HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1971-03-18 Regular —_ - -- :6r eJ= A..: MTNUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL March 18„ 1971 A Regular Meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held on March 18a 1g71 at 7:30 p,m, in the Friendswood City Hall with the following members present: Mayor Edward F. Stuart Councilmen: Thomas Woods � ` j � Ronald Hamil , . � . Ralph Gonzalez --.-. George Prude James Mager With a quorum present� .and none absent,. the fol7owing business was transacted: READING AND APPROUAL OF MINUTES 1 . MOTTONr (Gonzalez) To approve the M7nutes of a Regu]ar Meeting of March 4 as presented, �� Second� Woods; Vote. Unanimous. ' C� I � 2. MOTION: (Hamil) To approve .Minutes of Special Meeting of March lly as � presented, � Second„ Prude; VoteA Unanimous . ANNOUNCEMENTS & COMMIJNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOR 1 . Mayor Stuart announced that as in the past a caoperation policy is in practice whereby candidates for office wi11 have. full cooperation from C�ty Hall in obtaining information regarding City affairs. 2. Harris County Boy.s Home - Construct.ion on a new building at the ,location on Clear Lake will' begin soon. I � 3, The Mayor has issued a r.oclamation� decla ' P ring March as DECA MONTH in honor - - � of the Distributive Education students from Friendswood High .School . 4, A letter has been received from a group of Cub Scounts thanking Ma or Stuart for tak' y in g them on a tour of .City Hall , 5, In it v ation has been received from the Heritage Gardeners to the dedication of the Garden Center and Museum of Friendswood at 10:00 a.m. April 3, � 6. The Gulf Coast Authority wi17 be co-sponsoring a project this summer on Earth Awareness, This project will be of interest to. C]ear Creek permit holders and wi71 be explained at a meeting on March 23 at 7�00 p.m, at the Harris County Par.k Bui7ding on NASA Road la across from Boys Home. PETITIONS & COMMUNICATIONS 1 . Mr, Merchant presented a proposal to hold .an event in the Riding Arena for ,Friendswood Family Riders in which an entry fee would be charged and hequested permission from the Council tfi�t proceeds above cost of the event go into the arena funds for. use in improvement of the arena. MOTIONb (Gonzalez) That Council approve this request, Second: 'Hami] ; Vote; Unanimous � . , - � � Counci]man Prude requested that a report of funds be submitted by the I Arena Group for Council 's information. 2. Resolution - Environmental - Councilman Gonzalez introduced a resolution which wou� encourage citizens to. guar.d against pollution in tfie area by the use of low-detergent �leaning products. An attachment to the resolution� which was made a part of same� listed and graded a number of detergents as ta their phosphate content, MOTION; (Gonzalez) That this resolution be adopted, and that a copy be mailed to each name on the City's mailing list. Second� Woods� Vote� Unanimous x � -- ---------------------------------- -- � , 3. Voter Re istration Lists for� Candidates MOTIONs �(Gonzalez) That the City Secretary be �nstructed to furnish a copy of the voter registration 7ist to candidates for office upon request, Second� Prude; Vote: FOR (2) Gonzalez, Prude; AGAINST (3) Hamil , Magera ' Woods, UNFINISHED BUSTNESS �4�. �>� � 1 . Librar Purchases - Mr, Ed Zeitler pr.esented a 7ist of items for the library and requested permission to purchase these from the $1Ox000 � recently rece�ved from Galves.ton County Cammissioner's. Cvurt. ; Mayor Stuart proposed tha� a portion of this money be used .to. pave the driveway between the library and City Hall , and to put in tile and cover the di�tches at the front of the library, at a total cost of approximately $3�000. MOTIONo (Woods) To aCcept the.recommendation of the Library Boarda to grant � their request� and to authorize them to��proceed with purchases as outlined in their letter of March 16, Second: Gonzalez. In the discussion that followed� Counci ]man Mager voiced his -opinion that the $10�000 payment. from the County was. a. follow through on their pledge to the City of Friendswood. of money' in the� amount of _$12,500 toward the construction .of the libr.ary=..and that the .recently received check should go in to the genera] fund 'of �the' Gity ��as�a reimbursement to the-Gity for monies already spen�: Mr. Ralph Lowe stated that Judqe Holbr.00k needed a 1 etter from..the Ci ty .rel eas i ng the Cor�m:a.