HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1971-04-01 Regular --- -- - ����t M�NUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF TFIE FRI�NDSW00D CITY COUNCIL April 1 � 1971 ' A Regu1ar Meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held at the City Hall at 7u30 p.m, on April ln w9th the following members present: Mayor Edward F. Stuart Councilmen: Ronald G, Hami] Thomas F, Woods --- George F. Prude Ralph G. Gonzalez James E� Mager With a quorum present.and none absent, the following business was transactedb READTNG AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES � Minutes of the Regular Meeting of March 25 - approved as written (Unapproved I E� version revised before presentation for approval ) G� *'i ANNOUNCEMQNTS AND COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOR � `� 1 . Communit Dru Advisor and Coordinatin Committee - Notice of a meeting � to be eld on Monday� April 12� 1971 � at a30 p,m, at the Mental Health- Menta1 Retardation Center;, 103 Ross Avenue, La Marque. Subjects to be discussed: Hot Line; Drug Inter.vention Centers; Educational ' Teams. 2. New HUD Park and Open Space Fundin� Proqram has been announced. 3. Dedication of the Herita e House wi71 be he7d on Saturday, April 3, at 10 a.m. ' 4. Texas Water ual�t Board has commended the City on their compliance ,�� � • to� date on B�a�"r'd'�•�'Or�der 69-9A� and rem7 nds us that any modi fi cation of ��,,. � domestic sewage treatment plants must be reviewed and approved by the `� Texas Depar�tment of Health. PETITIONS & COMMUNICATIONS 1 , Mr. E, L. Pavelka� Village Green Civic Club, appeared before Council „ to�request that the water main which currently dead-ends near the intersec�ion of Winding Road and Melody Lane be connected into a "loop" by connecting the existing line to the new 7ine being installed along Melody Lane. 2, Mrs . Thomas J. Nelson� 519 Brandywine� voiced an objection to the use of utility poles for advertising within the City. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1 . City Attorney Ody Jerden presented an "Animal Control Ordinance" in 7ieu ,�i#�� of. an amended "Dog Ordinance" for Council 's consideration. �This item w911 be handled at Workshop. . 2, Revision of Garba e Contract for New Bids � MOTIONw (Prude) That .Council ask the City ,Attorney to proceed with a new � garbage contract to be brought .in at the earliest possible time, at _ which time the City can go out far bids on a new contract. Second: Hami7N Vote: Unanimous . . . . . 3. Payment to Interim��;arbage Collector - The time and manner of payment to the interim garbage collector. was discussed. The City Attvrney and the attorney for the collector retired to draw up an interim agreement for Council approval . ;, , •�r`�`� ------- ------------- - 4. The Mayor announced that valunteers for the:Board .of Adjustment (Zoning) and for �he Drug Abuse Committee are now in order, and these appointments will be discussed at.the next Workshop, DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS - � 1 , Health & Safet : Counci7man Prude; stated that he felt barricades should be p7aced around the ditch at the park to protect drivers turning into the park, 2. Water & Sewer - Counailman .Woods requested that cost figures. be requested from t e City Engineer for the water line as requested by the Village Green Civic Club earlier 7n ,the meeti.ng, ��a Bids for Water Line on Sunset - Four bids for labor to. install a water rl�� line on Sunset have een received and were tabulated as followsw . Mora Construction Company $5�850�30 Bost Ditching 4�9-0.25 Ben Felts 5,033,74 � ' Mainland Construction 7�153,30 Mr. L, B. Cline stated that a bond requirement for the work done outside the City was not included with the bid requests� but that each bidder had been .informed by .phone and .given opportunity to submit such a bond. MOTION� ,(Woods) To refer bids to the .Attorney and Engineer for tabulation and examination of bondA ,and return to Counci7 for awarding of the bid, Second: Gortzalez� Vote. -Unanimous . MOTI4Nw (Woods) That .a special session be