HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1971-11-04 Regular� -_____�.----- - -- ----------
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' � ' November 4� 1971
� . �
:' Minutes of�. Regular Meeting of October 21 � 1971A approved as written.
� � , Minutes o.f Specia1 Meeting of October 28� approved as corrected (Show
' � Gouncilman Lowe present.
, � .
� � 1 . Check for street rental from CPS largest ever received by City. Small
check received as Friendswood portion of mixed drink revenue.
2. Request for information from Texas Parks and Wi7d7ife (referred to �
Councilman Hamil for handling,
� � . ..
3. L.etter from Imperial Estates requesting improvements to streets.
�W . .
� 4. Notice of hearing by TWQB on November 19a to consider revisions to
'�'{ rules of the water board;
� 5. Imperi"al 'Estates requesting that they be contacted concerning approval
of building permits and zoning,
6. L.etter from Jack Connelly Environmental Imrpovements Inc. , regarding
demonstration of KUKA Shark garbage truck.
7. Letter from City Attorney to court. re Romeike suit.
8. Meeting at City Hall on Monday night regarding area sewage treatment.
� 9. Hearing Monday night re proposed annexation with Counci7man Mager
I chairing the meeting. .
10. Ordinance from Highway Department� setting speed limit at 40 MPH within /���v
city' limits on FM 2351 , to be posted and read° by Council .
11 . Request from Riding Arena to build a temporary fence at the park.
Mayor Stuart recommended that Richard Haken be selected by Council for this
position. �� �
MOTION: (Hamil) That Council accept the Mayor's recommendation and
� appoint Richard Haken as Counci7man,�
Second: Gonzalez; Vote� Unanimous
Rt this �point, Mr. Haken resigned his position on the Zoning Board of Adjust-
ment and accepted the appointment as Councilman; he was then given the oath
of office by the Mayor and took his seat at the Council table.
PROCLAMATION - Mayor Stuart read a proclamation declaring November 15 as DECA
Day. On tl�is day the DECA group ft^om the high school will pick up trash
along FM 518 the 1ength of the City, �
1 . Mr, Harold Benson asked for clarification of procedure for getting
consideration on rezoning a parce.l of property. He stated that he had
contacted the Board of Adjustment and had received no answer. He was
told that his contact must be with the Planning and Zoning Commission,
2, Letter from Mr. G. G. Gibson regarding use of mobi7e homes in the area,
whether or not they are in violation of the zoning ordinance. This matter
wil1 be referred to the Planning Commission for th�ir consideration. A
letter to this effect will be written to Mr. Gibson by the Mayor.
� -----____----------
���� 3. Mrs. David McCraw requested that th� Cit ass an ord.'
Y p inance which would
pr�vent littering of the streets and vacant 7ots within the City. The
City Attorney was directed to draw up such an ordinance for Council "
considEration, , � �
, .
1 . Police; Chief Wright gave a report of his department's activities; on a.
seminar he attended in Beaumont regarding a retirement program; on,the � �
newly initiated dispatcher service. , `
2. Water and Sewer: Superintendent Toon reported that his department has " i
caught up on taps� that 6" valves have been installed, and that a� complete �
� �' �l cycle has been made �in -the flushing of water lines. ' ' �
1 . Councilman Gonzalez called attention to an article in .the Sun Progress �
regarding Friendswo�d's �Kater problem and corrections being made. � He �
request,ed that a copy :of the ar.ticle be sent to the State Water repres-
en�ative in Rosenberg and to the County Hea1th bepartment. He also �
� a report�d on the County Bond Election passage. `
2. Councilman Patton reported that he recently observed operations of the �
, Trinity Valley Wast� -Disposal Authority project which encompasses six
,;�1' towns in the Dallas-Ft, Worth area� and stated that operational costs
�'`� would bear checking into in view of the parallel between this project �
and ,operation of our facilities by the Gulf Coast Waste Disposal
Authority. He stated that he and Mr. Somers plan a trip to further
observe this activity and to view a tertiary treatment plant in the same
v�> 3. Councilman Lowe gave a history of use of Cities Service .gas by the �City
� an requested that this company be retained as a vendor, possibly giving
them ,a1:1 of the city's gasoline business. �
He reviewed the school 's proposal for the city and county to join them �
in a reappraisal of .property. Councilman Hamil voiced opposition inasmuch �
as it p.ossib7y would cause Friendswood to pay higher county taxes than
other areas of the county if the county were included in the reappraisal .
