HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1971-07-15 Regular - ----- --- �.7 9�� Ni�TNWTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL July 15, 1971 A Regul,ar Meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held at City Hall on July ;15� .1971 , at 7:30 p.m. with the following members present: Mayor Edward Fe Stuart ' i Counci•lmen: Ralph Gonzalez i � Ronald Hamil 'V_ James Mager Ralph Lowe With a quorum present� and Councilman William Patton absent, the following business was �transacted: READZNG AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES - In minutes of the last meeting on July 1 , a correction was made of the vote on a motion to appoint a citizens committee �to study electrical rates. Corr�cted to read: VOTE: FOR (4) Mager, Patton, �r Gonzalez� Hamil ; AGAINST (1 ) Lowe. C� � ANNOUNCEMENTS & COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOR � "� 1 . l.etter from Mildred Campbell praising the Volunteer Fire Department � for quick first aid given her during a recent heart attack, 2. Letter from John Van Bockel offering to pay $1500 toward construction of a water line to h�is property near the Friendswood High School and outside the City Limits. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS Mr. Go1denburyy Secretary of the Clear Creek Basin Authority, spoke to Council � regarding the new officials and revised organizational set-up of the CCBA� and�;asked the City's ,support. ; Council members seemed to feel that this is '-- a duplication of effort underway by the Gulf Coast Waste Disposal Authority, DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS .. . 1 . Police .De artment - Chief Wright made a report on the encephalomyelitis ��"'ep� ��em c�leeping sickness in horses) sweeping the state� and � what is being done locally regarding inocculation and control . It was suggested that he contact the officers of the local Riding Group and � en.list, their cooperation. SB #841, now under. c.onsideration by the .legislature would impose a $2,50 � tax on all convictions in Corporation Court, this fee to be passed on to the State to cover State and local funds required by Public Law 90-351 , �� T.itle I, Omnibus Crime Contrvl and Safe Streets Act of 1968. Chief �`;;e Wright voiced oppositi�on �to the bill , stating that it would impose a hardship on the City's record�keeping, A wr,itten and oral report of activities within the City was also given. 2. Street De .artment - Superintendent Stephens reported on .street topping� drainage work in Annalea-Whitehall and Imperial Gardens, overlay work in Imperial Gardens and Friendswood. Forest, oiling on Clearview and Winding Way; he ,stated that work on the library drive and Mary's Crossing wi71 begin next week. ✓ With completion of Mary Ann� the subdivider will now be billed for his . portion of the cos� of this street. 3. Water & Sewer De artment - Superintendent Toon reported that his men are currently making water and se�aer taps and repairing broken water lines caused by the dry weather. New lines are now completed to the Little League field and to the Baptist Church: His new man is on the job, Smoke testing of sewer lines for infiltration will be done by his crew during the next few weeks; to make this possible� some of the water tap work will be contracted, �� �----------------------- . --- Mr, Cline asked clarification of tap fees outside the City Limits, since the Ordinance does not set out these fees, The attorney was requested to write a revision to the ordinance to be read on an emergency basis at the end of the meeting, 4, Cit,y Attorney - Mr. Jerden .stated that he� has been in�,':contact with the County regard�ng their requesting annexation of roadways whicN the attorney feels is necessary before annexation of the school , He was urged to �xpedite this item all possible; On the Wet-Dry Election he reported that his research indicates that a ' ' wet-dry election could be held within the city limits for all of the ' city as presently outlined. He also stated that Council action in calling such an election would not be unlawful , but neither is it required; that all preliminary action could come from citizens, f�lOTION: (Hamil) That the attorney be directed to define the exact procedure fo hr ol;ding a wet-dry election but that.the Council��take no.position on � ca�ling ,the election. ' Second: Gonz�lez VOTE� FOR (2) Hamil , Gonzalez AGAINST: (2) Mager� Lowe To break the tie, Mayor Stuart voted AGAINSTy to defeat the motion. COUNCIL REPORTS , 1 . Councilman Hamil again requested that the Street Superintendent be officially placed in charge .of maintenance and construction at the city parks, and made ��he motion: MOTION» (Hami�l ) That� the Street Superintendent be responsible for maintenance and cons�'ruction for the City- Parks. , Second: Lowe; Vote: Unanimous Mr� John Dysart' s request that a utility pole be removed from in front of his house was directed by Councilman Hamil to CPS and was told that this request will be handled �very soon. A letter from Mr. K. L. Allen regarding low places in the street in front of his home at 405 St�nehenge was discussed and„it was determined that ' this situation would be corrected when new asphalt ..is put on this street, 2. Councilman Lowe initiated a discussion of late evening lighting of the baseball fields, stating that some persori� or persons should be responsib7e ��� for activities during this period of time, to minimize problems arising. '�' In this .connection, the curfew ordinance was discussed. Chief Wright stated that his .officers were enforcing the curfew where it seemed to be� warranted. Garbage collection was discussed by Mr. Lowe insofar as �ommercial collection is concerned, and whether or not commercial collection by a City-owned . operation would be desirable or feasible, 3. Councilman Gonzalez requested that the Fire Marshal 's office