under certain conditions. He discussed the recall and reissuance
of Sun Meadow's bonds by ..the city in the event the annexation is completed,
ORDINANCE # 1-W (Including all area within the School District to the
south of .the City Limits with exception of Polly Ranch)
MOTION: (Gonzalez) To approve on first reading
Second: Zeitler
Vote: FOR (5) Lowe, Gonzalez,. Zei.tl.er., Windler,. Baker
AGAINST: . (1 ) . Patton
Motion carried
in which they discussed munici al E FOR A CLOSED PERSONNEL SESSION
court p , prosecutor, nepotism, and project
engineers. No action was taken:.
9. OPENING OF BIDS ON SEWER CLEANING MACHINE - Two bids received as follows:
Naylor Supply Co. $6,546.00
Dy-Namis Hydra Cleaners 5,963.00
City Manager to ,review and make recommendation to ,Co:uncil .
10. Utility Joint Use Agreement re F.M. 518 between city and County and
the State Highway Department t Contract Tire No, 1
MOTION: (Pat:t.on=,) To authorize the Mayor to execute agreement
Second: Zeitler
Vote: FOR (7)Lowe, .Zeitler, Patton, Haken, Windler, Baker, Gonzalez
Motion carried
11 . Buried electrical lines along FM 518:-' Mr, Mills of CPS will be asked
to attend the next Council Meeting to discuss burying, of these lines:
12. Engineer on MoVing Of. Utility Lines on FM 518 - Mr..: Walsh reported that
the specs for this work is in the hands of the Highway Department, and
recommends that bids be' requested for December 11 .
13. En ineer and Grant A lication for Sewer Plant - .
MOTION: (Zeitler) To allow Walsh Engineering to proceed to make
application for federal grant money fora sewer plant
tW following "Plan D" as proposed, and to include a sum of
money for a site.
Second: Windler
Councilman Windler asked two questions for clarification and
received, affirmative� answers: (1) We are not committing ourselves
to a process nor to a location? (2) This grant application completes
Phase 1 of the contract?
Vote: FOR (7) Lowe, Zeitler, Windler, Bakers Gonzalez, Haken, Patton
AGAINST: none i
Motion carried
14. Contract with Wed ewood Clearwood MUD) - Councilman Windler presented
the final version of the contrac is written by representatives of the
City and the District. Council gave its approval by Resolution No. 13-72
authorizing the Mayor to sign the contract on behalf of the City.
MOTION: (Windler) For adoption -of Resolution•'No: 13* 72
Second: Patton
Vote: FOR (7) Lowe,. Windler, Patton, Gonzalez, Baker, Haken, Zeitler
Motion carried
15. RESOLUTION No. 12-72 - Designating Fri endswood Library as "Community III"
.� ,.•>,..
MOTION: (Zeitler) For adoption of Resolution No. 12-72
Second: Haken
Vote: FOR: Unanimous .
Motion carried
16. RESOLUTION No. 11-72 - Pledging matching funds for Law Enforcement Radio
Communications System
MOTION: (Gonzalez) For adoption of Resolution No. 11-72
Second: Zeitler
Vote: FOR: Unanimous
AGAINST: none'
Motion carried
WARRANTS - A list of warrants presented by the� City Secretary at request. of the
_ Auditor were not approved. since Council . feels :the present system of payment
with checks under $500 being signed by the City Manager and City Secretary
is sufficient authorization and approval by Council is not required.
Other warrants presented were:
G&A #2453 - Galveston County Health Dept, $875.00
G&A #2454 -- Aetna Insurance 776.62
G&A #2483 - Community Public Service 705.40
M&O #1379 - Community Public Service 1 ,109.65
MOTION: (Windler) To approve the warrants as listed
Second: Haken
Vote: FOR: Unanimous
M&O Warrant #1344 Ben Felts' ,$886:00
XTION: (Windler) .To approve,.M&O Warrant- #1344
Second: Patton
,Vote„ FOR,: Unanimous
Motion carried
G&A, Warrant #2476 to the Frie.ndswood Fence Company for $581 .38 was
not approved pending more complete information on the expenditure
ORDINANCES -(Caption of each ordinance read before motion :was made)
Ordinance # 2-W (Annexation: of Wrap'-around area)
MOTION: (Patton) For approval on, first reading
Second: Zeitler
Vote: ,FOR: (6) ,Lowe, .Patton, Zeitler, .Haken, Windler, Baker
AGAINST: (1) Gonzalez
Motion° carried ;
Ordinance # 3-W Annexation of Clover Acres)
MOTION: (Gonzalez) For approval on, first ;reading
Secon I Zeitler
Vote: FOR: Unanimous
.AGAINST: none
Motion carried
Ordinance # 4-W (Annexation of Polly Ranch)
MOT,ION; � (Saker) :For;approval -on first reading.
Second: Zeitler
Vote: FOR: (6) Lowe, Patton, Zeitler, Haken, Windler', ..Baker
AGAINST: none ABSTAINING: (1) Gonzalez
Motion carried
Ordinance # 1-E FM 2351 t;east of Clear Creek
MOTION: (Patton) For approval on -first reading
Second: Baker
Vote: FOR (6,) Lowe, Patton, .Zeitler, Haken, Windler, Baker
AGAINST: none ABSTAINING: (1) Gonzalez
Motion carried
Ordinance # 2-E (Pi eline',east of Clear Creek
MOTION: (Zeiti6r) For approval ' on first reading
Second: Patton
Vote: FOR: Unanimous
Motion carried
Ordinance # 3-E FM 528 east of Clear Creek)
MOTION: (Windler) For approval on first reading
Second: Patton
Vote: FOR: Unanimous
Motion carried
j Ordinance #173 Z. Third_ and final readin
MOTION: (Zeitler) For pass.age. on third reading and final '
Second: Un ti on of Ordinance #173.
Vote: FOR: Unanimous
Motion carried
Ordinance No. 174 (Zonin,q Ordinance '#132 Revised) - First Readin
MOTION: (Windler) For approval on first reading of Ord. No. 174
Second: Haken
Vote: FOR: Unanimous
Motion carried
i ADJOURNMENT - Motion made and seconded that the meeting adjourn. The meeting
was adjourned,
Bobbi e Henry, City Secre,tar
C�J Ralph L. Lowe, .Mayor
SECRETARY'S NOTE: The Ordinance numbers 2-W, 1-W, 3-W, 4-W, 1-E, 2-E,
3-E as used in these .minutes are temporary numbers assigned
for reading purposes only. Upon third and final reading
any or all of the above ordinances will be assigned .
permanent numbers in 'the order in which they are passed.