HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1972-06-01 Regular MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL June 1 , 1972 A Regular Meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held at the City Hall on June 1, 1972 at 7:30 p.m. with the following members present: Mayor Ralph Lowe j Councilman Milton Windler Councilman William Patton Councilman Ralph Gonzalez Councilman Richard Haken Councilman Benny Baker Councilman Edward Zeitler With a ,quorum present, and none absent, the following business was transacted: READING AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES of a .Regular Meeting of May 19, approved as corrected, i .e, page I: "FM 518 Project" - First Motion: Councilman Gonzalez C\.1 voted FOR; Councilman Haken ABSTAINING. C� BUILDERS TRUSS COMPANY - REVIEW - Mayor Lowe reported to Council on a meeting held on Monday, May 22, between officials of Builders Truss and residents of the area, in an effort to resolve opposition to continued operation of the truss plant, If this operation can be made acceptable to area residents, the City could possibly consider rezoning in this area. The majority of the Council in a poll , stated that they were in favor of proceeding toward a compatible solution between all parties concerned. REZONING REQUEST FROM EIGNUS REALTY - Miss Maxine Eignus offered a preliminary plan for a shopping center to be located on the Murphy property at the NW corner, intersection of FM 2351 .-and_ FM. 518.. Appealing a decision of the Planning Commission, and presenting new information, Miss Eignus asked that the portion of this plat now zoned R-2 be rezoned as C-1 to allwo building of this shopping center. The matter, with the new information, was referred back to the Planning Commission. After consideration, the Planning Commission returned to Council a recommendation ". . .that the original recommendation from the Planning Commission on this request not be acted upon, and that the Planning Commission now recommends that Miss Eignus ' request be approved." MOTION: (Gonzalez) That Council accept this recommendation and that the City Attorney prepare the necessary ordinance to revise this R-2 area .to C-1 Second: Patton Vote: FOR (7) Lowe, Gonzalez, Patton, Haken, Windler, Zeitler, Baker AGAINST: none . Motion carried REZONING REQUEST FROM HAROLD BENSON - Mr. Benson, appealing a decision from the Planning Commission, asked Council to conside.r. rezoning. of a parcel of land on FM 2351 west of the Methodist `Church for multi-housing. Council agreed to examine all the facts and -meet with the Planning Commission on June. 8. to discuss the matter. MOTION: (Wiedler) That Council discuss the Benson situation at the next workshop with the Planning Commission Second: Patton Vote: FOR (6) Lowe, Gonzalez, Patton, Haken, Windler, Baker' AGAINST: none .ABSTAININ.G: (l.)...Zeitler `- Motion carried BOARD OF EQUALIZATION - Mayor Lowe recommended that Elsie Mills, Truman Taylor, ( and Jim Humphrey be appointed to the Board of Equalization. .MOTION: (Gonzalez). That Council accept recommendation of the Mayor and appoint Mills, Taylor, and Humphrey to the Equalization Board. Second: Zeitler Vote:, FOR (7) Lowe, Gonzalez, Patton, Haken, Windler, Baker, Zeitler AGAINST: none Motion carried t 82 RIDING ARENA BOARD- RE UEST FOR FUNDS FOR IMPROVEMENT OF THE ARENA MOTION: (Gonzalez) To support the Riding Arena Board' s request for fudds in the amount of $1 ,219.80 for improvements to the riding arena facilities. Second: Haken Vote: FOR (7) Gonzalez, Patton, Haken, Windler, Baker, Zeitler, Lowe AGAINST: none Motion carried fir} AWARDING OF CONTRACT FOR VARIOUS SEWER LINES - The City Manager presented a tabulation of bi s received on May 25 as follows: Project Ben Felts Robert Mora Bost Ditching W. Falling Leaf Extension $2,371 .50 $3,490.00 $3,635.00 Extend 6" on Cedarwood 1 ,511 .80 1 ,918.00 2,307.00 8" Lateral along FM 2351 2,312.66 2,733.00 42177.00 TOTAL BID $6,195.96 $9,141 .00 $10,119.00 Mr. Morgan recommended that the low bid be accepted MOTION: : (Gonzalez) That Council accept the recommendation of the City Manager and award the contract to Ben Felts at a price of $6,195.96 subject to complete participation of parties involved. Second: Zeitler Vote: FOR (1) Lowe, Gonzalez, Patton, Haken, Windler, Baker, Zeitler AGAINST: none Motion carried NAMING OF STREET - RECOMMENDATION FROM PLANNING COMMISSION - The Planning Commission as recommended that a short street between Stonesthrow and Echo be named "Cedar Oaks Lane. " MOTION: (Gonzalez) That Council accept the recommendation of the ;Planning Commission to name this street "Cedar Oaks Lane." Second: Baker Vote: FOR (7) Lowe, Gonzalez, Patton, Haken, Windler, Baker, Zeitler AGAINST: none Motion carried . CITY OPERATED GARBAGE SERVICE - Recommendation from City Manager: Mr. Morgan stated tat he has made a study of the subject and has determined that it would be economically feasible for the City to purchase and operate garbage pick-up equipment within the area. Council deferred further action on this item to the Closed Session, but failed to take any further action during this meeting. INCREASE IN TELEPHONE RATES - LETTER TO HOUSTON MAYOR AND COUNCIL - Mayor Lowe read a letter to t e Houston City C6unc'il opposing t e proposed telephone rate increase, and asked for endorsement of the letter by the Friendswood Council . MOTION: (Gonzalez) That Council endorse the Mayor's letter regarding telephone rates, and that it be mailed to the Houston City Council . Second: Haken Vote: FOR (6) Gonzalez, Patton, Haken, Windler, Baker, Zeitler AGAINST: none Motion carried A letter from the Mayor to Mr. Gregg Easterly regarding placement of. street light was also read for information