HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1971-03-11 Special ---------- _----------------- ------ ---------------- ,�- ��:t�� MINUTES OF A SPECIAL .MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL March 11 , 197] In accordance with action tak�n at a Regular Meeting on March 4, and notice posted on March 8, 1971A a Specia] Meeting of the� Friendswood City Council was held in the City Hall on Thursday, .March 11 , at 7:30 p.m, for the specific purpose of considering .the .status of the garbage .col.lection contract with , Universal Waste Control Systems. In the absence of Mayor Edward Stuart, Mayor Pro-Tem Thomas Woods presided, Present were: - Mayor Pro-Tem Thomas Woods V Counci7men4 Ralph Gonzalez . George Prude James Mager Ronald Hamil A1so present were Mr. Helmut Erwin% sitting in for City Attorney Ody Jerden, Mr. Jim Brazendine, attorney for Univers�l � and Mr, Perkins and Mr, Kuhlman af Universal , �V, � With a quorum present, and Mayor Stuart absent, the business of the meeting � was transacted as follows< C� � Mr. Brazendine presented these facts to:Council: 1 . A hearing is to be held in District Court, Galveston� Monday, March 15� on Case No, 108�968, Julius E, Benn�tt vs. Universal Waste Controls Systems. 2. Universal is now in possession of a performance bond in compliance with terms of the contract with the City, but will not release bond to the City until after the hearing Monday, (The Mayor Pro-Tem requested that a copy of this bond become a part of these minutes, See attachment) 3. Two checks issued by the City were deposited by Mr. Bennett in the Friendswood. Bank� and the account ahs had checks drawn on it. If the _ City wi71 reissue these two checks to Universal through the bank, the bank wi71 make up the deficit and give Universa7 the full amount of the checks. 4. Universal intends to continue serving Friendswood with garbage service. � �' 5. If the hearing goes right for Universal Monday, they will deliver the band to the City. Mr, Erwin advised the Council that "refusal" to turn over the bond to the City constituted a firm violation of the contract� whereas the "intent to furnish the bond" was not; that if no action is taken in case of the refusal � it would indicate that the City wil- not enforce this por.tion of the contract. Mayor Pro-Tem Woods asked if a de7ay of a few days for a decision would constitute acceptance of the "refusal ," The answer was that a matter of two weeks would not make a difference. Mr, Erwin then advised Council to.withhold � decision whether or not to cancel the contract until he could confer with Mr. Jerden� who is out of � town. He stated that he would have a written opinion to the Council by 4 