HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1972-07-24 Regular 9. MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL July 24, 1972 The Friendswood City Council met in regular session at the City Hall at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, July 24, .with the following members present: Mayor Ralph Lowe Councilman Benny Baker i Councilman, Richard Haken Councilman Ralph Gonzalez Councilman William Patton Councilman Milton Windler With a quorum present, and with Councilman Zeitler absent until late in the meeting, the following business was transacted: READING AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Minutes of a Regular Meeting of July 10, approved as corrected 1 Insert WCID #108 on page 1 to clarify "District"; (2) Omit last part of final sentence under "Request for Deputy Clerk." Minutes of a Special Meeting of July 17, approved as written. ' ANNOUNCEMENTS. &COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOR 1 . A sewer line near the Cunningham home, which has been a trouble spot for some time, is now being investigated and a concerted effort will be made to correct this problem this week. i 2. A meeting was held today to discuss right-of-way for the. Clear Creek drainage program. Attendees included Mayor Lowe, representatives from Harris and Galveston Counties , Friendswood Drainage Board, and Mr. Cook, property owner on -the Creek. i 3: Mr. Bruce F. Kelly has filed suit against Galveston County and the various cities in the County ,citing breach- of contract with regard to his replacement as director -of the,-Galveston County' Health Department. This has been referred to the City Attorney. ! i PETITIONS Imperial Estates Civic Club (Mrs. McCraw) .presented a letter requesting that a status report be requested from the Corps of Engineers on preliminary planning for the Clear Creek Project. The City Secretary was instructed to write to the Corps for this information. j BUSINESS ITEMS ! 1 . Area Bands .Noise Problem - Mayor Lowe stated that several complaints have been.'recefved regarding excessive noise from rock bands ' practice sessions. A group of young people, with' BillY.Odell .as spokesman, were drawn into the discussion of a solution to this problem. Outcome was that Councilman Baker suggested that a 20 x 20 ft. building at the baseball ark do nated to ,the City by the School, might .be, used as a practice building, with the bands using. it taking responsibility for repairs and maintenance. Agreement was made to try this plan out on 'a trial basis. j 2. Rock, ,Festival - Billy Odell, on behalf of the young people present, asked permission to use City park property for an end-of-summer "rock" festival on Friday night, August 4'. The fol 1 owi n by the group: 9 points were set out and accepted a. The festival will .start at 7 p.m., and continue until midnight. I b. A stand might be erected on one of the fields so that amps , etc. will , be directed toward the Westwood Elementary School to minimize the sound to homes in the area. c. - After 11 p.m. amplifiers might be required to be turned down as much as possible. d. One adult chaperone will be present for each fifty young people. e. The 'pol i ce �wi ll be �enl:isted, to ,keep down trouble. f. The area will be cleaned up by the young people the following morning. a 398, --- --- MOTION: (Gonzalez) That Council approve the request of the young people subject to the above points . Second: Baker Vote: FOR (6) Lowe, Baker, Haken, Gonzalez,-Patton, Windler AGAINST: none Motion carried STREET MAP PURCHASE - Mr. C. Q. Holmes has offered to sell his copyright and base maps to the City for $500. He presented the maps for review. MOTION: (Haken) That Council accept Mr. Holmes ' offer to sell his copyright and base maps of Friendswood for $500.00. Second: Patton MOTION: (Windler) That the motion be: tabled for fifteen minutes to allow the attorney to review the copyright papers and recommend to Council . Second: Haken Vote: FOR (6) Lowe, Baker, Haken, Gonzalez, Patton, Windler AGAINST: none Motion carried OPENING. OF BIDS FOR GARBAGE TRUCK Bidder Bid Price Deliver Hiway Equipment $19.188.00 100.150 days Alvin Equipment 15 836.00 Kukla�Shark 17,400.00 Immediate Pak-Mor 15,450.00, 60/75 days Davis 'Equipment 14,798.50.. 45 days Davis Equipment (Alternate) 13,950.00 l -week Port City Ford (B) 15,584.50 60 days ,Porte!Ci ty Ford (A) 15,453.00 Decision on award of bids was deferred until later in the evening. POLICY ,COVERING UTILITY LINES, OUT&IDE• CITY LIMITS (Presented by City Manager) Sever,a.l changes made by Council . The policy, as revised and adopted is made a part of these minutes) MOTION: (Patton) That Council adopt the utility line policy. (as revised) . Second: Gonzalez Vote: , FOR (6) Lowe, Baker, Haken, Gonzalez, Patton, Windler AGAINST: none Motion carried STREET PROGRAM - Surfacing of Spreading Oaks was discussed. Decision was made to limestone this street immediately with City or contract labor. Paving would be included in next years budget, allowing the limestone base to age properly. The County will be asked to give the