HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1972-06-19 Regular NkINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL June A 9, 1972 A Regular Meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held in the Council Chambers on June 19, 1972, at 7:30 p.m. with the following members present: Mayor Ralph Lowe Councilman Milton Windler Councilman William Patton i Councilman Richard Haken I Councilman Benny Baker Councilman Edward Zeitler With a quorum present, and with Councilman Gonzalez absent, the following business was transacted: READING AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Minutes of a Regular Meeting of June 1 , approved as presented. ANNOUNCEMENTS & COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOR C\1 1 . Letters have been sent to unsuccessful engineers thanking them for their presentations. 2. Letter from Mayor -appointing Dr. J. J. Symon as City Health Officer. MOTION: (Patton) That Council ratify the Mayor's appointment of Dr. Symon as. City Health Officer Second: Baker Vote: FOR (6) Lowe, Windler, Patton, Haken, Baker, Zeitler AGAINST: none Motion carried 1 3. Letter to Kirk Bartley, who has resigned as representative to the County Drug Control group. Councilman ,Patton ,requested to select a replacement. He asked for volunteers for this positions 4. Letter from Mrs. McCraw thanking City -for:,drainage work. 5. Resolution from the Chamber of Commerce asking for leniency in considering change of zoning requests from businesses. 6. Drainage in the Cloverleaf area is being done by the County. 7. The Mayor will meet with Wedgewood .people and with members of the Board to discuss sewage treatment. The Council will study an earlier proposed contract between the City and Wedgewood and will workshop this item at a future meeting. 8. Letter from Highway Dept. regarding changes in plans for widening FM 518. ITEMS OF BUSINESS 1 . Naming of .Street off of Ceda.rwood next to Catholic .Church MOTION: (Windler) That the name, Queen's Lane, as recommended by the Planning Commission, be assigned to this street. Second: Zeitler Vote: FOR (6.)` Lowe, Wfndler, Patton, Haken, Baker, .Zeitler AGAINST: none _. Motion carried 2. Library Summer Pro ram: Request from Library for $398.19 to cover materials Tor special summer activities. These funds would come from "Recreation Funds" as a part of the City's recreation program. MOTION: (Baker) To approve expenditure of- $398.19 by the Library for recreational activities. Second: Zeitler Vote: FOR (6) Lowe, Windler,_ Patton, .Haken, Baker, Zeitler AGAINST: none Motion carried 3. Builders Truss Com an request for operational extension to request re- consi eration for zoning change. Mr. Tutton presented a letter from Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Creppon which is included in the record by request of the Mayor: "We the undersigned, as Citizens of Friendswood, Texas, do hereby request the Mayor and City Council of Friendswood, Texas, to resend the petition filed ordering Builders Truss Company to stop production. We would like to state that the activity on and around 1408 S. Friendswood Dr. is not a problem to us. We, as citizens, would like to see the Com- pany remain in business and contribute toward the prosperity of the City. " After discussion, the Attorney was requested to clarify "spot zoning". MOTION:. (Windler) That the Council approve the request of Mr. Homer Tutton as outlined in his letter of June 16 for a 120-day extension :subject to the same conditions that were given in the City's letter to him on April 2. Second: Patton Vote: FOR (6) Lowe, Windler, Patton, Haken,, Baker, Zeitler AGAINST: none Motion carried 4. Cit Mana er Authorization to Take Bids on the following items : a. , Drainage Canal in Annalea, in accordance with proposed plans drawn up by the City Engineer -. Approval given. Bids to be requested for that portion of the canal which would be set forth in 1972-73 budget along with currently allocated portion. , b. Garbage Truck - Authorization given to take bids on different types of equipment, both used and new. 4 c. Fire Hydrants .- Current budgeted funds for 8 fire hydrants. Approved;su i ect to recommendation of placement by Fire Department. 