p,m, MondayA March 15. ' MOTION: (Hamil ) That Council ask for a written opinion from the City Attorney _ concerning the termination of the garbage contract based on refusa] of Universal Waste Control to provide a performance bond, - Seconda Mager AMENDMENT TO MOTION: (Prude) To include a suspense date of Monday, March 15� at 4 p.m, Second� Gonzalez; Vote on :Amendmento Unanimous VOTE ON ORIGINAL MOTION�:AS;��AMENDEDa Unanimous The on7y other business was to ascertain that there were present in the meeting two people who would be ready to pick up the I�arbage for the City on a month7y basis if the present service is discontinued. - --- ------ ----- ------ ��„p. ------ ��� ---------- --- — ------ — ---- MOTI.ON: (Prude) That the meeting adjourn Second: Mager; Vote; Unanimous The meeting was adjourned. e S�;L�ivG o bie C. Henry� Secretary t e ., APPROVEq: Counci7 ' Ma or Pro-tem Tho Y mas Woods �`t�`' �r�,�An71µ,.rrn�'S�L „*vr� xn�''iS�'�^ �."��",�dlG.�� .�;dF�SFr'S�;m�45��5.... _ - --- -- - - -- -�. � �'�; �'� :t � � i i, d 1. � ��""��'8 "`- �-,r �2, � '_, � ,i , l�,:i . � _ ' , . , ' �lSs�S'�*� � .� � .� � � . . ' " ,' '�� . , .. r �az�mT"c�W""y�t �� D�l�.C� ' , �' ��-�-���,��`}. N o : �2 3 , �J " 4 3 4 g � y Y����F�,�1f . � � . . �L 41l1�uL4� �.7L1L16-Ol/ ���� �'�1 ���5� ` • � . ' . � I " .. , . � I �_ � 1 ��y��I����� ���� . .. ,. , , ' , ' a . r�+'"'�'{�.!"��J�flya`q�SY"; �, , . � , . ,g ��������,������i�'�,�a ' � - . . r � � � t •s.�1`r+'94�rd�sttalt(t�mgrmig n, - , „ � � ��'$'D�l�i[��P, r' � � �; � . � �ar�R��h,�4e,��; ' C 0 N T Tt A C T B 0 N A � � � .� , s ���� . , � � :..,. ,. ;;:.. ' „ :,, . , '" t , ,. ., ., ' i♦. :. ,. �`..r`..i=`, , ; ' ,; � � r�.�OW �I.T. �S�N BY Ti�,E5�±: FR�SE�tTS tt�at w�+, BEl�NE2T. iZEF1,7SE , - � �; . _. v,�. � , ,:, ;, , , t � : , � ; ; r , )lf' . ' . ' ' ' , Y, i � sa',�.�,1.�,C�T,��`l+a y ��tC •'' DBAs' �U�7IVERSAL, l�I�STF CQI�TROL SYS�.'��M� as �'rtnd:C��1., ; '���- , � i ,; , � . ,t� � � ,;J' � sa.��r,�`;::;{��Li�;'G.r.e��:�: �inR��:eatk, Tnsura.nce Company, a corpor�.tion qrg���_"z�d `. . •. .: .� .; :,. , , � :�x'��.i�;ci- '•t�:�i�,�', 1:�;ws af '/�t�Q S�a�e af New Y.ork and dulg auL-horizac�';,>,�;a�,,, � i ; � .., �, ,. . � t,.�r.r�i��act� ��ti�i.nes; :�n ��ie Statc of T,exas. as Surety; are helcl �:n.cl i ��r:.�. ,. , � �� �. � � �� � � �� . . . --� ., � , �,; �9 ;�:��.:�`'�•.i�,�'��;y;; kiquri�. itzito TIiT� CITY �I' FItI�NDSi,d00D , TEXAS �as Ob1�.ga�e , ' ;�". ' ' ,:,; `:'.�.,`'> :,r ( , . , ,,.,, . , • ;', :;: -,.,::i:.. � . � '. ' z�ix�R.i:kt!� ���,u�n� rif .TWE.N`rY 'I'TiOUSA.ND A,ND NO/_1�Q ----�-_r,�_�..��ar_ _ Y�. . x" -�: ,. - 17C7:x�]�.�It;��:. ���iZU ;OOQ) , £or i:Yie payznent wher.ec�f we11 and t,ruly Lo b.e , , ,,;�����cl�,; .