purpose only. REPORTS FROM COUNCILMEN Councilman Zeitler: Recycling Program - The building will be moved on to City property . Friday or Saturday by Mr. C. C. Bost; the ground is ready; barrels are being' painted by' the Street Department. Councilman Baker: Baseball Project - The concession/restroom building is finished; Base all parade to be held Saturday; Mr. Harold Walling and other workers to be commended for work on this project. Councilman Baker also reported on his visit to a sewer plant in New York recently. Councilman Patton: Commented on the neatness of-the City Park. He reported that advice of the attorney has been followed in considering sale of a blower from the sewer plant. As a member of the GCMCA Extraterritorial Committee, he invited other members of the Council to attend .a meeting of the committee follow- ing the next general meeting of. the GCMCA. Mr. Patton also called attention of the Council to the fact that the City is below requirements on elevated water supply, and showed a tank advertised in the recent TOWN & CITY magazine. WARRANTS i MOTION: (Windler) To approve for payment G&A Warrants 1972; 1980 and 1981 ; - 1994; 1996 through -2003; 2004 through 2018; and 2023; and M&O Warrants 1111 through 1114; 1116 through 1118; and 1123. Second: Gonzalez Vote: FOR (7) Lowe, Gonzalez, Patton, Haken, Windler, Baker, Zeitler AGAINST: none Motion carried APPOINTMENT TO ELECTRICAL BOARD QUESTION OF DANGER OF ALUMINUM WIRING Mayor Lowe appointed Councilman Haken to serve on the Electrical Board. A letter from Inspector Ken Jones was read regarding use of aluminum wiring,,­ in in building construction in Friendswood, The City Attorney was asked for �'� an opinion of the City's authority in its extraterritorial jurisdiction on building requirements such as the subject one. The Fire Marshal will be asked fora fi;gure .on the. number. of.fires caused by aluminum:wiring. ORDINANCES MOTION: (Zeitler) That the first meeting under the new ordinance be held on the first Monday in July (3rd). Second; Gonzalez - Vote:; FOR (1 ) Zeitler AGAINST (6) Lowe, Gonzalez, Patton, Haken, Windler, Baker Motion FAILED Ordinance No. 167 - AN ORDINANCE REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 142, WHICH ORDINANCE AMENDS SECTION I (a) OF ORDINANCE NUMBER 106-A1 . CONCERNING TIME OF CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS: SETTING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. MOTION: (Windler) For approval and final adoption of Ordinance 167 on third and final reading. Second: Baker Vote: FOR (7) Lowe, Gonzalez, Patton, Haken, Windler, Baker, Zeitler AGAINST: none Motion carried MOTION: (Baker) That the next regularly scheduled Council Meeting, in com- pliance with the ordinance, will be held on the 19th of June Second: Zeitler Vote: FOR '(7) 'Lowe, Gonzalez, Patton, Haken, Windler, Baker, Zeitler AGAINST: none Motion carried SUBREGIONAL SEWAGE TREATMENT FACILITIES - ENGINEERING '7G, Councilman Gonzalez stated for the record: "I would like to make a public endorsement of Walsh Engineering as an engineering firm competent and competitive in its ability to serve the City of Friendswood in the capacity of a prime engin- _ eertng firm to be used by the City for its proposed sub-regional sewer system facility. This acknowledgement and endorsement comes as a result of my careful and thorough analysis of this matter, and concurs with the previous support as expressed by Councilman Patton and Mayor Lowe on the engineering ability of Walsh Engineering firm. I recommend to this Council that we make a decision regarding this engineering service. I have personally talked to six engineering firms and the knowledge expressed by Walsh Engineering regarding our area and our problem indicates to me personally that it is to the best interest of the City that we initiate negotiations with Walsh Engineering for an engineering contract for our subregional sewer facilities." MOTION: (Gonzalez) To initiate contract negotiations with Walsh Engineering to act as representative,for the City of Frfendswood on the sub- regional -sewer system. Second: Patton -MOTION: (Windier) That we table the motion pending discussion in closed session. Second: Zeitler - - Vote: FOR (7) Lowe, Gonzalez, Patton, Windler, Zeitler, Baker, Haken AGAINST: none Motion carried. After meeting' in closed session, the following motion and vote taken: MOTION: (Baker) To untable the motion regarding engineering services. Second: Zeitler Vote: FOR (7) Lowe, Gonzalez, Patton, Windler, Zeitler, Baker, Haken AGAINST: none Motion carried. Vote was then taken on the original motion. VOTE ON ORIGINAL MOTION: FOR: (7) Lowe, Gonzalez, Patton, Windler, Zeitler, Baker, Haken AGAINST: none Motion carried CLOSED SESSION:-Subjects discussed in the closed session included selection of engineering f,rm (see above),- appointments to. commissions .and special projects, land acquisition, and, police dispatch service. Action taken included decision to remove dispatching equipment from Chief Wright's home, at his request, and to either locate it in another residence or use Pearland dispatching service from midnight.to 8 a.m. , and the following motion: MOTION: (Gonzalez) That Betty Merchant be made a full-time dispatcher/ 'City, employee with all the benefits of other City employees, ' f at an hourly .rate of .$1 .75, which she is now receiving. Second: Baker Vote: FOR (7) Lowe, Gonzalez, Patton, Windler, Zeitler, Baker, Haken AGAINST: none Motion carried ADJOURNMENT MOTION: (Gonzalez) That the meeting adjourn Second: Windler Vote: FOR (7) Lowe, Gonzalez, Patton; Windler, Zeitler, Baker, Haken AGAINST: none Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 12:15 a.m. City Secretary APPROVED: Mayor R p L "-Lowe�"'