HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1972-03-16 Regular ry I
March 16, 1972
A Regular Meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held at the City Hall
at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, March 16, 1972, with the following members present:
Mayor Edward F. Stuart
Councilman James Mager
-- Councilman William Patton
Councilman Ralph Gonzalez
Councilman Richard Haken
Councilman Ronald Hamil
With a quorum present, and with Councilman Lowe absent,: the meeting proceeded
as follows:
Minutes of the Regular Meeting of March 2, approved as presented.
1 . Letter from Ralph Lowe resigning as Councilman effective March 15, 1972,
at 5 p.m.
2. Letter from=Galveston County Mayors and"Councilman's Association, appoint-
ing Mayor Stuart to the Committee on Extra Territorial Jurisdiction.
3. Letter from Imperial Estates Road Committee requesting information regard-
ing rules for use of the bridge over_Mary's Crossing after heavy rains.
4. Memo from Friendswood School Board stating that they have agreed to sign
a contract with Andy Capers Corp. for reappraisal .
5. GCMC Association will meet at the Galveston County Courthouse on Wednesday
March, 22, 1972.
James Shore, who has been designated as Election Judge in the upcoming City
Election, , ` informed the Council of his position regarding non-registered
voters. He stated that he will require evidence of registration. If
Council does not concur with him, he requested that another judge be appointed.
Council gave him a vote of confidence in officiating at the election.
1 . Water and Sewer Department - Ken Toon reported that the fire hydrants have
been installed; work is underway on the Little League sewer line; FM 2351
line material has been purchased; Sedora line is awaiting dry weather; other
projects and repairs are in progress.
2. Engineering/Streets/Drainage - Tom Heaney reported that culvert installation
and patching is being done. Engineering work includes work for Ralph Somers
and finalizing of plans for Greenbriar water line; also Blackmon water and
sewer lines. He was asked about Merrywood Street, and he related steps
necessary to re-making this street. Other projects discussed were the
Whitehall drainage work and Spreading Oaks,
Mrs. Nelson of 518 Brandywine requested maintenance work on Stadium, and
also requested that one-way monitoring be done on Stadium. Chief Wright
stated that he would have this area patroled.
3. Police - Chief Wright recommended that 20 mph on Castlewood from Cowart
Creek to FM 518 be incorporated into his latest speed zone ordinance,
but recommended that Melody Lane remain at 30 mph. This ordinance will
be posted for first reading at next Council Meeting. Chief Wright also
reported on attendance of officers at certification school in Pearland.
4. Tax Collector - L. B. Cline reported that 99.Z% of the 1971 taxes have
been col ected.
5. Fire Department - LaMarr Beatty reported on progress of the Building
Committee, and stated that they would have a written proposal for Council
in April .
1 . Councilman Mager reported that the General Fund departments are running
very close on budgets; Utility Department is in good shape. .
2. Councilman Patton reported on a tour of the sewer plant with the local
press last Saturday, stating that he was pleased with the condition of
the plant. He also stated that with regard to the agenda item regarding
the Romeike Sewer Line, he would forego .presentation of this subject
until he had completed his information on the subject.
3. Councilman Gonzalez stated that the Fire Marshal attended school in Austin
ast week an will make a report to Council at the next meeting. He
also ,mentioned purchase of a recorder and a slide projector which- are to
be lodged at City Hall for use. of all city. departments.
Councilman Gonzalez also expressed, concern regarding a change in the route
of the Frien_dswood Link Road extension. He said that a public hearing is
to be scheduled soon and asked Council to stay aware of the situation.
He asked Mr. Van Williams to make a report on the Emergency and First Aid
course, now underway by the Fire Department, and read a letter of commenda-
tion on the good work of the Fire Department.
The City Secretary was requested to get full information from the Highway
Department regarding the Link Road extension route.
4. Council.man Haken - has prepared a Fire Works Ordinance and requested that
Ms be placed on the agenda for next workshop meeting. The Board. of '
1 Adjustment will hold a hearing on March.21 regarding the truss- plant .
violation of the Zoning Ordinance, He requested that Council also plan
to set a schedule of fees for handling requests for changes in zoning.
due to' the time and work involved, and in keeping with the zoning
ordinance instructions.
5. Councilman Hamil - Presented Benny Baker .to give a review of progress on
t e estroom/Concession at the Baseball Association location in city park.
Mr; Baker reported that work is progressing and will be essentially
completed as to buildings this week-end. A vapor light will be installed
to light the area.
Other subjects discussed were women's softball and request from Mrs. Bilder-
back regarding installation of other recreation facilities in the city parks.
SPECIAL SUBJECTS - Mr. Randy Baker, Houston Post reporter, was introduced by
Mayor Stuart. He will be covering council meetings in the future.
1 . TWQBB_ He_ari nR - Ralph Somers made a report on a trip to Austin with Malcolm
Collins and Tom Heaney with regard to the area sewage treatment plan.
He stated that .Fri.endswood should submit to Mr. Yantis in writing their
protest to Wedgewood"s refusal to join this area plan.
Councilman Gonzalez stated that he felt all candidates for office should
acquaint themselves with the facts of this sewage plan, and asked the
secretary to inform these people that the file on the subject is open to
them for examination and study.
