HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1971-06-17 Regular � , ��_.�. MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL June 17, 1971 A Regular Meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held in the City Hall on Thursday, June 17, at 7:30 p,m. ,with the following members present: � ; � Mayor Edward F. Stuart � Councilmen: Ralph Lowe � ; ; James Mager -�-- Wi 11 i am Patton � With a quorum present, and Councilmen Gonzalez and Hamil absent, the following business was. transacted: (Councilman Hami] arrived ,later in the meeting) , READING AND APPROUAL OF MINUTES .- Minutes of Regular. Meeting of June 3, ' Approved as presented ANNOUNCEMENTS & COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOR t`� � � 1 . Letter, from Harris Count�r Pola:ution Control De�artment re- testing of � effluent from sewage plants. "� 2. Letter from Galveston Count Air Control Division re pollution of Clear � - � Creek. � �;,., PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS ��,r��:. � � Representatives from the Welcome Wagon Club reported that their organization have voted as their project development of �playgrounds in City Park areas , and requested approval from Council to work on this project, The Mayor stated tha�t the City would be pl�eased .to have them pr.esent their plans and ideas, and wou,ld do a11 possi.ble to aid them in this worthwhile project, ; �- - DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS 1 . Streets - Superintendent Stephens reported that Melody Lane was topped today, but indications are that,speed will be a problem there now, White Mines has been late on delivery of topping rock. The department plans to star,� on Mary's Crossing the .m.iddle of next week, .and hope to stay on �that job until completion, about one week's work.. 2. Water & Sewer De ar.tment - The pump mo.tors, in for repairs, should be read oty day. The sewer line to the Little League fields are 90% complete and should be fiinished Friday, 3. Police De artment - Chief Wright reported that vacation watch is being covere , t at he now has 19 officers in service or in training in the auxiliary force, that Manuel Crespo is giving a training course f.or the officers. The right hand turn lane at FM 518 and FM 2351 was discussed. Councilman Patton requested figures on cost to the City of jury trials in the past two years, to back up presently proposed legislation regarding traffic violations. 4. Engineerin� - Mr. Heaney gave a �report on work currently being done for the ;` . Str.eet and W&S departrnents, and work he is ,curr.ently doing on city maps. , . . . , , . . ��y`� COUNCIL REPORTS 1 . Counci1man Lowe stated that he had made comparisons on electrical rates and reported in favo.r of the requested increase in rates. Garbage: Reported .that, due to mechanical difficulties on the truck in- volved, a demonstration of the new type of equipment being tested by Bellaire would be held up for some time. He suggested that the City needs needs to either go out for bids on a garbage contract or consider the purchase of a conventional truck for use, which would be used as a back-up truck if and when the City should go to the one-man truck. ' I ���t.�� �_ __-_.-___ ----- -- ------ . June 17, 1971 Councilmen Lowe, Patton, and Mager are to get together to work up the figures on City-owned garbage collection, 2. Councilman Patton gave a report on activities at the EPA meeting held in Houston t is week. . 3, Councilma.n Ma er - Reminded, Council that budget requests are to be in by Ju1y 1 , He also questioned why 'the� Utility Department pa.y„the l.ight and and gas bills� for City Hall . This question will be discussed at workshop. ORDINANCES (Councilman Hamil arrived at the, meeting at this point) 1 , Ordinance No. 145 - Third and Final Readin� � — � AN..ORDI,NANCE MAKING CERTAIN FINDINGS; DESIGNATING PLACEMENT OF. STOP SIGNS AT CERTAIN INTERSECTIONS;� PROVIDING A' PENALTY FOR VIOLATION; PROVIDING A SEVERANCE CLAUSE: MOTION: (Lowe) For pas,sage of Ord,. , No. 145 �on third and final reading, Second: (Patton) ; Vote: Unanimous 2. Ordinance No. 146 - Third and Final Readin AN ORDINANCE MAKING �CERI�AIN FtNDINGS; VACATING, ABANDpNING AND ' CLOSING AN ALLEY ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNED`BY C,W, BILLS, PU�SUANT TO HIS PETITION .TO MAYOR AND