HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1971-08-19 Regular — ---------- — -----��.J��: MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL August 19, 1971 A Regular Meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held at the City Hall at 5:30 P.M, on Thursday, August 19, 1971 , with the following present: , Mayor Edward F. Stuart � � Councilmen: Ronald Hamil ' � William Patton . ��-- Ralph Gonzalez James Mager. With� a quorum present, and with Councilman Lowe absent, the following business was transacted: READING AND APPROUAL OF ,THE MINUTES of August 5, 1971 . Minutes as presented by the Secretary were approved with the following �"" corrections: � � NEW BUSINESS - Felton Baker: The last sentence of this paragraph should read: � Counci man Patton stated e felt that if Mr. Baker has pertinent information �� as to why he should not comply with the Swimming Pool Ordinance, he should appear before Council for further consideration. " ORDINANCES - Ordinance No. 149 - Councilman Mager stated. , . (Add) "The entire Council agreed to back this action. Mr. Mills of CPS was in the audience at the time." � ANNOUNCEMENTS ANU COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOR , l . The Mayor reviewed a report from Mr. Henry Winston covering activities � of the Summer Recreation Program of the school , partially financed by � `�' the Caty. , 2. Letter from Mrs. Edith McGinnis regarding zoning was called to attention of the Council . 3. The Mayor stated that he had requested Bob Reed to serve as Chair.man of a committee to study combatting drug use in Friendswood, and that the committee would alsa consist of Kirt Bartley, Betty Schroeder, Ted Thomas (as representative from the school ) , William Patton (representing the City Council ) , and Chief Wright (as representative from the Police Dept. ) . DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS 1 . Street De artment: Councilman Hamil , reporting for Steve Stephens, stated that wor�on t�ie 150 ft. of ditch on Clear.view. is progressing; that beyond ( that project, the crew is working on mowing �and street patching. ' 2. Water & Sewer De artment: Ken Toon reported that his crew have raised i and mortered manholes on FM 2351 and 518, taken care of sewer line breaks, water and sewer taps, done some mowing. He also stated that he would be � - looking for a man to replace Danny Bai�ley who has returned to school . � I 3. Po1ice De artment: Chief Wright stated that the P.D, has had the greatest `�' �-� � __. number of ca�s �t�his month that they have had any month this year; that i the decrease in traffic tickets is a result of decreased patroling made i necessary by handling of other items. He reported that the Auxiliary group are now meeting twice a month--one meeting for business and one for training session. A d�rective from Councilman Gonzalez that an officer , be assigned to check the Uog Pound daily will be ful�Filled inasmuch as one of the Auxiliary Police has taken over this duty. i Counci1man Hamil stated �that he had received f.avorable comments regarding � the handling of accidents by the Friendswood Police. ---- --- —�..--- ------ -------- — — --- ---------- � • � � _ COUNCIL REPORTS 1 . Councilman Ma er: Public hearing on the budget will be held on September 2. Councilman Hamil stated that the presently proposed budget makes no allow�nce for sewer plant improvements under Order 69-9A, no Fire and Police Dept. faci1ities, and insufficient street material and supplies. Councilman Mager added, "There is also no contingency: The supervisors will have to do a much better job of staying within their budgets than they have in the past." 2. Councilman Patton: Reported on a Civil Defense meeting held last Monday. He satid that qr. Symon is actively interested in participation including � his clinic and nursing staff. Because of its auxiliary generator, the new eleme►�tary school has been designated as an emergency shelter. Mr. Patton also stated that he is gathering material for use by the Drug Abuse Committee. 