HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1971-07-01 Regular ----- ---- — - d� � �
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, , � � . i , , , � �
. , ' � ' : July 1 , 1971 ,
A Regular Meetang of the Fraendswood�City Council was�. held at the City Hall
at 7:30 p.m, on Thursday, July 1 „ 1971s with the fo7lowing members present:
, ' Mayor Edward F. :Stuart: : - .
` � � , Councilman:.� Ronald Hamil . .
� � � � � • Ralph Lowe
--� Ra1ph Gonzalez
William Patton
� � James Mager
With �a quorum present�� and none absent, the following business was� transacted:
Minut�s of a Regular Meeting of June 17y approved as correctedb Page 2 -
� Wordi�ng of "firs�t reading" or Ordinances 147 and 149 changed to read:.
� °°For=approval� of f7rst reading on Or.d, #147. . . #149,"
� � � �; � ,
1 . Letter from Gulf Coast Waste Disposal Authority (Mike Eastland) with
regard to cooperative advanced waste trea�ment plan for the area, ,
r ,r . � . � ' : � ; � ,
2. Letter from� State Highway Department to Judge Holbr.00k sett,ing out
cost figures .on moving u�ilities vs� moving the� proposed highway 10 ft.
� 3, Notice from the Railroad Commission of a hearing on September .9th at
9:00 o�clock� at the Ernest 0: Thompson Building, Austin, regarding
f increase in natural gas rates.
j� 4. Letter from Texas Municapa1 League regarding liability of the City in
� connection� with emergency���.mbulance service operated by the Friendswood
�Vo1unt�er� Fire Department..
� , ,
5, Planning Commission's proposed revisions to the Zoning Ordinance� marked-
up copy presented to Counci7 for consideration. To be worksho ed
6. Sales Tax receipts for the first quarter of 1971 - $5,�111 .68, an increase7��
of approximately $1g000 over the last quarter of 1970.
. . . �
1 . Mr. John vanBockel re uested (1 ) authorization to tap into the West
Interceptor Line �nd �2) that the:City supervise and approve improve-
ments on 15 acres to be developed by hima with sewage and water
insta1lations� asphalt streets� lot sizes� etc, to meet or exceed
City requirements� and consider incorporation into the City of Friends-
wood. Council will �ake the request u.nder consideration, and if approved�
will give Mr. � Van Bockel a commitment which will permit him to proceed
with development. ` �
2, Mrs. David McCraw called- attention to. an article from the Houston Post
which she feels will be of value to the City in the question of Clear
� Creek pol1ution.
i , . . ., ; .
__ � 3. Mr. John Dysarta 207 Brigadoon» again requested that the City intervene
in his efforts to have the utility pole moved from in front of his
� house, Mr. Mills ofi CPS and. Councilman� Hami1 will handle this question.
Mr:'sQysart also requested that more. effort be exerted toward control
of dogs `running at large in the City:
Water & Sewer - Ken Toon submitted a written report on the water line along
Sunset Drive, ,
����k � _-'_ '_-'"-"__"'__-..
Street De artment - Steve Stephens reported that one mile of streets now
� under construction will .be primed Wednesday and tapped Friday, Drainage
�-a work has �started, on the Annal�a Dit�h; F�nces on Stratmore will have to
��, be moved, The question af Mr. H�usman's drainage ditch .needs to be resolved,
The parks are ready for the ,celebration on� the 5th, Devil 's Dip work will
begin within two weeks after next Wednesday's street work, Residents of
�he area should take note that this project will take approximately one
w�ek and that, the stre�t wiJl .be closed� during the entire operation.
Rolice De artment - �Chief Wright reported that Patrolman Williams is attending
homici e sc ool at the Col]ege of' the Mainland this week. He requested
reenactment of the Em�.rgency Dog Or.dinance. The Highway Department has '
`�,ti� approved the Ci�y's request foria. turning lane at FM 2351 and 518, but l
��;, the work has not yet been .done,� �
.. , i . � i --
Councilman Hamil asked about procedure for filing on the four cases of
unlawfully parked cars. The City Attorney stated that he felt initial
action should,, come from the Zoning Administrator, who should also
file charges at the proper time,
1 . Co,un.cilman Mager reported�that he �tnll has not received proposed. budgets
from th� Police Department, , library, and some of the smaller areasg but
the budget request figures will be available for workshop next week.
2. Councilman Patton reparted that the Water & Sewer Department has been busy
wi th �routi ne w.ork; and budg�t pr��parati on. , ,
. . � � . .� � .
3. Councilman Gonzalez stated that since about 80% of the people in the audience
were�;wa7ting for a>di�scussion .of th� Electric Rate Ordinance� he would
propose that this item be taken up next on the agenda.
