HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1972-08-21 Regular MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL August 21 , 1972 A regular meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held at the City Hall in Friendswood at 7:30 p.m, on Monday, August 21 , with the following members present: Mayor Ralph Lowe Councilman Milton Windler --- Councilman William Patton Councilman Ralph Gonzalez Councilman Richard Haken Councilman Benny Baker Councilman Edward Zeitler With a quorum present, and none absent, the following business was transacted: READING AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Minutes-of-Regular Meeting of August 7, approved as read. r� ANNOUNCEMENTS & COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOR 1 . H-GRTS meetingAugust 31 8:00 - g p.m, at Highway Department, La Marque. 2. Report on Houston Planning Commission meeting August 9, regarding routing of Bay Area Boulevard. Mayor Lowe requested that Friendswood and League City be allowed input regarding direction of the Boulevard beyond its intersection with FM 528. On August 14, Mayor Arolfo, Mr. Williams of the League City Planning Commission, and representatives from Johnson-Loggins and U.S. Homes met with the Council to discuss routing of this road. r 3. City Secretary Bobbie Henry will be absent from the office this week due to a death in her family .and attendance late this week at school in Denton. 4. Report, on workshop meeting with Commissioners Court regarding tax program. 5. Announcement of a School Finance Hearing at the Holiday Inn in Texas City on Thursday, August 24, at 4:00 p.m. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS - Republican. Precinct Chairman James Shore intro- duce Mr. ' Jim Nelson, Repu ican candidate for the State Senate. Following a short address, Mr. Nelson answered questions from the Council and audience. BUSINESS ITEMS Gas Rate Increase Mayor Kemper Williams of Victoria has requested that cities served by Houston Natural Gas unite to contest a proposed gas rate increase to be heard before the Railroad Commission on September 12. He suggested that each city contribute ten cents for each gas connection to finance the protest. MOTION: (Gonzalez) That Friendswood contribute $160 to support this protest Second: Zeitler program. Vote: FOR: (7) Lowe, Windler, Patton, Gonzalez, Haken, Baker, Zeitler AGAINST: none Motion carried HJ.2hway Projects: FM 518 Widening - Work is beginning on plans for moving the utility lines necessary to widening of FM 518. Possible date for awarding contract on highway project is presently December of this year; completion date is estimated to be in 1974. __."_Extension of Sunset - The possibility of extending Sunset from FM 2351 to FM 5 8 to e iminate traffic congestion on FM 518, was discussed. This project would necessitate concurrence with three property owners along Sunset who have tentatively indicated that they would donate land, and with the City of Pearland. I Routing of Bay Area Boulevard - The question of whether this road should go Firou�lly Ranc or into League City was discussed with representa- tives from Johnson-Loggins and U.S. Homes. MOTION: (Haken) To approve extension of Bay Area Boulevard through Polly Ranch. Second: Gonzalez Vote: FOR (2) Haken, Gonzalez AGAINST (5) Lowe, Baker, Patton, Windler, Zeitler Motion failes MOTION:-.(Patton) To accept the League City route selected by U.S. Homes, with Friendswood recommending the provision of an extension to the City of Friendswood. Second:. Zeitler Vote: FOR (6) Lowe, Baker, Patton, Windler, Zeitler, Gonzalez AGAINST: none ABSTAINING: (1 ) Haken Motion carried Councilman Zeitler suggested that the recommendation include a request that consideration be given to an overpass at FM 528 and Bay Area Boulevard to accommodate an increase in traffic flow which this extension will create. The Mayor will convey Council 's wishes to Houston Planning Commission. Request for Entrance Marker for Im erial Estates No. 2 - Mr. James Shore, as Chairman of the Civic Club, requested permission to erect entrance posts from FM 2351 into the subdivision, and to mount street sign and stop sign to the posts. MOTION: (Haken) That Council approve the request from Imperial Estates #2. Second: Patton Vote: FOR (4) Lowe, Gonzalez, Haken, Patton AGAINST: (3) Baker, Windler, Zeitler Motion carried Sub-Regional Sewer Project - Malcolm Collins (Walsh Engineering) was instructed to write up legal description of the proposed site for sub-regional plant. Council approved a wastewater treatment process demonstrated to be con- ducted at Sewer Plant #1 by Lin-Pro Corporation on September 1 . Resignation of Richard Sta �as Assistant Fire Marshal and