HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1971-05-06 Regular -- --—--------
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, � May 6, 1971
A Regular Meeting of the Friendswood City Council was called to order at 7:30 p.m.
on May 6, 1971 , at the regular meeting place in City Hall , with the following
members present: �
Mayor Edward F. Stuart
, ? Councilmen: Ronald G, Hamil
Ralph L. Lowe �
�- Ralph G, Gonzalez
� William B. Patton
James E. Mager
With a quorum present and none absent, the following business was transacted:
MINUTES Minutes of a Regular Meeting of April 15, approved :as presented.
ANNOUNCEMENTS AND 1 . Letter from Mary Queen Catholic Church requesting per-
� COMMUNICATIONS mission to erect a banner across the highway to
� FROM THE MAYOR advertise their Spring Festival on May 16.
� 2. Letter from Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Fossler endorsing a planted median for FM
� 518,
3. Letter from Charles W. Yodzis endorsing the planted med.ian.
4. Letter from Mrs. Mark Heath offering services of Friendsw,00d Garden Study
Club for landscaping the median�, endorsing a planted median, and clarifying
the Garden Club's, position on non�obligation insofar as maintenance of those
areas which they volunteer to landscape, A book entitled "Trees for Better
Neighborhoods" was presented to each Councilman.
5. Letter from County Judge Ray Molbrook transmitting a copy of the 1970 REPORT
6. Letter from Mayor Larry G. Sullivan,. Seabrook, with Resolution recommending
Ralph Lowe of Friendswood as HGAC Executive Committee representative from
General Law Cities, and Mayor Vernon Williamson of Missouri City as
7. Letter from Arthur M. Alpert, Gulf Coast Waste Disposal Authority, trans-
mitting a description of a Pollution Control Compact$ and a proposed
contract with Union Carbide for waste disposal facilities, and asking the
views of the Friendswood Council on these matters.
8. Letter from Gus Mutscher in answer to City's request that he support SJR 49,
re1ated to city officials running for State offices.
9. Letter from Texas Municipal League urging endorsement of Amendment #4, Clean
Water Amendment, on May 18.
10. Letter from Betty White, Friendswood City Riding Arena Board, recommending
six names for consideration by Cauncil for appointment of. three members to
the Board.
Mrs. David P�cCraw read an open letter to the Council urging that they take a
stand on clearing up pollution in the area, and that they actively participate
in action against pollutors.
Police Department- In the absence of Chief Wright, Councilman Gonzalez read the
police. report for March and April
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Street De artment - Superintendent Stephens reported that a rail increase the 15th
of this mont will cost an additional $400 (approxi,mately� unless material for the
present street program is purchased before that time, He submitted a written re-
port of work in progress by his department at the present time, The question of
Mary Ann Drive was discussed, and Steve was asked to get quotations on contracting
the balance of this work. Mowing will begin soon.
Water & Sewer De artment - Superintendent Toon gave a report on the polluted water
in Clear Creec last week. Sewer Plant #2 is down and will be sandblasted and com�
pletely cleaned and repainted, then stored for future use; The 2" line to the
Little League Field is complete.
,.4 Engineerin� De�artment - Work for water line on Sunset completed, Lift station to '
�'�.9 divert sewage from Plant #1 has been, completed on paper. He discussed the matter
�j of future sewage treatment to meet S�ate requirements, and stated that a bond
issue would be necessary to build proper facilities for tertiary treatment,
Attorne - Gar..ba e contractor settlement has been made with exce tion of a in
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for the first 19 days in March. Bill 's alley easement transfer (abandonment)
papers are ready for passing of an ordinance, Flammable materials ordinance is
to be checked with the Attorney General 's office to see if we can regulate
transportation on a State highway,
Secretar - Report of classification of work within the office is progressing and
wor ing out very well ,
1 . Little Lea ue Ba11 Park
MOTION: (Mager) That the water line be laid to the Little League Ball Park,
wit funds coming out of water department revenue,
Second: Lowe; Vote: FOR (4) Mager, Lowe, Hamil , Patton; AGAINST (1 ) Gonzalez
MOTION: (Hamil ) That the City hold bills for water at the LL park in abeyance
for purpose of ascertaining how much water is used� ,
Second: Gonzalez; Vote: Unanimous ,
Councilman Hamil requests that records be kept on the LL park to show monies
spent for projects including labor, water, and materials.
