HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1971-04-15 Regular ----------------- ------��'�v7
April 15, 1971
A Regu1ar Meeting of the Friends�ood City Council was held at the City Hall at
7:30 p,m. on April 15, .1971 , with, the following members present:
� Mayor: Edward F. Stuart
Councilmen: Ralph G. Gonzalez
Ronald G. Hamil
- , George F. Prude
Thomas F, Woods
Also present were Councilmen-elect Ralph Lowe and William Patton. With a
quorum present and James Mager absent, the following business was transacted:
Minutes of the April 1 , 1971 Meeting were approved as corrected, Correction
�.� under new business "Lights for the Baseball Diamonds" Item #3, page 3. Wording
� of question asked by Councilman Hamil should be "if the expenditure of this
'� money from the City Sales Tax for recreation could be used for other recreational
� activity?" Wording of the opinion of the Cit Attorne ,
�'� Y y Ody K. Jerden to read,
"that it would be legitimate for any recreational activity in that "Recreation
Center" is not clearly defined. " City Attorney Ody K. Jerden concurred with
Councilman Hamil 's interpretation.
Minutes of the April 8, 1971 Special Meeting were approved as written.
1 . An invitation to attend a luncheon commemorating the 100th Anniversary of
the National Weather Service, Galveston Office on Tuesday, April 20, 1971 .
� � The invitation also included the Historical Marker Dedication at 6 p.m. on
; Monday, April �19, 1971 , .
2. Counci1man Hamil reported in response to a request by Councilman Prude,
Betty Merchant has submitted a report and financial statement on the
"Family Riders Playday",
Mayor Stuart introduced Galveston County Judge Ray Holbrook who presided over �;`�'
the swearing in of the new councilmen. They were sworn in individually in the
, fol1owing order:
Ralph G. Gonzalez
Ralph L. Lowe
William B. Patton
Upon comple�tion of this, Judge Holbrook thanked the Council and congratulated
the Councilmen.
Mr. L. B. Cline presented the yearly salary checks in the amount of $1 .00 each
Mayor: Edward F; Stuart
. Councilmen: Ralph G. Gonzalez .
! � Rona.l:d� G: Ham�i 1 .
George F. Prude
Thomas� F, .Woods
James E. Mager - not present
Mayor Edward F.� Stuart presented plaques to Councilmen George F. Prude and Thomas
F. Woods in appreciation for dedicated services to the City of Friendswood City
Council . Counci7man Prude 1968 - 1971 . Councilman Woods 1967 - 1971 and as
Mayor Pro-tem 1970-1971 .
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Mayor Stuart read the following prayer.
Keep us, oh God, from all pettiness; Let us be large
in thought, in work, in deed; Let us be done with
faultfinding and leave off all selfseeking. May we
put away all pretense and meet each other face to
face without self pity and without prejudice. May
we never be hasty in judgement and always generous;
Let us take time for all things and make us to grow
calm, serene and gentle, Teach us to put into action�
out better impulse straight forward and unafraid.
Grant that we may realize that it is the little things
of life that create differences; That in the big
things of life we are as one,
And oh Lordg God, let us no� forget to be kind.
Recognition for the refreshments was given to Mrs. Edward Stuart, Mrs. Ralph
Gonzalez and Mrs. Ronald Fiamil .
Re: The Fm 518 Highway.
��When the Bond issue was passed in December of 1969, we had no knowledge of
the fact that Friendswood or LaMarque had a water line within the area of �
the proposed highway. We have been given cost figures for the cost of
moving this water line and repairing of the sewer lines in the City of �
Friendswood. We, likewise, need figures from other cities with the same
problems so that we may have the total picture and make an evaluation and
hopefully come up with a way to help these ci�ties pay these amounts.
Another solution would be to ask the Highway Department to move the
uti1ity lines - five feet to the North, in the case of Friendswood.
Re: Landfill ,
Nationa1 Disposal Co. is in operation in the extra-territorial jurisdic-
tion of the City of Hitchcock, They have a five year contract awarded
them by Galveston County. The County is encouraging all Cities to use this
National site. Judge Holbrook suggested that people go by and inspect the
Landfill . The County would like us not to authorize a landfill within the
City of Friendswood city limits because the success of this operation de-
pends on the quantity. He assured Friendswood that National Disposal Co.
is meeting a11 requirements.