`�:h�" .I'rincipal and. the Surety bin� themse:Lves ; their .h�i.rs , . � �. . .. , : , . ;administxators su.ce�ssors and a�si ns . F , : �. . �..��.�. .,��,�:'�`u.P.:t���'� , r , , , . � g , . �ointly �n.�l v . . , , � . • ' � � � •°�cav����;1.y ," ��.r.m7:y by thesE presents . �' ,:� � `��:GIQE�D , . se�.led , and dated this 3rd day of .March, �:97�., °, ��„ �:;t�._;<� . , � „ � �, '.';.,:;,�.� , • . , `,��..� : .,, `. W�3Ia:It�A5 tii.e Pr:tn.cipal and l:he Ob7.i.ge� h�ve entere.d �.r.itc� � . ;::.. ; ,� �.. . , , � ��. , �. . ;'<..,�_'� , �,a����::ts�t;�l:������'�� �'c,c��t�r�.�t�, � Y�ereir��.�te�- ca�1.J.ed � the Contract a co � � � , , , , � k�Y d�" �,rh:�ci�z ,; • �'� , � . � , � ' j� ' ;. .'��'�: `p,r.� 'niay be �����.lied hsreLo , d�.tad the, Fi.rst iiay af Sep_fi�znb�r , .1.910 � ;.�.... , ::,�,, . . � ' . , "�,fi:..�a`J„�`'';'�r�'4', �ollectio,n ancl disposal. o£ garbage o�.. o�f ' ;i?:;,, 4�.1 w�.th.in,.Ttte .t;a_C}r, {r ;,,.;�:,....::<,�.;;";::°;:.: ::. '.�`:,� �,.:; , I . ��i' f�x i'cs�d�w'c�od ,.Car, t�l�e period commen�in`g September ; 1 , .197Q �.x�d �xacli�Zti; �' •�, ',43�'��;;r�ia,ia��r±: ;C.�, a:9 7 7. ; a n d , k � ' • , ;,, , � ,. , - . . ..,,.-:.; ; ....,, ,. ,.. .. � ��.. ,. , , � . . � ' ` ,C�lI�T�ZtE.AS , �;said contrac� px�vides foz continua��,nn �f. ::GI�e . ` "� ��. , ., ` { p . . , • ;.cr'3n.x:.r.�z�,c'� f;c�x addi:`tinnal one ye"ar pe�riods commencing an. �tanuax� I. at�.r� ,., � �.. , :;,�„'. �.,�.:;, .. .� ., � , �. � � � , �p �*tx.i�:i�zi� �r,n.���DecemT�er. 31; a.n� � � �. , � , � � - . . , , '.�.',�:.: WII�REAS a conctitio�i p�recedent to said contr,ac� r�qu:%.re�, �, ". � . . � • .t;;�i:i�`�:"�cori�x�.�ctc�'� to furnish bond to the City of Z�riend.swood ix�� �:1xe :. �.;. - -;,..�._ . , : � ... ... _1;.: .,. , , �, , : � ,.; ; ,. . . ,.... . - . . . .. �; . ;�, . ��t��i.��.a.a�ti:;' b•:� :,.,$ 2Q, U00 t� �g�.��.r�,rit�e Perform.ance oE �aid. caner.ac� ; ', -:. �:. � ;;,` � � . "�,";°,.'. D1�OW,.' 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H o��,: ,� P Y PP _ , l�nowzi . a,; � , .. � ` °rii';�i�i�4�ru:�be;;t(i�''per�on whose riame is subscribed'to the wi�;hin instrument as ehe Attorney-in.-Fac�o� the Gxe6iC , :,: 't:.'`�'� . � ��f,naR.,!°�Cwn;;Irisu,Canc���Company, a,nd acknawl.edged to me that he subscribed,thP name oE che Gxeat=�mexzc�ra In- , :;wRj„ ,,,i��;ir.,i��,'• ..,a�a�a:t��:^° -. , ,�,....,.�,. .. :�iirrait'r`:�`,C:�o�n�ia�ti ; tfz�reto"�.n.d�h�"s owh�name ��s Aetorne -in-I'act. ' . „�... ,.�',•��,. Y ,,: . . ,. ,� „ '1:;'R��". :F� �',:��,1�/ �,�..�• ^y,..�• `,.'�„'� t.. 1'�n'-.;� �.'��� � .. ! � . . . k �� �� ,;� . 4; �.� - r�.�, � � Jk f ,� ;r�, � };, r� � ._ ,. ,. , �✓�� y' �� �J/ � ���3.;. T:�.