remain under his jurisdiction inasmuch as it is closely related to the activities of the Fire Department, �; He caTled�a�tention of Council� to�•the air pollution situation and a petition carrying names of almost 2,000 citizens protesti.ng air and water pollution by chemical companies in the area. � ' 4. Councilman Maqer reported an additional request from the Street Department for ��'-"rainage �n the amount of $10A000 to be included in the proposed budget. �LECT�ICAL RATE TNCREASE MOTION• (Mager) That Ordinance No. 149 be brought from the table and consi ered for second 'reading under "Ordinances," Second: Hamil ; - ---------------- - ------- - 2Y���� . � � Councilman Mager explained his reasons for maki.ng the motion to be the fact that he has studied the proposal at length and feels that it seems fair; that passage of the second reading would not interfere with � activities of the study committee since third reading would not come '� before Counci1 until after results of the committee are received, at �I, which time Council could take the final reading or write a new ordinance I after consideration of recommendation by the committee. ' Councilman Gonzalez, for the record, stated, "In my opinion this is j obviously a subversive maneuver designed to undermind and suppress the ; _ effectiveness of the appointed fact-finding committee. The approval of � � this motion, I feel , will severely weaken the position of the committee to investigate the basis for the proposed electrical ,r.ate increase. I fee1 that the Council should have a united front in support of the fact � finding committee appointed by Mayor Stuart and confirmed by Council vote. I caution the Council to deliberate on this matter very carefully � in light of public opinion which will arise as a result of obvious � ' Council action to undermine the fact-finding committee. " � I �. Councilman Gonzalez read a letter addressed to Community Public Service � C� asking,for specific information for the use of the committee in determin- i �°+ ing whether or not the increase is justified. He also requested a ; � meeting with CPS on Tuesday, July 27. � �°� � Mr. Lee Linson, President, Chamber of Commerce, and third member of the committee, was asked his opinion of the increase. He stated that he � does not feel the commercial rates are discriminatory, and that the ' rates are competitive with other electric suppliers in the area. ! , ; Counci1man Hamil asked Mr. Mills of CPS why Friendswood is receiving on1y 2% franchise fee on CPS gr.oss .when .most other_commuqities are receiving 3%. Mr. Mills stated that the relation lies in lower rates/ ' higher franchise-higher rates/lower franchise. � I � j VOTE ON MOTION: FOR (3) Mager, Hamil , Lowe i '--� AGAINST (1 ) Gonzalez � � ORDINANCES ; : ; Orclinance ,No. 147 - Chanqe in Personnel Polic - �Third and final readin i MOTTON: (Mager) For approval and final �doption on third reading. i Second: (Hamil ) Vote: Unanimous � � I Ordinance No. 148 - Wheel Po in - Third and final readinq� � ; i MOTION:, (Mager) For approval and fin�l adoption on .third reading ' Second: (Lowe) Vote.: Unanimous . ' Ordinance No. 149 - Electr.ical Rate Increase - Second Readin� � MOTION: (Mager) For approval on second reading of Ord. No. 149 '� Seco�cn ': (Hamil ) Vote: FOR (3) Mager, Hamil , Lowe � AGAINST (1 ) Gonzalez � � � Councilman Gonzalez requested that Councilman Lowe turn over to the committee information furnished to him by CPS regard,ing charges for ; electric service. ,, , � Or�dinance No. 150 - Water and Sewer ta fees - Emer enc readin �SJ � � AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE N0. 98, SECTION 3, ENTITLED "TAP FEES," i ' SUBSECTION A. ENTITLEU "WATER" ANb SUBSECTION B. ENTITLED "SEWER;" I SETTING FEES FOR WATER AND SEWER TAPS INSIDE AND OUTSIDE THE CORPORATE � BOUNQARIES; DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. I MOTION: (Mager) For ap�roval and adoption on one reading of Ordinance i No. 150 on an emergency basis. � S�cond: (Lowe) Vote: Unanimous I i --- -- -------------- -- -- — ---- ----- —— - --- - SPECIAL SUBJECT Councilman Hamil made a request that approval be given to the Street Dept. , Superin�endent for use of a City pick-up, driven by a regular employee, � to transport two job corps wor.kers to and from Dickinson, for a period of approximately six weeks. The workers , furnished by the job corps , are paid by the government, so that their transportation is the oniy expense to the City. The truck would remain in the possession of the regular employee, Fernando Flores, overnight at his home in Dickinson. The Mayor stated that he had given authorization for the -arrangement, but would like � concurrence of the Council . Gouncil agr.eed that this action is within the �t authority of the administrative official as a specific incident, and did . not need action by the Council . It was suggested that a mileage log should be kept on the vehic1e. ADJOURNMENT Motion made and seconded that the meeting adjourn. The meeting was adjourned. . r Bobbie C. Henry, Secreta to t e Council APPROVED: � �J , � G • �� Mayor Edward F. Stuart � October 26a 1971 ADDENDA TO MINUTES OF JULY 15A 1971» WARRANTS� MOTION: (Mager) That G&A Warrants 1165 through 1206 be approved with the excep onit that No. 1177 to Bell Telephone Company be held up unti1 proper adjustments are made on 1ong distance calls;, and that M&0 warrants 678 to 689 all be approved for payment. Second: Gonzalez Vote: Unanimous NOTE: Upon notification of the a�ditors that these warrants were omitted from the officia7 minutes� it was determined by examination of the records that these warrants were approved at the July 15 meeting and that the omission into the minutes was a clerical error. e. �/ GC.-P C.�� y , Bobbie C, Henry� cretary APPROV 'M ; , ,r.—�- /� �"' .=� � . �,,�. �='c-�-Z'',�r., ,,'� c.. �P Zr��'` Mayor E ward F: Stuart