member of the Aro.na. B�„pard was read and; ackno re wledged. A resolution of appciation is tome written expressing the City's thanks for services rendered. Warrants Approved for Payment Final ($3,803.50) to Mora Construction for 8" water line along Greenbriar from Coward Creek Drive, and a 6" line from Greenbriar west along Falling Leaf. Final ($5,548.74) to Ben Felts for sewer line on Cedarwood Award of Bid for Water Line Along Sunset (Tabulation com leted b CityEngineer) MOTION: (Baker) To award labor contract for water line along Sunset to Bost Ditching at $4,196 in lieu of awarding bid of $3,999.99 to low bidder, Mora Construction. Second: Gonzalez Vote: FOR (1 ) Baker AGAINST (6) Lowe, Haken, Patton, Windler, Gonzalez, Zeitler Motion failed MOTION: .(Gonzalez) To award bids on 8" water line along Sunset as follows: Materials - Utility Supply - Bid: $6,022.75 Second: Zeitler Labor - Mora Construction - Bid : $3,999.99 Vote: FOR (7) Lowe, Haken, Patton, Windler, Gonzalez, Zeitler, Baker AGAINST: none Motion carried Kin s ark-Whitehall Drainage Project_ - Mr. Morgan pointed out the necessity for- leasing a rag ine for t is project, and asked concurrence of Council . MOTION: (Baker) To authorize City�,M&nager to lease a dragline for dirt work on the Whitehall-Kingspark drainage ditch. Second: Zeitler Vote: FOR ',(6) Lowe, Baker, Gonzalez, Zeitler, Haken, Patton (Councilman Windler was out of the room) AGAINST: none Motion carried i City Secretar 's Certification Seminar (August 24-25) MOTION: (W.i:ndler) To authorize the City Secretary to attend seminar in Denton on August 24 and, 25. Second: Zeitler Vote: FOR (7) Lowe, Baker, Gonzalez, Zeitler, Haken, Patton, Windler AGAINST: none Motion carried Rezoning of Cecil Brown Property on Ed ewood - Property lines along south side of Edgewood from Sunset to Greenbriar plus a small parcel near the Brazoria County line, and includes property donated as a site for fire department facilities. a� MOTION (Baker) To passe;'Aa resolution to accept the donated site subsequent to annexation of the designated Brown property. Second: Gonzalez Vote: FOR (6) Lowe, Baker, Windler, Haken, Gonzalez, Zeitler AGAINST (1 ) Patton Motion carried (Councilman Windler left the meeting at this point) ORDINANCES No. 171 - First Reading AN ORDrZ,NANCE CHANGING "THE ZONING OF CERTAIN PROPERTY FROM R-2 TO C-1 ;.CHANGING THE ZONING MAP ACCORDINGLY; COMPLYING WITH SECTION 15 of ORDINANCE NUMBER 132 OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD KNOWN AS THE ZONING ORDINANCE; MAKING CERTAIN FINDINGS; RESTRICTING ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMITS MOTION: (Gonzalez) To approve' Ord. ,No': 171 on first- i^ead ing Second: Zeitler , Vote: FOR (6) Lowe, Baker, Haken, Gonzalez, Zeitler, Patton AGAINST: none Motion carried No. 169-A - Third and Final Readin AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 1220, PARAGRAPH (f) OF ORDINANCE NO. 99, KNOWN AS THE ELECTRICAL CODE ORDINANCE; RE:EALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE MOTION: (Patton) To approve Ord. No. 169-A on third and final reading Second: Haken Vote: FOR (6) Lowe, Baker, Haken, Gonzalez, Zeitler, Patton AGAINST: none Motion carried No. 170 - Third and Final Reading AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 35 and 35-A WHEREIN A PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION IS CREATED; CHANGING THE NUMBER OF MEMBERS; SPECIFYING TERMS OF OFFICE; REPEALING ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE MOTION: (Zeitler) To approve Ord. No. 170 on third and final reading Secon : Gonzalez Vote: FOR .(6) Lowe, Baker, Haken, Gonzalez, Zeitler, Patton AGAINST: none Motion carried APPOINTMENT OF PLANNING COMMISSION MEMBERS (2 MOTION: (Gonzalez) To appoint Mrs. Leah North and C. C. Bost to positions on the Planning and Zoning Commission Second: Haken Vote: FOR (5) Lowe, Baker, Haken, Gonzalez, Patton AGAINST: (1 ) Zeitler Motion carried APPROVAL OF CHECKS FOR PAYMENT MOTION: (Gonzalez) To approve for payment G&A checks #2185, 2191 , 792, 2193, 2194; and M&O checks #1213, and 1214 Second: Baker Vote: FOR (6) Lowe, Baker, Haken, Zeitler, Gonzalez, Patton AGAINST: none Motion carried BUDGET HEARING - The 1972-73 budget will be reviewed at next workshop, and a public hearing will be held on September 28. CLOSED SESSION - PERSONNEL Question of a full-time Fire Marshal was discussed. A representative from the Fire Department and the Fire Marshal 's office will be asked to be present at the next workshop session to discuss selection of a Fire Marshal . ADJOURNMENT - Motion made and seconded that the meeting adjourn. The meeting was adjourned. Moon een od, Acting City Secretary APPROVED: Ralph�LLowe, Mayor