� , , „ , _ t�`!., , -� - -��, . . ."���,: ..�.; .. . . �.;'� � �'�,::<�� � Notary Pzebl�c�#n asa Jor s.ai zate�.,� � � ��.�:�'���;';�,' � ,`:4,;;�+: :.;.� , , t , .� � � � � , , . ... ':�..�.;+`^T�.� .�. .:(;�,'. � . 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'. , , sE, nyorr rt���r �°�, �;�����f�11'T�. , No. 0-7bOb , „. x ;. , .,,, ; � ����� ��� a�to���v , : , �� ,s , . . �: . , . . .t .. ,. , :. , . ,,,,..:.}, . ,, ,t.:;., _: , , ��� . : �. ' �pd����l„�� � .'�'v��,�! k3�t` `�'���,w51� C��I��E;Pd'T;�: 'That the �I�tEAT ANl�RIC.AtV I1V�U�fINCE.C(3tv�I?A.t�i�',,a,/co�r�roraeion `.or,��a►it��d �"t�� r��k�r�htn�'und�r ��id by.'. viecu�.ok"th� laws of the 5cate vf Near York, daes heceby nuniirsaie, ecsnstit►�ce;and .,�� :a�pc?jn�,,tk)�.'�i�r�aat, dr }�crsbri� named, ta�lntv its tra� arid.l�wfui attorr�ey-in-fact or actom�qs-in-fact, for ir aod:in;;ae� name, , � ' ` �?1���.^.,;�ficl;`,';�C�sp�f�'.czr;���cuc� ��s behalf,'of�th� ssid Com�iany, as surety; any and alI bnacis; undrrta�ting�..�icia co.iiiraccs of .. ,_ ' ' seAxe►,y�Fqa�s' ��tqv�d�d th�z tFlie'liabilicy iif,'the sHici C:�amp�sny on any suc:h bond, tiqC�QIC�1Iflf1� OC COpC�BCC 4E StiC�tYSIl1�7 CR- • �.c�re�d i�n�a�'k eh,,� �uthariiry sh��� nar e�ci�ed ciac� limit star�c3 belo�v, , �:;I„�'' ��i�:� ;;,'.:° "�a ' . ;�„ m�'' A,ddre,sr Limit. of 4?asver . :; t;;`�� '��,,.S Gk�.'�k'l��}.t'y „JR. �I.L QF°. ' AS�L� U�dI.II- T ' a A' > . TL ED ' �'1t�J�C 47�'; I.��.NG�'':,� �� L0� .ANGE�,�S , CAI.TFORIdT,�l . ' ' � ���:,��s-°:i:;� :�. �,:�'`�xx��r���t��� � : ,,; .r.�,� ', . : t , , . A;;:; ;'%;' ;!i;:,' , �,,: ;,,�C.; :;;' ,::;`)s`' '.C,�;lSJN1�A:i' .�� I�U , � � °, � ;z i �� ` � . _ ;���� �'�'uy�t�r r�,f.;t�ttor�ry revakes.all �,rev.iGUS Powers issued in behalf of the attor�7ey(s)-in-f�ct i�amed above..' . ' U , t � "r i� 4 .. ; .. ;(IV'�J�`�'1`;��5 i 1pl�fiEFt�tO,f r.he;GR�,�',.T A,MEItICAN II�iSUR.A,IJCF COMPAN�` has caused chese presecaes;"co:.be .sa�;n�d � : :�. .`�nd �ct��steil hy �C�,a�}��rv�irkaee nE�icers acid.its corparaee �eal E�eteunto affixed chis 9 �3ay of �.pp:L�.- . � � � 1970, . � - . � ` ' s '4; ,� ` ' ; `�a��,��;uT�ti,,�, ,:�rce�,e �.� �s� : � I��A`I' AA� l+�:r� . , . `:� ,,,M��;,��� . �»,.,� , � �� FJ lI�'SlJl�tSh1���;0�1£�'Af�(�' . :.;,:�: , ��:;• :(��E% ;�., �..�: . . ' � . . , . r . . � . ' ' . .. ' � � ' . 1�n,�.1Yy'��'. :;y r,'1r ti„ '�� . , � .. . . . ��� /' �r , . !.M�' I,��'�• .,�� '�N��,(�"a� . . � _ . 6^�sJ t ' "�,��'Nr�6'+n�„� �,,�'" ,.�. �, ,� �.,.���"'� �C:�.�r�r.,..:�.�--,....,,,.d..,.. . , , . `� w, M�� i . � � . , r / �e ifGa : .',E'1:'',�', c . °s��': , � . � ;, r.