HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1972-05-14 Regular MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSW09D CITY COUNCIL May 14, 1,972 A Regular Meeting of the.Friendswood City Council;'was .held on May 4, with the meeting being called to order at 8:00 p,;m, Prior to the meeting, the Mayor and Councilmen witnessed a demonstration of a Heil garbage. truck at the City Ha11, then went to the Annalea area with the City Engineer to view and make plans to alleviate problems in- connection with a drainage ditch. When the meeting was called to order the' following members were present: Mayor Ralph Lowe Councilman Edward Zeitler Councilman Benny Baker ' Councilman Richard Haken Councilman Milton Windler Councilman William Patton (arrived at approximately 9 p,m,) With a quorum present and Councilman Ralph Gonzalez absent, the following business was transacted: READING AND APPROVAL OF' MINUTES - The minutes of the Regular Meeting of April 0 were approved pproved as presented. „RECYCLING PROGRAM - Mrs,. Berthueme spoke to Council , representing a, group of citizens Who ave been operating a program to collect and deliver to recycling plants glass, paper, Iand aluminum. This is a non-profit group dedicated solely to 'he1ping' to clean up the environment. The group is requesting that the City sponsor the program and furnish a place for collection of the materials. Councilman Zeitler has been assigned to work with the group. This will be discussed at Workshop next week. ENGINEERING _ - 1 , Papa ymentto Walsh Engineering for pre-planning on regional sewage treatment, MOTION: (Windler) That warrants 1069 and 1070 (M&O) be approved in the amounts of $1970.00 and $56,00 respectively to Walsh Engineering for engineering services to the City, Second: Haken Vote: FOR (5) Lowe, Zeitler, Baker, Haken, Windler AGAINST: none Motion carried 2. Ba shore En ineers, 'Inc, - Mr. C. Dieter Ufer gave a presentation of his firm s qualifications and -reviewed an oxygenation process which they are now developing for Deer Park for sewage disposal . This was one in a series of firms to be interviewed for the regional sewage, project engi nee,ri ng, , FIRE DEPARTMENT - Representatives from the Fire Department relayed choices made by t eirr group relative to a building site for new fire and police facilities. Choices in order were:. (1 ). Castlewood at Friendswood Drive; (2) Traffi.c signal area' (exact parcel• not yet known), .and. (3) , the Cecil Brown property at Sunset and FM. 2351 , 'which Mr, Brown has indicated he would donate to the .City' for this prupose, CITY MANAGER - (Closed Session) Mr. James C, .Morgan of Groves, Texas and Texas, who had 1 ——previously s ,_. u 1 been interviewed �p er ' Y viewed by Council , was selected as the`new City Manager. Salary and employee benefits were discussed with Mr. Morgan, an d he 9 agreed that he g would accept the City s offer, MOTION: (Windler) That Council employ Mr. James Morgan as City Manager at a salary equivalent to $17,300 per year, moving allowance, and car allowance of $100 per month, subject to all provisions and terms of the City Charter, Second: Baker Vote: FOR (6) Lowe,. Zeitler, Baker, Haken, Windler, Patton Motion carried. Mr. Morgan stated that ,he would like to,start, work. on the 16th of May, The City Attorney will draw up a resolution` for passage at next meeting. GARBAGE - CITY OPERATED - A discussion of purchase of a garbage truck resulted in Council majority decision to study the feasibility of making the use of bags. mandatory at the time a city-operated system is initiated. This subject will be discussed further' at'Workshop. ")".' DRAINAGE'' After surveyi ng', the;drai nage si tuatibn in Annal ea',' the City gin Eneer recommends. a' bulkhead' tr.ough type construction to carry the water away, and sloping sides' to be. sodded and mowed. He stated that cost for j 200 'feet will be approximately $6,000,'' ' A ladder would be placed every 100 feet for safety purposes, MOTION: (Patton) That the engineer draw' up specs for bids (at a per- foot unit price) and prese.nt_` to Codn'cil for approval . Second: Zeitler Vote: FOR (6)„ Lowe,, Zeit:l.er, Baker, 'H,ak0n`, ,Windler, Patton AGAINST: none Mot;i on Carr .ed SUB-REGIONAL SEWER PLANT - Councilman ,Windler is to invite Joe C. Heil as guest-en;ginee;r for..the .;next.Worhshop at 8:00 p.m, F.M. 518 PROJECT - Sidewalks along the highway were discussed, and it was decided that sidewalks . should be, installed as a part of this project, The Council felt that' a 4 ft, sidowa1k "should' be' built the full .distance with the exception of the drainage ditch crossing just north of the traffic light', and' that this section should be 6 ft, wide to accommodate..horses and bicycles. MOTION: (Patton) That the City notify the Highway be_pahtment that we we wish to include sidewalks in the FM 518 project, Second: Zeitler Vote: FOR (5) Lowe, Zeitler, Baker, Windler, Patton AGAINST: none ABSTAINING: ' (1 ) Haken Motion carried The type of median was discussed, but Council retained its earlier decision to request a raised median. `Iv) RIDING ARENA BOARD - Mayor Lowe, with confirmation of Council , appointed Mrs. Betty White and Mr. Jack Petty to two-year terms on, the Board. A request from the.,Board to, build and use a.movable calf chute was considered. MOTI'ON:' (Baker) To approve the request of the Arena Board to use a ca,l f chute,at the, arena Second':' Zei tl er Vote: FOR: (6) Lowe, Zeitler, Baker, Windler, Haken, Patton AGAINST: none Moti o'n' carried Insurance coverage for events held on„ City property was discussed, The City's insurance carrier, Mr. Truman. Taylor, will be invited to attend. the next Workshop to review the City's insurance coverage. PROPOSED, HIGHWAY 35 - Mayor Lowe read a letter to the 'Highway Department requesting that Friendswoo& be included in all mailings relating to plans and mee tings.. on this highway, PLANNING COMMISSION RESIGNATION - Mayor Lowe read a letter to' Mr. Frank Green who is resigning from the Planning Commission, commending him for his contributions to the community. No replacement appointment was made at this time, GALVESTON COUNTY HEALTH DISTRICT - Dr. W,' W.,, Kemmerer, Jr, , Director of the Galveston County Health District, requested; that he and members 'of his staff be allowed to' attend the May' 18 Council Meeting to acquaint this Council May 4, 1972 1' D with the services' offered by the Health District. A letter will be written welcoming them to this meeting. Mrs. Leah North, a member of the Health Board, will be requested to attend the next Workshop to talk to Council about. Health Department activities. ORDINANCES #167 _ Chan e of Meetin Date -...First Readin MOTION: (Zeitler) For passage of Ord. #167 on first reading - � Second: Haken Vote: FOR (6) Lowe, Zeitler, Haken, Windler, Patton, Baker AGAINST: none Motion carried #165 - S eed Zones' - Third and Final Readin AN ORDINANCE ALTERING THE PRIMA FACIE SPEED LIMITS ESTABLISHED FOR 'VEHICLES UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF ARTICLE 6701 D VERNON'S TEXAS CIVIL STATUTES, UPON THE BASIS OF AN ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC C1 INVESTIGATION, UPON CERTAIN STREETS AND HIGHWAYS, OR PARTS THEREOF, WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, AS SET, OUT IN THIS ORDINANCE; AND PROVIDING'A PENALTY OF A FINE NOT TO EXCEED $200.00 FOR THE VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE. MOTION:.; (Zeitler) For passage on third reading and final adoption of Ord. #165 Second: Baker Vote: FOR (6) Lowe, Zeitler, Haken, Windler, Patton, Baker AGAINST: none Motion carried #166 - Increase lin Sewer Rates - Third and Final Reading AN 'ORDINANCE MAKING CERTAIN FINDINGS; ESTABLISHING SEWER SERVICE RATES INSIDE AND OUTSIDE THE CITY LIMITS OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS; REPEALING ALL OTHER ORDINANCE PROVISIONS IN CONFLICT HEREWITH. MOTION: (Patton) For passage on third reading and final adoption of Ord. #166 Second: Zeitler Vote: FOR (6) Lowe, Zeitler, Haken, Windler, Patton, Baker AGAINST: none Motion carried #168 - Annexation of Hi h School - Third and Final Readin AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS, MAKING CERTAIN FINDINGS; SETTING FORTH A PETITION FOR ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY; SETTING FORTH THE RESULTS OF A PUBLIC HEARING; EXTENDING THE CITY LIMITS OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS, TO INCLUDE ALL LANDS AND AREA WITHIN CERTAIN LIMITS AND BOUNDARIES AND ANNEXING TO THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD ALL OF THE AREA WITHIN SUCH LIMITS AND BOUNDARIES; PROVIDING THE PASSAGE OF THIS ORDINANCE SHALL NOT IMPAIR OR AFFECT ANY OTHER ANNEXATION ORDINANCE WHETHER PASSED ON ONE OR MORE READINGS AND NOT YET PASSED ON FINAL READING; PROVIDING A SAVING AND SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. MOTION: (Haken) For passage on third reading and final adoption i of Ord. #168 Second: Baker Vote: FOR (6) Lowe, Zeitler, Haken, Windler, Patton, Baker AGAINST: none Motion carried. POLICE DEPARTMENT - NEW PATROLMAN - Chief Wright requested permission to hire one new patrolman, to ecome effective May 22. He will attend police school for six weeks".before starting full-time duties. MOTION: (Patton) That the City hire one new patrolman effective May 22 Second: Zeitler Vote: FOR (6) Lowe, Zeitler, Haken, Windler, Patton, Baker AGAINST: none Motion carried 374 WARRANTS , MOTION: (Windier) To approve for payment M&O Warrants #1073 through 1077 and G&A Warrants 1918 through 1954. Second:Patton Vote: FOR (6) Lowe, Zeitler, Haken, Windler, Patton, Baker AGAINST: .none Motion carried i ADJOURNMENT Motion by Councilman Patton, seconded by Councilman Baker, that the meeting adjourn. Unanimous vote in favor. Meeting was adjourned. APPROVED: Bobbie G. Henry, City ecretary Ralp L, Lowe, Mayor � I i i