�,�fi on.er'�s-:C'�urt fr.om the obligation..of the $2,500 which was pledged� along with the $10,000 at the time of the or.iginal : commitment: Vote� on the Motion: FOR .(4) Hamil � Prude, Gonzalez, Woods; .AGAINST (1 ) Mager 4�� 2, Contract for Out-Patient Medical : Services for the Count Communit Health � Clinics - Contract w.ith the University of Texas Me�ical Branch an Ga1veston County-�Mainland Cit7es Health Department. MOTTON: (Hamil ) That the contract be approved Second: Woodsp Vote: .Unanimous 3. Di tches at l.i brar. MOTION: (Hamil ) That firm prices be submitted by the Library Board as soon as possible for. the items approved, and that. any surplus funds over the cost of these items be used for drain ti7e and for covering the ditches around �t he 1ibrar Y. . Second„ Woods; Vote: FOR 4 Hamil Pr ( ude ) Gonzalez : , Wood • , s AGAINSTa Mager � �1 ) �` 4. Galveston Count Landfill Contract ���, 3 � MOTION: (H�mil) That Council return the contract to the County stating t a� riendswood��an no�: accep� �a five �year contract since we do not .now know what the situation.wi71 `be for land fi17s in five years; and further that the contract as .presented can..not b� imposed upon our present contractar without renegot�iation, even' �hough it is the intent o� the Council to encourage our hauler to use this County facility. The City would consider a. similar .contr.act with the County on a one-year renewal basis. Second� Gonza7ez� Vote: lJnanimous�. �. 5; Garba e Contract Status - Attorneys for�. the City gave a brief review of t e court action between Universal . and Mr: Bennett; it was noted that the bond has st�ll not been delivered; Mr, Bennett's 7awyer reported that their problems had been resolved� the suit wou7d be dismissed the next day� ' and that a new contract between the contractor and the stab-contractor has been negotiated. Counci1man Prude proposed that if� at the end of this meeting tonight Mr. Perkins has not de]ivered the bond� that Counci�] take action on the contract, Council agreed to this proposal . ----- -- --------_..,.__ ,—� .6�.�t)�`, DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS Finance� C.ouncilman Mager presented. copies Qf the revised budget showing � `,� , items :clarified by the auditor. in her -r..e port, a n d s h o w i n g .b u d'g e t a djus t- men�s to date. The revised .budget also shows the break-down to each department of insurance�. bonds� payroll� ta�es, and group insurance, Councilman Mager point�d out that the Budget Adjustment figure .is down . to ap,proximately .$17�OOO .and tha� any .additiona7 ad�ustments from this fund should be made with caution in anticipa'tion of�emergencies which may , ; rarise before .other funds are avai7able. for. use. i ; � -- Right=of-way funds for Melody Lane ($3�000) set out in 1970 budget was not used because of the delay in acquiring. this right-of-way. Councilman � Mager requested that this amount be approved as a "carry-over" in the � Street Department' s R,O,W, budget for this year, � MOTION: (Mager) That the Street° Department buc�get be adjusted in the R,O.W. area by $3�000 to cover Melody Lane, Second� Woods; Vote„ Unanimous (Councilman Hamil did not vote on the motion, being absent from the room at the time of vote) �� � MOTION; (Mager) Tha� Council approve the revised budget as presented, i ''"'� Second: Woods� Vote: Unanimous Aa � MOTION� (Mager) That the General Office be authorized to enter into a lease-purchase agreement for an IBM Selectric Typewriter in viEw of the additiona1 clerk-typist in the office, and lack of funds in the present budget for additional equipment, Second� Woods; Vote: Unanimous MOTION; (Mager) That the proposal for a new method of handling warrantsa as presented by the Secretary at workshop, be approved, Second: Woods i � � Tn the discussion which followed� several questions arose with regard ' to the plan. As a result it was decided that the matter should be ��-- studied further before makin� a decision. MOTION: (Mager) That this item be tabled until next workshop Secon � Prude; Vote: Unanimous He.alth & Safet - Councilman Prude called attention to the incorrectness of an item in the Friendswood News this week with regard to the garbage contract, ��, � Fire & Police - Counci7man Gonzalez reported that the Fi,re Department has ° received their license for a new radio band KRZ-87n as discussed recently with Counc'ila and requested that they be_ allowed to place the antenna on the water tower. $200 was requested for