�; .. � Vice Pressdpnt . Sl/t;'f'� U'�' l�(;N;1dJ�'�I�,ICr �C?CIP,�i�"Y OF�,N�W YC7�IC ss: . , , ' ;� ' �� . , , . ' � •.U�i'�ch,i,5:�.':' i;`.',,;';��;��,''�',. •c��y.csf �1,p�3.19 1�70, before me personally appeared OHN i�. HIR CI�IM N a ' 1 S.. �1- A1> tci tne.. .. kncrwi'rr. be'ia��,`'ili�l.y�•%�;wUrr;';,'d,epasc:s aud says that he resided in Pasade�ta, California, r.b.ac he is che �ic� presidcnc ��f.r.tye:'„ �" �.'��:�re,<t%'��rritxic:�rs:,(tisrixa�iet� Cc�mpany; the Corztpany described iir and whir_ki executed the above inscrumer�c; cQxr,c he°Ic:xaws '. firae s4ril:.c,if'rl'i'�'�s�a�i (;;�t;ripa�tjy; thac Ch�.s�a1 affix�d ta Che said instrutnenc is such curporate seal; thar ii wras�.so a.ffi�eei. � � �' ?by, au��or�ty;�.`�f,�hi���uff.icP;under:ttie,By�I,aws o£ said Campany,, and chat.he signed his dame thereto bp like'.�uthor.zty,' „ , ', � , , �`.. '"vr; , ; . � , ,+.'}e '.'•, .:.�,, .• . JULE PARFT71 " ' . � .:y�«�� � ,� � � �i � ��,��� NOTAfiY PUBLIC,.STATE C7F P1�1N YOK�Y,, ��i�ljil� � � � � , � NO. 50 827S8Fitl WF.$T[NE!31F,N �pUN1Y ' �>';i'� � , � . . . ' . � y'y!��{ ,��i'.. +I i ' ��i ' � , , CERi.-FIl&Q tN NEW YURH COUNTv , .., ,� '�`xM.�:+l� • �� . ' � ' COMMISSION.E%PIp6fi.MAEICH �Q. 1$7a�. .� ... ""o-x.:,: �� '� , � ' . ',�. %� : . .. ', �. ,..�� ; :r .q: � �.,� . .' . .; . . , ; �' - ' :. . , .�� . _ �� . .. .. .:�� �,.,. .. . . , �, �,:':°a::�(j''.�s:'�7,�tv�+�c�i�f,*r�t:rcirney, is granted;t�nder and by a�athc�city nf Article IV oF th� $y-Laa�s r,f tbe Company; txtr�r.t;� of �`,,`��:v✓hx�F�u K�`�"ci;'�,,:'follc�v�s:�, � �, '. �;,' . " ,` , . • ri' .;i�, ,':�: . � ' . ARl1CI.� IV.: ,. . {,. �,. :;.. _ .' , � �, �.r�.•��' OfFicccs: Pawers and T)ueies. , � ' i''��.: 5�ecfiorr��.;:.x"iy�,F?r•es"r�#'�s�e.�.sM.all al�o have p�wes anrd as�lhor•ity,jror>i time to rime, 'to appoint rrnd/i:i•'L1�� .c�mpFSrsy�1 � ����'•_�'�� � �-� �{f3i'iN;�,XX�'bt,di!a�KYf"�'f9tf]P@,'17l1�2}9ii,E'yS•iy,•�UCt, to pra�cribe their res�e�tive duties usad tlie respective limits o� �hEir ,ate! ri • • ' . +��'ll � ba ty, �'F f ,�, �xctrl 1si��voAt�°atary�uhP�rap!'�ivintinerat� ul cany lim�� irt hss discra..tiovt. . . �� , . . , �t"rF+s��,5 .,.�d�� 4�u�raG Yir,e,•PreSiderrts...sh�ralC,act,'in tFie.nrri'er o� thp.fr��t(�jtointme»l, in !be plare uJ th� F�rn:�i�lcrit � .:.' .:.' ' , . • , . � . ,,. ... , ,.,,; ,. , , �'ra/� r�1l,jyix��ioruers �and perjnrmin�"his dulies, during his uFisenre ar di�.sahility.. , � 5�+�rl�i� , ,. � ,' 'I'��►��s+.`;,T?z�c�i,�x;.�nf.:'�lttcaa�ie}�� is',si�ned: and. seaferl by facsimile"under and by ,��tkioraty, �f ch� f��ll�eviri tttsc>luti��r� �,; �tdU��tc:�l: t>y,�t1Fc„•�Soaxci"'of LJir.e,ctnrs at. the. Ureac,Ameriran Insurance Cvm�sany at a rneetit�g duly catled ari�! htld a�� the S�h d��y;crf May�-;.1:�6.�r:' '`', , ' . . ; t .:,"`; . , _}.: � . . , . . . , .., F�C:.