called to award the contract next Thursday night. Seconda Hamil � Vote: Unanimous Mayor Stuart announced that at this same Special Session, bids would be � opene� ;for materials for the wate w line, , 3. Streets & Draina e - Councilman Hamil said that in talking to Ed Zeitler it seems that the Library Baard purchases out of .the $10A000 as discussed at last Council Meeting would leave $1 ,500 to $1 �700 of the total � which prompted him to. make the following motion: MOTION: (Ham71 ) Sueprseding the motion of March l8� move to al7ocate 2a000 for the parking lot tie-in 7nstead of tile for the front of the Library. Second� Woods. In the �nsuing discussion, Councilman Mager suggested an alternate of using this money for installatiqn of ball park lights. The idea was rejected. Vote (on above .motion): Unaaimous ,,,3 Annual Street Pro ram .- The streets to be included in the street program for t e current year� in their, order of priority� as discussed at last work- ���°� shop, were� Devil 's Dip $2,700 Mary Ann 1 �000 Prairiewild 3,300 Laurel ' 3,200 Stadium 7�020 ' MOTION: (Gonzalez) That the stree.t program be adopted as presented, I Second� Prude; VoteW Unanimous NEW BUSINESS l . Advertisin on Utilit Poles MOTION: (Gonza1ez) The Ci�y Secretary be instructed to inform as many of t e people as can be reached who .are related to the signs that the Counci1 respectfully request that they give consideration to removal of such existing signs as they have on the street to the end of improving the looks —— --- --- ------ ��� of the street and to�, remove the carnival air in view of the historical event coming up this Saturday. Second: Woods; Vote� FOR (4) Gonzalez� Prude� WoodsA Mager AGAINST (1) Hamil Counci7man Hamil stated "I feel that we are acting on the basis of one complain�; that this is a hasty decision." � , 2. Ridin Arena Jud e's Stand - At workshop on March 25, permission was requested � to erec� a judge's stand at the end of the riding arena in the City Park. MOTIONM (Hami1) That Council approve construction of the judge's stand at the arena as discussed last week. ' Second� Prude� Votea Unanimous 3, Li�hts for the Baseball Diamonds - Request has been made for assistance � � from the City for installation of lights for. the ball park. The City Attorney was asked if� in his opinion� this would be a legitimate expenditure of funds for "recreati�n center.'' He stated that it is, ��' Benny Baker of the Basebal7 Association stated that no conflict exists � so far as they are concerned to the relation between the Baseball Associa- `"i tion and the Recreat�on Center. � `� MOTION� � � (Mager) That the City allocate $1900. out of the Recreation Center ��udget towards the cost,of insta�ling 7ights on the ball diamond at the City Park. Second� Woods� Vote: Unanimous Councilman Hamil asked Mru Baker� as representative of the Baseball .Associa- tion� if the twelve requests made 7ast year have been fulfilled with the exception of plowing of Field No. 4 and settiag of.some tile. Also� Field No. 1 and No. 2 to be graded again after the next rain, Mr. Baker i s�ated that there is nothing more that they are waiting on the City to do, ' WARRANTS , MOTIONa (Mager) To approve.G&A Warr.ant .#878 as corrected� and Construction Fund Warrant #127 . Second� Woods; Uote� Unanimous AGREEMENT WITH GARBAGE COLLECTOR - The attorneys .returned with an agreement stating �that the interim col ector is to be .paid on the first and the sixteenth of each montfi an amount of $2250; either party wi71 have the right to terminate the contract upon 15 days prior. noti.ce; any money collected within one year after termination of the contract in excess of money paid to Mr, Bennett� earned during the time of his in'terim agreement, will be paid to him. MQTION: (Weods) That the Mayor be authorized to sign this agreement for Council . Second� Prude;, Votea Unanimous ADJOURNMENT - Motion made and seconded that the meeting adjourn. The meeting was adjourned, ' -�.- � �:1 Bobbie C. Henry, Secretary to the Council . APPROVEQ° ! ��`/ _ ., �2�N�-y"'�., c��,�_.� Mayor ward F. Stuart