HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1971-10-21 Regular --- �:(��r�� l� QJ MINUTES OF A .REGULAR MEETING OF TH� FRIENDSWOOQ. CITY�'COUNCTL October 21 , 1971 A Regular Meeting of the Friendswood City Council was .held .at 7;30 p.m, on October 21 � at the regular meeting p7ace at City Ha7l with the follow- � ing members present: � Mayor Edward F. �Stuart Councilman William Patton ' � Councilman: James Mager --� Counci1man Ronald Hamil Councilman Ra.lph Lowe Councilman Ralph Gonzalez With a quorum present� and none absent, the following business was transacted: „ . READING AND APPRpVAI: OF MINUTES �W Minutes of the Regular Meeting of October 7, approved as corrected. G� � ANNOUNCEMENTS & COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOR � "� 1 . The� Ma or ��ited a letter from Dr. Reeves of the Health Department � presenting plans for a rabies control. officer to serve .various cities on the mainland. This item was referred to Councilman Gonzalez for discussion with Chief Wright. , 2. Mayor Stuart acknowledged the presence of Cub Pack 445, a group of Weblos Scouts, sponsored by Hope Lutheran Church. Their leader, Mr. Yancey, said that this observation .of government in :actio.n was a part of their Weblos requirements. ;, , , � , ! PETITIONS ANQ- COMMUNIGATTONS � ,. ; - � 1 . L.etter from Mr. Gary Taliaferro requesting services for, property at t e intersection of�Spreading Oaks and Sedora Drive, i ,e. (1 ) a11- weather road; (2) culvert at intersection; (3) sewer service; (4) water service, The request was referred to the Water Supt, and City Engineer. � 2, Mr. Marcus Junemann made a presentation regarding the .County Seawall Bond Election to. �be held on November 2, and requested endorsement � � � by the Council . 3, MOTION: (Gonzalez) That the Council endorse the seawall bond issue Second: Lowe �Uote�iUnanimous DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS , 1. Police; Chief Wright made a report on current police a.ctivities and cited educational and �raining programs currently und.erwa.y and planned, He also discussed a retirement p7an for.policemen. 2, Streets/Engineering: Tom Heaney reported on work of the Street Dept, and:on seve.ral engineering;items requested by Counci7 , Fire plug specifications have been completed. , , ,__ Councilman Hamil requested that Mr. Heaney make a cos.t estimate for labor in doi n e . g th necessary dra�nage work on Sedora, and that this information be available to Council at their next regular meeting. COUNCIL REPORTS , , , , 1 . Councilman Mager reported that he had received preliminary year--end bookkeeping reports� and that th.e carry-over figure is in line with former estimates. 2. Councilman Patton reported that Mr. Cecil Brown is wi.11ing to deed his water line on Cowart's Creek to the City; that he has written permission from all property owners involved. -------------------------------------- ��_'�: — ----------- —--- MOTION: (Ratton) � To. direct the City!.Attorney -to check .out ROW and draw up necessary papers fnr transferring the Cecil Brown water 1 i ne to the Ci ty. Secand: Mager Vote; Unanimous Mr. Brown has also offered to donate an 80' ROW on Greenbriar to FM 2351 for a road with the understandint a bridge .will be built ov.er Cowart's creek. Councilman L.owe stated that the County a]ready has plans to build a br9dge here by 1973. He suggested that the City invite Commissi'oner Ja�k L��wrence �and Mr. Paul Hopkins ' to attend a Council Mee�ing to discuss commitments made to the ' � City by the Commissioner's Court. � Councilman Patton stated that Mr� Brown wou7d also be willing to donate :�an 80.' ROW behind the high school through to FM 2351 . Mayor Stuart stated that Judge Holbrook plans to be in Friendswood on November 11 to discuss the FM 518 project. Mrs, David McCraw asked that the status of Clear Creek clean-out be discussed with � him� a.t, that time�: . , : Councilman Patton stated that Ken Toon is to give him a list of pr.ojec�s pending by his department� for assignment of priorities; th� re.d water condition to be first in order. He.said .that a ditch digger wil ] be hire.d to finish the line to the Little League 'Park. �� � , �, � � '�� 3. Councilman Gonzalez: Discussed �painting of fire plugs, and requested that Tom Heaney recommend the type of paint to be used. He urged that Coun.cil give serious consideration to the .annexations � being considered by League City, �41 MOTION: (Gonzalez) That the City of Friendswood's position be made 1 clear to League City Council that the un;incorporated area within the � 100 ft. strip is absolutely not negotiable for annexation to League i City and that.immediate court action will be taken by the City of Fri endswood, bn any��fo"rmal� move by League Ci ty to i nfri nge on tfie area.,, � Second: Hami1 . . , : - Tn discussion, Counci1man Lowe stated that he felt the City � Attorney .should wryte �th:is letter. An amendment was made by motion af Councilman Mager, seconded by Councilman Hamil , and carried unanimous7ya that the 1etter be delivered by hand: to League City � Council by a representative of Friendswood's City Counci7 Vote; FOR (4) Hamil � Gonzalez, Patton� Mager � . AGAINST (1 ) Lowe (Mr. Lowe stated that he �was voting "NO" because he felt this letter should come from the attorney) � MOTION: (Mager) That Councilman Lowe be appointed as representative `�'� to.League CityaCouncil : . � Second:: Hamil Vote: Unanimous , MOTION: (Gonzalez) That the City get legal 'opinions from the highest po�"ssible lega�1! minds in Houston regarding our boundary lines in connection with League City . Second: Mager Vote: � Unanimpus � � �. Councilman Lowe: As present rep,resentative to the Houston-Galveston Area Council , he gave a short history of the Council , and stated that he feels Ralph Somers should get H-GAC approval of the proposed area sewage treatment plan before proceeding, Other items he discussed were: ' . � Librar.y air filter .system to be checked and report made Tape on windows at 1ibrary and City Hall should be removed Advertising of elections should not be placed on public property Garbage truck demonstration this evening ---------- � �� �1�� _t�.�� , 5. Councilman Hamil : Stated that he has `recently attended two meetings on ,Urban 'Planningp and feels that knowledge acquired will be helpful �Co �the Gi ty i n the future', � ' UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1 , Pro osed Sewa e Treatment Plan - Ralph Somers gave a report on the �/ p' meeting with t e Wa:teraQuali,ty Board last Friday, and stated that his sewer plan mus,t.,,be approved ,by„th,e Gulf Coas,t Waste Disposal _Authority � � and the Hduston=Galve�ton� Area Counci�l ; � He presented the contract to , treat sewage from WCID #108� which had been signed by the District� . and requested that Council authorize Mayor Stuart to sign for the City. , Councilman Lowe favored making the contract one of "intent" until � ° approval has been received from ,the necessary ,regional and state organi�zations. . Councilman Hamil stated that the Friendswood Planning Commission should ' be consulted regarding a proposed sewer plant in Polly Ranch area. MOTION� (Lowe) That Ralph Somers be granted authority to include the �,,, proposed Po11y Ranch sewer plant location program within his jurisdiction, � and offer this City the best p�an he can, including that area, ,.� Second: Gonzalez A� Vote: Unanimous � � � � MOTION; (Mager) That Council go ahead with the sub'-regional ' plan as proposed even if the Polly Ranch Estates sewer treatment plan does not materialize, Second: Gonzalez Vote: YES (4) Hamil , Lowe, Patton, Mager NO (1 ) Gonzalez MOTTON (Patton) That Council sign the contract with WCID #]08 with regar� to ti^eatment of their sewage � � Second; Mager ; Votee YES (�) H�mil , �Lowe, Patton, Mager -._' NO (1 ) Gonzal ez ' 2. Uan Bockel Subdivision MOTION: (Patton)' That the Van Bocke7 water lines be accepted Second; Gonzalez Vote.. Unanimous ' ' � ' MOTION: (Patton) That Tom Heaney be directed to draw up specifications 'and cost figures for water line to the Van Bockel property from both possible directions for comparative purposes. S.econd; Mager Vote: Unanimous ' 3. Annexations er Petitions MOTION: (Patton) That City Attorney be directed to proceed with annexa- . ti no proceedings an petitions from both ,the Van Bockel property and the Nigh School , Second: Mager Vote.' Unanimous' � ' - 4. Citizens Committee for Educational Plannin - Letter from school requesting that Council submit the name o.f a person interested in serving on this ; committee, to the� school superintendent by November 1 . MOTION: (Hamil ) Th�at the� name of James Mager be submitted Second: Patton ' Vote: Unanimous ' 5. ' P'ro ert' Li abi 1 i t Ins urance Covera e 1 9 � y / ��� ; MOTION: (Lowe) That the City continue this covera e and that the Ma or i write a letter to this effect to the insurance company. � . Second: Mager ; Vote: Unanimous � I , _ I --------- ----------.