Mr. Cline was asked to find out if the County would be free to use the
school records for tax purposes whether or not they participated.
Fle spoke regard�ng proposed annexation of territory within Friendswood's
buffer strip� and voiced his feelings regarding refusal of League City
to honor ,a request by Friendswood Council to appear on their agenda; also
refus�l c�•f ��h� fYi�y�r's appointed substitute at their dedication.
GaT rba�e - Councilman Lowe asked opinion of the Counci] of the KUKLA garbage
truck which was demonstrated recently. Councilman Hamil stated that he
felt it was time to make a decis7on regarding the city's taking over garbage
collection. Counci1man Patton recommended that this decision be held off
until a City Manager can be hired and take his recommendations into '
consideration. It was decided to defer action on the subject at this time.
Mr. Vezey, a member of the School Board, spoke to Counci7 regarding the
rea raisal of
pp property, and stated that
the school will proceed whether
or not the City . chooses to participate.
4. Councilman Hami7 reported on a meeting he attended. this week on urban
plann�ng, and stated that federal funding, as discussed by George Romney,
speaker, will be s7anted toward those projects dealing with regional
planning and projects.
The following projects which have been referred to the City Engineer for '
cost estimates were approved: �
a. She11 for road to Mr, Taliffero's property.
� ���i b. Drainage in the Kingspark area as recommended by Mr, Heaney (Rear
. of Block 20 of Sec, B as requested by Mr; C. 0, Aaron)
c. Water line to be laid to Taliffero's property as .soon as tap fee is paid.
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1 , The reassessment pro,�ect was discussed. Councilman Mager and L. B.
Cline will meet with the School Board on the matter.
MOTION� (Low.e) That we notify the school that it is the intent of the
City Council �o support the� School Board in a joint appraisal program
and to share in the 'proportionate cost,
, Second:, Gonzalez; Vote: Unanimous
_! 2, Resoluti`on' regarding �utility easements in Longwood Park
MOTION: (Mager) That the Resolution be approved for signing
Secon : Hamil; Vote: Unanimous
3;. Riding Arena request for permission to build fence.
� � MOTION» (Hamil ) That approva7 be g�ven
- Second: Lowe; Vote. Unanimous
�� ' . . ,
� 4. Appointment of .Bobbie Henry as City Secretary. Mr, Cline, who has
,�I •-� served as City Secretary, resigned in order that the new appointment
� could be mader Cpunci7man Hamil stated, .for .the record, that the newly ,r:; �,
� designated secretary to replace Mr. Cline did not indicate that he
� has not done �an excellent job a7ong with his other duties. The Mayor
m�de a recommendation that Mrs, Henry be appointed,
MOTION� (dowe) That the Mayor's recommendation be accepted and that
Bo��i e� Henry �be appoi nted as the Ci ty Secretary,
Second; Gonzalez; Vote: Unanimous
; ; Ordinance No. 156� - Tax Lev - Third and Fina] Readin
'--- MOTION: (Patton) For passage on third and final reading
Second: L.owe; Vote: FOR (5) Stuart, Patton; Lowe, Gonzalez, Haken
AGAINST (2) Mager� Hamil
MOTION; (Mager) That Council approve for payment G&A Warrants 770 thru
775, 77� 779* 780, and 1283 (which auditors found had never been
approved} and G&A current warrants 1425� 1475 thru 1512i and M&0 Warrants
853 thru 863.
Second; Patton; Vote; Unanimous
Resume of David Fowler and Robert Vincent reviewed, and approved for
hiring for the^Water Dept, and Street Dept, respectively.
Motion made and seconded to �adjourn. The meeting was adjourned,
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Bob ie C. Heriry� City Se etary
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Mayor Edwar F. Stuart