�O!V1"1) tMu1 tlnr si�n�ature o/ a�y.of�:ce•r authorized by thv 14y•LRws and the Compa�ay_seal m�ay fi� �t/fiire�by. ;,/ztcte'pntl,� �Da,ra��y �iczu,�r u/uttavqej� and revaca�io�e,o��rny pofeiNr o/ �etlormey nr certi�icate nf aiLher given �or thh exr•c�e•: � tRU�r.u��,'�'ny �rp+ar�, .uroA'er��t�iv�g. ur,:co�rtr�ec:t aJ. surHtyship, such signature. anc! seal,�wfi��t .so used G�irag heA�+by rtitopteil ,...,. ; .,. ; .by trl��, �;';�orx,�a►ry,.�xs::tjrr v.i�ir�rzi sigaaa�u►eaj such o/fices<2nd Phe urigana! ;eal u/ 1h� C,oratp�r�y, to be valid ans/.biarclirtp, .... ,, ,. � t �?.,..Y .., ., • , ,., �. ac 'r�Gt,;tO.�,C:,orae�iraw wilh,�{ie sca»xe �arr� aszd e�/ect,m., tlioi��h mtanesally aJJrxe�A. � . ; , . .,. , , .. ;. ,, , ., � .�.; ,., ,. ' , . „,,,: ,: ... .. . ' ;�• i:`: '�i��,e�f,'� ' . , 1� . ' , . , , - . . � . ` ���;; ;�-r, �;E121"iFIC_'ATION � .,�,5,; .�;�. ° .`< I;,,,,VV:;ti;.,;��.�.3E�J�C, Sec,rec�ry.of�;Cxre�S. American'.Insuraiace Com .an da h � . , ,. , � , p Y, ereby cettiFy thai 'the fc�r�e�oin� 'Pow�r of. �, i. �. tltcr�t•txry,;,etxe �biyy�:quoCed abstrACes of Secrions 4 ancl g ok Article IV af che l3y-�t,aws, and the Resolv.tion of s:ltc $aax•d aE �:,.1J�c�cen�•s,ak':,tilay,.�',;`,�;9Ci5, h�v� not t5�en rc:ytilc�d and are now in full force and eEfect. . � "+al'raer� �a�d sea�l�� ekais. 3rd . dsy.�f ,March 1�� 71 � .,P`ei5ua�w . .� • . . . , , i � , . , . ,.., �. ' c�. ' ��'+ :,i:�.� :�` . .. , . � • - , . , . , , . :,.: ... �.•�;f, , ,.'` , , . , . ,��,.- ; ,; ,...: ; .:� . ,�; �'�`+ ";,- •?,:t. � �'��,!���� ,.. ,, - . „ ��;., a���s ,, ��.,, '�� � .. , : . . ' ,� � ° �... � 'o���,µti,� � �-:�ov9rc s-�o i , , � � S2CYAIGt/'1l _ ' � ,} . , ' . . . . . ' . . � :�. I� � �t 'Z;'J, i;��f t ' ' ' , ' ' - . '�x. � . . 'i W� ' � ., . . , .. � . • � q,, � ii y�t. RtR ��j' t �� n s� . . . .,� r � ,i ' � � � '�� ._N' S ���' �1 �Y i �i�+ 7'/ � . . -° 2�s'9 ��ks '��3 s P"�','i���P �r t ' . , - , , . . ' . . , , , , �" `Y{ �� fi ry ' �'n�'�,� ' • h ' � . � � - � _ • . ,., ' �.i..'�i "^1r„ u' � r�fy�n�.• ���c°„�„����:,�•H��� �L, ,•S 'i'� A�., ,j�y.� . . . , � ' . .. , - , � 'J {t t ' ` �Vli.. ' . ' , . . � � ' . ',::;�' �,i�4�!fk � �,,R� i' '�]; '� " , i , ' � , ,. - . . . �'���': `�i 1i� !( �,d n .I � 1' ' , , - . . � . , , , E , � 1 �, ` " 1' �I �, l , ' . .. . , .. . . . . . ..,y , �. „a 'R } , , { + . . . . . . . � (Y� �M1i.y'i'�r a f � � ai� � � ' �' � . � . . . � . , �. 'x� � ' .. t d f f i t:r �. ���i�i r. � ��4, ; t�l �i 1 r r ' . , .. ,. € � � � r )Yi � ;� � � ( � � . n6� .� 1 �}�� ���k: �7� ��� �t� i(� .,J� �� t i , . '�I, � ' ' ' .. . , ' ., .. . i 'i.t'.�.��r.� i .. �� -' . 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