HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1971-05-20 Regular ���- MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETI�NG OF THE_FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL May 20, 1971 A Regular Meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held in the City .Hall on May 20, 1971 at 7:30 p,m, with the following members present: � Mayor Edward F. .Stuart Councilman Ron Hamil � ' Councilman Ralph Lowe ___' Councilman Ra1ph Gonzalez � ' Councilman Jim Mager With a quorum present, and William Patton absent, the following business was transacted: READING AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of the Regular Meeting of May 6, 1971, , approved as presented, � ANNOUNCEMENTS & COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOR -� � � 1 . Letter from School Superintendent John Ward requesting that the City Council � support SB 876, which would benefit the Friendswood Schools, as opposed to a substitute SB 406 which would cost the School District in revenues. 2. The Municipal Court session on June 2, at 7 p.m. will have two jury trials on the docket, This announcement was made with the thought that citizens might be interested in seeing their Municipal Court in action, 3, L'etter from Representative Jack Brooks regarding a hearing before the Public Works Subcommittee of the Committee on Appropriations in. Washington, - _ D,C, on May 24, 1971 , at 11 :50 a,m, Clear Creek drainage will be one of � the items presented at that time. ---� 4. Letter �From Judge Ray Holbrook regarding a meeting May 27 in connection with the Galveston County Library System. 5. Report from the Galveston County Air Control Division. 6. Le�ter� from Ben Barnes regarding the Texas Flight for Understanding on August 1 to Paris, Stockholm, and Moscow in behalf of American prisoners of war, and' inv7ting Mayor Stuart to go as a delegate. 7. The Friendswood School 's athletic banquet will be held on Friday, May 20, at 7;30 ptm. in the Junior High School cafeteria. The Mayor urged :that citizens show their appreciation for the City's athletes by attending, PETITTONS AND COMMUNICATIONS � Mrs, Se1ma .Engle stated that, due to improper designation of�� recinct numbers on p Voter Registrations, some citizens were unable to vote in the election on May 18. She requested that an effort be made by the City to get this situation cleared up. Mayor Stuart said that he would talk to Judge Holbrook about the question, and wi11 encourage �Friendswood citizens to recheck their registrations for correct- ness of the pt^ecinct number. , , ; DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS � � ...__ � 1 . Street Qepartment - Steve Stephens, in a written report, gave Council a � � summary of current work, stating that most of��the time has been spent on preparing the subbase on Prairie Wilde, Laurel , Stadium and Mary Ann, 2480 tons of limestone is on order for these streets and the City Hall � Library driveway. � ; ��� — -- ----- . May 29, 1971 r� 2. Water & Sewer Department - Ken Toon reported that, with the shipment of pipe '� he has received for current work; he"has enough" pipe on hand to install the sewer line on Pecan. No. 2 water well tank is being drained and cleaned and the No. 2 treatment plant is being cleaned. The water line on Sunset should �'"�^ be finished by Tuesday. The line to the high school for fire protection will be an add-on to this contract. Councilman Lowe asked that a list be made of those people within the City � limits who still do not have access to sewer lines. Councilman Gonzalez asked about the drain tile program (citizen participation� � on beha1f of Mr. William Hammack of 417 Oak Vista Drive, He was told that Mr, � ' Hammack should make application with. Steve for this work, which the Street Department will do as time permits, 3. Police Department - Chief Mitch Wright gave a written report to Council ; then or�repo.rted on progress within the department. He cited a problem with passing on the right at the intersection of FM 518 and FM 2351 which he is working with the Nighway Department to. solve. He stated that his primary prob1ems at present are