HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1971-06-03 Regular -------------- ��� 4.
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June 3, 1971 ± �
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A Regular Meeting of- the Friendswood City Council was held at. City Hall
on: Thursday, June 3, 1971 , at 7:30 p.m. with the fol7�wing members present:
. , , ,
Mayor Edward F, Stuart
� � Councilmen: James Mager
� � � � � �� � � � � William Patton �
�, ' Ralph Gonzalez
`-- Ral ph Lowe
Ronald Hamil
� � : , � , � ,,,
Wi:th .a quorum present, and� none�-absent, the follow.ing. business was transacted:
� READING AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Minutes of the Regular Meeting of May 20,
I approve,d as �corrected; n er WARRANTS- = Vote to approve (written as
Unanimous� corrected to� read: FOR; (3) Mager� Lowe, Gonzalez; AGA�INST: Hamil ,
'� 1 . L.etter from Highway Department stating that they will investigate the
� need for a turn lane on FM 2351 and FM 518, as requested.
2; Cetter from. Roger Tyler, Assistant Attorney General , stating that a
request for investigation of polluters: of C1ear Creek must be made
through the Texas Water Quality Board or the County Attorney.
3�. Lett�er from HIJD� requesting an annual report of flood plan management.
The Planning Commission and' K. B. Jones are requested to furnish material
,� � '� � for th.i s report. ,,� �
c. . : . ,.. �:
f 4.. Report from Councilman�Gonzalez on his trip, along with other Galveston
( County officials, to appear before the Appropriations Committees in
! Washington. � �: ; ; ,
5. Golfcrest dedication will be held oa Saturday� ._June 5; Councilman L,owe
invited the Mayor and Council to •attend.
, , , , �
6, Councilman Hamil asked for status of school annexation. The Attorney
' � e��po�rt�d� that° a� request for petition� (and� a. p�roposed petition) has
been sent to the Commissioner's Court for annexation of the county
roads. As soon as this is accomplished, he will proceed with annexation
� of the: school:. � , , ,
1 , Police De artment - Chief Wright gave a brief report. on Municipal Courta
and asked Council 's wishes regarding a special session to re-try a jury
case which resulted in a hung jury. . ,
' - He referred to the need for dog houses at the Dog Pound, , and stated that
Don Green of the Auxiliary Police Force would build six new houses and
a bin to hold supplies at no labor cost to the City, but with the City
furnashing materials, estimated at $128,77.
Ordinance Requests: .Chief Wright asked that Counc,il pass an ordinance
, forbidd�;rfg "popping wheelies" by motorcycle riders, stating that this
, ' was a dangerous practice over which 'he now has no control ,
,._._ . � ,
He also asked for an o'rdinance providing for disposition of impounded '
property by the Police Depar.tment,� ',
� j
Counci1man Hamil asked that City vehicles be kept within the City Limits
when in use by Auxili.ary personnel working at Camp Manison.
� Councilman Patton questioned the patro�ling of Wedgewood and was told
by Chief Wright that the police cars do go to Mr. M, to turn around
under the belief that border areas are closely related to the City
���! -_._,__-_ _ -_ '_____-.___-_'_-___'_'_
2. Street Department: Superintendent Stephens reported that 28 cars of
material has bee,n unloaded for the street program, with 12 cars to go,
He stated that because of delivery of this material , the mowing program
is falling a little behind.
He requested that the overlapping duties of the street superintendent into
the water and s:ewer department be reviewed 'and that a solution be reached
to relieve the situati�on. He also discussed the. matter of brush obstructing
the view on Winding Way and other intersec,tions within the City.
On the library-City Hall parking anea,he requested that he be allowed to
surface with 1-1/2" asphalt� instead. of inverted penetration topping, , �
stating that the latter needs;more traffic on it to keep it in condition, �
The asphalt would cost approximately $820 vs. $600 for inverted penetration. '
3. U�ilit De artment; In the� absence of Supt. Toon, Councilman Patton
reported. that Sunset.water 1ine.will :be finished Frid.ay; ,that, the l.i.ne to
the school wi11 then be started.
In v�iew of� �he roadwork .underway, the line�-to� the Li.ttle League, Park will
be laid under the road bed before the road is redone,
The Uti1ity Department requested permission to hire temporary he]p. This
item will be handled in a personnel session.
� COUNCIL REPORTS ,� �, • � � �
� 1 , Counci,lman Mager reported that; in answer to the request on the driveway,
the Library Board's shopping �list would indicate that $1554.63 balance
out of,.tMe. $10;000 �should be available for this work. ;
� 2,.. Councilman Patton reported on, a meeting with representatives from Aetna
regarding group insurance� stating� that; the company will not! add the two
items requested without. rewriting the complete policy at a great increase
in the premium price. He recommended that the changes not be considered
at this time, This will be discussed further at a workshop session,
,, .. . . ( ��,'! . 1,� , � ;
3, Councilman Gonzalez related facts and figures in connec.tion with; a bond I
election to be held in Wedgewood, and said that he feels it is the duty of
�he Council to keep aware. of what. is go.ing on in these. subdiv.is.7ons in close
proximity to Friendswood, inasmuch as they may be subject to annexation by
the City at some later date� and would thus b� of interest to the City,
, . : ( i .. .t . . . . . . � .