COUNCIL; AUTHQRIZING QUIT CLAIM. DEED UPON REQUEST, MOTION: (Patton) For passage of Ord. No. 146 on third and final reading, Second: Mager; Vote: Unanimous 3. Ordinance No. 147 - First Readinq ��' AN ORDTNANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE N0, 93, (PERSONNEL �POLICIES ORDINANCE) ; AMENDING SECTION I , (E) ENTITLED MEMBERS OF FAMILY RESTRICTIOIV; AMENDING SECTION VI (D) ENTITLED PROCEDURE FOR INUOL:l1NTARY SEPARATION � FOR A CAUSE. I i , MOTION: (Lowe) Far passage of Ord. No. 147 on first reading Second: Hamil ; Vote� Unanimous 4. , Ordinance No. 148 - Emer enc Readin " " � AN ORDINANCE MAKING UNLAWFUL THE OPERATION �F ANY, MOTOR VEHICLE IN '�. SUCH MANNER AS TO CAUSE ANY WHEEL OR WHEELS TO LIFT OR RAISE FROM c��.,, THE SURFACE OF THE ROAD, THEREBY OPERATING. THE VEHICLE ON THE RE- MAINING WHEEL•,OR WHEELS, PROVIDING FOR A pENALTY AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. ' ' MOTION: (Lowe) For, passa.ge of Ord, 148 on emer,gency reading. � �5e�ond: Patton; Vote: Unanimous � This 'ordinance wil'1 be read as a• permanent ordinance, first reading at the next Council Meeting. � 5, Ordinance No. 149 �- First Readin ' ' ` �,�` AN ORDINANCE PRESCRIBING RESIDENTIAL AND GENERAL RATES TO BE t�.,; CHARGED BY COMMUNITY PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY FOR SALE OF ELECTRICITY WTTHIN THE CITY� OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS; PRESCRIBING AN EFFECTIVE DATE; REPEALING CONFLICTING ORDINANCES ONLY TO THE EXTENT OF CON� � FLICT. i MOTION: (Lowe) For passage of Ord, No. 149 on First Reading I Second: Mager , , " Cou,ncilman Patton, for the record, stated that he was against discrimina� tion against �small businesses,. (as� oppose,d .to ,residences� , � � � _ _ -2����a June 17, 1971 Councilman Gonzalez, in a letter to Council , expressed his opposition: "After careful study I feel that the proposed rate increase schedule is not equitable in that it will favor the high electrical power consumption residentia1 customers while significantly penalizing the low electrical power consumption home owners. In general , those of affluence will see a net reduction in their electrical bills during the months of November through April while in most cases those who can least afford an increase will be the ones most effected by this new increase. For this reason I can not in good conscience approve the proposed rate increase requested by the Community Public Service Company. " ' � Mr. Charlie Mills and Mr. Buster Waugh from Community Pu61ic Service were —� present to answer questions regarding the rate increase. VOTE: Unanimous Mayor Stuart voiced appreciation to Community Public Service for their cooperation on the football field and other Friendswood projects. WARRANTS �`� MOTION: (Mager7 That G&A Warrants 1050 through 1089; 1092 through 1134 � and M&0 Warrants 648 through 660 be approved for payment. "'� � Secton: Hamil ; Uote: Unanimous � "� SPECIAL SUBJECTS � Ridi�Arena - Counci.lman Namil stated that the Riding Arena needed some fill dirt in the arena before the 4�h of July event; the Street Department will spread dirt from the park ditch, Librar_Y. Par. k_�in�Lot - Councilman Lowe stated that, with additional funds avail- -�:�� ab'le from the�ibrary grant from the County, that he would like to see this go into additional parking space as originally planned. � ' MOTION: (Lowe) To pave what additional space possible up to $750 expenditure. r Secand: Hamil ; Vote: Unanimous Asphalt will be used for this work. PERSONNEL SESSION (Closed) ADJOURNMENT ` �.�, �� Bobbie C, Henry, Secretary to he Council APPROVED: ` ��— Mayor Edwar F. Stuart ' PERSONNEL SESSION (Closed) ' - � Ken Toon repor.ted on a prospective employee for the Water & Sewer Department, � Mr. Ernest Co.rnet, now employed by E1 Lago; he is a licensed water and sewer � ' operator, backhoe operator; could possibly be hired for $550, This would � --- enable W&S Department to have a licensed operator on duty at all times. He ! lives in a mobile home, and would want to park his home within the fence at the � ' City Barn. Council stated agreement to this arrangement. j Councilman Lowe suggested that Ken bring, this man in for a week, or on week- � ends, with pay, and appraise him for this job, then come back to Council with � this information. � I No action was taken.