5. Wastewater Treatment Consultant - A� Resolution, presented by the City Man4ger,,,creati.ng the­positign of Wastewater Treatment Consultant to work with the City on the .subregional sewage system, was altered and accepted. MOTION: (Patton) To accept the Resolution as revised on page 1 , and to appoint Ralph Somers to this position. Second: Baker Vote: . FOR: (6) Lowe, Windler, Patton, Haken, Baker, Zeitler AGAINST: none Motion carried tk� 6. Planning Commission A ointment - to fill vacancy created by resignation of Trank Green. Name of Tracy Spears by Mayor to this position. MOTION: (Patton) To ratify the Mayor's appointment of Tracy Spears Second: Zeitler Vote: FOR (6) Lowe, Windler, Patton, Haken, Baker, Zeitler AGAINST: none Motion. carried . Dele ation of liaison from Council to Planning Commission - Mayor Lowe designated Councilman Zeitler to serve in this position. i E i 7. Electrical Board Recommendation - Chan e to Ordinance No. 99-A pro ibiting the use of aluminum wire An emergency ordinance 99-A-E was presented by Councilman Haken in which paragraph (f) of Ord. #99 would be changed to read as follows: "(f) Anything in the National Electrical Code or elsewhere in this Ordinance to the contrary notwithstanding, aluminum conductors may not be used for inside wiring other than for feeder circuits of #4 size conductors or larger, and only then if they be installed in continuous raceways with plated compression termination connections with approved aluminum joint compounded for use on aluminum conductors. " MOTION: (Haken) For adoption of Ord. No. 99-A-E Second: Baker Vote: FOR (6) Lowe, Windler, Patton, Haken, Baker, Zeitler AGAINST: none Motion carried MOTION: (Haken) That Ord, No. 99-A be posted for permanent reading Second: Zeitler Vote: FOR 6( ) Lowe, Windler, Patton, Haken Baker Zeitler AGAINST: none Motion carried —? 8. Hazardous Materials Ordinance - An ordinance prohibiting transporting of certain hazardous materials on the streets of Friendswood was discussed. Decision was made not to take action pending investigation of the City Attorney as to whether a-:city can prohibit use of State. Highways' running through the city for certain vehicles. COUNCIL REPORTS Councilman Zeitler reported on the recycling program, stating that he felt that this program is going to prove satisfactory as presently arranged. CV Councilman Baker reported that the Baseball program for the year has been the '� :'•'� lar est in history; the Arena Group is making plans for the 4th of July program; the school ;s Summer Recreation Program is in operation with approximately 100 youths per session. ' Mayor Lowe said that Mr. Kenton Harris will be asked to attend the next WORKSHOP session to consider appointment to the position of Parks and Recreation Director for the City. Councilman Patton reviewed several questions involving sewer lines and drain- age which he believes can be handled by the City Manager without Council action. Councilman Windler presented a plan from the City Manager for payment of bills - wherein t e Manager would approve payment, he and the City Secretary would co-sign checks, and a list of bills paid would ,be;=_`.Iesented. to Council at the end of the month. This system will. be, studied an&a decisioh made at the next meeting. Mr. Morgan is working on the budget, and reported that he estimates a surplus of $18,OOO to $19,000 in the current budget not yet encumbered. Mayor Lowe asked Council to consider entry in the 4th of July parade. He also stated that residents of Poly Ranch have requested annexation by the City. Mrs. Bacon from that area spoke to Council about their problems. WARRANTS MOTION: (Windler) To approve for payment G&A Warrants 2024 through 2049, 2051 through 2069; and M&O Warrants 1128, 1115, and Second; Zeitler 1132 through 1140 Vote: FOR (6) Lowe, Windler, Patton, Haken, Baker, Zeitler AGAINST: none Motion carried 9. Revision to Dog Ordinance (No. 105-A-E) reenacted as emergency i MOTION: (Windler) To reenact this emergency ordinance. Second: Zeitler Vote: FOR (6) Lowe, Windler, Patton, Haken, Baker, Zeitler AGAINST: none Motion carried --- --- ------ 388 10. Request for ,Rezoning - Harold Benson Discuss ion covered co nsiderations in rezoning of this property of the effect . on schools, traffic, drainage, sewage, tax base, and population density. Discussion led to consideration of rezoning of the entire block of property as set forth in the following motion (with the exception of that area already approved for change as requested by Miss Maxine Eignus for a busi- ness center) : MOT�ION: . (Patton) To start work toward the goaliof rezoning to R-2 property from the property line of the homes on Prairiewild and 'FM 518, and from the back property line of Annalea Subdivision to FM 2351 . Second: -Baker i The question� of :whether or .not°a Councilman who owned land in the area should vote on-- such a motion, prompted withdrawal of the motion;, however, a poll was taken to determine whether or not Council should pursue this question. Results were: TO PURSUE THE QUESTION: Patton, Baker, Zeitler, Lowe; NOT TO PURSUE THE QUESTION: Windler, Haken. CLOSED SESSION - A closed session Was held to discuss the proposed engineering contract with Walsh Engineering Inc. for the proposed 'subregional sewer plant. No action was taken on the contract pending study by the Council and the City Attorney. ADJOURNMENT Motion was made and seconded that the meeting adjourn. The meeting was adjourned. Bobbie C. Henrys City Secr tary Approved Ma or Ralph Lowe I i