HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1972-01-06 Regular MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL January 6, 1972 A Regular Meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held at the City Hall at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, January 6 with the following members present: Mayor Edward F. Stuart Councilman Ronald Hamil Councilman Ralph Lowe Councilman Richard Haken Councilman Ralph Gonzalez Councilman James Mager With a quorum present, and Councilman Patton absent, the following business was transacted: READING AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of the Regular Meeting of December 2nd were approved as revised. Council requests changes on two motions. On Motion that Council direct the Planning Commission to reconsider the request of the Church of Nazarene, Mayor Stuart's name was omitted from the YES vote. On Motion citing Mrs. Libby McMurrough for rayy violation of Weed .Ordinance, ,Mayor Stuart's name was omitted from the YES vote. bpi C Minutes of the Regular Meeting of December 16 approved as submitted. . ANNOUNCEMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOR 1 . Letter from Alvin Sun Newspaper requesting they be considered as the official Newspaper for the City .of Friendswood. This request will be discussed at the January 13th Workshop. 2. Meetin .with W. E. Carmichael , Highway Department District Engineer, scheduled for the ast week in January regarding FM 518 and including the Commissioners and Representatives of the City. Council will be notified of the date of this meeting to be held in Galveston. 3. Letter from Mayor Reid of Lake Jackson addressed to members of Home Rule Cities of under 25,000 pop. , HGAC, req .estin.g Council have representative present at the HGAC Executive Committee an.,-January 11 , 1972. This item will be taken up under New Business. 4. Letter from Mr. Flo d Seiler, Friendswood Citizen, regarding hazard he states exists on Castlewood created by bricks stacked beside the street by a Builder and also from the Builders vehicles which are parked along side the Street. This incident has been investigated by the Police Dept. and Police Chief Mitch Wright has written a memorandum to the Mayor regarding this matter stating the materials present along the side of the road did not present a hazard. Should there be a further complaint the Police Department will follow-up on this matter. 5. Note from Mr; George Rummell , Secretary to the Zoning Board of Adjustment, recommending the vacancy on the .Board .of Adjustment be filled by Mr. Bruce Foster. Mayor Stuart suggested that in 'the order of business Mr. Foster be appointed as fifth member of the Board of Adjustment. 6. Letter from Mrs. Claude Wade in regard to the need of the Nazarene Church for a church in this community. 7. Copy of Letter from Mr. Fred Krch to Mr. Hugh Yantis , Executive Director of Texas Water Quality Board, regarding his recommendations and opinions that 3 the Gulf Coast Waste Disposal Authorities be authorized to handle all solid wastes and liquid wastes for the area. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS Request from Mr— and Mrs. B. A. McDaniel , 701 Quaker Drive, to appear. before Council regarding rusty -water,at t eir residence. Mr. and Mrs. McDaniel were not present and Mayor Stuart stated Ken Toon, Water Superintendent is awar of this situation and has checked on it. e DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS Water & Sewer: Will be included in Engineering Report. Ken Toon home ill . Police: Chief Wright gave report on activities of the new Humane Officer, Lloyd Smith, since he began his job on December 20th, and stated his performance of his duties has been quite effective_ . Councilman Lowe suggested that since most of the Council has not met the present Humane Officer, Chief Wright introduce him to Council at the next Workshop Meeting. Chief Wright reported on the meeting he attended in Houston -on Dec. 15th concerning the Cog Radio plans for this section of the State, and for the City of Friendswood. Police Dept. This was presented as a preliminary report; other details will be presented at a later date. A report given of holiday activities proved this holiday to be comparatively quiet, much quieter than last yearls activities. There was one death reported in the City during 'the holidays, an apparent suicide. There have been 9 such deaths reported since 1964. Chief Wright requested the Council consider revisions to Ord. 39, . which creates the Auxiliary Police Force. Chief Wright feels since passage of this ordinance was approximately 6-7 years ago when the city was much smaller that revisions are in order. The proposed revisions will be given to Councilman Gonzalez who will discuss them with City Attorney. Councilman Lowe suggested the possibility of passing this on an emergency basis if so warranted. Councilman Haken proposed 'a revision or amendment to Ord. 49 regard- ing fireworks in the City, due to complaints received from citizens and obvious abuse of this ordinance. The Fire Department is reportedly working on control of this. Councilman Gonzalez will follow up on this request for next Workshop Meeting. Chief Wright reported on attempts to obtain some schooling for the Auxiliary officers. This is in the planning stage at,the present. Council concurs this would be worthwhile. Mayor Stuart suggested � Chief Wright follow up on this attem t ,and whatever tever Council can provide will be done. Engineering and Street Department: Tom Heaney, City