HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1971-09-02 Regular, Budget -------------
September 2, 1971
At 8:00 a mee.ti,ng of the .Friendswood City. Council was called to order for the
purpose„of a public hearing on the proposed 1972. budget. Present were:
Mayor Edward F. Stuart
Councilmen: Ralph Lowe , �
Ralph Gonzalez '
William Patton '
Ronald Hamil
James Mager
With a�!,quorum present, and none absent, the 'meeting proceeded with Councilman
Mager, Budget Officer, reviewing the proposed charter item by item.
Comments from the audience came in the form of questions from Mr. Frank Coe,
Mr. Thomas Woods, and Mrs. Dav.id McCraw regarding specific items in. the budget
^x,,, or the absence of. certain allocations,
��� An ordinance adopting the budget will be read "at the next Council Meetin on
September 16.
The meeting was.adjourned at 10:00 p,m. , and Council reconvened immediately
afterward for completion of regular business.
' � �
� � , , Bob ie C. Henry,, Secret y to the
APPROVED� � � � � . ; I
' � ' � ,
Mayor E' war . Stuart ' �
„ � .
_�� � August ll, 1971
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� � .
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City of Fra.endswood
Nayor �.nd� Council
Clearwood Municipal TJtzlity District -
Attenti'on: NIr. Joe Lynch, Pxesident 1
Harris Coui�ty WCID �k108 (rorest Bencl)
Attention: Mr. ]3enjamin TIamr�or�d, President
. Gentlemen: -
- As Friez'�dswood's official represeritati�ve for. planning the treatment
of sewage fc�r the City, I have evaluated various possibilities in order to
rneer the needs of toua3� an.d in the future. The various schemes investi-
�ated kiave ranged from the minimum necessary to comply w�th the law to plans
which u�ould accommada.te the needs of Clearwood, Forest Bend, and Friendswood
both today and in the future. It seems clear that the best interests of tha
three goverr.mental bodies an.d tl�.ei.r citizens would best be served through a
cooperative effort. The� �lan which wi1l serve �he combined co�r¢nunity best
� � would provide for complete treatment of all of the s2wage at the Fr?ends�aood
� Plant No. 2 . The folloiaing is addressed to this p1an.
I �
; �
` - � First, zt is recognized that any cooperative plan must be equitable
to all parties . I believe that you will fin.d the plan meets this necessary .
requixement, Secondly, please understand ,that the -timing for effecting the
plan, the financing of tlze plan; and details of obtaining State and Federal ,
approval mi�st t�e worked out. However, pefo�re proceeding on the details we
need to agree on a �1an of o�eration. The plan is as follows ;
(1) Forest Fend would i.mmediately. divert its sewage to the Friendswood Pla}�t
D?o. 2 for secondary treatment at this time. Friendswood now has ample
facilitzes to handle this 1oad. �'orest Bend wouZd not build any treat-
ment facilities. This is necessarily the first phase to assu�e botti
Clearwood and Forest Bend that treatment facilities are�'available when
� needed.
T (2) Clearwood caould not add additional treatment facilities. At sometime in
the future, possibly as iong as two years from today,the existing faci-
= lities in Clearwood would be closed out. �11 of the sewage ioad from
Clearwood �oould be diverted to a gravity line in Friendswood and sent to�
ttie Friendswood Plant P1o. 2 for complete treatment. This would� be done
, as soon as Friendswood has the faci�.ities to accept the sewage.
_ -� '
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t ,. �
(3) At about the same time the Clearwood Plant is abandoned, Friendswood
=<a,�� would close out its No. 1 Plant and divert all of the sewage now ,
going to that plant to Plant No. Z,
- (4) Friendswood would construct an interceptor line from Plant No. 1 to
Plant No. 2 to accomanodate the existing and future loads to t�e
Plant No. 1 and ta accommodate Wedgewood.
(5) Friendswood would add additional facilities for secondary and tertiary ,
treatment of the contemplated loads under the plan at Plant No: 2.
(6) Friendswood would be responsible for the tr�eatment of the sewage,
obtaining of pe-rmits, etc. Clearwood and Forest Bend would be respon-
sible for the maintenance of their resgective gathering facilities .
However, Friendswood would provide the necessary daily surveillance
and r�utinc operation of these facilities.
(7) Friendswood would bill the residents of Clearwood and Fox'est Bend for
- sewage treatment at the sa�me rate which the citizens of Friendswood are
billed. There wouZd be no additional fee due to these people living
outside the City. �
(8) The financing of the plan wou7.d be arranged by Friendswood. Clearwood
and Forest ]3end ioauld contribute to the plan an amount equal to what
it would cost them if they were to construct their individual facilities
for the secondary and tertiary treatment needed for complete development,
� - It is assumed that01bui1t out"for complete development would require faci-
� lities at C1�arwood and Forest Bend for 500,OQ0 GPD at each site. Since
; Clearwood now has. facilities for 250,000 GPD, their costs would be less
than the Forest Bend costs. Friendswood would pay the balance. The
timin� of payment of construction funds wiZl have to be determined, but
in no case wi11 paymen� be later than necessary to contract the work,
The ultim�.te estim2.ted costs for Clearcaood is $200,000. The ultimate
estimated costs for �orest Bend is $3I0,000. These cost figures are
sub_jzct to ad_iustment perdin� further analysis. However, they were ar-
_ ' rived at jointl.y bet�oeen Friendswood and the District Engineer: .