run-aways and the use of drugs. �°�' `�,Dog Ordinance - Chief Wright stated that he would recommend that. the temporary revision to the Dog Ordinance be incorporated into our�present permanent ordi- nance. He stated that his ,problems ,was ,not.with the ordinance but w.ith lack of time to enforce it. He made a request that the Police Department petty cash fund be increased from $25,00 to $50.00, COUNCIL REPOFtTS • it�� 1 . Councilman Hamil reported that the cost of the water line to the school will �� cost $3600, and 'made the following motion: MOTION: (Hamil ) That Council authorize expendi.ture of up to $1800 out of j Water & Sewer Department budget, for the water line and fire plug for the high school , . this to include the 84 ft. for future use of the City, and pro- ' viding for a T and valve for the school to install a second fire. plug. at a 1ater date, Second: Gonzalez, At this point, Councilman stated for the record that "this motion is backing off from the original agreement reached at a meeting with school representatives, wherein additional protection would have to come from a third fire plug which ,would be installed in .the next fiscal year; that two plugs were in the original agreement," Councilman Hamil stated that the plug to, be installed by. the school was to be insta1led. by funds from. the next bond issue and not in the next fiscal year. VOTE: Unanimous ' 2. MOTION: (Gonzalez) That the Police Department Petty Cash Fund be increased from 25 to $50. Second: Lowe; VOTE: Unanimous Councilman Gonzalez announced that a barbecue, sponsored jointly by the Fire and Po.lice Department will be held on May 30 at the City Park to start a fund to provide for additional facilities for these two departments. He re- quested that Mayor Stuart issue a proclamat�on setting out the week of May 30 through June 5 as Fire Department and �Police Department appreciation �eek���._ � and that citizens be encouraged to attend the barbeque in support of these ' groups. Tickets are $1 .75. � Second: Hamil ; VOTE: Unanimous , 3. Councilman Hamil requested that a letter of appreciation be sent to the Lions Club for the work they did in repairing the "CITY HALL" sign on Friendswood Drive. 4. Councilman Lowe reported on the monthly meeting of the Houston-Galveston Area Council this week, , - �U�, 5,. Fire H drants� f {� MOTION: Gonzalez) That approv�l be given for installation of fire hydrants � at the following locations: Lot line 523 and 510 Kingsbury; 301 and 303 Dover; .211 and 215 Stonehenge; Lockmore at Merrybrook on Chelsea back of the property line; lot line 504 and 502 Belmar; and lot line 306 and 404 Belmar. Second:, Mager; VOTE: Unanimous � I � 6, Councilman Gonzalez read, and asked that the minutes include, an article � ' from the Houston Post of Tuesday� May 11 . � "POLLUTER'S VARTANCE CONTINUED - The Harris County Commissioners Court Monday declined to revoke its most recent 90 day variance granted to Phoenax Chemical Co. Commissioner E. A, Lyons said he felt Phoenix Chemical , the Houston area's 'polluter of the month' during April according to Dr. Walter Quebedeauxa county .pQl7ution contro1 director, was entitled to the full 90 days to comply w9th state pollution laws. County Judge Bi11 Elliot� said it would be difficult 'to back up and rescind' the court's motion for the 90 �day variance� which expires J�ly �`" 12. County commissioners promised Sagemont Subdivision citizens they will � not grant Phoenix Chemical more 'licenses to pollute, ' Dr. Quebedeaux �''°� has tried in vain since Sept. 15 to get the court to authorize a pollution suit to force Phoenix Chemical to comply with the rules and regulations � of the Texas Hir Control Board and the Texas Water Quality Board, Quebedeaux says he does not have an adequate answer for complaintants who want to know why Phoenix Chemical is allowed to continue its present violation �sr�Gatus." 