2. Appointment of Civil Defense Director
MOTION: (Mager) To appoint Kenneth Camp as Civil Defense Director
Second: (Haken)
Vote: Unanimous F D P
All b 0 r,Q
3. Resignation of Councilman Lowe
MOTION: (Mager) To accept the resignation of Councilman .Lowe
Secon : Gonzalez
Vote: FOR (3) Haken, Mager, Gonzalez !3-1-DART 1
AGAINST (2) Patton, Hamil �.�°-x
Mayor--S-tua-rt.Ai d_not=- -oire-
.4164,/. 0,V a/1 2 421&d
4. Confirmation: Agreement on Blackmon Water and Sewer Lines .
MOTION: (Patton) That Council approve construction of the Blackmon
water line as an extension of the present construction contract
(in accordance with figures . as worked up by the City Engineer)
Second: Hamil
Vote: Unanimous R 12
AltOi 0k9)rD
The City Engineer is given approval to proceed with negotiation of
:the contract addendum.,
5. Property R- eaDDraisal contract: Mr. Cline presented. a proposed contract
with Andy Capers,.. Inc, wii ch Is the- firm already approved by the County
F and the School, District for this joint project) for consideration of the
Council .
r MOTION: (Gonzalez) To authorize the Mayor to sign the contract subject
to approval of the City Attorney.
Second: Patton
Unanimous Vote in favor of the motion.
6. Area Sewage Treatment-Plan (Placed on the table at Meeting March 2)
MOTION: (Patton) To remove the motion from the table and take a vote.
econ : Mager
Vote: FOR (4) Patton, Mager, Hamil , Haken
AGAINST (1 ) Gonzalez
!YIU 10-W GyIRR -P
MOTION MADE MARCH2_bX Councilman Lowe; seconded b Councilman Mager
"To approve of the Friendswood Regional Sewage Treatment System for
treating sewage: from the City of Friendswood and adjacent areas where
contracted, at a site (near the location of the intersection of Chigger
Creek and Clear Creek, 'such site to provide for an initial sewage
treatment capacity of 2 million gallons per day. This system is to
consist of gravity feed line from the existing Plant #l, site to the
existing. Plant #2 site, with- forced feed system from Plant #2 to
Proposed Plant #3. Facilities are to meet TWQB Order No. 69-9A."
Vote: FOR (4) Patton, Mager, Hamil , Haken
AGAINST (1 ) Gonz, lez .
MOTION: (Patton) To negotiate agreement with an engineering firm to
prepare preliminary plans for the purpose of grant applications
and for information of Council for preliminary planning for
the regional sewer system as approved in the previous motion.
Second: Mager
Councilman Mager asked if the preliminary plans are sufficient
to develop grant applications. Mr. Collins of Walsh Engineering
informed him that this -is correct.
(Councilman Gonzalez made -a motion :to table this motion until after the
City election. The motion died for lack of a second. )
Vote:. FOR (4) Patton, Mager, Hamil , Haken
AGAINST (1) Gonzalez
Appointment to Board of Directors, Galveston County Drug :Advisory and 3
Coordinating Committee:
3,F�j t): -- - ---
MOTION: That Mr. Kirk Bartley be appointed to this Board (if he is willing
to serve.
Second; Haken
Vote: Unanimous
MOTION; (Patton) For passage, approval and final adoption on third
Second: Gonzalez reading of Ordinance 164
Vote: Unanimous F'0C,
Ordinances to be posted Jor future reading, or to be written by attorney:
1 . Ordinance :increasing water. rates . (to.be posted)
2. Ordinance increasing sewer. rates (to be posted)
3.. Speed Zones on Castlewood and on Melody Lane (to be posted)
4. 'Fireworks Ordinance (to be workshoped)
5. Amendment to Building Code (2 items) (given to attorney)
6. Amendment to Plumbing Code (given to attorney)
MOTION: (Mager) To instruct the City Attorney to write up ordinances
covering requested changes to the Building Code (5)
Second; Hamil and Plumbing -Code (6) .
Vote: Unanimous FOB
✓Y1 D�7/.Dnv cv)vele.la.
MOTION: (Gonzalez) To authorize posting of ordinances increasing water
rates and sewer rates, and speed zone ordinance
Second: Haken
Vote: Unanimous /'D)C
CLOSED' SESSION(to consider personnel question and, selection of engineering firm.)
After consideration of the matters in. question, the meeting continued:
Selection of an En ineer for the Sewa. e Treatment Preliminar Plannin
MOTION: . (Gonzalez) That the City Engineer be instructed to address the
City Council. with specific plans for (1 ) proposal wherein the
City would do the preliminary work required for the.sewer plant,
and (2) a proposal for open bids on the preliminary work.
Second: Haken
Vote: :F.OR -(4)�Mager, Hamil , Haken, Gonzalez AGAINST: (1) Patton
,k10 Tl f 41' C..1 k-)Ielle=
2. Increase in pay for .dis atchin service for Police Department
MOTION: (Gonzalez) That the rate for dispatcher for the 6 p.m,-to-midnight
shift be increased from $1 .00/hr, to $1 .75/hr.
Second: Mager
Vote: Unanimous
3, Special Session
MOTION: (Mager) That the Mayor cal la special session next Thursday to
make a decision on the engineer for the Friendswood regional sewage
treatment plan.
Second: Patton
Vote: FOR (3) Patton, Mager, Hamil AGAINST (3) Stuart, Gonzalez, Haken
./'1;)'r/0 IV /`/-) L r �
MOTION; (Mager) G&A Warrants 1792 through 1838 and M&O Warrants 1002
' " through 1015 be approved.
Second: Haken _
Vote: Unanimousf6 k
Motion made and seconded that the meeting adjourn. The meeting
was adjourned at 1 :00 a.m.
Bobbie C. Henry, Ci y Secretary
Edward F. Stuart, Mayor