installation cost, The Fire Department representative stated that the total cost of $1800 for a base station and antenna installation could be taken care of from the present budge.ted figure with no additional funds� by deletion of some of the approved items. MOTION: (Gonzalez) Taht the Fire Department be authorized to proceed with procurement of the bay station and antenna, ' Second4 Woods; Vote: FOR (4) Gonzalez� Woodsp Hami] � Prude; AGAINST (1 ) Mager, � � Police De artment Monthl Re ort has been presented for review. Crossin�_Guard Meeti'n�c - Councilman .Gonzalez gave a brief report of the '' �� meetings e�tween City and School officials and the agreement regarding the question of payment.to crossing guards; also tbe question of adequate fire protection which will be resalved by a line 7aid jointly which will serve �the school purposes and also would open the way for a loop line for the City for future fire protection for the area outside the school , -_.__.�_-- � - -- � 0 --- Health & Safet,� - Mrs. David McCraw requested that the City, in considerin a '�Spar[cle Up"; month, also consider a city.-sponsored .drive f�r col�Zectgon of 7tems for, sale to recycling plan,ts. These items might ..include glass containers�� a7uminum� ,and newspapers; Containers might be placed at po.ints thrpughout the City for col.lection of these materials. Councilman Prude will review the request an.d make recommendation to Council . � Water & Sewer De artment - Water line from Castlewood �to S readin Oaks - < �� '�'�T�ii s i tem� a -1 i ne ,i tem i n •the 1971� Water Department Budget, i s t e next project in line by .the Water ,Department� and Sup�rintendent Toon requested ratification and permission to go out for bids on material � and 1ab.or on the job which� he says� will exceed the $8�300 budgeted. MOTION: (Woods) To approve request for bids on this job. Secon � Hamily Vote. Unanimous .� ; . . Extension of Sewer. Line from uaker�'s Landin No. 2 across Clearview and placement of a man ole at t at paint as been comp7eted as discussed at workshop at a total cost of $325,00, ; A_Monitorin Unit for the City's water suppl� is a line item in the 1971 budget� inquir�es have been made and proposals received for this system. Approval was given to ta,ke firm bids on this work. RECESS - Councilman Gonzalez proposed a ten minute recess. Th.e recess was ca71ed by the Mayor, Streets & Draina e , Baseball fiield li hts - Mr. Bennie Baker requested that the City give , financial assistance to the Baseball Association on installation of light po1es for 7igh.ts, He was .told that, th,e City would be unable to furnish any funds for this �project at this time, i NEW BUS�INESS. � Councilman Gonzalez made an announcement that the Chamber of Commerce recently elected new officers, that the ,new president wants to coordinate with City activities.� an,d that he has r.equested that a committee be appointed to meet � with the Chamber in a coordinated effort for the best interest of the City as a whole. He invited the president� Mr. Lee Linson� to speak to the Council . ORDINANCES - Ordinance No. 105-A-E (Emergency. Revision to- Dog Ordinance) r�� This ordinance� initiated on January 21 as an emergency� was re-enacted for anather 60-day period to allow time for completion of a new dog , ordinance to be passed, MOTION; •(Gonzalez) For adoption of Ordinance No, 105-A-E as emergency, Second: Prude; Vote� 4 FOR (Mager� Woods� Gonzalez�_ Prude) , , 1 AGAINST (Hamil ) • WARRANTS ' MOTION: (Mager) That Council approve G&A Warrants 790; 792 through 802; 804 through 822; 824 through 841 ; 843 through 857� and M&0 Warrants 508 through 525. Second: Prude;, Vote: Unanimous t GARBAGE CONTRACT - A reso.lution was presented by the City Attorney for Council 's apprava if t e wished to cancel the garbage contract. � MOTION: .(Gonzalez) That Council adopt the Resolution as presented by the Attorney. Second: Prude; Vote� Unanimous Mayor Stuart stated that he Goncurred with� this action. —----- -------- ----- -----— - ---�4�� MOTION: (Prude) To direct the City, Secretary to act as he sees necessary � to provide the City with interim garbage service unti7 a new contract can be consummated, Second: Hamil� Vote; Unanimous ADJOURNMENT Motion made and seconded that the meeting adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 12�50 a.m. � _ _ ��'-���--�-e � -�ticr Bobbie C, Henry� Secretary t the Counc 1 APPROV � . I `. �.�� ,� -, E war , Stuart� ayor �V 4V 1"'� � � � � r f �