7. Sewer Line to Cit Park: MOTION� Hamil That the City authorize Ken Toon to lay an 8" sewer line (�� � to the park as platted last Saturday,�.at a cost of��$1500� 50% �of this to come from �he Water & Sewer budget and 50% from Park Equipment budget, (Motion made on behalf of Councilman Patton) �. � . �, � , Second» Gonzalez; VOTE; FOR (2) Hamil , Gonzalez � AGAINST (2) Mager, Lowe To break . the tie.; :Mayor Stuart voted FOR, which CARRIED THE MOTION. , 8. Rest Rooms for Park. MOTION: Hamil That Counc�l authorize expenditure of up to $2500 for buil�ing, equipment, and fixtures for rest rooms to be ;located at the Little League Park, funds to come from Recreation budget, . � , : , Second: Mager. Councilman Hamil explained tha� this work need not be bid � because it would be done by separate contract for the building„ plumbing„ fixtures, and electrical work� each under the $2000 maximum contract, without accepting bids, The City Attorney� concurred with this statement, VOTE» Unanimous ' 9. Pollution of Clear Creek - The letter which was authorized at last Council meeting was reviewed an approved� with additional copies going to the Harris County Commissioner's Court, Galveston County Commissioner's Court, and the Environmental Protection Agency in Ft. Worth, A�t� th,is poin:t; Councilman Gonzalez� stated that he would like the record to ref�1ect that there was a pollution probl�em in Clear Creek this past �� week end with a resu1tant fish kill , „ �� , � , .. ' 10, Fundin for Draina e Plan for Galveston Count (includin Clear Creek - The question of funding for this project will be placed before the Senate and House Appropria�ions Committees in Washington on Monday. Tnterested groups have been iasked to send representatives to� this meeting to substantiate need for fun,ds, MOTION: (Mager} That Council authorize funds for Councilman Gonzalez to go t�o Washington as. repr.esentative for Friendswood. (Est, cost $200) �.��.� -------- ----- — -- -- -- Second: Lowe; VOTE: Unanimous. Mr. Lee Linson, President of the Chamber of Commerce, and Mr. Gonzalez will write a letter to be carried .to Washington. NEW BUSINESS �� 1 . Mayor Stuart, with concurrence of the Councila appointed Counci�lman Patton to serve an the Electrical Boa.rd, replacing former Councilman Prude. �� 2. Mr. Ralph Somers was named by Mayor Stuart as Director of Programs for the Municipal Water Quality Control Plan� with the scope of the job to be� a. Represent the City of Friendswood at hearings of the Texas Water Quality ' � Board� Gulf Coast Waste Disposal Authority, and other bodies whieh Friendswood is to attend, " b. Attend meetings of governmental bodies and organizations dealing with water qua1ity, c. Coordinate study and planning for tertiary treatment with City Administrator l�. B. Cline City Engineer Tom B, Heaney Water &' Sewer Superintendent' Ken Toon ' Councilman W. B. Patton d. Survey feasibility of City of Friendswood entering area or regional sewage treatment facilities, e. Recommend expans�on of sewage collection system within present and future City limits. f. Report to Mayor and Council on activities and progress periodically� • if possible at once a month intervals, MOTION: (Hamil ) For approval of the appointment of Ralph Somers to the position with the scope of work as outlined by the Mayor. , � Second: Gonzalez,Councilman Lowe requested that Mr. Somers report to Counci1 his overall view of the present situation in Friendswood and what he would hope to accomplish in the future. VOTE; Unanimous 3, Cauncilman Gonzalez„ on the subject of using Water & Sewer funds for any such ins�allations, stated that .if there were surp7us monies in this budget that they might well be used for the installation of the needed 43 fire hydrants. ��,� �� 4, Review of em lo ees rou insurance - An appointment wi71 be set up for Councilman Hamil , local representative Linn Eignus, and the Houston representative to mee.t next Tuesday evening to discuss the subject. ��"� 5. Personnel Polic - Councilman Lowe made two recommended changes to Ord. �� No. 93 on Personnel . I I MOTION.