HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1971-09-16 Regular , . .3�(���':� MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ,FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCII. September 16, 1971 The Friendswood City Counci1 held a Regular Meeting at 7;30 p.m, on Thursday� September 16, 1977 � at the City Hal] in Friendswood, with the fo71owing members, present: ,---- , � ,� ,: � ; Mayor Edward F, Stuart �� '��,,. ` Councilman Ronald Hamil , Councilman. Ralph. Lowe Councilman Ralph Gonzalez . Councilman William Patton � Councilman James Mager r With a quorum present, and none absenta the following business was transacted: �• READTNG AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES G�:� '� Minutes of Special Meeting 5 p,m. ) of Sept. 29 approved as written. � Minutes of Regular Meeting 7:30 p.m, ) of Sept, 2� approved as `� written. � ANNOUNCEMENTS & COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOR 1 . 'Texas'Munici al Lea ue Conference to be held at the Shamrock Hotel in Houston October 3=5, Mayor Stuart stated that this might be a good opportunity for Councilmen to attend a meeting of the League. '� 2. Letter from Mr. C, 0. Aeron, 612 Stoneledge, regarding water from - the prairie draining across his yard, and requesting that some preventative measures be taken by the City, Tom Heaney is to investigate the situation and make recommendation. .�.� 3. The Gas Utility hearing date has been changed to October 12 in Austin. 4. Mr, Harry Hatcher has tendered his . resignation as Civil Defense Coordinator, stating that he felt he could not give it the time needed. 5 M . ayor Stuart read a letter he has written to the various Civil Defense teams thanking them for their efforts in preparation during the recent hurricane watch, 6. Mayor Stuart read a letter he has written to the various Civil Defens� teams thanking .them for their efforts in preparation during � the recent .hurricane watch. 7. Ralph Somersg Tom Heaney, and Ken Toon .appeared .before the TWQB on September 13 in connection with the proposed area sewage treat- ment plan, Another meeting is scheduled for Friday, Sept. 17, which the Mayor plans to attend with Mr, Somerse 8. There will be a meeting of the General Membership Body of the H-GAC on Tuesday, at 9:30 a.m. ; 9. Councilman Hamil stated that he had received a call during the heavy rains last week-end and had investigated. cave-in of the ditch �hrough Kingspark-Whitehall ; the situation, confirms his recpmmendation for a drain-tile program for this area. PETITIONS & COMMUNICATIONS James Shore� representing Imperial Estates, asked that Council make information available concerning use of Mary's Crossing bridge after high water; that they want to do all possible to prevent damaging the bridge, Tom Heaney was as.ked to make recommendation on the subject, � ��o�Y�:� NEW APPQINTEES - Mr. William E, Dyles and Mr, Lloyd Van Horn .were to have been sworn in as members of the Zoning Board of Adjustment and Planning Commission respectively� but neither were present. This item will be hand1ed at the Workshop on September 23. DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS 1 . Chief Wr�i ht gave a report on activities of the Police Department ancf�"Corporation Court. Relative to costly jury trials� he said that . some cities, upon request .for. a jury trial , immediately refer the i case to Caunty Court. Dru Committee: He said that thi.s committee is meeting regularly and plan .to partici.pate in a County training program for those people ,� who wish to take an active part in curbing drug use, ;, 2. Tom Mean�, for StreetsA Drainage, and Engineering, reported that he �• �s ma ing a study of areas affected by the heavy rains, and that.because � � of the water the street work has been hampered, Ne reported on the trip to Austin with Mr. Somers, Councilman Lowe suggested that possibly . � some str�et work cou1d better be .done by contract rather than by the City crew; Mr. Heaney coacurred. Need for a culvert at 2351 and Melody Lane was discussed� and failure of the County to replace culverts under Melody Lane when topping was done, 3. Councilman