HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1971-11-18 Regular --—---------— -------------- ��,.��: MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF'THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL November 18, 1971 The Friendswood City Council held' a regular meeting at the City Hall at 7:3.0 p.m, on Thursday, November 18� .with the fol7owing members present� �� Mayor Edward F. Stuart � Councilman Ra7ph Lowe '_i Councilman Richard Haken ' Councilman Ralph Gonzalez Councilman William Patton Councilman James Mager .With a quorum present� and C.ouncilman Ronald Hamil absent, the following business was transacted: READING �AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES �� � Minutes of a Regular Meetir�g of November 4, approved as corrected, (Under ,� COUNCIL REPORTS, Councilman Patton asked that the tape be run to give a � � , more accurate account of,his report. � i � • ANNOUNCEMENTS & COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOR 1'. Letter from Judge Holbrook thanking Council for their help in the success of the recent bond issue. . 2, Meeting between Council and Commissioners Court regarding FM 518; County to determine exact amount which they can contribute toward moving of utilities by mid-Decembera possibly 75%� with the City paying the balance; � . , ., � � 3. Letter from Highway Department agreeing to raised median on FM 518. /�`� / 4. A meeting was hel� between Council and League City Councilmen and Planning C,ommission to �iscuss Leag.ue 'City's proposed annexation. " � . � 5, Tuesday night Council met w�th Clearwood Improvement District regarding ; the sub-regional sewage treatment project. i 6, Report on meeting of Galv�ston County Mayors -& Councilmen's Association ' program on Flood Insurance� and what is required of the cities to keep this insurance in force. , 7. L.etter from Texas Water Development Board offering assistance in prepara- tion of requirements of Flood Insurance papers: • ,, PETITIONS - Mrs. Virginia Cunningham requested that some action be taken to ! correct sewage situation in her area. Decision was made to work on lines in the area to at�empt to make this correction. � i DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS , , 1 , Water & Sewer: Superintendent Toon reported that his department has been working primarily on plant mai�ntenance and on the flushing program. ; 2. Street De artment: L. B. Cline reported that the Gradal7 is back from 'i ; the shop; that the tile is laid at the Baptist Church; shell -has been ' ---- placed on the shoulders of Woodlawn and Spreading Oaks. i 3. Police �De artm_ent.•� Chief Wright reported on a conference attended this � week by Artha��Wright and Jean Carney; requested a definite answer on j the County� Humane Officer proposal ; requested that Melody Lane be in- corporated into the city in its entirety; reported on burglary at Minimax this week; and requested that the city enact a "junk vehicle" ordinance � � ,�z, to make effective the recently enacted S�ate law, � � � _ � . . , .. . . , . � � i I i . � �^'y--�^—p ------------------- ---- -------------- �Aml.l.!4 ' . _-.-- COUNCTLMEN'S REPORTS 1 . Councilman Lowe reported on �a meetTng of �the Houston=Galveston Area Council ; They will make recommendation on .50 or 100 year flaod line 2 re Flood Insurance; have appoiated a 60-man area education committee; 1 �''� gave him a correspondence from the EPA regarding the Clear Creek Water Shed and funding of programs in the area. �.���.� 2. Counci7man Gonzalez reported that the Fire Department is proceeding with plans to present to Council for a building program, � 3, Counci.lman Patton cited an articl.e in Sunday's Houston Post regarding ' water qua1ity in the area which reported Friendswood to have "cr,ystal � , clear" water. He requested that a copy of the article be sent to Mr, Guy Wilkinson of �he Gounty Health Department, 4, Counci1man Ma,�er repor�ed on a meeting with the School Board on the su�jec�'t of reappraisal of property, He also stated that he had:raised , • the question w�th the school of a transaction on a iece of ro ert p p , p Y next to the elementar school f r y o a new fire station, , Councilman l.owe suggested that. consideration might be given to including Police Department facilities in such construction, leaving the extra area in the City Hall far additional City Hall offices: UNFTNISHED BUSINESS l . . Rabies Control O�ficer: I')� MOTION: (Gonzalez) That Council approve a contract proposal for the , services of a rabies control officer at a cost to the City of $770 yearly. Second:, Haken; Vote: Unanimous . 