�a 2. Summer Recreation Pro ram
MOTION: (Patton) That $2,000 be put into the summer recreation program
sponsored by the school as provided in the current budget,
Second: Hamil ; Vote: Unanimous
3. FM 518 Median - Flush or Raised
Mr. Jim Humphrey made a presentation regarding cost of a planted median and
maintenance costs for same, and urged approval of such a median,
Mrs. Leah North showed slides showing difference between flush and raised
medians, and requested that Council seriously consider a raised, landscaped
MOTION: (Gon;��alez) .That we send a �letter to Judge Ray Holbrook of the
Commissioner's Court, copy to �1r. Carmichael , informing them that we request
a change in the plan for FM 518 to include a curbed, landscaped median.
Second: Namil ; FOR (4) Gonzalez, Hamil , Lowe, Mager; AGAINST (1 ) Patton
MOTION: (Lowe) That Friendswood contribute $300 toward this study to be made
_ by students of Clear Creek High School .
Second: Mager; Vote: Unanimous '
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� May 6� 1971
Councilman Patton stated that he wishes to have a policy set on where the
-. City stands on the question and how far the City will go to back this policy.
MOTION: (Gonzalez) That the City of Friendswood send a letter to the office
of the Attorney General of the State of Texas requesting that the State of
Texas initiate court action against the Phoenix Chemical Company for re- � �
,. curring pollution violations. That this letter express to the Attorney
General 's office that the tolerance of this community has ceased toward
__, Continued pollution by this chemical facility. And that a state investi-
gation of the operation of the Phoenix Chemical Company is in order.
Second: Hamil Vote: FOR (1 ) Gonzalez; AGAINST (3) Mager, Patton, Hamil I
Councilman Lowe abstained from voting on the motion.
City Attorney's opinion was "that I could not recommend this action which
draws conclusions that we can not substantiate, " Councilman Mager stated
that he would vote against the motion because he feels it would be leveling
charges which we can not prove. The attorney stated that he saw no harm in
� asking the Attorney General to take through the State Agencies to make the
� right kind o�F investigation to determine who is polluting the Creek.
�� MOTION: (Mager) That the City of Friends.wood send a letter to the Attorney
General , Texas Water Quality Board, U,S. Army Corps of Engineers , Dr.
Quebideaux, and other agencies related to pollution control , stating that
the tolerance of this community has ceased towards the continuing pollution
of C1ear Creek; requesting that positive action be taken to determine the
sources of repeated Clear Creek pollution and after these sources are
identified, that strong action be taken in the prosecution of all violaters.
The agencies responsible for prosecution of pollution violators have failed
to prosecute admitted violaters, It is this City'.s position that.the �
failure in the past to prosecute admitted pollution violators has and is
, continuing to contribute to the overall Clear Creek pollution problem.
' Second: Lowe �
Tl�e �ttorney stated that he could�endorse such a letter. Councilman� Gonzalez
stated, for the record, "I feel that this Council is evading its responsi-
bility in this community. " ,
Vote: Unanimous
6. COMMUNITY PUBLIC SERVICE RATE INCREASE � Councilman .Lowe stated that he had
heard nothing more from CPS regarding the increase, and that if no further
word is received, he will consider it a dead issue.
7. ANNEXATION OF NIGH SCHOOL - Corrected description of land and new request are
in the hands of the City Attorney, A letter will be sent for the County
Judge's signature and Court action, requesting the City to annex the roads
leadi.ng to the school . The roads will then be.annexed before action is
taken on the school .