The Right-Of-Way Department has contacted Galveston County, Norwood Homes
Drainage Qistrict, Harris County and Shell Employees. Commissioner Lawrence
said that he hoped that any day now this project would be complete. '
� '
Re: FIIGHWAY - Counci1man Patton. asked if all this money is committed to road
building? ($1 ,315,000,00) Judge Holbrook said that all figures should be
in before true figures can be stated.
Galveston County will send a communication to the April 28, 1971 meeting
o� the Galveston Mayors and Councilmen Association telling them the time
has come for the .figures to be turned in.
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April 15, 1971
Councilman Lowe asked Commissioner Jack Lawrence to agree to call a meeting
here in Friendswood if it needs to be done, to discuss the cost of the high-
With respect to Melody Lane, the total amount spent on that project is ?
$26,000 with $15,000 ta $18,000 in materials alone. Sunset will have rf��
partial topping. The numbering of Sunset and Melody Lane by the County
will be looked into,
� RE: LANDFILL - Councilman Hamil asked if the County had any plans for the use
- of an incinerator at the site of the landfill . Judge Holbrook said that he
knew of no present plans to use incineration with respect to the County
Landfi1l . '
Councilman Lowe suggested that the County put up a marker showing the lo-
cation of the landfill . He also asked if Friendswood could feel confident
that if we use the landfill site the Commissioners have put together for
us that we wi11 not have to worry about a dump being put into this area.
The County will have to have the assurance from the City of League City
�`r that they will use the landfill provided by the County. The County will not
� be issuing any more permits. Garbage cannot be moved across a county line
r"� unless the collector is contracted to an area on both sides of the county
� line. A Harris County Contractor may not use the Galveston County Landfill .
� Councilman Hamil asked if a one year contract would, be acceptable to the
County. He said he would hesitate to sign a five year contract binding the
City of Fri�ndswood for a five year period. Judge Holbrook said they would
certainly give it every consideration in Commissioner's Court._ Perhaps a
two year contract would be something that Council ought to consider.
1 , Po1ice Department - No report; Mitch Wright was at another meeting,
2. Street Department - No report.
3. Water & Sewage - Ken Toon reported that the fire hydrants on Melody 1� �'
� � Lane are all installed,
1 . RECREATION SURVEY - Miss Kathryn Delaune gave the figures from the
30% return of the questionaires. She recommended a graduate from the
Recreation & Parks Dept, , Mr,. Gregory Allen Hale, age 22. .years , for the �
position of Recreational Director. Both she and Councilman fiamil �y �'
praised him highly and recommended that the City Council take immediate
action in hiring this man.
The Citizens of Friendswood should get their forms in .to Miss Delaune
� by Friday, April 23, 1971 . The inventory of facilities should be com-
pleted by Miss Delaune by July 31 , 1971 and then she will present them
to the City Council . ,
Miss Delaune talked for some time answering questions from the audience
and then from the Council , Mayor Stuart related facts the City
Secretary found by polling the surrounding small cities. League City
is the only City that will , with the initiation of their new"facilities ,
be employing a paid, full�time Recreation Director.
Councilman Gonzalez said that a better investment at this time would be
to improve the recreation areas. we have now..
Councilman Patton said he would be in favor of any recreation program
that WE CAN AFFORD. Possible hire of a part-time director.
MOTION: (Gonzalez) We table this issue.
Motion died for lack of a second.
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MOTION: (Lowe) That the position of a Recreation Director not be filled at this
SECQND: (Gonzalez)
VOTE: For: Patton, Gonzalez, Lowe, Opposed: Hamil
Mayor Stuart thanked Miss Delaune for, coming and told her that we will be looking
forward to the rest of her survey and report.
� •,
,��'` Following are bids submitted by four suppliers:
� Utility Supply (3" PVC) $6773.15 (3" a/c) $6856.95
Jones Supply Co. Inc. $7084.94
Southeastern Utility Supply Co. $7109,62
Municipal Pipe (without fire hydrants) $6803,55
Ken Toon, Water & Sewer Superintendent recommended that the City use
3 PUC - soi1 condition has caused the 3" a/c to break in the past.
MOTION: (Gonzalez) That we award the contract for materials for Sunset water
line to Utility Supply for their bid of $6773,15 (3" PUC) .
SECOND: (Patton)
VOTE: Unanimous
3.. ' City Attorney Ody' K;, Jerden` recorhmended that the. City issue a joint
� check payable to Julius E, Bennett and Universal Waste Disposal and
that it would be adequate to withhold $500.00 from payment for legal
expenses, This check should be sent to Attorney Ody K. Jerden to
. dispurse at the proper time. The contract still in effect until March
19, 1971 with Universal .