With regard, to the widening. of� FM �18,� he a:nnounced� that the Imper.ial Civic
- Club has pledged a con�ribution of $200 toward a landscaped median,
. , � �
4. Councilman Lowe, on the subject of CPS rate increase,, stated that Friendswood
is the last City to approve this increase� and he recommended Council 's
acceptance of the rate increase.
1 . James Lawrence's resignation from� the P.lanning Commission was accepted, -
along with a statement by the Mayor that the work and time Jim
has s ent
on this committee is greatly appreciated and that he has served the pity
wel1 ; � „
MOTION: (Patton) That Council accept resignation of Jim Lawrence,
Second: Mager; VOTE: Unanimous
r° 2. Increase� i.n Electrical Rates...�
� MOTTON: (Lowe) That Council authorize the City Attorney to prepare an �
or�d nance �covering. increased rates for electrical . service as outlined in
the request from Community Publi� �er.vice, such rates� to become, effective
30 days after final reading of the ordinancea probably around Sept. 1 ,
(' •
Second; Mager; VOTE: FOR (4) Lowea .Mager, Gonzalez, Patton �
� AGAINST; (1 ) Hamil. ; ;
� . . . .
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� -------- �d ��
1 . Intersec�ion of. FM 518 and FM 2351 - In view of the danger. involved in this ��
situation as presented by Ch�i:ef Wright� Councilman Lowe stated that he felt
this� is an emergency� and warrants immediate attention. He then made a
motion to initiate action:
MOTION:.(Lowe). That due to the factrthat: the, intersection of FM 518 and FM 2351
is deemed an emergency, the Mayar.�be authorized: to write.;a letter to .the
Hi�hway Department urging that action be taken immediately to provide for
turning at this �corner; � � � � ; ,
i � _
; Second: Hamil ; VOTE: Unanimous
2. Motorc ele Ordinanc.e - Councilman Lowe stated that he felt Chief Wright
had rais.e a question which needs immediate attention� and made the follow-
ing motion:
MOTION: (Lowe) That the City Attorney be directed to write an ordinance
prohibiting "popping wheelies" for reading tonight ��on an emergency basis,
Second;. Mager; VOTE: Unanimous
�.`• ,
�� 3, Do Houses for Da Paund - Councilman Gonzalez stated that this matter should
wait for action until a review of the budget has been made. .
� 4, Authorization for Re-trial b Jur -
� �
MOTTON: (Mager) That the Prosecuting Attorney. be authorized to make a
judgment as to whether a retrial shall be held in case of a hung jury� and
that, upon such decision, that he notify the Council to the effect that
the new trial was called and that the cost of the new trial needs to be
covered, ' � � �
Second: Hamil ; VOTE: Unanimous
� . . . , , . � � � . , . • : , . . �' . , . , , . � ,
; , ORDINANCES .� : ,
f . .
�"'� 1 . ORDINANCE N0. 145 - Second Readin (Sto Si ns) �' �
MOTION: Gonzalez; Second: PattonA VOTE„ Unanimous
2. ORDTNANCE N0, 146 - Second Readin (Alle wa - Mr, Bills)
MOTION: (L.owe) For approval on sec.ond reading
Second: Mager; VO'fE» Unanimous
(Council was requested to finalize readings on this ordinance by
setting aside the third and final reading. The City Attorney advised
a ainst breakin
the r
9 g p ocedure rules except in case of a dire necessity)
3. ORDINANCE N0. 148 Motorc eles) - EMERGENCY - Adopted on one reading '� ��'
MOTION� Lowe; Second: Gonzalez; VOTE� Unanimous
- 4, ORDINANCE N0. 147 (Personnel Policy change) which was passed on first
reading last Council Meeting� was found to have some corrections, Changes
will be made and the ordinance will be posted for First Reading on June 17.
MOTION: (Lowe) That the City Attorney be directed to clarify the procedure
__,_' for a wet-dry election for Friendswood.
Second: Gonzalez; VOTE: Unanimous
MOTION: (Mager) That Council approve for payment G&A Warrants 1058 through
1077 and 1080 through 1083; and M&0 Warrants 630y 632 through 641 ,
Second: Gonzalez; VOTE: Unanimous
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The City..�Attorney:�stated, that he: had been; in contact-.with:.the�f�rmer, garbage
contractor, and that they were agreeable to using; the..amount of money,. the
City collected in January and February as the basis for determining the
March/Apri1 collections, ,with, the .City�� paying,them on this basis. for the
number�tof�days.�,they worked;� in. that.�period; , � , _
� � , . � �� � � . .
MOTION� (Hamil ) That Council approve payment on this. basi,s, ;; : �,
Second: Gonzalez; VOTEa Unanimous
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Bobbiei C, Henry,, Secretary- to Council
; .., .i . r : � ; - � � , , ,
. �
1 . MOTION: (Lowe) That Danny Bailey be hired as a part-time employee for the
water�� and� sewer: de.partmen.t� at� a sal ary of $2.25/hpur:
Second: Patton; VOTE: Unanimous � '��`,
2, The question of week-end relief for the W&S superintenden�t was. d.i�cussed�
with no decision being reached.
3. Councilman Lowe reviewed his figures on City-owned and operated garbage
equipment, He was asked to put this information into a balance-sheet. ' �
farm for Council consideration. � , �
��� �� .._ �� , „ ,
Mayor:�.Edwa�r.d,:F..��Stuar.t _ �:: . G . , ; � . . . , .
, . . : � , � ,
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