The matter of fire protection for the High School has been discussed; and
Councilman Gonzalez reported that the school has agreed to pay half the ,
cost (or $1885) to cover two fire plugs and approximately 720 feet of 8" �
pipe at a total cost of $3,770, along Greenbriar,
, .
MOTION: (L�owe) That the City�accept the offer of the school to pay half the
cost to provide fire protection to the High School . �
Second: Mager; Vote: FOR (4) Lowe, Mager, Patton, Hamil ; AGAINST (1 ) Gonzalez
. ;
MOTION: (Gonza1ez� That the City authorize emergency first aid service to be
provided by the Friendswood Volunteer Fire Department upon request by the '
Friendswood Police Department as such emergency service is requested. '
Second: Hamil �
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,� Van Williams of the Fire Department made a detailed presentation on the
MOTION: (Hamil ) To table the above motion for further discussion at the next
workshop session, with the Police Chief present,
Second: Mager: Vote: Unanimous
1 . Councilman Hamil presented a memo to council advising that the study on
recreation by A&M be abandoned due to the Council 's decision not to hire a
recreation director at this time.. No charge would. be made for the work al-
ready done on the survey,
MOTTON: (Hamil � That I be authorized to write a letter to Miss Delaune asking
that the study be stopped at this time.
Second: Lowe; Vote: Unanimous
2. Purchase of Street Material
MOTION: (Hamil ) That material for the street program be ordered for immediate
delivery in view of increased freight rates which will be in effect within
the next month. •
Second: Mager; Vote: Unanimous
3. Rest Rooms for Park Areas - Councilman Hamil presented plans for rest rooms
for the ball park area and for the park on Briarmeadaw, which would be made
possib1e by return of money to the budget which had been earmarked for the
recreation study. This subject will be further discussed at the next work-
shop. �
4. Garba e - Stud of Cit 0 erated Garba e Service - Councilman Lowe stated �
that is figure`s are essentially complete, ut e needs figures on mileage �
traveled by the garbage co�llector, L, B. Cline was requested to get this
information from the. present collector: �
5. Amendments to State Constitution - Councilman Gonzalez reported that at the
last meeting of the GCMCA, cities were requested to endorse the four amend-
ments which will be voted on May 18.
MOTTON: (Gonzalez) That the City of Friendswood endorse Amendments #1
thr'ou.gh #4,
Second: Lowe; Vote: FOR (2) Gonzalez, Lowe
AGAINST (3) Hamil , Mager, Patton
6. Councilman-Patton stated that he would like periodic reports from the Charter
Commission, �and would like to see the vacancies on the various City
Committees filled,
7, Councilman Ma er clarified some points dealing with budget figures.
�� � � alternateNoneExecutive CommitteeeofSHouptoneGalvestonnArUernon Williamson as
ea Council .
MOTION: (Mager) Fo.r adoption of the resolution �
Second: Hamil ; Vote: Unanimous
� MOTION: (Hamil � That James Mager be elected Mayor Pro-Tem by acclamation.
Second; Lowe; Vote::. FOR (3� Hamil , Lowe, Patton; AGAINST: (1 ) Gonzalez
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May 6, 1971
MOTION: (Lowe) To approve request of the Church regarding banner
Second: Mager; Vote: Unanimous
MOTION: (Hamil ) That Richard Stapp, Betty Merchant, and Dr, William Jones be
appointed to serve on this Board.
Second: Mager; Vote: Unanimous
� ' �._ WARRANTS
MOTION: (Mager) That G&A Warrants 961 through 1003 and M&0 Warrants 576 and
589 through 597 be approved for payment.
Second: Lowe; Vote: Unanimous
.�'"' MOTION: (Mager) That Jean Carney's salary be increased $25 per month to
� become effective as of April 1 , 1971
� Second: Lowe; Vote: Unanimous
Motion made and seconded that the meeting adjourn. The meeting was adjourned
at 1 :35 a.m. .
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, Bobbie C, Henry, Secretar
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Mayor Edward . Stuart