2. Ratification of Pa Increases for Cit Em lo ees effective November 15. , MOTION (As above stated) (Lowe) , � Secon : Mager; Vote: Unanimous ' 3. Water Line to Van Bock7e ro ert ; Cost estimates on this line have een presented by the Engineer. The question of which way to bring the ]ine in to the proper.ty was discussed, MOTION: (Patton) That the City request bids on a line from both directions� reserving the right to reject any or al.l bids received, Second: Haken; Vote: Unanimous ORDINANCES 1 . Ordinance No. 157 - First Readin ��r�0 • AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING STANDARDS AND REGULATIONS FOR FLOOD HAZARD AREAS AND FLO�D PRONE AREAS� MAKING CERTAIN FINDINGS CONCERNING COMPLIANCE WITH FEDERAL FL,OOD INSURANCE REGULATIONS: ESTABLISHING � SCOPE OF THE ORDINANCE AND REQUIRING COMPLIANCE WITH ALL LAND USE ORDINANCES OF THE CITY: DEFINING CERTAIN TERMS; SETTING FLOOD HAZARD AREA REGULATIONS„ CONTROLLING DEVEL,OPMENT OF SUBDIVISIONS IN FLOOD � PRONE AREAS: PROVIDING A PENALTY CLAUSE: A SAVINGS CLAUSE: A REPEALING CLAUSEw AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE CLAl1SE, MOTTON; ; (Mager) To approve first reading of Ord. #157. � Se noc d; Patton; Vote: Unanimous I 2. Ordinance No. 158 - (�Speed Zone Ordinance) - First Reading n, l.egality of this ordinance from the Highway department, in compliance ��� with a request from Chief Wright to zone all of FM 2351 within the City Limits at 40 MPH� was discussed, and the ordinance was referred to the City Attorney for his opinion. \���c� 3. Ordinance No. 159 - First Reading (Annexation of Parcel #1 East) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS MAKING CERTAIN FINDINGS: __'���J`���� SETTING FORTH RESULTS OF A PUBLIC HEARING: EXTENDING THE CITY LIMITS ' OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD� TEXAS TO INCLUDE ALL LANDS AND AREA WITHIN CERTAIN LIMITS AND BOUNDARIES AND ANNEXING TO THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD ALL OF THE AREA WITHIN SUCH LIMITS AND BOUNDARIES: PROVID.ING THE PASSAGE OF THIS ORDINANCE SHALL NOT IMPAIR OR AFFECT ANY OTNER ANNEXA- TTON ORDINANCE WHETHER..P.ASSED ON ;ONE OR MORE READINGS .AND NOT YET PASSED ON FINAL REApING: PROVIDING A SAVING AND SEVERABIL.ITY. CLAUSE, MOTION: (Mager,) For.,appr.o.val._of first reading on Ord. #159 � Second: Haken � � i ,,. , , .. , ' ' Mr, Jack Lousman, who owns property south of Greenbriar in the area in �—� question, spoke against this annexation. Vote: FOR (5) Stuart� Lowe, �Haken� Gonz,alez, Mager AGAINST (1 ) Pattotl - MOTION CARRIEQ � 4. Ordinance No. 160 - First Readin Annexation of Parcel #1 West ' ��� �, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD� TEXAS MAKING CERTAIN FINDINGS: �" SETTING FORTH RESULTS OF A PUBLTC HEARING; EXTENDING THE CITY LIMITS � OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD„ TEXAS TO INCLUDE ALL LANDS AND AREA WITHIN "'"� CERTAIN LIMITS AND B�UNDARIES AND ANNEXING TO TME CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD � ALL OF THE AREA WITHIN SIJCH LIMITS AND BOUNDARIES: PROVIDING THE � PASSRGE OF THIS ORDINANCE SHALL NOT IMPAIR OR AFFECT ANY OTHER ANNEXATION ORDINANCE WHETHER PASSED ON ONE OR MORE READINGS AND NOT YET PASSED ON FINAL READIN�: PROVIDING A SAVING ,AND SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. . MOTION: (Mager) For approval of first reading on Ord, No, 160 Second: .G;onzal ez Mr. Ken Truman, 902 Clover Ridge� presented a petition signed by a majority of the property owners in this area, protesting annexation. r � ; � Vote» FOR (3) Gonzalez, Stuart� Mager j AGAISNT (3) Lowe� Patton� Haken �^ MOTTON FAILED 5, Ordinance No. 161 - First Readin Annexation of Parcel #2 - Lon wood Park) � �.�� AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD� TEXAS MAKING CERTAIN FINDINGS: SETTING FORTH RESULTS OF A PUBLIC HEARING: EXTENDING THE CITY LIMITS OF THE CITY OF FRTENDSWOOD, TEXAS TO INCLUDE ALL LANDS AND AREA WITHIN � CERTAIN LIMITS AND BOUNDARIES AND ANNEXING TO THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD ALL OF THE AREA WITHTN SUCH LIMITS AND BOUNDARIES: PROVIDING THE PASSAGE OF THIS ORDINANCE SHALL NOT IMPAIR OR AFFECT ANY OTHER ANNEXATION ORQINANCE WHETHER PASSED ON ONE OR MORE READINGS AND NOT YET PASSED ON FINAL READING: PROVIDING A SAVING AND `SEUERABILITY CLAUSE. MOTION: (Lowe) To approve first reading on O�de #161 * Second: Patton Vote: FOR (3) Lowe, Haken, Patton AGAINST (2) Mager� Gonzalez The Mayor refrained from voting MOTION FAILEQ (Under the Charter� vote requires four FOR) RESOLUTIONS - A resolution setting forth designation of Council Positions as �- related in minutes of the last meeting, MOTION: (Gonzalez) To approve adoption of .the Resolution #1-71 __' Second; Haken Vote: Unanimous WARRANTS MOTION (Mager) Ta approve for payment G&A warrants 1388 thru 1390; 1427; 1438 thru 1447; 1449; 1513a 1514; T51�6;. and�1518 thru 1562; and Utility Department warrants 827,;�867; and 875 thru 885, Second: Gonzalez 83�� Vote; Unanimous ���;�` ,---- ADJOURNMENT Mota;on .made and seconded .that .meeting adjourn. . � Meeting was.�adjour.ned at 11 »OO .p.m.. , , . „ . � ,., , . , 1 I � c � �� Bob ie C, Henry, City Se etary ; APPROVED: � �� .., . . �. � , . .,: . _ , ,. ��. �. ... �-- :. ��G,,-�;� / „ . ,., . , . . � �.��',,,-7.�--. ,i . . , � ayor Edwar F. Stuart , . „ , � , ; , . , , . ,... . . .. , .. . . . . , ,., . , , „ . . , . . . .. ,. . " „� ", . ��,. �,, . . , . , � , ... � i . , . , . . . � ,� . . . . , . � � , .,�. , � ��.. ... . � • . ,� . . .... , � . , � � ,. �.. ., . , ... . ,. � , , ,.. . , „ .