4, Counca:lman; Lowe. had:two garbage trucks at C.i ty, Hal 1 ,for exami,nati on by the
Coun�i l � He�.stated: that- the,.-1<��rger one�, most sui tabl e to serve the ci ty
is priced at $12,000.
� I
5, Council.man:Hami]: made a request_ that Counci,lrgive.the Street�Department
Superintendent, authorization over cons�r.uction and maintenance at City
parks inasmuch as his men do a great deal of this work with responsibility
unassigned at the present time, This item was postponed to NEW BUSINESS.
Coun�ilman Patton requested that;� all. city equipment have.a�. number. painted on
it designating the department and the piece of equ9pment.
- , .. .
1 . Electric Rate Increase: In .order. to bring the subject to th� flopr�, Ord, #149
was presen�e for approval on second reading at this time,
MOTION» - (Hamal ) :That� Council approve second. reading of Ord, #149.
Second: , Mager �. ;
Mr. Howard, McCall , a Fr.iendswood citizen, spoke to Council regarding the
increase. He: requested that� a Gitizen's.� Committee consisting, �of five
people be appointed "to.evaluate and recommend to Council the necessary
action whic.h they feel is best for everyone in the community,"
After considerable discussion from Mr... McCal�l , ,representatives of CPS� and
Councilmen; Councilman Patton made the.�motion:
MOTION� (Patton) That the motion be tabled awaiting further study of the i
Second..� Go�zalez; ; VOT�:_ For� (3); Mager, Patton,. Gonzalez : � � �
� ;�Agai ns,t. (Z) Lowe, Hami 1
MOTION: :,(Hamil ) That �a three-man committee. be appoint,ed, members to be one
business man� one private citizen� and one Councilmana to• make a� study of
the proposed rate increase.
Second� Gonzalez VOTE. -���- ��"-�L`���'�'ay`�� ���' ��°��� � ���?�,��
,�G..,1�//Y�r, �l) ��°���—
Mayor Stuart appointed Mr. McCall , Councilman Gonzalez, and Mr. Lee L,inson,
president of the Chamber of Commerce, to the committee, stating that Mr.
Linson might designate a member to represent him from the Chamber if he : �
w,i,shes. ,
-- �'�7„7``
Mr. George Freeborn and Mr. Lester •Ingram of LaMarque urged Council to
support the appointed committee in the�r work. Mr. Ingram suggested that
the Ci�y might investigate gross receipt tax from the telephone company
on ads in the yellow.pages of the telephone�book.
2. WET-DRY ELECTION - The City Attorney reported that, according to his � '�
information, if the precinct boundar.ie s of the now wet portion of Friendswood
have not changed, then the City can call a city-wide wet-dry election
within the present City 1imits.
,' 3. PAYMENT TO GARBAGE CONTRACTOR - A final check and a release from contract, ;��4•'
, signed by Universal Waste Control System, was presented by the Attorney
,�.� for apphoval by Council ,
MOTTONw (Hamil ) That Council accept the release and autfiorize signature
by t'�ie Mayor.
Second: Patton; VOTE; Unanimous
Entrance in �he 5th of Jul arade was discussed� and it was decided that
� Bud Brown Ford would be requeste,d to furnish two cars for the Mayor and
C� CounGi1 s transportation.
Q Resalutions citing violations of Ordi.nance #79 (Weeds) have been prepared
to. H. K. Speck, Friendswood Lumber Company, Gerald D, McManus, David
Otterson, Presbyterian Church� for approval by Council and signature by
the Mayor.
MOTION: (Gonzalez) To approve these resolutions,
Secon ; Mager; VOTEz Unanimous
� 1 , ORDINANCE #147 = Personnel Pol 'c -
i chan es Second Readin
MOTION: (Patton) Second� Mager; VOTE: Unanimous
2. ORDINANCE #148 - Po ing Wheelies - Second R�ading
MOTION� (Mager) Second; Gon�zalez; VOTE: Unanimous
MOTIONo (Mager) To approve for payment G&A Warrants #1]36 and 1144 through
7163� and M&0 Warrants 669 through 676.
Second„ Gonzalez VOTE: Unanimous,
o ie C, enry, Secretary Counci
MOTIONb (Patton) That Ermie Cornett�, a licensed wa.ter & sewer operator,
' be�Fiired at the rate of $550,00 per month with permission to park his
' trailer at No. 2 treatment plant site, and with the City to furnish all
_ utilities, and free trailer parking as compensation for 24-hour duty, �
Second: Mager; VOTE; Unanimous
MOTION: (Gonzalez) That•Moonyeen Wood' s salary be increased $25.00 per
month retroactive to June 1 , coinciding with her 90-days with the City.
Second: Patton� VOTE: Unanimous
�0-�.� ,�2-����---�
Edward F, Stuart, Mayor