--- 6� -------------- --- �_ ;�l� 6. . . Houston-Galveston Area Council - General Law Re resentative No, 2 � MOTION; (Lowe) That Counci7 endorse Tom Guinane �of Hedwig Village , for this position ��'�� Second: Gonzalez � Vote: Unanimous 7. ' Ci vi]` Defense �Coordi nator ' . � � ' � � � :�. , M@TIbN: (Mager) That Council accept the resignation af� Harry Hatcher .as Civil Defense ,Coordinator. ;Second: Gonzalez. ' � � � , , . . :..� : .. ._ . . , . : Vote: Unanimous' ' . � . , . , , 8. Pear1and-Friendswood Contract re Lon wood Park � MO,TTON: (Mager)„ That.,,th.� new contract between Fri ends,woo�d .and. Pearl and regardi ng Longwood .Park .be ,approved; for. s.i g,nature by the Mayo'r�. Second. Hamil Vote: Unanimous 9. Home ,Rule. Ch r.�er. Election and Im lementation � � ,��� MOTION» (Patton) That the Order Declaring Results of the;Ch.arter }' ' Election on October 16 be approved. � S,econd�, Hami 7 Vote. Unanimous Desi nation of Council Positions in compliance wi�th Charter� By agree- ment, Counci1men ager ,and Hamil , whose terms wi17 expire in April 1972, mutua]ly agreed to: Position No. 1 - Councilman Mager; Position No. 3 - � Councilman Namil . By drawing numbers, the other positions were decided �as fQllows» �,. _ . ,� ; ; Posit,ion, No. ,2 - Councilman Gonzalez � Position No, 4 - Councilman Patton � , Position No. 6 - Councilman Lowe The City Attorney will present a resolution� setting forth these position, designations at the next Council Meeting. A ointment of Position No. 5 - Opinion of Attorney» That the intent �, of t e C arter i s thatT Ti s�posi ti or� be fi 11ed wi thi n 30 days. Mr. �'��° James Humphrey asked that when the Council considers this ap.pointment � � that �a .member of the Char-te-r Commit.tee. be considered. He specifically submitted the name of Mr. Ed Zeitler, EXECUTIVE SESSION (Closed) - Council retired to a ,closed session to consi er appointment of Position No, 5 Councilman. Severa7 names were submitted, but decision was made to ,pos,tpone. fi_nal, choice until the next Regular Meeting to allow time to interview prospective .. a,ppoi ntees, , 10. Annexation b Cit under New Charter ,�� Counci1man Mager raised the subject of annexation by the City� made u�,.� possible by the Charter� stating that Friendswood can annex an area ��; equal to 30% of the present area of the City before the end of this year if a ;hearing is calle�d by October 28, he1d by November 8, and first reading of an ordinance he,ld on November 18, , The City Engineer was directed to .prepare calls .setting out a strip one-fourth mile wide from the intersection of the southern city boundary and C1ear Creek, along the present bUffer strip, inward, up �to a distance which would give us the equivalent of 1 .2 square miles of area. This information should,, be available by Wednesday afternoon, October 27. -- --- � .�t)� ORQINANCES l . Ordinance No, 156 - Tax L.ev - Second Permanent Readin MOTION: (Lowe) For- passage of second reading Second; Mager Vote; FOR (3) Gonzalez� l.owe� Patton AGAINST (2) Hamil , Mager 2. Ordinance No. 105-A-E - Do Ordinance Revision - Emer enc Readin I ` __i MOTION: (Gonzalez) To pass Ord. 105-A-E as an emergency ordinance, Second: Mager �a- z.- Vote» FOR (4) Mager, Lowe� Patton, Gonzalez AGAINST (1 ) Hamil , , 3, Ordinance No, 155 - Bud et - Third and Final Readin MOTION: (Mager) For passage and final adoption on third reading of i �? � Ord:No. 155. �. Second: Patton � Vote: FOR (4) Patton, Lowe� Gonzalez� Stu�rt (First vote for tMe °'� under the Charter) � AGAIIVST (2) Mager, Hami1 � � ` � RESOLUTIONS Reso1ution.s with regard to violation of Ordinance No, 79 - WeedsA were /� � read citing in violation» �Guy Odom, Floyd Weber, Joan Harvey, Friendswood Fore'st Corporation, Catherene Glaze. � MOTION; (Mager) To approve the five Weed Resolutions Second: Gonzalez �� � VoteM FOR (4) Mager, Hamil� Lowe, Gonzalez AGAINST (1 ) Patton � WARRANTS a � MOTION: (Mager) To approve for payment G&A Warrants 1302a 7366; 1415 �t 'rough 1424; 1450 through 1470; AND M&0 Warrants 821 through 826; 840 through �846. � Second: Patton Vote: Unanimous ADJOURNMENT - Motion made and seconded that the meeting adjourn. The meeting was adjourned. ��-���� � ��.� APPROV� Babbie C. Henry, Secretar � , ,, / . . �'`�l/� �;��'"�i/7 ,--�� . �-__:�,, - - �°�'��'�-�) ��Mayor Edward F, Stuart I �