• (Lowe) T{�at Section I, Art, (E) of Ordinance #93 be revised to read» I! No more than one member of a family shall be employed by the City. ' This restriction applies to both permanent and temporary employment, Members of a family are defined as: father, wife� husband, mother, sister� brother, uncle� auntg first cousins� or in-laws or any of i the aforementioned relatives. Curr.ent employees are exempt from � this provision. This Section E ma be sus ended b the Cit Council when it ertains to non-su erv7sor ersonnel . � • � Second� Hamil ; VOTE: FOR (2) Lowe, Gonzalez AGAINST (1 ) Hamile Councilman Mager was out of the room at the time of the vote. MOTION: (Lowe) T,hat Section VI, Art, (D) of Ordinance #93 be revised as follows: The Mayor and department he.ad may complain against� and suspend any non-supervisory employee with or without pay after due consideration ���. of a written complaint initiated by either the Mayor or the departmen �head, If the Mayor. and�department head rea�ch a decistion that is mutual , the .employee- may then`be± suspehded immediately; if the decision to act on the, written complaint is completed by either the Mayor or department head, the employee is suspended immediately„ with pay, until City Council reviews the problem and takes official action, The dismissed city employee may contest;thE� decision by "r'equesting the City Council to review the action taken by�the. Mayor� or departmeht head by a written request for a closed personnel hearing, Such written � ; re.quest must be submitted to the City Secretary not more than seven ' � days after employee has �been notified of his suspension or involuntary , �....- separation from employment by the City of Friendswood� Second: Hamil; UOTE� Unanimous The two above changes were given to the City Attorney for writing into an ordinance for ,passage, : � . , � . . . � . � ; ORDINANCES �"' ORDINANCE N0. 145 - First Re�din �� `� AN ORDINANCE MAKING CERTAIN FINDINGS: DESIGNATING PLACEMENT OF ���� ��`� STOP SIGNS AT CERTAIN INTERSECTIONS: PROVIDING A RENALTY FOR h-�+I � VIOLATION: PROVIDING A SEVERANGE CLAUSE. MOTION; (Gonzalez) For passage of first reading Secon3�: Mater; VOTE: Unanimous ORDINANCE N0. 146 - First Readin AN ORDINANCE MAKING CERTAIN FINDINGS: VACATING, ABANDONING AND !��' CLOSING AN ALLEY� aBUTTING PROPERTY OWNED BY C. W. BILLSa PURSUANT ' � � TO HIS PETITION TO MAYOR AND COUNCIL: AUTHORIZING QUITCLAIM DEED i � UPON REQUEST. `�� MOTION. (Mager) For passage of first reading Secon�: Hamil ; VOTE� Unanimous WARRANTS MOTTON: (Mager) To approve for payment G&A warrants #1004 and 1007 thru ll�nd M&0 Warrants 606 thru 621 . Second: Lowe; VOTE: FOR„...(3) Magery Lowe, Gonzalez AGAINST: (1 ) Hamil Councilman Hamil stated for the record that he was opposed to G&A Warrant No. 1028y since he has opposed the purchase and use of a tranquilizer gun. DOG ORDINANCE - Councilman Gonzalez stated that since the Zoning Ordinance forbids kennels" that in considering the Dog Ordinance, attention shou1d be given to a definition of "kennel ," WET-QRY ELECTION - Councilman Lowe stated that he has accumulated materials for holding a local option election, this material being available at City Hall for examination by the other members of the Council . , CLOSED PERSONNEL SESSION �,.�_..,.' ADJOURNMENT - Motion made and seconded that the meeting adjourn. The meeting was adjourned, . � �, Bobbie C, Henry, Secretary to t Council (Minutes of Personnel Session on next page) f��,� . . CLOSED SESSION (PERSONNEL) � 1 . Ra mond Uresti Termination of - .Gouncilman Gonzalez stated that he. cqncurs w,ith th�„decision of Ken Toon. to. dismiss the employeea and congratulated Ken on hand1ing a very stick situation. MOTIpN.. (Mag,e.,r)• That Counci l'r confi rm the acta on of��the Water & Sewer Superintendent in terminati�ng� Uresti .. � , . - , - - � Second.; Hamil ; VOTE� Unanimous � � � � �� � � , � - . � � 2. MOTZON., (Mager) Tha�t the�.City cease to� pay a retainer fee to Walsh Engineering. (The City Attorney state.d �that the contract with Walsh i is terminable) , , � Second: Gonzalez; VOTE: Unanimous � Reminder; Friendswood will host the Galveston County Mayors and Councilmen's Association on Wednesday, May 26. � , , , . , APPROV , . " . . . , , .,. .s , . . �_... </� Mayor E war F. Stuart - � •. � , .. , - , , � � . � , . � ,. , , , . � � ; , � � � � . .. � � �,....� , � . , , , � � , } 3� . � � � , , . , , � . � . � . . i, • � � i, . \\ �. ' � ' . , .