City help in hauling material for this street improvement: Also discussed: Investigate base of Heritage to see if it is in good enough condition to top. if funds are available. FIRE DEPARTMENT FACILITIES LOCATION - Councilman Gonzalez read a copy of the minutes of the last Fire Department meeting which listed .three choices of locations for a new fire station. At ;the next meeting a vote will be taken on first choice, and the results relayed to Council in writing. MARY'S CREEK CLEAN-OUT PROGRAM — Mr; Morgan reported that this program is pro- gressing with t e crew contacting property owners for permission to enter their y property before proceeding with cleaning out underbrush along the creek, Councilman Patton questioned whether this work is being properly done. (At 10:30 ,Mayor Lowe was called away. Mayor Pro-tem 'Gonzalez took the chair) rnMAP PURCHASE - The City Attorney returned with the opinion that the purchase and copyright of Mr. Holmes ' maps was legal and in order. He recommended writi.ng .and passing a resolution covering the purchase, and application for copyright by the City. MOTION: (Haken) To untable the motion regarding- map purchase Secon : Baker Vote: FOR (5) Baker, Haken , Gonzalez, Patton, Windler AGAINST: none: Motion carried Councilman ,Haken withdrew his original motion to make a revised motion: MOTION: (Haken.) To authorize the Mayor to execute a contract with Mr. Holmes on behalf of the City, for the purchase of a street . ; - .map of the: City dated 1972 and relinquishing of his copyright to the map. Second: Windler Vote: FOR (5) Baker, .,Haken, Gonzalez, Patton, Windler AGAINST: none i Motion carried - MOTION: (Haken) To approve payment as -soon as the agreement is signed Secon :. Windler Vote: FOR (5) Baker, Haken, Gonzalez, Patton, Windler . AGAINST: none Motion carried SUB-REGIONAL SEWER SYSTEM - Councilman Windler presented a 14-point resume of contract conditions as discussed in a meeting with Wedgewood (Clearwood M.U.D, ) , These were.-reviewed by Council-, one alteration made, and accepted by Council for further negotiation, (A copy of the 14-points made a part of these minutes) All concerned governmental agencies will be asked to approve the proposed contract before it is finalized, REZONING - DRAINAGE AT FM 518/2351 PROPERTY - As a part of the rezoning agreement, Eugnus Roalty was required to present a satisfactory proposal for drainage. After discussion, the Mayor Pro-tem requested that the realtor contact the City Engineer, the Drainage Board, and. the Highway Department to obtain working information for a firm proposal for City approval . (Councilman Windler left the meeting at this point) WARRANTS FOR APPROVAL - Warrants for purchases made before initiation of the new VfM1y ; purchasing procedure were presented'for',app'roval,. MOTION: (Baker) To approve G&A Warrants 2071 thru 2093 and M&O Warrants 1145 thru 1156 Second: Haken Vote: FOR (4) Baker, Haken, Gonzalez, Patton AGAINST: none Motion carried ORDINANCES .Ordinance No. 169-A - First Readin (Amendment to Electrical Code) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 1220, PARAGRAPH (f) OF ORDINANCE NO. 99, KNOWN AS THE ELECTRICAL CODE ORDINANCE; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE: PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. MOTION: (Patton) To approve first reading of Ord. No. 169-A Second: Haken Vote: FOR (4) Baker, Haken, Gonzalez, Patton AGAINST: none Motion carried f Ord. No. 170 - First Reading -('Revision to Planning Commission Ordinance) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 35 and 35-A WHEREIN A PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION IS CREATED; CHANGING THE NUMBER OF MEMBERS; SPECIFYING TERMS OF OFFICE; REPEALING ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. MOTION: (Haken) For passage on first reading Secon : Patton Vote: FOR (4) Baker, Haken, Gonzalez, Patton AGAINST: none Motion carried (Mayor rejoins meeting. Councilman Zeitler arrives) tR� 1 DECISION ON GARBAGE TRUCK BIDS - Following discussion of necessity of immediate delivery due to notice from the present contractor, the need for a back-up truck, and other problems present, Councilman Zeitler moved the question. MOTION: (Patton) That� the bid of Davis Truck and Equipment of $13,950.00 , :be accepted, and that the City purchase one Heil truck for immediate delivery, Second: Gonzalez Vote: FOR (5) Patton; Gonzalez; .Lowe, Baker,,Zeitler AGAINST: (1 ) Haken Motion carried MOTION: (Gonzalez) That R: B. Everett be authorized to, furnish to the City 34 commercial containers, with delivery: at the earliest possible date. Second: Haken Vote: FOR (6) Patton, Gonzalez, Lowe, Baker, Zeitler; Haken AGAINST: none Motion:carried. ! CLOSED PERSONNEL SESSI.ON. = Mayor Lowe asked concurrence of the Council in his action to .accept the resignation of the present City Prosecutor and pursue selection of another attorney for this position: Council approved this action. ADJOURNMENT - Motion was made and seconded that the meeting adjourn. The meeting was adjourned. City Secretary APPROVED: Mayor alph L. Lowe I