Engineer, stated work stated work on streets and drainage has .been slow due to bad weather. Work on patching streets and drainage ditches has been progressing as weather permits. Material and labor bids for water line on Greenbriar are ready for distribution to proposed bidders. Engineering Department work is still progressing on maps for buffer strip. Tabulations on bids on Fire Hydrant Installation were submitted to Council . Ben Felts is low bidder with a bid of $2,370,00. Mainland Construction submitted a b.id of $2,398.00 and Mora Construction bid was $3,500.00. Mr. Heaney will proceed with the necessary contract on approval of Council . Councilman Hamil had a request in regard to the Whitehall-Kingspark drainage ditch. He had received a call from Mr. James Davis who lives on the corner of Stratmore and who has lost another four' feet of his yard. Councilman Hamil and Mr. Heaney will work together to see that necessary repairs are made. COUNCIL REPORTS Councilman Hamil : Reported on the possibility of paving Sedora Drive beginning at Shadowbend and ending 1 ,045 feet southeasterly, which will include houses now under construction on Sedora Drive. MOTION: ,(Lowe) To take an unimproved road and put enough material on it at ,a minimum cost to provide a passable road. Second: Mager Vote: Unanimous Ivy ,Fossler requested that Merriwood be topped with shell again, road is almost npass bb1 due to recent bad weath r Tom Heaney will check this area an� See ha necessary repairs are m9de. 32 Councilman Lowe and Councilman Haken had questions regarding the Mapping Appraisal Program, This item. will be taken up later in the meeting under Unfinished Business. UNFINISHED, BUSINESS 1 . Labor Contract on Installation of Fire Hydrants MOTION: (Haken) That contract for installation of fire hydrants be ' awarded to Ben Felts, Utility Contractor; for the low bid price of $2,370.00 Second: Gonzalez Vote: YES (5) Stuart, Haken, Gonzalez, Lowe, Hamil Councilman Mager was out of the room, 2. Mapping Project This project is at an unclear standing at the present time. Project tabled until next Workshop Meeting. 3, A ointment of Mr, Bruce C. Foster as a Member of the Board of Adjustment_ Mayor Stuart recommended that. Mr. Bruce C. Foster be appointed to the Board of Adjustment to fill the unexpired term of Richard Haken. Councilman Lowe requested that Mr. Foster be introduced at the next Workshop Meeting as- not all of the Councilmen are acquainted with Mr, Foster. Mayor. Stuartlwill request.Mr. Foster's presence at this meeting, 4. Letter Regarding H-GAC Executive Committee Councilman Lowe's term as Representative under General Law has been extended until this coming meeting on January 11 , 1972, .which. he will attend and report on to the Council . 5, Public Hearing in League City Regardinq Annexation Councilman Mager recommends that people who are in this proposed area for annexation be informed there will be a Public Meeting in League City. At this time Ody Jerden, City Attorney, is obtaining further legal opinion on the legality of the City's boundaries, Councilman .Mager questioned whether Attorney Jerden should discuss the City's legal rights regarding annexation with the County Attorney,,. Attorney Jerden stated he would prefer approaching the County. Attorney with written legal opinions he is now securing, which would be for the County Attorney's benefit and guidance. MOTION: (Lowe) That the City Attorney be authorized to represent the City ,of Friendswood at the Public Hearing in League City on January 25, 1.972, pertaining to League City's annexation plans of our territory. Second: Mager Vote: Unanimous 6, Offer of Alvin 'Sun to act as Official News ape r Councilman Lowe suggested that the Official Newspaper should be obtained from the City of Friendswood, not outside the Community, Councilman Lowe also stated it was his feeling that since there appeared to be a communication gap between the Friendswood News and the Council that all members of the Council should be present before a vote was cast. MOTION: (Gonzalez) That the Friendswood News be the Official Newspaper for the City of Friendswood Second: Haken Vote: YES (4) Stuart, Haken, Gonzalez, Mager NO (2) Hamil , Lowe ORDINANCES Ordinance #162 - Junk Car Ordinance - Fir$t Readin This ordinance is essentially to allow junk cars to be hauled off and disposed of where previously there was no provision in State Law for this, Chief Wright will contact citizens that Ord, -#162 applies to. and provide them with- a' copy of the ordinance. MOTION. (Gonzalez) To approve first reading of Ord. #162 Second; Mager Vete: Unanimous Ordinance.#158 ,- S eed Zone on FM 2351 - Third and Final Readin. MOTION.,' (Gonzelez) .For 'passage and final adoption on third reading of Ord, #158 Second: Hamil Vote; Unanimous . Ordinance #159 - Annexation East of FM 2351 MOTION» (Gonzalez) Moves to adopt Ord. #159 Secon : .Mager According to City Attorney Ody Jerden, Ord. #159 cannot be p assed on Fourth, Reading, as was done, Based. on. conditions- that do.exist. (City Charter states there must be three full readings before an ordinance can be passed) an ordinance is considered consummated after the third and final reading, .and if so fails may not be brought up for passage on a fourth-' reading. Councilman Gonzalez withdraws motion for- adoption of Ord. #159. Councilman Mager withdraws seconding of the motion, ADJOURNMENT Motion made that the meeting adjourn. Meeting was adjourned, I I Moonyee WoodA Acting Secretary APPROV Da L Edward F. Stuart, ayor