September 5, 1972
The Friendswood City Council met ,in Regular Session at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday,
September 5, due to the fact that Monday was observed as a holiday. The
meeting, held at the Friendwood City Hall , was attended by:
Mayor Ralph Lowe
Councilman Ralph Gonzalez
Councilman Mi Ito' n 'Wihd1er
Councilman Richard Ha °,en
Councilman Benny Baker
Councilman Edward Zeitler
Councilman William Patton
With a quorum present, and none absent, the following business was transacted:
READING AND APPROVAL ,OF MINUTES of August 21 , .approved with one correction.
17� 1 . Letter ,from Corps of Engineers, U.S. Armyj regarding the status of the
Clear Creek Drainage project. '
2. School and City officials met to discuss the taxation program in view of
the recent reappraisal.. Mr. Speck and the Mayor, met later with the County
Tax Assessor who says that the County will use the reappraisal figures for
the current County tax roll in 'spite of protest from the City and School .
The school and county attorneys are scheduled to meet and discuss the
legal aspects of this controversey.
3. Houston Planning Commission meeting was attended by Mayor Lowe in the
interest of changing the location of Bay Area Boulevard. The Mayor also
attended a meeting on this subject at the Highway Depsartment in League City
on August 31`. No new 'changes are contemplated, however, in routing of
this road.
Smoking in Council Room: A letter signed by Mr. and Mrs. David McCraw and
Mrs, Eddy Jean Nelson, dated August 7, requested that "the city declare
the audience area of the city council room off limits to smoking and the
front entrance hall as the designated area for the smoking public. " Such
a motion was made by Councilman Gonzalez, seconded by Councilman Windler.
Some members felt that if smoking were to be prohibited, it should apply to
everyone, thus the motion was amdnded:
AMENDED MOTION: (Gonzalez) To declare the council room off-limits for smoking
Second: Winder
Vote: ,FOR (3) Lowe, Gonzalez, Windler
AGAINST: (3) Haken, Baker, Zeitler
ABSTAINING: (1 ) Patton
Motion fails
Councilman Gonzalez then moved his original motion, which failed for lack of
a second.
1 . Sub-regional Sewer Plant Malcolm Collins presented drawings and discussed
5e proposed site for the plant. Ralph Somers spoke regarding an interim
report on the project to the TWQB. Mayor Lowe designated Councilman
Patton to pursue acquisition of the site and rights of way necessary
for this project.
2. Contract with Wed wood - Councilman Windler reported on status of negotia-
tions. He is to continue working toward a mutually agreeable contract
which can be submitted to the various governmental entities for approval .
Manning of the Wedgewood sewer plant, after signing of a contract, will
also have to be resolved.
3. Police & Fire Department Facilities - Councilman Gonzalez is to pursue
t e question' of grant requests for improvement to the policeJacilities.
In connection with the fire station, he will be in contact with the
County Commissioner regarding' the tie-in of Greenbriar and Rustic Lane
at FM 2351 , including moving of utility lines. Financing of the Fire
Department after new quarters are occupied by an assessment of $1 .00
per resident will be outlined and 's''tud"i'ed. ' Architectural ' plans for a
fire station are also in order.
In connection with this project, the City Manager was asked to contact
the architect who originally designed City Hall for suggestions and
plans for modifications necessary for enlargement of City Hall/Police -
4. Annexation Zonin Councilman Baker will be working with Mayor Lowe
in exp oring ,t e possibility of the various areas considered for annexation
coming in to the City by their own request. ' Specifically mentioned at
this time are Clover Ridge and the Brown property on FM 2351 . Priority
on annexation of other areas will also be studied.
5. Zoning Ordinance and Map Changes - Councilman Zeitler will be working with
the Planning Commission on proposed changes to the Zoning Ordinance which
have been under study by the Commission for some time. He will also be
considering overall changes. to the zoning map to conform to current and
future growth of the City.'
6. Builders Truss Plant - A study and review of the Truss Plant situation
i now in t e and
' s of Councilman Haken. He will recommend to Council
a 'course of action', and the mechanics to bring this plant into compliance
with City zoning 4f this is acceptable to' the Council .
.'l . Final payment to garba e contractor - To clear the records, Ed Bennett
has agreed to accept mp-sum settlement of $5,000 in lieu of accounts
rece'ivable' on the books. An agroement' document has been written and
executed to this effect, pending approval of the Council .
MOTION: (Windler). To approve the agreement and issuance of M&O
Check No. 1264 for $5,000 to Bennett Disposal Co.
Second: Gonzalez
Vote: FOR (7) Windler, Gonzalez, Haken, Zeitler, Lowe, Patton, Baker
Motion carried
2. FM 518 Widenin - Movingof UtilityLines - The County has requested
that the City submit to them bids received for moving utility lines
along. FM 518 by December. Engineering and drafting work is required
in writing specifications for bidders. The City Engineer is -presently
tied up on other projects, so it was decided to engage Walsh Engineers
to handle this work, including follow-up on the construction portion
at a cost of $4,000/$6,000 which supposedly will be paid from County
Road Bond funds.
}��3. Sanitation Department - Operating on Holidays - Council agreed that the
Sanitation Department employees should e off on the same holidays as are
observed by other city employees.
4. Advertising for bids for two automobiles (City Manager and Police Dept. )
Approval was givefi7 to the Manager to advertise for these bids.
5. Procedure.. or reviewing/approvin lats for subdivision - A flow chart
for this procedure was approved for implementation.
6'. Subdivisions outside Cit limits - The City Manager reported a number of
inquiries recently on su ividing property outside the City Limits, stating
that the City needs to set up policies on certain aspects of such development.
7. Intermediate Connection on .Extended, Utilit Mains - A policy proposal by
the City Manager was tabled for further study.
8. Buildin Permits - Suggestions for additional information to be placed
on permit application forms. This is to be incorporated into the
subdivision ordinance which is presently being revised.
9. Accounts receivable procedure - A policy covering water billing, deadline
for payment, and cut-off dates, as proposed by the City Manager, was
f RESOLUTIONS - Resolutions citing violation of Ordinance #79 (Weeds) by
Decker-McKim and Mr. James Bullock.
MOTION: (Gonzalez) For approval of weed resolutions
Second: Baker
pit" Vote: FOR: (5) Gonzalez, Baker, Lowe, Windler, Haken
ABSTAINING: (2) Patton, Zeitler
Motion carried
ORDINANCES - Ord. No. 171 - Second Reading (Changing zoning - Eignus property)
G\1 MOTION: (Gonzalez) For passage of second reading of Ord. #171
Second: Zeitler
Vote: FOR (7) Gonzalez, Baker, Lowe, Windler, Haken, Patton, Zeitler
Motion carried
MOTION: (Windler) To approve M&O Warrants 1264 (Bennett Disposal ) and
G&A #2267 (Cleburne Truck & Body Sales, Inc. ) ; #2268 (Davis Truck
& Equipment Co. , Inc. ); #2270 (Aetna Life & Casualty Co. ) ; and
#2271 (Gulf Oil Products)
Second: Patton
Vote: FOR (7) Gonzalez, Baker, Lowe, Windler, Haken, Patton, Zeitler
Motion carried
Ruling by JU.dge Evans on Curfew Ord. (Ody Jerden to give opinion)
Mini-bike riding on city park property
Playground equipment for parks
Civil Defense program
Enforcement of overnight parking ordinance
Motion made and seconded that the meeting adjourn. The meeting was
Bobbie C. Henry; City Secr t
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Mayor Ralph L. Lowe
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