3. Counci1man Gonzalez: The planned Astrodome trip for the GCM&CA has been postponed ti11 Wednesday, Sept. 1 , due to a shortage of facilities � available on August 25. UNFINISHED BUSINESS � 1 , Mayor Stuart presented the names of Richard Haken, Mrs. Ivy Fossler, and Truman Taylor for appointment to the Zonin Board of Ad 'ustment, leaving. two places to be filled, Councilman Patton stated that he would approve the three, but felt that the other two members should be "anti- zoning." MOTTON: (Hamil ) To approve appointment of Mr. Haken, Mrs. Fossler, and Mr. Taylor to the Board of� Adjustment, term of office to be, in compliance with the Zoning Ordinance, FOR ONE YEAR. Second: Mager; Vote: Unanimous (NOTE: 2 additional members terms to be two years. } �� � 2. Plannin Gommission A ointment: Mayor Stuart presented the name of Lloyd Uan Horn to fill the unexpired term of �ames Lawrence on the Planning Commission. (Mr. Lawrence's term runs until November 1 , 1972) MOTION: (Mager) To appoint Mr. Uan Horn to this commission Second: Hamil MOTION: (Patton) To table pending information as to term to be filled Second Mamil ; Vote to Table: Unanimous 3. Electrical Rates: MOTION: (Gonzalez) That a letter be written to Mr. Mills asking that he give the City a letter stating his Company's intent regarding the rate increase in view of the President's inflationary freeze on utility companies, and in light of the wording of the City's ordinance as to when the rates increase is effective and when the billing should start; and that the City Attorney review our ordinance and give the Council his legal opinion on these questions. Second: Hamil REVISION (addition) to motion: (Mager) That the letter also state the intent of this Council insofar as the rate increase effective date, i .e. that the rates were effective as of 30 days from passage of the ordinance. Revision approved by Gonzalez and Hamil . � UOTE: On the Amendment: Unanimous On the Motion: Unanimous ----- — (,�€ , � � '��e7>�.% ORDINANCES , Ordinance No. 150 - Second Readin AN ORQI'NANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE �NO. 98, SECTION 3, ENTLTLED "TAP FEES", SUBSECTION A ENTITLEU "WATER" AND SUBSECTION B ENTITLEU "SEWER"; SETTING FEES FOR WATER AND SEWER TAPS INSIDE AND OUTSIDE THE CORPORATE BOUNDARIES; DECLARING AN AMERGENCY. s , � MOTION: For passag� of second reading of Ordinance No. 150 (Mager) Second: Patton; Vote: Unanimous. Ordinance No. 152 - Second Readin AN ORDINANCE AMENDING A PART OF FRIENDSWOOD ORDINANCE NUMBER 87, CHAPTER 12, SECTION 1 .5; PLASTIC PIPING, AS SHOWN ON PAGE 35 OF SAID ORDINANCE: AMENDING SAME TO REQUIRE MINIMUM � SCHEDULE 40 PL�STIC IN ALL SEWER APPLICATIONS �,,� MOTION: (Hamil ) For passage of second reading of Ordinance 152 � Second: Gonzalez; , Vote: Unanimous � C� Ordi nance No. 153 - E - Fi rst and Fi nal Readi n t=�' ,�.-' a � AN ORDINANCE CALLING A SPECIAL ELECTION IN THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS SUBMITTING THE PROPOSITION TO THE QUALIFIED VOTERS OF SAID CITY: "THE ADOPTION OF A HOME RULE CITY CHAR1'ER FOR THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS AS FRAMED BY THE CHARTER COMMISSION"; APPOINTING ELECTION OFFICIALS; CONTAINING OTHER PRO- _ VISIONS RELATING TO SAID ELECTION; DECLARING AN EMERGENCY MOTION: (Hamil ) For passage on one reading as an emergency, � Ordinance No. 153-E : Second: Mager; Vote: Unanimous i CLOSED SESSTON WARRANTS MOTION: (Mager) For approval of G&A Warrants No. 1250 and 1252 through � 1281 ; and �M&O Warrants 736 through 745. Second: Patton; Vote: Unanimous ADJOURNMENT Motipn made and seconded that the meeting adjourn. The meeting was adjourned. /���� � � Bobbie C. Henry, Secretary APPROVED: the Council ..-/ �� .�,.�,._.,,,�'�`�., ° Edward F. Stuart, Mayor CLOSED SESSION: 1 . Councilman Patton stated that he had received a complaint regarding Mr. Jones' abruptness in handling patrons at City Hall . 2. Councilman Gonzalez requested that the $1 .00 per year presently paid to members of the Council be eliminated, thus enabling a member of �I! this Council to run for a State office while serving on the Council . Other members agreed that they would have no objection, and therefore I "Salaries - Council " will not appear in the proposed budget for 1972. � --- ----- �, , -------------- --- --- _----- 3. Councilman Mager reviewed proposed salary increases for City ; .. employees (to be initiated af'ter the President's 90-day freeze) . � 4. Ralph Somers made a report on his findings and recommendations concerning sewage treatment and solutions to state and federal requirements. The Council voiced support of the philosophy of the report, with the realization that details must be worked out. Mr..�Somers. .will present. his proposal to. the Texas .Wat,er Quali.ty. Board in Austin on Friday as Friendswoad.'�s. proposed solution to � Order No. 69-9A. , �