Patton, for the Water Department, initiated a discussion of requiring a water deposit on all new accountsy and escalation of re-connect fees. A penalty for late payment was also discussed. This subject wi.11 be investigated further at Workshop on September 23, CQUNCIL REPORTS 1 . Councilman Ma er raised questions concerning local operation of the ��rary scheduled to begin on October 1: (1 ) Does the City pay the �'�� sa1aries or w�ll the Library Board? (2) Will library employees be -� i'` carried on the City Insurance prpgram? (3) Are they considered "new° employees of the City� and as such have sa�ary rates set without regard to their present salary through Rosenberg L9brary? These � -- ques.tions will be discussed at the Workshop on September 23, 2. Councilman Lowe announced that the wet-dry election will be dropped due to a lack of response from citizens. � • 3. Councilman Gonzalez asked Councilman Lowe for a definite recommendation � regarding City operated garbage' service. SPECTAL REPORT - Mr, Ralph Somers gave a -full report on the meeting with 6 the Texas Water Quality Board, and presented a proposed contract for ���` Council 's consideration covering sewer treatment. agreement with Forest t �end (WCID #108) . He will be meeting again with the Clearwood group to try to reach an agreement with them, In funding the program, .Mr. Somers stated that all plans wo'uld have to be made and the project approved for a grant before any money is spent. UNFINISHED BUSTNESS 1 . Endorsement of Pro osed Charter �: t„ `i MOTION: (Mager) That the City Council endorse the Proposed Ch,arter �. and request that the citizens approve it at the October 16 election, ; Second� �Gonzalez � Uote: FOR (3) Gonzalez AGAINST (2) Patton ; Hamil Lowe ' Mager � Mayor Stuart, at request of the Council , stated that he would be against the Charter as now considered, 2. Texas Munici a1 Lea ue - Coo erative Pro 'ects Of two new projects proposed by the TML, i ,e, cooperative purchases and Utility Investigation, Council felt that Utility Investigati.on would be of benefit to Friendswood. � �.o���j MOTTON� (Patton) To support the Uti1ity Investigation if it can effectively handle local area prob7ems basis our recent experience with the e7ectric�l rate increase. Second» Hamil Uote: Unanimous 3. Cit 0 erated Garba e Service Councilman Lowe, who has been studying .the sub�ect for some time, recommended that the City enter inta a complete garbage program - including commercial service. Councilman Gonza7ez made a motion � ��„ , . that the sewer rate be increased to co,ver garbage service% motion --- was defe"ated, MOTION: (Hamil ) That Council vote to pursue its involvment in the garbage business for the City„ and that Councilman Lowe be authorized �< to bring forth a program for consideration. Second: Patton Vote; Unanimous 4. Pra ose�d Bud�et for 1972 - After discussion of various items� the �`" Bu�t was left unc�Fianged. C�' '�"� ORDZNANC�S � � l . Ordinance No, 155 - 1972 Bud et - First Readin MOTION» (Lawe) To approve first reading of Ord. #155 - Budget Second� Gonzalez �,� 7 , Vote, FOR: (3) Patton AGAINST: (2) Hamil ' Gonzalez Mager � ' Lowe 2. Ordinance No. 756 - Tax Lev for 197'2 - Emer enc Readin ± MOTION» (Gonzalez) To adopt on emergency reading Ord. #156 � �� h i Secon : L.owe R'y" Vote: FOR; (3) Patton AGAINST: (2) Hami7 � Gonzalez . Mager , Lowe 3, Ordinance No. 154 - Annexation of Count Roads - Second Raadin .� `� ` � � MOTION� (Patton To approve second reading of Ord, #154 � Se nco da Hamil � ; Uote: �'OR (4) Patton AGAINST: (1 ) Mager Hamil Gonzalez Lowe � WARRANTS. MOTTON: (Mager) To approve for payment G&A Warrants 1305 through i 3�52'�and M&0 Warrants 763 through �77-: Second: Pat�on Vote: Unanimous PERSONNEI. - The name of Juan Jose Salcedo was presented for employment I with the Water�& Sewer Department, ; ; MOTION: (Patton) To approve hiring of Mr. Salcedo � _ , Second� Gonza1ez Vote: Unanimous ADJOURNMENT - Motion made and seconded» Meeting adjourned at 12:50 a.m. ' i i i APPROVED: `' / ° � � Bobbie C. Henry, Secr ary �- -��--� ( -����. �- �� ' � - '!...._......,,`^ ,,._._. `�'� Mayor Edward F, Stuart I