(9) Should the ultima.te development of either of the Districts require more
L-han 500,000 GPD, the District involved wi11 be required to finance the
constructioxi of the additional treatment facilities needed to accommo-
date this increased load at the Friendswood ?lant No. 2 'site. � The
method of determining the load from the district would be based on a
pe'r capita rate of 90 GFD plus an allowance for commercial deveTopment
as determined by a professional engineering'analysis. .
(10) Friendswood woi�ld do all of the billing for sewage treatmerit . In addi- ,
tion, the City wauld, if desired, handle the meter reading and billing '
for w�ter service on terms mutually acceptable. �
_ City of Frie�.clswood
' � August .l'7, 1971 Pa�;c: Tcao
It is requested that each of the three governmental bodies indicate
their acceptance or rejection of the general plan. However, it is to be .
understood that this is nat a contract. If the plan is mutually acceptable,
� the appropriate contract can be dxawn. Acceptance at this point provides a
� basis needed for further coi�tra�t�.ial development.
Some general comments on how we might proceed if the plan i's acceptable
are as £ollows .
The three political subdivisions are presumed to be eligible for grant
money from the Federal Government. We would need advice from State and
Federal authorities as to whether we should apFZy separately or as a co-op. -
The plan cannot be effected without grant mone}�.
The acceptance of this plan will need State agreement since it is apparent
it cannot be effected in time to meet the deadline for compliance with the
Water Quality Board Order 69-9.
Friendswood will have to provide bonds for its share of the costs . Pre-
- sumably, these will be revenue bonds and presuma.bly an election will be held.
(However, the necessity of an election needs to be determined,) This election,
if held, should be effected at the earliest possible date. Ii it shouZd fail,
Friendswood wi11 continue to treat Forest Bend sewage on the basis of a contract
to Ue executed based on an equitable participation in construction and operating
costs as outlined in this plan. Also, should the bond election fail, Clearwood
would have no further obligatiion as regards the�.plan.
Appended here too,are statements of the project details as regards the
scope, basi.s, total estimated costs.
Sincerely, /�'
,�����!� ,.�'� ;.���__..-,
t �., �.�
Ralph W: Somers
Director, LJater Quality Control
� City of Friendswood � �
RWS:bj �
' cc ; Mr. Jacic Uavis, Executive Director
Gulf Coast Waste Disposal Authority . '
Mr. Hugh Yantis, Executive Director -
Texas Water Quality Board " .
,., .
�- - C ity o E Friendswood ,
�' August 17, 1971 . Page Three
_ � � � �� �
� Page 2
���� �
(1) Estimated load through 1975 � °
Friendswood 900,000 GPD
Forest Bend 46t?,000 "
Clearwood 460,000 "
(2) Estimated project costs I
Di.versi.on - Clearwood to Friendswood $ 70,000
Divarsion - Forest Bend to Frie:�dswood 75,000
- Secondary treatment at FriendswoQd /+00,000
Tertiax� treatment at I'riendswood 132,000
Zntexceptor line 400,000
Engineering � Contingency 162,000
. , . � $1,239,000 �
Clearwood Total $ 200,000
Zess Grant 110,000
Ne� � 90;000
Forest Bend Total 310,OOQ
� Less Grant 170,500 '
Net 139,500 � .
Frienc3swood Total $1,239,004-
Less Forest Bend 310,000 �
Less Clearwoosi 2QO,Q00 510,000 ,
. Gross Balance 729,000
Less Grant 400,95Q ,
Net $ 328,050
,����� SC OPE .
s - Friends�vood treat all sewage from Ferest Bend and Clearwood
at the Friendswood Plant 2 si.te. An interceptor line will
be constructed from Friendswood Plant 1 to Plant 2 following
th.e route outlined in the Friendswood master plan. AI1 secon-
dary and tertiary faciliti,es will be constructed at the Plant
2 site. Forest Bend sewage will be pum�ed to the Friendswood
Plant by forced feed Iine. Clearwood caiJ.1 pump their sewage _
into the Fri.endswood interceptor lin�.
(1) 90 GPA per capita
_ (2) 3.5 people per family
(3) Friendswood growth projectivn
Po�ulation Total Sewage Treatment Load
Present 5,775 520,000 GPD
Jan. 1, 1973 7,000 630,000 "
�� 1974 ' 8,000 � � 720,000 "
� " 1975 9,000 810,000 "
,� Z976 10,000 . 900,000 ��
" 1933 I4,000 x,260,000 "
(4) For�st Bend growth projection
Units Camplete Population Sewage Load
Present 197 • 690 62,000 GPD �
Jan. , 1972 327 1,140 103,000 "
� " 1973 6S6 2,400 216,000 - "
Bui1d thtt 1,134 4,000 360,000 "
Allocaance for Commercial -100,000 GPD 460,000 " �
(5) Clearwood population and load at"built out". ' �
Homes 1,140 '
Fopulation 4,00� �
Commercial load 100,000 GPD "
Total load 460,OOQ GPD '
r ' `