MOTION: (Lowe) That a joint check for $9,000 less $500 be disbursed to Univer-
sal Waste Control and Julius E. Bennett,
SECOND, (Hamil ) '
AMMENDMENT TO THE Ni0TI0N: (Lowe� To read the amount to be paid Universal
Waste Control and Julius E. Bennett be the amount collected to date
less the $500,
VOTE: Unanimous,
NOTE: � On April 16, 1971 a check in the amount of $9,687.75 was made out to
Universa1 Disposal Co. and Julius E. Bennett, and mailed to Attorney
Ody K. Jerdeh. (Later re�-written in the amount of $9, 187.75) .
Mayor Stuart announced the differeht departments that the Councilmen are
assigned. '
WATER AND SEWER DEPARTMENT Councilman William Q, Patton
FINANCE QEPARTMENT Councilman James E. P1ager
��, Mr. Charles 0, Mil.ls, Manager, of the Commercial Office for Community Public
`f' Service Company in Dickinson addressed the City Council regarding a request for
a raise in the rates for services in the City of 'Friendswood. Mr. Mills read his
introduction to the proposed rate increase request,
The minimum wou1d go from $1 ,00 to $1 .50, The increase would only be in the
lower steps. He offered a winter rate over 700 kwh which would be 1� per kwh
instead of 1-1/2� rate in effect now. He stated that less than 3% of Friends�
wood residents use less than 500 kwh.
Community Puk�lic Service Co. is asking for an increased rate of 7%, The State
Law says 8% is the limit, or maximum.
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" April 15, 1971
Councilman Lowe stated that within the SPECIAL PROJECTS to which he was named
to look into he would be glad to get the Mayors and Councilmen of the other
cities affected by this rate increase request and discuss jointly with Mr. Mills
the application of his request, He would require of Mr. Mills Company figures
for the past five years showing reasons for the need in a rate increase; also,
figures afforded him by Houston Lighting and Power Co. pertaining to their in-
crease in cost of electricity to Community Public Service Co.
Attorney Ody K. Jerden will look up original Franchise Ordinance and relate to
City Council by the next workshop whether or not rate is included.
� No actian taken at this Meeting.
Councilman I-lamil suggested that letters be written to the owners of house
trailers that were allowed to remain on lots with permission from the City after
the Zoning Ordinance went into affect reminding them that they must reapply for '
a permit or "relocate" which ever the minutes of that meeting reflect. Mr. L,B.
Cline was asked to research the minutes regarding this.
Councilman Hamil also asked that Ody Jerden write the Council a letter regarding
unlicensed cars parked illegally.
� Counci1man Patton received a letter from the U. S. Army Engineer District, ,
� Galveston Corps of Engineers regulating the discharge of any substance into tj� '
� navigable waters and their tributaries. Permits are required for existing and
� future discharges. Applications must be filed by July l , 1971 for existing
discharges, and 120 days before new discharges can be started. The City needs
to inquire as to interpretation and ascertain whether or not the City has to
file. Applications for the Texas Coastal area can be obtained from the U. S.
Army Engine�r District, Galveston, P.O. Box 1229, Galveston, Texas 77550 where
the permit applications will be received and processed.
MOTION: (Gonzalez} That the City Council and Mayor endorse the proposed
C�nstitutional Amendment currently designated as Senate Joint Resolution
� #49 to Article III, Section 19 of the State of Texas and that by letter the
! City convey it's endorsement and urge it's approval to the State Senate and
_ Legislature and that this letter be addressed to our State Senator, our
Legislative Representatives, the Galveston County Commissioner's Court, the
Galveston Council and Mayors Association, the Chairmen of the Senate and
Legislative Constitutional Committees, and the Lt. Governor's Office. This
proposed amendment would allow City Councilmen to run for the State Legis-
lature providing they resign their council post.
SECOND: (Lowe)
VOTE: Unanimous
�MOTION: (Fiami1 ) That the City Council approve payment of G&A Warrants 859
' th.rough 861 , 880, 883 through 950; Utilit Warrants 5
y 50 throu h
. 9
572, Construction Warrants 122 & 123.
SECOND: (Lowe)
VOTE: Unanimous
Motion made and seconded that the meeting adjourn. The meeting was adjourned,
� c..-� � ���-�.�
: Bob ie C, Henry, Secretary to e Council
- by Monica Pickard, Acting Se etary
,,. ________�
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Mayor E war F. Stuart